Safeword: Matte - In Training

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Safeword: Matte - In Training Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  In reality, he’d gone soft with the punch to the nuts, but he wasn’t about to admit it.

  “But I don’t want you right now.”

  She sounded like she meant it, but she hadn’t safeworded. Of course, she’d never safeworded for this kind of thing, when he wanted sex and she didn’t. Sam lived by a strong ethical code, and so far she’d honored their contract saying he could have her whenever and however he wanted.

  Testing the waters, he said, “It’s not the first time you haven’t been interested and I have. Are you going to keep fighting me, or will you behave?”

  Sam tried to buck him off as she bellowed, “Fuck you! I told you I don’t want to do this tonight!”

  Ethan stood and picked her up parallel with the floor, holding her at his waist level, facing down. His right hand supported her body while his left secured her hands behind her back. She kicked with her legs, but couldn’t get enough leverage to do any damage. She apparently wanted a fight, and he was of a mind to give her one as he tossed her on the bed face down and promptly sat on her legs again, holding her arms behind her back as he leaned towards the nightstand and retrieved zip-ties from the top drawer.

  He’d considered backing off and de-escalating the situation earlier, but now he realized they needed to play this out, and he needed to re-affirm his dominance. He didn’t intend to fuck her until she wanted him, but she didn’t need to know that just yet. They both wanted a true power exchange, which meant he needed to put his foot down and let her know he could handle her, no matter how out of control she became.

  She stilled under him and stopped fighting, and he let go of her arms and flipped her over. Sam used the opportunity to land a punch on his jaw with her left fist and grab his ear with her right hand. Her nails dug into his ear, and she used the leverage to pull her body up as she dragged his down. Ethan ignored the pain, grabbed her other arm, and zip-tied it to the headboard.

  He looked into her face, reached for the arm holding his ear, and calmly hit the release nerve in her forearm.

  Sam gasped as her hand went limp, and then fought hopelessly as he zip-tied her other wrist to the headboard.

  “Fuck you, Ethan! Let me up!”

  Ethan kept his voice level. Reasonable. “Did you, or did you not agree I can have your body whenever I want?” He fought the urge to reach up and check his ear. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she’d hurt him.

  “That was predicated on my trusting you enough to know when you shouldn’t push!”

  “Ah, so the agreement wasn’t to give me your body whenever I wanted, but for me to be psychic enough to know whether you wanted it or not?”

  “No! But you know how my day has been, and you still want to demand sex!”

  “Yes, I do. I want to stick my cock in your tight pussy and pound you until I find release.”

  She was on her back now, and looked down to his semi-hard cock. He chose not to comment, as it wasn’t uncommon for him to fight her like this before taking her. Instead, he twisted his body around to grab her ankles before he moved off her legs.

  He retrieved the strap on one side of the bed and zip-tied her ankle to it, and kept control of her other ankle as he climbed on and over the bed to secure her final hope for release.

  Sam stopped fighting, closed her eyes, and turned her head away from him. “Please don’t do this, Ethan. This isn’t fun anymore. I really don’t want this.”

  Ethan heard her voice break, and realized she was fighting tears. He sighed in relief, as he was finally seeing real emotion, and he leaned down to caress her cheek.

  “Have some faith, Samantha. Rape isn’t my thing. You have some ugly bruises forming from your spar with Tom. I’m going to put some arnica on them first, and we’ll see where things go from there. Can you relax and trust me, please?”

  “I don’t want to be restrained.”

  Her voice was back to plain old anger, but Ethan strove to keep his to a logical, reasonable tone as he said, “And I don’t want to be nailed in the nuts again. I’d like to swap the zip-ties out for cuffs, but I don’t want to fight you anymore. Will you let me make the swap, or will you fight me the whole way?”

  Samantha didn’t answer, and he sighed and walked into the bathroom. He knew the zip-ties were uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to change them out unless she promised to behave while he did.

  He gathered the arnica salve he’d made for her, and the sight of the coconut oil reminded him of her schedule.

  “According to your spreadsheet,” he called to her from the bathroom, “you still have one more ten minute session with the anal ring this evening.”

  Sam didn’t comment, and when he returned to the bedroom, her face was turned away from the door and her eyes tightly closed.

  * * * *

  Soft fingers rubbed warm salve across Sam’s thigh, kneading and massaging around the newly formed bruise, but soft when directly over it. Ethan moved up the bed and worked on the backs of her forearms, which had taken a beating as she’d blocked Tom’s strikes and kicks. With her arms stretched over her head, they were pointing up and in perfect position for him to work on them. She didn’t want it to feel good, but eventually relaxed and stopped fighting her enjoyment of his hands rubbing, stroking, and massaging.

  He worked on her other thigh, and then spent some time massaging the cream into both feet. She’d fought Tom barefoot, and had struck him with both the ball of her foot and the tops of her feet, depending on the type of kick. The top of her right foot was tender, and she groaned as he rubbed the arnica salve in.

  He stretched out beside her and switched to coconut oil to massage her stomach and abs, and eventually made his way to the base of her breasts, massaging her breastbone at her cleavage. He worked his way down her abs again, stopping at her mound, but her body betrayed her and her hips moved.

  “Will you open your eyes and look at me, please?”

  Sam finally opened them, and saw the man she loved. She looked away again, but kept her eyes open. “Why are you pushing this, Ethan?”

  “I didn’t realize I’d be pushing anything in the shower. How many times have we had a quickie after a run? But I wasn’t even intending a quickie. My intention was to situate you against the wall and wash you. I’m still not sure why you fought me.”

  “Okay, but once you realized I wasn’t up for it, why push it then?”

  “Because I don’t want a pretend power exchange, where I can have you anytime I want as long as you’re interested, too. I want the real thing.”

  Sam sighed and finally admitted, “My ankles are okay, but if you aren’t going to let me go anytime soon, can you put my wrists in the cuffs, please?”

  “Of course.”

  Sam didn’t fight him as he released and reattached first one wrist and then the other. She was so tired, and it was hopeless, anyway. Sure, she could safeword and he’d release her, but he was right. She’d agreed to this.

  She wanted to tell him to just get it over with, but had a feeling he’d take it the wrong way and would stretch things out even longer. She glanced at the bedside clock and saw it was ten o’clock though, and it gave her an idea.

  “I have a full day tomorrow, is there any chance we can be headed off towards sleep in the next thirty or forty minutes? I still need to shower, too.”

  “You’re doing everything you can to keep from enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Sam glared at him in silence, and when his beautiful green eyes threatened her resolve, she looked away.

  “I love you.”

  Sam didn’t say anything back and he kissed her cheek and said it again. “I love you.”

  He kissed her other cheek. “I love you.”

  He trailed kisses down her neck, just below her ear, and raised goose bumps. “I love you.”

  His lips caressed and kissed their way between her cleavage, down her stomach, to her mound, and he scooted down the bed and between her legs and ran his tongue up both lips, one at
a time, before spreading her and circling her clit. Sam bit back a moan and forced her hips to be still, but he was relentless.

  After one of his “I love you” statements she said, “I love you too, dammit, but I’m not sure I like you very much at the moment.”

  He teased around her clit with his tongue again and said, “Oh, I think you like me a lot, you just don’t want to admit it.”

  A finger circled her pussy as his tongue teased her clit and she finally broke down and moaned and thrust her hips toward him. He rewarded her by surrounding her clit with the warmth of his mouth and slipping two fingers in. She could only move her hips a few inches, but she writhed and moaned as much as her bondage allowed. He kept her on edge and she knew what he wanted. She also knew no one would get much sleep if she held out. She was going to give in eventually, may as well do it now.

  “Please fuck me, Ethan.”

  “Look at me and ask.”

  She opened her eyes and turned her head towards him. “I want your cock inside of me. Please.”

  He tilted his head and looked at her a few seconds. “No, I don’t think you do. I think you just want this to end.”

  Sam didn’t deny his words, and he reached for the coconut oil container and scooped some out. He melted it between his hands as he settled between her legs on his knees, and he reached for his cock.

  Sam tried not to cringe away from him, expecting him to lube himself and her, and then take her, but instead he made himself comfortable and masturbated. His hand pushed towards his body and then pulled away, slowly at first, but he gradually picked up speed, and suddenly Sam truly did want him inside of her.

  Her gaze lifted from his cock, over his rippling abs and sculptured chest. She watched the muscles move under his skin, and was awed by way the muscles in his shoulder and arm moved as he worked his cock. Her eyes finally met his and she said, “I want you. Please.”

  His hand slowed, but his eyes were cautious. “I almost believe you, this time.”

  “Untie me, if you want proof.”

  His eyes bored into hers for a half dozen heartbeats, and he finally leaned back to retrieve the fingernail clippers he’d kept handy in case she needed a fast release. He reached to one ankle and snipped the zip-tie, and then the other. Sam planted her feet beside her hips and pushed up to invite him into her pussy.

  He leaned forward and released her cuffs from around the headboard ironwork, cautiously sitting back up, as if he were in the room with a wild tiger.

  Sam reached to her pussy and pulled the lips back as she pushed her hips up. “Please Ethan. Make love to me.”

  He began masturbating in slow motion again. “Play with yourself.”

  Her eyes drifted closed as she massaged around her clit. “Please, Ethan.”

  “You’re still using my name. Why is that, Sam?”

  Her eyes flew open and met his emerald gaze. He wasn’t angry, and was leisurely working his cock with deliberate strokes. Her fingers stilled and his eyes tracked down to them and back up to her face, waiting for an answer.

  “Will you make love to me, Ethan?”

  “You need reassurance I’m not like him?”

  “Can we talk about this later?”

  He shook his head. “I won’t do this until we’ve talked about it.”

  She’d rebuffed him; it was up to her to convince him she truly wanted him. She could see hurt and uncertainty in his eyes, and realized she could have handled things a lot better. “Can I make love to you?”

  His hand slowed a few seconds and resumed its former tempo. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want.”

  “Enough, Ethan. I let my reflexes take over and I screwed up, okay? I’m sorry. We’ll need to work out how to handle this kind of thing in the future, but for now I’d like us to move past it and connect. If you’re interested in moving past it then work with me. If you aren’t then you can get dressed and go home.”

  His hand stilled and dropped to his side, and Sam couldn’t read his expression. Moving on instinct instead of logic, she sat up and leaned down to take his cock into her mouth. He groaned above her, and she used her hands at the base as her mouth worked the head. His hips moved and she pushed her head down until her air was blocked, and held.

  Hands tentatively touched her shoulders, and then stroked her hair. “Come up, Samantha. That’s long enough.”

  She stayed put, needing to show him she was his, and she trusted him. His hands weren’t so gentle as he lifted her shoulders this time, pulling her off him. She raised her eyes to his and said, “I love you. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He lifted her, and she got her knees under her so she could wrap her arms around his neck. “It’s okay, Darlin’. We’ll figure it out.”

  Sam moved her right leg over his thigh, and then her left, and positioned herself at his cock, rubbing her pussy up and down it a few times before positioning the head at her entrance.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”

  “Help me?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Lay down, Samantha. Let me take care of you.”

  She shook her head, “I want—”

  His finger touched her lips. “I know what you want. Will you trust me to give it to you?”

  She’d hurt him by not trusting him before, she could see it in his eyes. Instead of answering with her voice, she answered with her body. There was no way to gracefully lay back from her position, but she was afraid if she raised up he would think she was leaving, so she pulled her arms behind her, grabbed her elbows, and tilted back. She landed in an awkward position, her lower back on his legs and her shoulders and head on the bed, but the look in his eyes was more than worth it.

  He pulled himself out from under her and trailed his hand from her sternum down her stomach. Sam planted her feet on the bed and spread her knees to give him access.

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but you can use your arms.” He looked up again. “Relaxed rules tonight. You can tell me what you want, but can’t make demands. Tell me you’re going to come before you do, but you don’t need permission. We’ll make an exception to the rule about having something in your ass.” He took a breath. “And no punishment for not showing respect.”

  Sam noted he didn’t say she didn’t have to use respect, only that there’d be no punishment if she didn’t. He wanted her to do it willingly, not because she was being forced. Damn, she’d hurt him worse than she realized. She met his gaze and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  He took his time working her up again, and had her practically begging before he finally entered her. He was slow and gentle, and Sam loved being able to stroke and caress him at will. She only had two orgasms, but she needed the connection more than the release, and she appreciated him giving it to her.

  After her second orgasm he pulled back, and she realized he was going to stop before he came. “You can’t get off like…this. Can you?”

  “It’s okay, Darlin’. I’m good.”

  “No, Sir. I won’t accept that. Will you let me turn over so you can pound me doggie style? Please, Sir?”


  “Two reasons, Sir.” She held up a finger. “This has been great, but we need to reaffirm who we really are.” She added her second finger. “I want to do it for you. I’m yours. Sir.”

  He eyed her warily a few seconds and Sam barely refrained from rolling her eyes at him. Instead, she rolled over, pushed to all fours, and slowly lowered herself until her chest was flat on the bed, her arms stretched out to the side, and her pussy on full display. She didn’t say anything, but let him think it over and make his own decision.

  “You’re okay with me getting rough?”

  “I am, Sir.”

  “You aren’t going to freak and nail me in the nuts again?”

  “Do you want to punish me for it, Sir? I’ll accept it if you do. I’m truly sorry. How can I make it right between us?”

  His hand stroked her lower back, and ge
ntly patted her bottom. “I won’t punish you for it. Let’s agree to talk more about it tomorrow. Just…” He caressed her lower back some more during a long pause, and finally finished with, “Just safeword if you need me to stop, please.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He pushed back inside of her, a steady push until he was buried, and curled his fingers around her hips. “You’re sure?”

  “Dammit, Ethan, stop asking permission to fuck me!” She took a breath and added, “Please. Sir.”

  He chuckled. “There’s my girl.”

  He gave her a half dozen semi-relaxed plunges before he tightened his grip and began fucking her in earnest, taking her, owning her. Sam grabbed the bedding in her hands and held on. Her back threatened to lose its arch, but she pushed it down and held, determined to be what he needed so he could get off. She hadn’t counted on having an orgasm herself though, and it snuck up on her, so she barely managed to alert him beforehand, and in fact probably told him a split second after it began, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Sam’s insides quaked and spasmed, but Ethan didn’t let up, didn’t relent. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, with no end in sight, and Ethan continued to pound her relentlessly as low growls and snarls erupted from deep in his chest. He roared when he finally came, his entire body going rigid behind her before he collapsed in a heap beside her.

  When Sam could breathe again she asked, “Can you stay the night? You have clean jeans and a shirt here, if it’s a normal day at work tomorrow.”

  He opened his eyes and stroked her cheek. “I’ll need to be up by about 6:15, so I can leave by 6:40, and I’ll need to snag a protein shake before I go. Is that okay?”

  “As long as I can cuddle with you tonight, pretty much anything would be okay.”

  “Okay, do you want help with the anal ring? You have one more time to meet your daily requirements, right?”

  * * * *

  Sam knew they had a lot to talk about when Ethan came over the next evening, and she wasn’t sure where to start. Luckily, Ethan seemed to have figured it out.


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