Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series Page 7

by S Lawrence

  “A friend carved the castle from driftwood he found on the shore of the Loch. I, of course, made the dragon. I’ve never done it before, but I just felt it was the right piece to add,” he said with modesty.

  “Well, I’m so glad you did. I have these other two, but I just can’t leave without him. Can you ship them for me? I have quite a bit left of my trip, and I’d hate to have them get broken.”

  “Yes, we ship. Do you want them all going to the same place?” he inquired.

  “These two can go together, but I think I will keep the dragon with me. Do you have a box to keep him safe?” I asked, wanting to make sure he didn’t get broken.

  He assures me he has everything I need. I give him Emma’s address, and I write her a note, letting her know the Nessie is for Aunt Joy. I walk out with my dragon safely in a box. When I get back to the B&B, I can’t resist taking it out and setting it on the bedside table. I fall asleep replaying my story, gazing at the dragon in the moonlight from the window.

  Chapter 16

  He hears her moving around in the room next door. She didn’t have the bracelet on this time. I only found her by stopping at every goddamn tourist spot along the road. I watched her at the castle; I saw the Guardian there watching her also, before I followed her here. After she had left, I checked in. I can’t be certain, but I feel like he is still near. Has he spotted me? Could he be watching me, watching her? I don’t report my suspicions to the council because they would pull me away. Even if she isn’t one of them, I want her for myself.


  I slept in after my restless sleep the night before and even after waking, just laid in bed. Today it would be a short drive to Inverness. No huge plans, although I do hope I can find the pub that mom had listened to music in. Stretching, I reluctantly get up and look at my stuff. I should pack but instead I walk to the bathroom. One hot shower later, I feel like I can finally start the day. I head down to breakfast Edward had saved me some since I was their only guest. It is delicious by the way, and have an enchanting conversation with Edward about how he came to be an innkeeper. It was a real life fairy tale involving a very dashing hero. Kevin caught the tail end, promptly telling me Edward was exaggerating, to which I reply, “Grandda always says that’s just good storytelling.” Winking at Edward, I sip a bit of my coffee.

  “Has our other guest been down yet?” Kevin asked.

  I look over at them, “I thought I was the only one here.”

  “Oh, you were, but he came in late while you were in town for dinner. Very mysterious...he checked in, went to his room and never came out,” Edward wondered out loud.

  “Ach, Edward. Maybe the lad was just tired. Doona be getting carried away.”

  Smiling, I lean in and whisper, “Very mysterious indeed.”

  “Doona be encouraging him, lassie!” Kevin exclaimed.

  Laughing, I finish my drink. I still have to pack before I leave, so thanking them again, I head up to my room. It doesn’t take me long to put my stuff back in my suitcase. Now, the castle is another matter. Why is it once you get something out of a container, it is near impossible to get it back in again? Finally, it’s tucked safely away, grabbing my bags and my purse, balancing everything, I head down. Taking my key to the little desk, both men are waiting for me. I’d told them a little about my trip. Edward pulls me into a hug and whispers “good luck finding her” in my ear. Dammit if my heart doesn’t clench, I really like these guys. I let go, reminding them I expect to see them in New Orleans soon. Kevin, the ever practical one, hands me a brown bag. I look down at it, then up at him in question. “It’s just a sandwich and some other treats for the road. So you doona get hungry,” he says thoughtfully.

  I quickly hug him. “Thank you so much.”

  Turning, I head out to my car; they’ve followed me out onto the porch. I yell, “See ya soon,” as I pull away. I don’t fail to notice the beautiful car parked in the next spot. Vroom, vroom baby.


  He waits until she pulls away then quickly dings the bell on the desk. One of the idiots that run this place comes in. He starts to talk, but my face is deterrent enough because he quickly shuts his stupid mouth and gives me the receipt. Striding from the building, he wants to run to his car but knows it would be too memorable, if they happen to be asked about their other guest’s stay someday. That thought brings a smile to his face. It is the little things after all. He slowly backs out, creeping down the drive, pulling onto the road heading north. He considers going the wrong way, just to throw them off more but he doesn’t want to waste the time. If they lounge out on that porch for a while, they would see him go back by anyway, so north it is at a leisurely pace until he’s out of sight. He knows he can catch her, he did last night after all.


  Driving with the windows down, I realize one thing...I really love it here; the humidity or lack thereof. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love southern summers, but I can’t lie, the humidity is a killer, when people say, ‘it’s not the heat, it the humidity,’ they ain’t lying. I got my theme song playing through the Bluetooth, and I can smell wildflowers in the air, I am one happy girl. Tonight, I am going to try to find the pub Momma and Aunt Joy went to, and that’s it, my only plan for the whole day. I like how the road serpentines, gently back and forth. I don’t know exactly how long it’s been but Nina Simone’s “Suzanne” is playing, when I spot a small...well, it’s not an actual waterfall, more like water bubbling down some rocks, but it’s pretty. Lunch time!

  Giggling with glee, I pull to the side of the road, making sure I am outta of the way. I hate when tourists think they own the place at home, no way am I gonna do it here. Grabbing my phone and the bag of goodies, I climb to the water. Finding a flat spot, I sit, just leaning back on my arms, soaking up the sun. Man, I love the sun, but after losing momma to cancer, I have a healthy respect for it. Emma used to say I should own stock in sunscreen since I use so much. Maybe she’s right. I’m coated in it even now. I’m the only girl I know that never tried to be tan. Pale it is for me. Grandda loves my ivory skin, says it’s my heritage shining through. Whatever it is, I have learned to embrace it.

  Back in school, everyone assumed I was Goth, with my black hair and pale skin. I chuckle remembering some of the rumors Emma started about me, just to mess with those snobby girls at school. My phone starts ringing, Emma’s picture pops up, she must have sensed me thinking about her.

  The video comes up; I‘m amazed at the coverage I have here. Sometimes at home, I can’t make a call in certain parts of the city. Then, I see her smiling face.

  “Hi, I miss you!” “Omg, I wish you were here!” We talk at the same time. Laughing we then both say, “You go first.”

  I lay back; I am laughing so hard. I think about how this is us. I can’t count the number of times we have ended up laughing so hard that we are both crying, while people just look at us like we are crazy. I finally catch my breath and just smile at her face on the screen. She sobers when she sees my face.

  “What’s the matter?” she asks.

  “Nothing. I just thought how...okay don’t get sad or weepy.” She raises her eyebrows, waiting for me to spit it out. She knows me too well. Sometimes it is hard for me to get emotional, it’s like I am afraid if I open that door I’ll never be able to close it. Swallowing a couple of times, I look at her, through the tears in my eyes and blow out a breath, I begin to speak. “I just think that maybe Momma sent you to me. I needed you to show me the joy in the little things. You see beyond the façade I show the world. I needed someone like that, someone who always sees ME.”

  I can see tears in her eyes, but like me, she isn’t letting them fall, “I do, I really see you. But you know what...if others can’t, then fuck ‘em. It’s their loss. Your soul is light and amazing. Maybe, just maybe, your mom sent you to me, knowing I needed your strength to protect me until I was strong enough to stand on my own.”

  “I love you, soul sister!” I shout out
to her.

  “I love you too, now show me Scotland!” she demands as we both blink away the tears, determined not to let them fall.

  I turn the camera to take in the scenery, just as the car from the B&B goes by.

  “Woohoo! That’s a pretty car,” she notes.

  “That’s funny. I saw it this morning at the B&B, and I said ‘vroom vroom.'” I am sure, at some point, I might wonder why the brake lights came on for a second, but now, it’s not my focus. Maybe I was still on the road some, but I didn’t think so.

  “Anyway, my wonderful hosts from last night made me lunch, so I decided to sit here, enjoy the extremely low humidity and beautiful crystal clear sky,” I said, emphasizing the drama.

  “Don’t be bragging! It is positively swampy here today. I was soaked just walking in from my car. I need to wring out my tights, which is truly disgusting. Keep talking it up, and I am hopping on a plane,” she says with conviction.

  “Okay, do it! You know I am not your voice of reason.”

  “I really want to but I can’t...boo. Well, back to living vicariously. What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked.

  “Not much really. Just going to try to find the pub they listened to music in, that night in Inverness. I figure I’ll just ask at the hotel. Maybe they can tell which one was popular back then, even if it isn’t still today.”

  “Ooh, good idea, but listen, if you can’t find it, just go have fun. Find some hot, Scottish, bearded man, preferably with tattoos and muscles, and ya know, make out at least,” she waggles her eyebrows at me.

  “Okay, I’ll get right on that,” rolling my eyes, I laugh at her face.

  “Aislin, I am serious. I know you have things you want to find out, but you need to have some fun too. When was the last time you even went on a date? Don’t answer that. It was boring Bob, who spent the whole night telling you about how his family had been here for generations and how large their plantation was. I am surprised he didn’t tell you how many slaves they owned, just to really impress you. I mean really, what a total asshole. You can’t keep dating these “men,” and I use that term loosely here, that your grandmother picks out. Every actor, stranger on the street, romance hero, etc. that turns you on is a bad boy, and you’re finally a whole ocean away from her disapproving eye. Please, for me, be crazy. Dance all night and make out with some hot guy,” Emma goes off on a tangent.

  I look at her for a minute before I smile, “Alright. Maybe, but listen I wanted to talk to you about that Kai guy.”

  Okay, now we’re getting somewhere, finally spill the beans, what’s really going on with him?”

  “Well, nothing, it’s hard to explain. I know you’ll get it though. It’s just when I first heard his voice it was like something in me settled. Like way down deep in my soul. That’s stupid right.”

  “NO! Not stupid at all. I mean come on have you already forgotten you’re your momma wrote about first meeting your dad?” She is staring at me with an astonished look on her face. “He might be your very own soulmate. Wouldn’t that be something? You both meet the man of your dreams in Scotland.” She is smiling wistfully.

  “When you put it like that, it doesn’t sound crazy at all. But, just in case, I will be open to finding myself some burly Scottish laird to molest on the dance floor.” I giggle the image of a burly man in a kilt in my head.

  “I’ll be requiring at least, at LEAST, one selfie with said Laird,” she demands of me.

  “Yes, proof I will get. Listen, I better go. I still have to eat and then a few hours to drive. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. Don’t forget pictures!”

  Hanging up, I look around, thinking about what she said and about that wall I’ve built around my heart. Maybe tonight I need to at least lower that wall a little. When momma found herself in this place, she found love, not that I am looking for love but maybe I can finally find the courage not to be so afraid of it. I grab the bag and pull out my lunch, funny how self-reflection works up an appetite. Kevin and Edward thought of everything, even a delicious dessert. I sit for a bit after I finish and then head towards the car. Grabbing my camera, I take a few pictures, by few I mean like twenty-five or more. I’m getting ready to pull back onto the road when I see a flicker of light, like a reflection but, then it is gone, weird. I’m day dreaming of a Scottish laird as I drive into Inverness.

  Pulling into a parking lot, I look up the hotel on google maps, it’s close to five when I finally get to my room. The lady at the front desk worked here when my mom had stayed. She even remembered the pub that had been all the rage then. It was still popular with locals, and she told me how to get here. Thrilled, I decide to shower, then head that way.

  Chapter 17

  Thanks a lot, Emma. I’m currently staring at everything I brought with me, and nothing screams ‘make out with me’! This is ridiculous; I have no idea how to pick up a man. Giving up, I go for a teal maxi dress. I like how it looks with my hair, and Emma says it makes my skin practically glow. A little makeup, brush out my hair, and I am good to go just have to put on my sandals. I put a pashmina scarf in my purse to cover my shoulders, just in case it’s cooler later. One last look in the mirror. “Not bad if I do say so myself. Okay! Let's go find a man to molest.” Laughing, I head out the door. It is a short walk to the pub, maybe 15 minutes or so. I will probably take a cab back to the hotel, but for now, while it is still light, I feel safe enough just to stroll along. I smile at people as I walk, trying not to think about my mission for the night. By the time I reach the door of the pub, my heart is pounding; I’ve totally psyched myself out. I am telling myself to calm down, apparently out loud, when I notice a man looking at me. “Oh, hi...sorry, I’m blocking the door, aren’t I?”

  “Aye, ye are.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Opening the door, he sorta pushes me right on in. “I thought I’d help ye make your decision. Tis a nice place and barry music.”

  “Barry? Is he playing?” I ask, having no idea what he’s talking about.

  Laughing, he says, “Naw, barry means fantastic. Here, ye need to sit with me and me lads. They’re just over here.”

  He places his hand in the small of my back, guiding me over to a group of men. Normally, I would balk at that, but I don’t get any threatening vibes off of him. I smile at the table of guys sitting there looking our direction.

  “I found this bonnie lass out front. She seemed feart to come in. So, we are going to keep her company and make sure she has a good time,” he announces to the guys that surround the table.

  “Hi!” I wave my fingers. “I’m Aislin, and I’m visiting from New Orleans, back in the states.” I smile at each of them a bit shyly, but in my head, I’m taking notice of all the beards and tattoos. Man, Emma would love this!

  The ‘lads’ quickly introduce themselves. There is my, depending on how you look at it, rescuer or kidnapper Patrick, the oldest of the crew. Then there’s Michael and Sean. They are apparently home on leave from the military, no beards but yes tattoos. Chris is next, with his brogue so thick, I only understand about every fourth word, so I just smile. Last is the baby of the group, Jason. Dark hair and eyes, he seems a bit shy, although, why...I have no idea because he is gorgeous. Someone has previously ordered drinks, and the waitress brings them over. If I am not mistaken, that is a look of pure anger she is directing at me. I glance around at these men before looking back at her with a smile. She is glancing over at young Jason through her lashes, trying to be subtle. But when she sees me looking back at her, her anger returns. I try to reassure her, with my eyes, that she has nothing to worry about from me. As she leaves, Michael leans close to me. “Och, doona worry about her. She has had a crush on Jason since she laid eyes on him and I willna let her claw ye eyes out.” He is laughing by the time he is finished with that promise.

  “Thanks so much for that,” I whisper back, sarcasm dripping. He throws his head back, laughing so loud that every head turns toward our direction.
/>   “Damn it, Michael! Doona be hogging her,” Sean says, punching his arm. Laughing, I look around the table. My eyes locking with Patrick, I mouth “thank you,” and he returns with a nod of acknowledgment.

  “So, Aislin. What brings you to Scotland?” It’s Chris who asks, his eyes quite serious. I can tell he’s really interested in my answer.

  “Well, it’s a long story and one that isn’t all happy,” I reply honestly.

  “Perfect - the best tales aren’t.” Sean nods in agreement with Michael.

  I can tell he isn’t going to let me gloss over, so I ask, “Are you sure? It might take a while.”

  “We got all night, lass,” Chris chimes in. By this point, they are all quietly looking at me expectantly. So...I begin.

  By the time I am done, another round of drinks had arrived and are practically gone. I can’t believe I have managed to get through without crying.

  “So there ya go. That’s my story. I head out tomorrow for the ferry.” I finish talking, grab the Guinness in front of me, chugging the rest of it.

  Jason has his intense eyes locked onto me. I see something in them, something I can’t quite make out. “Well then tonight, we must drink and dance! Show you a great time before you leave to find your Da.” Patrick draws my gaze with his boisterous declaration.


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