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Kyle's Return

Page 11

by L. P. Dover

  She stopped trying to fight me and closed her eyes. “It’s not the same, Kyle. I don’t know who you are anymore.”

  Turning her to face me, I tilted her chin up. “Open your eyes, Kace.” When she did, I continued. “I’ve done some really shitty things and maybe coming here was stupid, but in my heart, I felt it needed to be done. You’re all I have left and I don’t want to miss a part of it. I’m trying to do good by you and working my ass off. Has Tyler not told you anything I’ve done or said?”

  Her eyes welled up. “Yes, he’s told me everything. I even know about you and Megan. I have to say I’m surprised.”

  “So am I, but I can’t imagine things any other way. She makes me happy and gave me a chance when no one else would. I was hoping you’d find it in your heart to give me a chance too.”

  “You do realize what you’re asking of me, right? You want me to trust you when all I’ve seen are lies and deceit. I’ve never doubted your love for me, but you let your love of power get in the way.”

  Nodding, I slowly let her hands go and stepped back. “I know and I’ve come here to make amends with those I hurt. With your permission I’d like to stick around so I can do that. I’m sure Paxton will be more than happy to walk you down the aisle if you don’t want me to.”

  Paxton descended the steps and came into view, his expression torn as he met Kacey’s gaze. “You were a part of this?” she asked.

  He looked at me and then nodded at her. “Gabby and Megan too. We believe in him, Kace. But if you want me to walk you out, I’ll be honored. The choice needs to be made soon though. They’re waiting for you.”

  She glanced back and forth at us both, fighting her feelings by the tormented look in her eyes. I waited for the rejection I knew was coming. Instead, she closed the distance between us and handed Paxton her bouquet so she could take my hands. “Look at me,” she whispered. When I looked into her green gaze, a tear fell down her cheek. “So many people believe in you, Kyle. Gabby, Pax, Megan, and even Tyler. If you can promise me that what I’m seeing is real, then I’ll let you walk me down that aisle. I want my brother back more than anything. I can see him in your eyes, but I’m petrified he’s going to disappear like he did before.”

  Shaking my head, I squeezed her hands and held them up to my heart. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise. This is who I am and this is who I’m going to be.”

  “Then, so be it. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Paxton handed her back the bouquet and motioned toward the door. “After you,” he began with a smile.

  We walked to the door and froze when the crowd gasped at the sight of us. Kacey’s grip tightened on my arm and she blew out a shaky breath. “You think they might be a little shocked you’re here?”

  I looked out at them and shook my head. “Nope. They’re just stunned by your beauty.”

  She hit me with her flowers and giggled. It was the best sound I’d heard all night. “I can’t wait to hear what everyone’s going to say about this, but it’s not going to be easy on you.”

  “I’m okay with that. Now come on, let’s get you to Tyler before he walks up here and throws you over his shoulder.”

  We started walking down the walkway with Paxton on our heels. Down front, Tyler turned his attention to Megan who just smiled, shrugging sheepishly. He smiled and shook his head at us when we approached.

  I heard my name whispered among the crowd and I could feel their stares burning like fire against my back. Before Tyler could reach for her hand, I bent down and kissed her cheek. “I love you, sis.”

  She smiled up at me, her eyes misting with unshed tears. “I love you too.”


  WALKING BACK DOWN the aisle with Ryley at the end of the ceremony, I caught Kyle’s gaze. He looked uncomfortable, surrounded by people who loathed him.

  Ryley leaned toward my ear. “I don’t think anyone expected him to show up. What the hell’s going on?”

  “If I told you, you’d probably shit a brick.”

  We followed the others inside the house and he pulled me to the side. “The rumors aren’t true are they? Gabby told me but I thought she was kidding.”

  “Well . . .” I began, biting my lip with a sheepish smile.

  His mouth gaped open. “What the actual fuck. This is horseshit.”

  I rolled my eyes and watched as the audience dispersed and started heading toward the covered tent where the reception was to be held. Kyle lingered alone and I knew I needed to get to him. Ryley followed my line of sight and sighed. “He may not be quite as psycho as your ex, but Kyle’s a goddamn manipulator.”

  “And so are you, Ry,” I chuckled. “I seem to remember you and Camden coercing women to sleep with you both. If that’s not manipulation, I don’t know what is. And look at you now . . . you’re married with two, sweet little babies. You changed your ways and so can he.”

  Pursing his lips, he leaned against the wall, defeated. “Fine, you win. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

  Smiling, I kissed him on the cheek. “I do. Trust me.” I left him and rushed outside, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me approach. “You okay?” I asked, reaching for his hand. He took it and held it tight.

  “Surprisingly, yes. Everyone’s staying as far away from me as possible. I think I have some idea how lepers must’ve felt.”

  “Can you blame them? Imagine what they must be thinking.”

  “That they want to kill me?” he joked.

  “Probably, but I won’t let that happen. You’re my date tonight and I’m not into necrophilia. Now come on, the bridal party has to have pictures taken. I don’t think I can leave you alone to the wolves.”

  “I’m sure I can manage,” he said.

  “I know you can, but I want to be there when you face your demons.”

  Pulling me close, he leaned down and kissed me, causing whispered responses all around. I didn’t care and I wasn’t ashamed. “I didn’t think you’d let me do that here,” he murmured.

  I lifted up on my toes and kissed him again. “I have nothing to hide. Now let’s go before the bride brings her wrath down on us.” We hurried inside where everyone stood congregating. When Kyle and I came into the room, everyone went silent.

  The photographer picked up on the tension and waved her hands in the air. “All right, let’s go back outside and finish these up.”

  We lagged behind the group and joined them outside. I had to leave Kyle to finish the pictures, but he stood there watching with a smile on his face. After all was said and done, it was time to join the party. But Kacey had other plans. She called out to the photographer.

  “Do you mind taking a few more with me and my brother?”

  Kyle’s eyes went wide. He looked to me and then back to his sister before tentatively walking over to her. Tyler stepped away from Kacey and made his way over to stand by me.

  “You do realize you two are family now, right?”

  He snorted. “Don’t remind me. Although, I have to say it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Seeing some of the expressions in the crowd was kind of funny. Hopefully, someone videotaped it.”

  “I’m sure they did,” I laughed. “If I don’t get the chance to talk to you before the night is up, I hope you have fun on your honeymoon. Take lots of pictures.”

  He put his arm around me and squeezed. “We will. And don’t forget my dad will be around to help you at the gym if you need it. But I doubt you will with Kyle around.”

  Kacey and Kyle were done with pictures and joined us. “Are you ready, Mr. Rushing?” Kacey called.

  Tyler winked and took her arm. “If I have to be.”

  Kyle and I hung back so they could make their grand entrance into the reception tent. Everyone hooted and hollered, camera lights flashing. The food smelled amazing and we both piled our plates high and took a seat.

  Kyle leaned over and whispered in my ear. “How much you want to bet that no one other than Gabby and Pax sits with us.�

  I searched around the room at everyone else taking seats. It made my heart hurt for him.

  When Gabby and Pax joined us, they glanced around the room at everyone giving us a wide berth. “Damn, it’s like we have the plague or something,” Gabby joked.

  Pax chuckled. “Hey, that leaves more elbow room for us. I’m not complaining.”

  Ryley and Ashleigh took seats with Camden and Brooklyn, and Matt and Shelby. Ryley even waved and mouthed he was sorry since there were only two seats available left at ours. They weren’t vacant for long when they were taken by Mason and Claire Bradley. I’d heard that Claire used to dance for Jake at the Labyrinth before taking over her family’s vineyard out in California. Her wines were the best I’d ever tasted. And of course, Mason was like a god in the MMA world.

  “Can we sit here?” Mason asked.

  Gabby rolled her eyes. “Like we’re going to tell you no.”

  “Good, because we were going to sit here anyway.” He took the seat beside me while Claire sat beside Gabby. “How do you like living in Vegas? I don’t think I’ve spoken to you since you left.”

  “It’s been good. I bought a house with one of my friends and I have a great job. Tyler promoted me to manager.”

  “Congratulations. I’m glad to see it’s all working out for you. I thought I would see you at Darryl’s funeral but you weren’t there.”

  I almost choked on a piece of bread and coughed, my eyes burning. “Excuse me?”

  He nodded slowly, his brows furrowed. “He died three months ago. Did you not know?”

  I slapped a hand over my mouth, tears welling in my eyes and spilling down my face. Kyle moved closer, putting his arm around me. “No, I didn’t,” I cried. “What happened?”

  “I’m so sorry to tell you like this. I thought you knew.” He patted my arm. “From what I gathered, it was a heart attack.”

  “Oh my God, I don’t know what to say. Darryl was like a father to me. I bet Cindy was devastated.” Darryl and his wife checked up on me every week after the Alex attack. Cindy would also bake my favorite treats and bring them over. Hopefully, she’d understand why I didn’t show up.

  “She was, but thankfully, their kids are older and were there to comfort her.”

  “We can always stop by and visit her when we go out to California next week,” Kyle suggested.

  I wiped away the tears and nodded. “Okay, that’s a good idea. Let’s do that.” My heart hurt, but I knew I couldn’t let it keep me down tonight.

  After eating, Tyler and Kacey made their way to the dance floor and danced to their song, All of Me by John Legend. As I looked around the room, so many of my friends had found their soulmates. Kyle had his arm around me, caressing my bare shoulder with his fingers. Was he mine? I had no clue, but it felt right being in his arms.

  Everyone clapped when the song was over but then Tyler pulled his mother out onto the floor while Kacey walked over to us, extending her hand to Kyle. “Since Dad’s not here, this one’s for you.”

  Kyle’s eyes sparkled and when they took the dance floor, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I have to ask,” Mason whispered. I wiped away my tears and looked at him. “What the hell did you do to Andrews?”

  “I didn’t do anything,” I admitted truthfully. “He came around like this all on his own. The time he spent in the wheel chair really made him figure out what was important to him. I’m just glad I’ve been around to witness it.”

  His brows lifted. “Well, I’ll be damned. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Neither did anyone else,” Gabby cut in. “I’m just curious to see what Matt and Shelby have to say about all of this. I’ve intentionally been avoiding them since being here. When lover boy’s ready to talk to them, we’ll go over there,” she said, nodding toward her brother and his wife.

  Kyle and Kacey’s dance ended with them hugging in the middle of the dance floor. They shocked the crowd again, but this time I could feel some of the tension ebb. Maybe once everyone saw how he’d earned Kacey’s love, they’d realize he wasn’t so bad after all. It was a long shot, but it was all we had. When he joined us, he held out his hand.

  “You ready to protect me?” he teased.

  Taking his hand, I motioned for Gabby to join us. We followed behind her as she strolled across the dance floor to where my friends sat. My heart thumped so hard against my chest, it hurt. I could only imagine how Kyle felt. Matt’s expression was guarded, so I had no clue what kind of greeting we were going to get. He had the same glare Gabby always had when she was pissed. It didn’t help they looked exactly alike with their dark hair and green eyes.

  “I don’t know if I can protect you physically, but I’ll certainly try to use my charm.”

  Gabby snorted. “Good luck with that.”

  Ryley and Camden both sat back in their chairs at the same time, with curiosity gleaming in their eyes. Matt, on the other hand, stood and faced us head on. Gabby cleared her throat and stepped out of the way, putting Kyle right in front of Matt. “Kyle has something he wants to say to both of you,” she began.

  Shelby set her glass of water down and stood beside Matt, her narrowed eyes on Kyle. About five years ago, Kyle did something to them that went lower than anything I could ever imagine. The whole situation was heartbreaking. I could understand if they didn’t forgive him, but it took a lot of courage for him to stand in front of them and ask for it.

  Kyle cleared his throat. “I want to apologize . . . to say that I’m sorry for everything in our past. I would do anything to take it back.”

  Time stood still as we waited for Matt to speak, but he just stood there. Even Gabby looked nervous when I glanced over at her for guidance. When it was apparent nothing was going to be said, Kyle nodded and slowly backed away. “I know you don’t believe a word I’m saying, but it’s the truth. One day, I hope to prove to you that I’ve changed.” He spun around to walk away.

  Before he could take another step, Matt stopped us. “Wait,” he called out.

  Kyle froze mid-step and slowly turned around. Matt took a step forward and blew out a sigh. “There’s no way in hell I can forget what you did, but if Kacey and Tyler can forgive you after what you did to them, I’ll think about it. It’ll just take some time.”

  “That’s all I can ask for.” Kyle nodded and turned to walk away. I squeezed his hand and felt his despair, but he kept his head held high. We knew going into this, it wasn’t going to be an easy path. Forgiveness isn’t something that can be forced. He would just have to continue to prove himself and hold out hope.


  THE WEEK WAS halfway over and Kyle’s training class went better than expected. His students listened and watched diligently, following his every move. Kyle was at peace in the ring; it was where he belonged. I couldn’t imagine him doing anything else in life. Tyler’s dad, Steven, stopped by a couple of times but since Kyle and I had everything handled he didn’t see the need to stay.

  “Any prank calls today?” Kyle asked, sweat dripping down his face.

  “Not yet. Hopefully, the wanker’s done with me.”

  He grabbed a towel and wiped off his face. “He better not try coming in here. He won’t be able to walk out.”

  “And he won’t be able to reproduce,” I said, holding up the letter opener.

  He cringed. “Just keep that thing away from me.” It was almost time to close and there were only a couple of people left in the gym. Kyle noticed me looking at the clock and grinned. “You in a hurry to get out of here?”

  “Actually I am. I’m getting hungry.”

  “As soon as everyone leaves, we’ll get something to eat. Do you want to stay at my place again?”

  “Sure deal. We just need to stop by my house so I can get some clean clothes. I hadn’t planned on basically living with you this week.”

  He winked. “It’s been nice though. I can’t believe how easy it’s been to add you to my life. It’s like you’ve always belonged
with me.”

  If he kept talking like that, we wouldn’t make it to dinner.

  The night was comfortable, the perfect weather for a late night motorcycle ride. I held on tight as we cruised down side streets, leading away from the big city. When we came to a stop, I didn’t realize trouble had followed us until I heard the roar of an engine right on our tail.

  “What the fuck?” Kyle shouted. His words were muffled, but he was pissed. I looked over my shoulder, but I couldn’t see the driver’s face. The only thing I could see were the white sunglasses covering his eyes and the hood over his head. The guy revved his engine and tapped his front bumper to Kyle’s back wheel. We sailed forward a few feet and I shrieked. Kyle tensed and started to get off his bike, but I didn’t want an altercation. Not with us being alone on a deserted street.

  I grabbed his arm as hard as I could. “Kyle, please, let’s just go,” I yelled desperately. I was scared of what would happen if there were more than one person in the car. Kyle got back into position and I held onto him for dear life. The guy revved his engine and the second I heard his tires squeal, I knew he was coming for us.

  “Hold on tight,” Kyle shouted above the noise.

  I squeezed him hard and he took off, the front wheel lifting off the ground. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn’t want to look back, but I could see the car right on our tail. Kyle squeezed my hand achingly tight and pressed it into his body. I took it as a warning and held on as hard as I could. Closing my eyes, I waited for whatever was going to happen.

  We tilted to the side as he made a very fast, sharp turn. I thought we were about to wipe out but Kyle put his foot down as a pivot. The back of the bike kicked out and he straightened us out. We were upright again, and going in the opposite direction on the road. Tires screeched and when I opened my eyes, I looked back to see the car turning around, but also losing distance in the process.

  We zipped down the road, back to the city. My whole body shook with fear. Instead of going home, we ended up at the police station. The second Kyle brought his bike to a stop, he ripped off his helmet and helped me down. My hands shook so bad, he had to take my helmet off for me, then clutched me tight in his arms.


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