Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series

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Celtic Fire: Book One of the Guardian Series Page 24

by S Lawrence

  It takes me all of a second to decide. Where would I go, having tasted his love I can’t give it up? Tears fill my eyes, and I imagine momma's voice whispering in my ear ‘never settle for less than you want in love or life.' I’m not going to momma, thank you for sending me to him. Throwing my arms around him, I nod yes, I can’t speak for the tears.

  “Those are happy ones right.” he murmurs kissing my neck.

  “Yes.” I choke out. “I want to do it here where your family will be close to us, but I also want to do a regular ole’ wedding back home in New Orleans, don’t worry nothing big.”

  He laughs,” Anything you want, lass, anything you want.”

  We spend the day planning and exploring the land. It is sunset, and we are driving back to Inverness. I’m lost in thought and humming to the music, excited to tell Emma. Wishing she could come but knowing she’ll understand since technically she isn’t supposed to know about any of this. Besides, she will be in charge of the New Orleans wedding, Maid of Honor and all that. We do love a good wedding with an amazing second line band.

  Here goes my mind designing, making plans and creating scenarios. It’s going to be so much fun; even grandmother loves a good wedding. I frown, looking over at Kai, wondering how to bring up the subject of grandmother’s standards for who I should be marrying.

  “Umm, Kai?” He looks over at me curiously. “I should tell you about my grandmother. She has some very strict ideas when it comes to who is suitable for me to marry. I’m not saying I’m changing my mind, just that she will put up a fight.” He just smiles. “Seriously, Kai, a certain standard of living, income, and breeding are required for her.” Now a booming laugh fills the car.

  “Lass, I have money from many lifetimes. Morrigan always paid us in the current coin, and I have never had anything to use it on except clothes, cars and the land you saw. Basic living expenses. We are often on the Isle, so food is provided when we are there. I haven’t checked recently, but I can call my money manager and get the exact balance. When I bought this vehicle last year, it was in the billions, thanks to sound investment and interest. Will that be enough for your grandmother?”

  I sit dumbfounded, mouth gaping like a fish. BILLIONS, with a B. I can’t even imagine. I wouldn’t know what to do with that kind of money. I mean I grew up privileged but nothing compared to that. I think of all the people I’ve seen struggle. I have always tried to help where I could.

  “Haven’t you ever wanted to do something with it?” It seems like a valid question. “Honestly lass, I hardly ever think of it. It was many years before I even knew of it. So I use it when I need it but other than that it isn’t on my radar. But, if you wish to do something grand, you can.” I gasp.

  “ME! Oh no, I can’t be in charge of something like that.”

  He laughs, “You, my love could do anything you set your mind and heart to. Just think about it.”

  My first thought is of the haunted looks in Michael and Sean’s eyes. I’d grown up seeing them in Emma’s dad’s eyes. He was a veteran, after 9/11 he went to war and brought demons back. I’d lost count of the number of times her mom brought Emma to my house when he was having a bad PTSD episode.

  All of the guardians have seen trauma, had their own demons to deal with. Looking at Kai I ask “Anything?” Nodding he responds. ”Your heart’s desire.” I think he’s going to be surprised.

  “How about a foundation or something to help soldiers with PTSD?”

  I look at him hopefully, already thinking of some of my contacts that could help.

  “That sounds wonderful to me.”

  He wraps me in his arms hugging me tight. Climbing in the SUV we head back to the house with the boys, announcing our plans when we walk in. Kai leaves to go ask Danu if she will perform the ritual. The boys help me start to figure out what we will need for the clearing.

  I call Emma to tell her, promising even though she isn’t allowed to come to this, since she isn’t supposed to know about the Guardians, that she is in charge of the fabulous New Orleans wedding that will follow. She is already searching for venues and bands. She will be insufferable in the best sorta way.

  I hang up smiling even though I am sad she can’t be here with me, we’ve never missed each other’s important days. I lay down, missing Kai, feeling a little sad. It seems stupid but this day is going to be so important and yet so many people that I love won’t be there.

  I smile when I hear my father’s voice whisper through my head. ‘Daughter, I am pleased to hear of the joining. Kai came and ask me for my blessing. He is a good honorable warrior worthy of your love and your heart. I know your mother would be so happy for you.

  Tears glisten in my eyes at his words. ‘Thank you daddy. I really need you there. I’m missing momma so much. You’re right though, she would have loved Kai, and he is exactly what she meant when she said never to settle.’ I can feel his love dance across my mind.

  ‘Sleep daughter, Kai is working everything out with Danu and Morrigan, they are planning something special. He’s one of their favorites among all the Guardians.’

  I smile, I could totally see that. I am drifting, dreaming, when whiskey pours into my mind. ‘I love you, Sparrow.’ sighing I draw his pillow to me inhaling the spice that is him whispering back ‘I love you too, Athair Crionna.’

  I wake with his arms around me, rolling, I reach out stroking his rugged face with my fingers, tickling along his full lower lip. Hs eyes open and I am lost in their topaz depths. His arms tighten and those full lips descend to mine, it’s one of those lazy summer day kisses. It isn’t about passion, although it simmers below my surface, this is all about love and forever.

  Today I join my soul to his. I sit up and he grumbles in an adorable way.

  “Things to do. I can’t lay here making out with you all day.”

  Jumping from the bed I shriek a little as his palm hits my ass hard enough for it to sting, his chuckle follows me into the bathroom. When I come out, my hair is pulled up and I’m ready to go. You know a southern girl means business when she pulls her hair up tight in a ponytail. Shit to do. I hustle down the hall, and do a gleeful like jig when I see Jason leaning against the counter holding my coffee.

  “You guys and your freaky hearing should give me the creeps but I kinda like this part of it.” Rising up I kiss his cheek. “Where are my boys?” I listen but hear nothing.

  “Your boys?” snorting he looks at me with mischief, “I can’t wait to tell them that.”

  “Don’t you dare tease them about it. Where are they?”

  “They left for the clearing hours ago to get everything ready; you darling have nothing to do but get dressed and show up.”

  “Oh shit, Jason I have nothing to wear. Nothing. I have to go get a dress.”

  He has a very sheepish look on his face.

  “What? What is it? I do get to wear clothes? This isn’t some naked ritual is it?”

  His laughter booms out, when he catches his breath he answers me.

  “God no, girl. I just...well I. It was stupid never mind. I’ll take you to get something.”

  “Oh no now you definitely have to show me or tell me.” I bat my eyelashes at him, which only works on Grandda but hey it is worth a try. “Please.” Sweet as sugar.

  He turns and walks out of the room, and I stand waiting to see if he comes back. When he does, he is carrying the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what to say. It is indescribable. The fabric looks like shimmery wings. It reminds me of the Isle.

  “Jason, it’s so beautiful, I can’t take this. I want it but I can’t take it. You should give it to someone important to you.” I reach for it, longing to feel it, wondering if it is a soft as it looks.

  Smiling he shakes his head a little, “You are important, there is no other to give it to. You might not have noticed but there are things about me that keep me from getting too close. Walls I have built to keep people safe, walls you, little sister have, breached. So, I want y
ou to have this, someone special to me made it, when I told her of you.”

  I could tell he wouldn’t reveal who, so I didn’t ask. Instead I wrapped my arms around him, this man, who stands so alone in this world. He stands stiffly for a moment before hugging me tightly back, his body relaxing.

  “I hope it brings you happiness on this day, Kukla.”

  Hugging him tighter I whisper, “I love you too, Jason.” Breaking apart he tells me to go try it on, his voice thick with emotions that wash over me, causing me to feel them also. I wonder at his power, amazed at how he leashes it. Saddened that it keeps him separate and lonely.

  Heading to Chris’s room to try on my dress, not wanting Kai to see it. I don’t even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. I look like a Fae. I quickly but gently take it off when I hear Kai, talking in the hallway. I come out closing the door.

  He is going to head to the clearing and Jason is going to bring me so that we arrive at sunset for the ritual. Kissing him deeply, I shoo him out the door, waving as he pulls away. I look at Jason sitting on the couch, I hope he has something to do.

  “Okay, well I will see you in a few hours, I am going to soak in a hot bath until it turns cold. And I’m taking this bottle of wine with me,” grabbing the bottle he had just opened and his glass and scamper away with him yelling for me to bring it back.

  I take my time getting ready, I know this is going to change me. I just don't know how much. I savor the thought of being with Kai through the years, however many there may be. My only regret is losing the people I love to time. I take comfort in knowing I’ll have my dad and Kai forever.

  I feel my tears running down my cheeks at the thought of losing Emma. I don’t know how I will survive it. A part of me feels like I have done nothing but cry since I got the box from my mom. The water has turned cold for a second time and I rise up, stepping out. Wrapping a soft towel around me, I go to the mirror and wipe away the steam, looking at my face. My hair is pinned up on top of my head and my cheeks are flushed, but I feel beautiful. Kai’s done that.

  He showed me my beauty, not just my appearance but my strength and finally I can see it, too. I apply light makeup, I’ve never been one to wear a lot of makeup, give me gloss and mascara and I am good to go. I do a little more this afternoon, wanting to look as beautiful as I can in my gorgeous dress for Kai. I curl my hair in big loose curls, leaving it hanging down my back. The diamond earrings Grandda gave me for graduation and a ring Emma gave me years ago are my jewelry. Pulling the dress on, I don’t even recognize the woman looking back at me from the mirror, my mouth forms an O in surprise.

  Jason knocks and I turn to the as it opens. He isn’t looking at me as he starts to talk.

  “Are you ready, we should start that way so we arrive…?” Once he actually looks at me, he stares.

  “What? Don’t you like it?” I look back at myself, does he see something I don’t?

  “Kukla, you are beautiful, so beautiful it took my breath.”

  “Don’t make me cry. Oh god, really?”

  I cross to him, and he takes my hands, pulling them to his lips kissing the knuckles lightly, his eyes on mine. I know that look has melted many hearts, or would if he let them in.

  “Really.” His breath whispers across my fingers as he replies, he straightens winking at me. I punch him in the arm.

  “Take me to my man.”

  He leads me out to his car, and I slid into the low bucket seat, loving the feel of the engine vibrate through when he revs it. Seconds later we are racing down the highway.

  Chapter 46

  Morrigan looks to her mother, checking to see if she felt it too. Danu’s eyes scanned the area surrounding the clearing before she turned to her daughter acknowledging the presence of another. Someone is watching, Danu and Morrigan both recognize the subtle flow of power that cloaks them. It seems Jason was right when he said Kai’s battle cry had been heard. Odin has sent one of his own Guardians to keep an eye on things.


  She immediately knows they have sensed her. They will know the Great Father sent her. She turns her eyes from the Goddesses, drawn to the druids as she has been since she came, pulled by the dragon’s call to war.


  They hear Jason’s car approaching, the whole group turning, looking to the path, waiting for her to walk into the clearing. The Guardians making up the circle and triangle of the ritual, those in the outer circle in their human forms, the three in the triangle, to include Faolan were dragons. Firelight shone on their scales, causing them to shimmer brilliant shades of opal, emerald green and sapphire blue. In the very middle stood Kai, wearing his clan’s plaid a gift made by Morrigan, she and Danu stood to the north and south of him respectively.

  Outside the circle to the north the Druids have taken their place. Soft footsteps announced her arrival, Jason at her side. All were stunned by her appearance, Kai’s breath frozen in his lungs. Great dragon heads bowed to her as she entered the circle. Aislin was captivated by the beauty of the dragons in the flickering light, but she only had eyes for the man before her, his eyes flashing, her dragon making himself known.

  She could feel the magic in this place. A warm, loving magic ready to embrace her into her new life with her destined mate. The goddesses turn into them joining hands around them.

  Danu begins to speak, “The circle of five represents the north, south, east, west and center, and together they are all aspects of the great tree of life. The triangle of three stands for life, death and our destinies. Your father stands at the north point at your destiny, having lead you to Kai. Are you ready, Aislin Morrigan Flanery to join your life, your very soul to that of both man and dragon?”

  Aislin looks around at these warriors who stand ready to battle for and with her and she smiles, feeling the love surround her.

  “Yes, I’m very ready.”

  Nodding their heads the goddesses begin to call their magic, all of those on the clearing could feel the pressure building.

  Morrigan speaks softly, “Repeat after us, we will say the words in the old language and in English so all will understand the importance of the joining.”

  “Tha thu fuil de m 'fhuil, cridhe mo chridhe. Bheir mi dhuibh mo chuirp, agus mar sin gu bheil sinn trì Fàsaidh aon. Bheir mi dhuibh m 'anam, til ar beatha a dhèanamh. Tha sinn a thaghadh le dàn, dàn. Tha sinn còmhla.”

  “You are blood of my blood, heart of my heart. I give you my body, so that we three can become one. I give you my soul, til our life be done. We are chosen by fate, destined. We are joined.”

  Aislin struggled over the Gaelic but managed as tears slid silently down both her and Kai’s face as they repeated the words. As they spoke, the goddesses circled them, building the magic with each word. As it built, those souls inside the circle could be seen, Kai’s and his dragon’s wrapped themselves around Aislin’s.

  Other souls could be seen also, the Guardians and Aislin gasped as the faint outline of her momma appeared to her father’s side. She smiled through her tears as her momma mouthed, ‘I love you, baby girl, I knew you would soar.’ Seeing her gaze focused over his shoulder Kai turned his head, bowing it to her mother.

  When the magic reached a crescendo, the souls flowed around each other. The magic slowly dispersed as Danu and Morrigan stopped circling and dropped their hands. Aisin looks at Danu the question etched on her face, nodding Danu answers her so that her father can hear.

  “She waits for him, ever close now that you have found him. I believe she first stayed to watch over you but now she waits for her love, her destined mate.”

  Aislin crosses to her father burying her head against his heated scales, she can feel the tremors running the length of his body. The others move away. ‘Daughter do not be sad. This is a beautiful day, you now have forever with you mate. If you would give me a moment alone with that mate I have something to say to Kai.’ wiping her face, she steps back look at him closely.

  “Okay Daddy.”
  She moves away, instantly enveloped in the strong arms of her boys. They lead her away as the other Guardians come to welcome her into the family. Her gaze keep straying to her father and Kai, wondering what they are talking about. She doesn’t see him hand Kai the bracelet that has been made untraceable. The guardians form a circle around her father and she feels very apprehensive as she moves back to his side, Kai’s arm coming around her shoulder.

  Chapter 47

  “Daddy?” I know something is wrong, everyone is upset. Danu and Morrigan look on with sad eyes.

  His massive claws curl around me pulling me close as his neck comes around my body.

  ‘Daughter, long have I ached for the loss of your mother. Even though we never joined, my souls knew she was mine. My body is broken, my mind often fractured with the trauma. Your druids know of what I speak, ask them someday of the shadows in their eyes. I long to join her, her soul is here, and Danu will join us.’

  I look around me, he is leaving something out. His head turns to Kai, and he nods slightly. Kai comes and places the bracelet around my wrist, and I look up at him, tears pooling in my eyes.

  Morrigan steps next to me kneeling down, to look in my eyes, “I bound it, so no one will ever use it to harm you, now and forever it can just be a reminder of your parents love for you.” She pulls me up and embraces me.

  I know before I even turn to look, I hear his faint gasp. I stare at him. My father. His body...broken. Tears stream down my face, I sob.

  “You shouldn’t have changed. Danu could join you and you both could stay with me!” I fall back to my knees scared to touch him, afraid of hurting him.


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