Safeword: Matte - In Training

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Safeword: Matte - In Training Page 19

by Candace Blevins

  “Do any of your cousins know about…?”

  “Dustin does. He’s a Dom, too, and when we spar with him in the morning I figured I’d show him the playroom if no one else is around.”

  “Oh, I think we’re going to have an audience. It sounds like your family wants to see me spar with him.”

  Ethan frowned. “How do you feel about that?”

  “I’m not sure.” She shrugged and sat in her bedroom’s comfy armchair. “I’d rather do it without an audience, but I don’t want to come off as elite or anything.”

  Ethan picked her up, sat in her chair, and settled her in his lap. “I think maybe the two of you should start without an audience, and maybe do something outside on the lawn later, if the family just needs to see something.”

  “I still can’t believe today was my last day of work for a month.”

  “I can’t wait for our honeymoon.” He bent and placed his mouth near her ear. “You have no idea how often I dream about sinking into your sweet, sweet ass.”

  Goosebumps rose across Sam’s entire body, and her nipples tightened almost painfully. “Ummm, there’s something we should probably talk about.” She hesitated as she tried to think of the best way to bring it up. “Kind of an unforeseen new kink, maybe?”

  His face went from concerned to curious, and Sam continued. “I’d assumed the enemas were just…I don’t know, like shaving. Something I have to do before a scene.” He raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything, so she tried to explain better. “I noted it in the logs, so you know I’ve had orgasms during the enemas, right?”

  He nodded but still didn’t say anything, so Sam stumbled over her words to try to fill the silence. “The idea that you’re controlling something so,” she paused a few seconds before coming up with the right word, “personal. It seems to have altered the way I see them, and the way I react to them. It’s nothing like shaving at all.”

  He kissed her forehead. “How long have you been aware of this new kink?”

  “I don’t know. I had hints of it the first week, but it took three or four weeks for me to be sure.”

  “I’m glad you finally got around to talking to me about it, but I’d like for you to come to me with this kind of thing sooner, in the future. I’ve noted you acting a little unusual when I’ve given them to you, but I was assuming it was your reaction to the cramps. Looking back, I can see you were turned on, but not enough to ask me for permission to come?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. I understand this was hard to admit. In a perfect world, I’d be able to give you an enema after this kind of revelation, but it’s not a good idea right now, with everything we have going on.”

  “Tonight’s my last night with the plug. You said you want me to take tomorrow off?”

  “Yes, that’s right. And I’d like tonight to be your last orgasm until after the wedding, too.” He ran his fingers over her hair. “Not as any kind of punishment, but because I want you a little needy on our wedding night.”

  Sam leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. “Yes, Sir. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. We need to discuss a few other things while we have some time alone.”

  Ethan’s tablet was on Sam’s bookshelf, beside the chair, and he reached for it, flicked it on, and handed it to her. “It’s opened in the word processor, so we can make changes as needed.”

  It was a contract, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he’d written this one. She scooted back, so her butt wedged between the arm of the chair and Ethan’s left leg, threw her legs over the other chair’s arm, and propped the tablet on her legs.

  The first part seemed the same and she glanced up. “Wanna tell me where to skip forward to, so I don’t have to reread the stuff that hasn’t changed?”

  “No. I want you to look over the whole thing and refresh your memory. We’ve agreed it’s a work in progress and things are likely to change over the years, but this is kind of like a marriage contract. I figure we’ll add to it, but I really hope you don’t ask to take anything away.”

  Sam nodded, and read the basic points aloud as she came to them, and sped through the details.

  When she reached the third page her eyes fell to a highlighted section, and she breathed a sigh of relief he’d flagged the changes.

  If submissive wishes to challenge Dominant, she will request a match. If submissive strikes Dominant outside of an agreed upon match, she will be punished.

  She looked up. “Did you come up with a punishment? Or am I to trust you to make the consequences fit the moment?”

  “I hope you’ll trust me to decide on the correct course of action as things happen.” His face was serious as he added, “Consequences may not happen right away. I may need to calm down before I trust myself to…”

  He trailed off and she said, “I get it, Ethan. This is about trust, about not having to be on guard around me anytime you initiate sex or start a scene. You aren’t saying you’ll never fight me for dominance again, you’re only saying it needs to be talked about and agreed to. I can’t just fight without warning.”

  “Correct. I love the chance to take you down when you’re fighting back; I just want to agree to it before it happens.”

  “Okay then, I have to submit to anything sexual, and can’t fight you off just because it ticks me off. It’s a change, and I’m going to hate it at times, but it’s not like my fighting you off ever changed the outcome.”

  Ethan’s hand gently lifted her chin until their eyes met. “Yes, it did. Fighting me made you horny, and reminded you why you submitted to me. The next time I take you when you don’t particularly want to be taken, it’s going to be hard for you to let me without putting up a fight. I understand, and I’ll even give you a little wiggle room to push me away for a few weeks without serious consequences — but if you hit me I plan to make the punishment so severe you won’t be likely to even consider striking out in the future.”

  He watched Sam’s face as she took it in, and Sam looked down to avoid his gaze as she said, “I’m not promising I’ll never hit you again, because it really is hard to submit, sometimes. I’ll promise I won’t strike without warning first though, because I never want you to have to be on your guard when you kiss me.”

  “I appreciate that, but whether you warn me or not, if you hit me without my agreeing it’s a sanctioned fight, you’ll be punished.”

  “Yeah, I got that. This is about more than the contract though. It’s about your feelings. I’m telling you that as a submissive I may not be able to keep from fighting you, but as a woman I intend to warn you before I strike.”

  He leaned to kiss her forehead. “Thank you. Keep reading, I think you’ll like the rest of the changes better.”

  The anal training contract was a separate document from their standard contract, and was now expired. Sam had been disappointed at the prospect of not being punished without a safeword in the future. Even though she’d only been punished once, just the idea he could do so and she wouldn’t be able to stop it had given her possibly hundreds of orgasms during the weeks of her training.

  However, when she reached the next yellow-highlighted section she had to read it three times to be sure of what it said.

  Submissive will no longer have a safeword, for any reason. If something is wrong she should tell the Dominant the problem, and he’ll decide if it’s reason to stop. If her arm is falling asleep, she should tell him. If she has a muscle cramp, she should tell him. If it hurts more than she thinks she can bear, she should tell him. It will be the Dominant’s sole decision to fix the problem or keep going. If submissive is under speech restriction she should think carefully before voicing a problem. If it’s a true problem there will be no repercussions; however, if it’s merely whining, there will be.

  If for any reason the submissive changes her mind and wants to change any portion of this document, she should notify the Dominant in writing. The not
e must be handwritten, must detail the specific item she wishes to alter, the reason she is requesting the change, and must be signed. Dominant must agree to all changes before they are final, with the exception of the safeword clause. Submissive will receive her safeword back immediately upon receipt of a written request.

  Clever, clever, man. He’d given her an out — a way to get it back — but made sure she could never do it in a scene. This had been one of their biggest sticking points. He was worried she’d want it back but have no way to do so, while she maintained if she could get it back anytime she wanted, why bother taking it away?

  This way, once a scene started there was no way to stop it. However, if something went wrong, she could keep it from happening in a subsequent scene. Also, this would keep him from purposefully taking her farther than he should — another of his worries. If he knew she could take her safeword back if he went too far, he’d be less likely to let himself completely off the leash.

  Her eyes were a little misty as she looked up and said, “It’s the perfect solution. Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. Those are the only two major changes. I’d like you to read the rest while I’m here, in case there’s anything you want to modify. If not, I’ll print the document tonight and pack it, so we can both sign it the first night of our honeymoon.”

  Sam nodded and read through the rest. She had no more changes to make, though she played around with asking for the same punishment parameters they’d had, but then scolded herself for considering it. Now that he’d given her what she wanted, she was trying to put limits on it? Sheesh, no wonder he’d held off for so long. No. She’d always wanted to find someone she could trust enough to agree to a no-safeword arrangement. Now that she’d finally found it, she wasn’t going to blow it. Sure it was scary. It was supposed to be. A balance of love, trust, and submission, with just a sprinkling of fear to add some spice.

  By the time she finished the document she was so horny she couldn’t see straight. “I don’t have any more changes. What are the odds I can convince you to help me with my plug before you go?”

  He shook his head. “I’m going to drive home and then beat off, and you’re allowed one orgasm tonight as well. Your last until our wedding night.”

  “How is that going to work, exactly? In a regular hotel?”

  The Read House wedding package included a night in the hotel, which worked out well since their flight didn’t leave until the next afternoon. They could’ve driven to Nashville or Atlanta and flown out the same night, but both preferred to fly out of Chattanooga instead of having a two-hour drive at the beginning and end of their trip.

  “I negotiated with the hotel for a presidential suite. Still no loud screams or obvious impact sounds, but we’ll have a lot more privacy than a standard suite.”

  He stroked her face. “Mom and Grams were talking about the menu at the reception, and I’m thinking it might be better to wait until we get to the beach the next night, though. I want you to be able to eat and enjoy our wedding, without worrying about a cleanout later.”

  “So, what will we do on our wedding night? To make it special?”

  He smiled. “I don’t know. I was thinking I could be a true sadist and we could try it vanilla.”

  He couldn’t be serious, could he? Sam opened her mouth to ask, but Ethan burst into laughter before she managed the first word. “No, Samantha. I’m not serious. I’d like to focus on romance over pain, but I’m kind of thinking we’ll play it by ear and see what happens. If you need pain, I’ll find a way to give it to you, but I don’t plan to start with it.” He kissed her nose. “I want it to be special, too.”

  He saved the document, sent it to his cloud server, and turned off the screen. “I need to go before I lose my resolve and throw you on the floor and take you now.”

  Sam’s heart skipped when he stood without removing her from his lap, but she took it in stride and wrapped her legs around his waist so she could kiss him from his height.

  They kissed again on the front porch, and when she came back in the house the cousins were preparing to leave as well. Those staying in her guest rooms went to their rooms, and before long she was seemingly alone in her huge house. It’d never felt empty before she met Ethan.

  Her final night with the plug wasn’t too bad, and she put it in and masturbated fifteen minutes before allowing herself an orgasm. She was no longer afraid of Ethan’s cock. She knew she could take it, and felt like the virgin who’s been made to wait entirely too long for what she wants.

  * * * *

  Sam awoke to Ethan’s kisses the next morning, and stretched and tried to pull him into bed with her.

  “No sex for us, my lovely bride. Dustin and Justin are downstairs, but otherwise the house is empty. Do you want to eat first, or spar first?

  “Spar first, eat later.”

  “That’s my girl, but don’t get pissed at me for putting you into head gear. I’m serious about not wanting you bruised for the honeymoon.”

  Sam sighed. “No to mention my mom will kill me if I have a black eye in my wedding pictures.”

  Ethan lifted her, took a step back, and stood her up. A gentle hand caressed her cheek as he bent to kiss her forehead, and he rested his hands on her shoulders. “With someone my size he’s ninety percent punch and ten percent kick. He seems to be closer to eighty/twenty with shorter people, but he specializes in waiting until you’re not watching for the kicks and then delivering a devastating series. Don’t let your mind stop watching for his feet and knees.”

  Dustin and Justin were both in the living room, and they stood as one when Sam and Ethan came down the steps.

  The sight of the two men side-by-side was bizarre. Both were dark black, and other than their hair, pretty much a carbon copy of each other. Under their clothes, Sam couldn’t see much of a difference in bulk, but when she looked at their arms, Dustin’s were definitely cut more, though not much bigger. Their postures were similar but different — one military and the other slouched, but still the same basic stance.

  “Wow,” Sam said, looking at the twins and Ethan as she internally calculated what the three must weigh. “This much testosterone in one room is…” She shook her head. “Hello Dustin, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, as well. My cousin is madly in love with you. He was heartbroken when you blew him off.”

  Sam eyed Ethan and looked back to Dustin. “You heard about that?”

  “Yeah, as well as the occasion that made you change your mind.” His eyes twinkled in delight and Sam didn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her discomfort.

  “Come on downstairs and I’ll show you the workout room. I think Ethan brought you early so we could do this without an audience.”

  Justin tilted his head. “There are only a few in the family who’ll voluntarily spar with him, and none are female. I think it’s safe to say you have everyone’s curiosity up.”

  “Well, my mother’s mortified, so the less we talk about it in front of her, the better.”

  Dustin laughed. “Good to know we aren’t the only ones afraid of our moms and grandmothers.”

  “Yeah,” said Ethan. “I hear you’re escorting Grams to Jamaica?”

  Dustin’s face clouded. “My superiors think it’s just as bad of an idea as I do, but she has friends in high places. What are the odds she’ll listen to me when I tell her we need to bow out and leave an area because it’s too dangerous?”

  Justin shook his head. “Slim to none.”

  “You’re her favorite, Ethan,” said Dustin. “Maybe you can talk to her about how I’m trained to know when to leave? Suggest it might be a good idea to listen to me?”

  “I’m not her favorite.” Ethan ignored Justin’s snort and continued. “But I’ll talk to her. I worry about her, too.”

  “If it’ll help,” said Sam, “I’ll put my two cents in as well. I’ve grown to love her, too.”

thinks the world of you,” said Justin. “She’s wondering how to clone you so the rest of us can find a wife.” He eyed his brother. “Unfortunately, while a clone of you might work for my brother—”

  Sam interrupted. “Enough. I am not discussing my sex life with future in-laws. Let’s head downstairs.” She looked at Dustin. “Ethan is insisting I wear headgear so I’m not bruised up before the honeymoon, but I want to go on record as saying I want another round with you later, without the protective gear. I’m agreeing to it now because we haven’t sparred and don’t really know each other’s styles, not because I don’t think you know how to practice without banging me up too bad.”

  “Noted,” Dustin said with a smile. “And I won’t bring up the fact he doesn’t want you bruised before the honeymoon.”

  “You spar with Ethan and others his size on a regular basis?” asked Justin.

  “No one else his size, but others who are in the same league, skill wise.”

  “Did he tell you she was National Kung Fu champ a few years ago?” Dustin asked his brother.

  “Yeah. Heard about that before they started dating, when he was all smitten with her and she wouldn’t give him the time of day.”

  Both men seemed to have heard a lot about her. “Just how often do ya’ll talk?”

  “We talk quite a bit,” said Justin, “but I think he and Dustin mostly send email.”

  “I Skype him when I’m not on a mission, usually after I’ve read his emails.”

  They entered the workout room and Dustin looked duly impressed. “Nice.”

  Sam didn’t argue when Ethan pointed her to the bench press bench with the headgear and gloves. She noted Dustin donning gloves, too, and she glared at Ethan.

  “You’ll both wear gloves when you spar, too. And maybe headgear,” she informed him.

  Ethan shook his head. “We’re not going to spar today. We get pretty rough with each other, and it’s a bad idea the day before the wedding.”


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