Safeword: Matte - In Training

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Safeword: Matte - In Training Page 11

by Candace Blevins

  He propped his phone on her weight bench, picked up the stainless cane, adjusted his grip, pushed a button on his phone, and quickly returned to her. She heard the chime and looked towards the mirror to watch him raise his arm and quickly swing it towards her ass.

  Knowing what to expect didn’t help her deal with the pain, and she bellowed in shock and agony as her body hopelessly tried to escape. Adrenaline shot through her veins and she felt the soft leather on her wrists and ankles as she fought her restraints. Her thigh, back, and stomach muscles futilely strained to lift her torso, and she heard the chime amongst her screams and pleas.

  Her hips unsuccessfully tried to push the rope forward, her ass and thigh muscles tensed, the frigid metal sheets beneath her feet slid as she tried to get traction with her feet, and she heard herself begging, “Oh please don’t! Please! No!”

  Her ass exploded in concentrated pain and fire once again and she bellowed, screamed, begged, and pleaded as her body frantically tried to escape.

  She didn’t hear the chime this time, but saw him take a preparatory step as she looked through her legs, and she once again tensed and tried to push forward on the ropes. She knew it would hurt worse on taut muscles, but her rational brain wasn’t in control.

  It seemed the last stroke came faster, and she must’ve had her eyes closed, because it came without warning. A wave of nausea swept over her and she was sure she was about to throw up the sports drink, if any was left in her stomach.

  She couldn’t manage words for several long seconds as she screamed and writhed, but finally managed to say, “Gonna throw up!”

  Ethan released her hands and stood her up immediately. He stood with her a few seconds, made sure she had a good grip on the supports beside her, and took a few seconds to walk to the cooler, dunk his hand in the ice water, and walk back. He settled his cold hand on her forehead and she groaned as she leaned back against him, the nausea fading with the cold on her face.

  He didn’t hurry her, and when she finally said, “Thank you, Sir,” his hand had long since grown warm and moved down to hold her against him.

  “You’re welcome. If you’re up to it, we’ll continue, but I won’t bend you all the way back over.”

  Sam nodded and Ethan retrieved another rope, which he tossed over the chin-up bar. He attached her wrists behind her back, and ran the rope through the connectors.

  “Lean forward, Samantha.”

  He raised her arms until her upper body was at a ninety degree angle to her feet, and tied her off. He walked away and stepped back, donning a glove as he moved. It took him several long minutes to work the stretching ring into her ass. He was neither gentle nor rough, and he didn’t go faster than she could handle, but somehow managed to hover at the edge of extreme discomfort without pushing into pure pain.

  When it was in he dropped to a squat behind her and squeezed her welts. Sam screamed in surprise and then moaned in pain as he continued, and she yelped occasional squeals as his fingers manipulated the hard welts left by the cane.

  “You’ll have lovely bruises for at least a week, Samantha darling.” He stood. “And if you don’t manage to make your goal the day after tomorrow, you’ll receive more.”

  Samantha tried to lift up, to turn to look at him, but her shoulders and arms painfully reminded her she’d stay where he put her, and she leaned forward again and dropped her head in defeat. If she’d missed her goal by so much, she’d likely receive at least two cane strokes Sunday. Next week she’d have to not only catch up on lost time, but somehow manage to make the next week’s goals, too.

  Ethan moved in front of her and casually loosened his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping. His cock was rock hard when he pulled it out, and their eyes locked as he took his time masturbating.

  “I think I’ve changed my mind about fucking your face after I free you, since you’re in the perfect position now.”

  Sam didn’t respond, but she didn’t look away from his piercing stare, either. After what felt like several long minutes he stepped towards her, wrapped his hands around the back of her head, and thrust into her mouth. He held in place, just at the back of her throat without pushing into the soft tissue, and said, “Wrap your lips around your teeth, I’m not in the mood to feel them today.”

  Sometimes he enjoyed teeth, other times not. Sam curled her lips, and her eyes watered at the extra stretch to her jaw. She’d learned to accommodate him, but the extra few millimeters pushed her into a painful stretch.

  He pistoned in and out until Sam thought he was about to come, but then pushed to the opening of her throat and stopped. “Get a breath while you can,” he warned.

  Sam gasped air in and gagged as he pushed into her throat. She tried to swallow around it, but it was hopeless, and tears formed and dripped down her cheeks as she gagged and wretched around the cock buried in her throat.

  He pulled out and let her get a good breath before fucking her mouth in earnest once again. The breath control worked to turn her on enough to wish his cock were in her pussy, but with the promise of orgasm denial, it was just as well he wasn’t.

  She tasted the first squirt and was surprised when he pulled out. He worked his cock and came on her face, across her nose, her forehead, and one eyelid.

  “Open your mouth and show me your tongue.”

  His voice was warning and order all at once, and she opened immediately and thrust her tongue as far out as it would go. A finger swiped the cum from her eyelid and wiped it across her tongue. She was pulling it in as he said, “Keep it out. Don’t you dare move until you’re told.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest and she froze a few seconds before pushing it back out.

  He wiped more cum from her eye and distributed it across her tongue before using a cloth to carefully clean around her eye.

  “Open your eyes and look at me with my cum all over your face.”

  Her pussy came to life as her gaze met his. She’d managed enough arousal to not hate the blowjob, and the breath control had flipped another switch, but this set up a burn inside of her she knew she’d have to live with a while. The reminder he had enough power to deny her release stoked the heat inside her even more, and it was all she could do to keep her eyes open and focused on his. She wanted to let her eyelids close and lose herself in the feelings, but his countenance demanded she allow him to look into her soul. Sam felt raw inside; she wanted to hide from his gaze, but knew better than to disobey a direct order, especially right now.

  He scooped a drip at her jawline and rubbed it on her tongue. She had to fight to keep her tongue out, so he could see his cum puddled against the pink backdrop.

  “I want to see my cum on your face, watch you hold it on your tongue. Your ass has to be aching by now.” He bent to her face and spoke low. “The impact lines from the cane, the muscles stretched open by the plug. I imagine your shoulders and arms are burning, and probably the muscles around your collarbone and running down your chest.”

  He stood, looked down at her once again, and his gazed seemed to peer straight into her soul. “Even your tongue is probably starting to protest. What is it about hurting you that makes me just want to hurt you more?”

  He turned away from her, as if he suddenly couldn’t bear for her to see into his soul.

  He walked behind her and leaned down to reach towards her right foot. She instinctively raised it, and heard the metal sheet — no longer ice cold — slide out from under her foot. He did the same to her left. “Are you horny again, Samantha?”

  He stood behind her and met her gaze in the mirror. She nodded in the affirmative and he smirked. God, how she wished she could knock that look off his face. His eyes narrowed as he read her face. “We’ll have a discussion about that look tomorrow.”

  He must have zipped his pants before he rubbed the cum from her eye, and he took the time now to fasten the button and buckle his belt. He’d used his shirt as a rag, apparently, as he stood shirtless, which only stoked her arousal level higher

  How could she want to knock him on his ass and wish he’d fuck her senseless at the same damned time? Her tongue started to pull into her mouth, but she caught it before it was all the way in, and stuck it back out. The edges were drying, and the cum in the middle had cooled. Ethan had been right about the muscles protesting, too.

  “I’m going across the hall to the restroom. I’ll leave the doors open; grunt if you need me. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll stay within earshot, and may ask you to grunt occasionally. I expect to see the cum in the middle of your tongue when I return.

  It was harder to hold her tongue out without his presence to give her incentive. She watched the door carefully as she drew her tongue into her open mouth, careful to keep the cum in the center. She began to relax a little and nearly swallowed it, and the realization of how easy it would be to lose it convinced her to push her tongue back out. She made it as comfortable as possible and closed her eyes as she tried to find the best angle for her torso, with a balance between the pain in her shoulders and arms, and the strain on her abs.

  He asked her to grunt a few times, and she did. She couldn’t tell for sure where he was by his voice, but trusted him to stay near enough to hear her if she needed him.

  When he finally returned his eyes were no longer hard, and he released her legs before supporting her body and gently releasing her arms and supporting them so they came back around her body in slow motion, allowing the muscles to settle into their proper positions once more. “You can swallow.”

  It was disgusting going down, but she was so thankful to pull her tongue back in her mouth, her body didn’t protest too much. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome. Let’s get you upstairs and I’ll rub you down before we continue.”

  He stopped by the bathroom so she could wash her face, and once he finally had her back in bed he took his time rubbing cream into her ass, and massaging her upper back, shoulders, and chest muscles.

  As he was finishing with the front of her shoulders, her eyes followed his to the clock and she was surprised to see it was barely seven o’clock. They’d managed an early start, but still, she felt as if it must be after ten.

  “I don’t think you need anything bigger than the current ring yet. I know you said you didn’t want to sleep with anything stretching you, but if you’re going to reach your goal by Sunday I think you should reconsider.”

  He was right, of course. If she wore this tonight he’d have a better chance of inserting something larger tomorrow. She took a breath, considered her words again, and then spoke before she could chicken out.

  “I’ll trust your judgment about what I need from now until I meet my goal, Sir. I don’t want to sleep with the depth training dildo, but I’ll accept whatever else you feel I can handle, for as long as you feel is necessary. If I grow weak and change my mind, I’m okay with your ignoring my safeword, Sir.”

  “Thanks for the offer.” His smile was gentle, and Sam relaxed as she assumed he was accepting. “But if you safeword and want it out, I’ll take it out. You aren’t going to make this my responsibility, Samantha. I’ll help, but it’s your responsibility to have your ass ready for the test.”

  She closed her eyes briefly, but opened them to nod and say, “Yes, Sir.”

  He removed the stretching ring’s plug and inserted the depth training dildo, methodically fastening the harness around her. She gasped as he tightened the straps holding her pussy lips apart, and he chuckled.

  “Now, my dear, I’m going to put you through hell. If you come I’ll pussy whip you with the squid whip. The first time will be twenty strokes, the second forty, the third sixty, and so on. A safeword will make me stop for a count of ten before resuming. Overuse of the safeword will result in my adding days to your orgasm denial sentence. These rules aren’t new, but I’d like you to agree to them again before we begin.”

  She nodded and said, “Yes Sir. I’ve already agreed to them in writing. But I’ll agree to them again verbally.”

  Ethan spent the next hour and a half driving her to the brink of an orgasm, allowing her to cool off for a short time only to take her to the edge once more. She only came once, and he attached her right ankle to right wrist, left ankle to left wrist, clipped them to the straps at her sides, and pulled her wrists and ankles as close to the edge of the bed as her muscles and joints allowed.

  She promised herself she wouldn’t safeword through the twenty strokes, but she couldn’t bear it anymore and screamed her safeword on the fourteenth stroke. He dropped the flogger and held his hands up and said fourteen ten times, folding a finger in with each iteration. When all of his fingers were folded in, he retrieved the flogger and began again without ceremony, continuing with fifteen as if he hadn’t stopped.

  He didn’t release her wrists and ankles when he began the never-ending stimulation again, and it was harder to hold her orgasm back without the ability to move her legs around to alter the sensations in and around her pussy. However, the knowledge she’d receive double the number of strikes at her next slip was enough incentive to make her hold onto her orgasms even when she was sure it was impossible.

  When he finally released her, she was horrified to see him retrieve the marbles. Holding them produced spontaneous orgasms during the best of circumstances, and after hours of orgasm teasing and denial, there would be no way to hold it at bay and retain the marbles.

  “I’m not sure this is fair, Sir.”

  “What isn’t fair about it?”

  “I always have a hard time not coming when I hold them in. If I have to do it now, after what you’ve just put me through…there’s no way. Sir.”

  He sat on the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs, so they were eye to eye. “If Tom only gave you exercises you could already do, would you ever get better?”

  “No, but I’m not punished when I can’t do them.”

  “Really? So, when he puts you with someone better than you, and you get hit, flipped, and kicked until you learn to defend yourself against whatever new skill you’re learning…what do you call that, exactly?”

  “It’s different, Sir.”

  “This is training, Sam. You know punishments for disobeying have a completely different flavor than consequences during training, yes?”

  Sam winced as she said, “Yes, Sir.” She’d only disobeyed a direct order when he was fully in Dom mode once, and didn’t expect to ever do so intentionally again.

  “I tell you what. If I feel you’re giving it your all and you make it almost to the end, we’ll start over at twenty strokes instead of moving to forty. I won’t do away with consequences completely, because it’s your own fault you’re on orgasm restriction and it’s my obligation to hold you to it. Does that sit better with you?”

  He was trying to meet her partway, and he was right about it being his obligation to enforce the rules. She still didn’t like it, but she nodded and hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder and soaking in his strength as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Just to be clear, the consequences will keep building for everything else. I’m only giving a possible reprieve for this exercise.”

  “I understand, Sir. Thank you.”

  He situated her in the splits between the dining room chairs again, though he didn’t restrain her this time. Sam tried to ignore the sensation of his fingers repeatedly pushing marbles up into her. However, squeezing the muscles tightly closed greatly increased the friction as his fingers went in and out, and ignoring him was impossible.

  He set the clock on his cellphone, turned it so she couldn’t see, and then kneeled before her and adjusted her harness until the straps held her lips far apart. Sam’s heart pounded in her chest as she felt more air on her clit, and she moaned in frustration when Ethan leaned forward to breath warm, moist air across her clit. The cool versus warm air set it to throbbing, and she held onto the chair back with all of her might to keep from pushing his head away. Or possibly pulling it to
her. Shit.

  He lowered his head and came closer, and she gasped as she felt his tongue snaking up towards her entrance.

  “Oh god. Sir. Please don’t.”

  “I love running my tongue through your muscles when they’re clenched so tight.”

  His voice rumbled against her sensitive flesh and threatened to undo her. Warm air brushed across her clit again and she felt her pussy spasm once. She didn’t lose any marbles, but she was dangerously close to losing control and going into uncontrolled spasms.”

  “Sir, a minute! Please!”

  He sat up and licked his lips, his eyes full of joy. “You are so much fun to torture, Samantha darling. I’m pleased you’re trying so hard.”

  He scooted back and leaned against the buffet. “You sent me your schedule for next week, and I noted you intend to watch the Masterson’s supervised visitation. I’ve only known you to do that a handful of times. What’s different about this case?”

  Grateful for the diversion, Sam squeezed her pussy muscles as tight as possible and answered. “I need to know how to make him lose control on the stand. His attorney will coach him in how important it is to not let the judge see his temper, and to always show iron control. He’ll begin anger management classes soon, and possibly therapy as well, to attempt to show the court he can be trusted with his kids. I don’t know if he can or not. There’s no doubt in my mind he’s abused his wife, but I’ve seen cases in the past of men who abuse their wives and yet spoil their kids without so much as raising their voice, much less striking them.”

  She shrugged, felt the movement in her pussy, and made a mental note to stay still. “I want to see how his kids react to him. I need to know for sure he should be kept from his kids before I advocate it to the judge.”

  “Do you know how hard it is to keep from showing up in court and staking my claim on you in front of some of your client’s exes? My inner caveman wants to show them you’re protected by someone bigger than they are, but I know how you feel about that sort of thing.”


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