Instructing the Novice

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Instructing the Novice Page 19

by Evangeline Anderson

  Frowning, he pointed. “What’s that?”

  Karx turned his head, a scowl on his bearded face.

  “Not any business of yours, Novice. Now come—my lady awaits.”

  They passed the tarp and went around a curving corner and at last came to a black door bound in bronze. There was an elaborately scripted plaque on it reading, Mistress Superior.

  “Enter,” Karx said, swinging the door open. “Stay here in the main greeting area—I’ll go fetch my Mistress.”

  They walked into a kind of sitting room and looked around. Though all the rooms in the Tower were beautifully decorated, this particular space wouldn’t have been out of place in a palace, Lone thought. There were richly carved couches with scrolled arms upholstered in some kind of expensive-looking fabric—possibly Cambrian silk—and a thick Tishan rug worked in dark reds and blues and golds covered the flagstones. Pricy works of art—many by artists he recognized—were scattered around the room and rich tapestries were hung on the walls.

  Looking up, he scanned the ceiling. The glittering chandelier hanging above, spreading a golden, dappled pattern of light and shadows over the opulent room, appeared to be made of gold and platinum. And unless Lone was very much mistaken, the large, sparkling crystals hanging from it weren’t crystals at all but diamonds.

  To Lone, it looked like the Mistress Superior had created her own little kingdom here—he just wondered how much it had cost her to outfit her private chambers in such lavish style.

  Apparently, Lizabeth was having the same thoughts.

  “It’s gorgeous in here,” she murmured to Lone, looking around. “Wonder how much all this cost?”

  “Good question, Mistress,” Lone murmured back. “It can’t have been cheap to transport it either. I was under the impression that the Tower was supposed to be a place of learning—not extravagance.”

  “The Mistress Superior, Lady Verlandah,” Karx’s rough voice announcing his Mistress’s entrance interrupted their whispered conversation.

  They turned to see the Mistress Superior wearing her white gown without the elaborately embroidered cape-vest over it. Her dark nipples poked prominently from the holes cut in the silky white fabric and the mound of her pussy was on display as well, under the high slit in the gown. Lone noticed that she appeared to have an elaborate tattoo done in golden ink where her public hair would have been if she hadn’t removed it. Apparently she felt the need to have every part of herself and her surroundings adorned.

  “Ah, Mistress Paige,” she said to Lizabeth, inclining her head gracefully. “Do make yourself at home and take off your modesty vest. We are quite private here.”

  Lone saw Lizabeth’s eyes dart to Karx and saw her bite her lower lip pensively. He knew exactly what she was thinking—she didn’t want to be put on display the way the Mistress Superior was. Didn’t want to expose her nipples and pussy around a strange man. Still, she had already been forced to do as much the day before when he took the oath of loyalty to her and had given her the kiss of obeisance. Lone knew it would make her uncomfortable to do it again, but she would have to in order to keep the peace with the Mistress Superior.

  His guesses were right. In the end, Lizabeth unclasped the long black vest- cloak and Lone drew it down her arms smoothly, folding it neatly and placing it over the back of one of the plush couches. He frowned as he saw her exposed—were her breasts looking fuller than usual? If she had a needing attack here in front of the Mistress Superior things could get awkward.

  “Now, then—let’s get comfortable, shall we?” Mistress Verlandah settled herself on a couch opposite and studied Lizabeth speculatively with her iron-gray eyes. They looked as hard and cold as flint, to Lone. “Come, Karx,” she said and snapped her fingers at her Novice who was still standing silently beside her. “I require pleasure. Why do you make me wait?”

  A flash of some complicated emotion went through the Friezen’s dark eyes—something like lust mixed with resentment, Lone thought. But he only growled, “As my lady wishes,” and sank to his knees before her.

  Mistress Verlandah spread her thighs casually and motioned for him to get between them. Without a word, Karx positioned himself between her legs and began to lap at her pussy in a way that was both hungry and angry at the same time.

  “Mmmm…that’s better.” The Mistress Superior purred with pleasure. From the couch cushions she produced a long, thin, black riding crop and used it to swat at her Novice’s backside lazily. “A little slower, Karx—this is not a race, you know,” she remarked. Then she turned her attention to Lizabeth, whose face was impassive. “Do have a seat, Mistress Paige,” she said.

  “Thank you.” Lizabeth sank down on the opposite couch, her thighs pressed together and her arms crossed over her breasts.

  Despite her blank expression Lone could tell she was bothered—her cheeks were a dull red which denoted embarrassment to him. Lizabeth might enjoy letting him help her with her needs when they were alone together, but she wasn’t the kind of person who got pleasure from watching other people performing acts that ought to be kept private in public.

  Lone tried not to watch what was happening on the couch opposite them but it was difficult, especially since he could scarcely control his envy. He couldn’t help wishing that Lizabeth might order him to worship her pussy the way Karx was worshiping his Mistress’s. The last time he had tasted her had been all too brief—barely a kiss before he was forced to stop. He longed to spend hours worshipping her with his mouth and tongue—bringing her pleasure and drinking her sweet juices right from the source.

  As though she had read his mind, Mistress Verlandah motioned at Lizabeth with her riding crop.

  “Well? Why do you not have your slave service you?” she demanded. “It’s extremely rude not to when your host is being serviced by her slave!”

  “I thought they were Novices—not slaves,” Lizabeth protested uneasily.

  Mistress Verlandah waved her objection away airily.

  “Yes, well—most of us come from Yonnie Six here at the Tower,” she said, swatting at Karx’s backside again with the long riding crop. “We know what males truly are—no matter what we call them here. Slaves. That’s all they’re fit for—isn’t that right, my love?” She swatted Karx again who licked faster, his broad, hairy shoulders set and angry.

  “I don’t feel that way about Lone,” Lizabeth protested. “He’s more than just a slave or my Novice. He’s a friend—my best friend. And…and I care for him deeply.”

  Lone felt his heart throb with hope when he heard her speak like that but he tried not to show it on his face. Instead, he stood impassively beside her, his arms crossed behind his back, waiting for orders.

  “Oh, please.” Mistress Verlandah made a derisive and rather unlovely snorting sound. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen into the same trap as Anarrah—please don’t say you’re ‘in love’ with your Novice.”

  Lizabeth’s face went red though her features remained calm.

  “I…never said that,” she protested. “I just meant that Lone is very dear to me. I don’t want to use him like a slave.”

  “What if he desires to be treated and used as a slave?” The Mistress Superior lifted one eyebrow at her. “Have you ever thought of that? Part of his loyalty oath was to entreat you to use him and he didn’t appear insincere to me when he spoke the words.”

  Lizabeth’s eyes flicked up to Lone’s and he met her gaze steadily, letting some of the heat he felt fill his eyes. Oh yes, he would be more than happy to be used by her. Gods, would he!

  Lizabeth cleared her throat and looked away.

  “I don’t understand your emphasis on ‘using’ someone here,” she said coolly to the Mistress Superior. “Why is it so important to you to dominate your, uh, slave?”

  “Because sex—really good sex—is all about power,” Mistress Verlandah said promptly. “Who has it…who can get it…who is willing to give it up and be powerless. Without the power play, what is sex? A few pumps, a
squirt and a tickle. Boring.”

  “Sex doesn’t have to be all about power—it’s not boring if love is involved,” Lizabeth countered. “If you truly care about your partner—”

  “Don’t start that sniveling love talk if you please,” The Mistress Superior snapped. “And don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing—you’re delaying. Trying to keep me talking so I won’t notice that you’re being unspeakably rude by refusing to have your slave service you while mine services me.” She glared at Lizabeth. “I do not tolerate rudeness for long, Mistress Paige.”

  Lizabeth hesitated again, looking up at Lone uncertainly.

  She doesn’t want to treat me like a slave—treat me the way Mistress Verlandah is treating Karx, he realized. She doesn’t understand how much I want to do this. No matter how often I tell her that I long to taste her, she won’t truly see my pleasure in it until I show her.

  “Mistress,” he growled softly, dropping to his knees before her. “I am yours. Use me.”

  Lizabeth looked at him, sitting at her feet and felt a powerful emotion sweeping through her. It wasn’t just the needing this time—though she could feel her breasts beginning to fill again. It was desire—desire to take what she wanted with no apologies. To let Lone worship her as he truly seemed to want to.

  “You’re his goddess, my dear,” Mistress Anarrah had said to her. “Let him worship you as he longs to.”

  Power, she thought, eyeing him…seeing how the big, muscular male body was waiting just for her. Lone was so strong he could break her in half with one hand. Yet he chose to be gentle—chose to wait for her word. Maybe there was something to this Mistress thing after all. Well, whether there was or not, she had to do something to appease Mistress Verlandah.

  “Lone” she said, looking him in the eye. “Come here and give me the kiss of obeisance.”

  His gray eyes were half-lidded with lust.

  “With the greatest pleasure, Mistress,” he growled softly.

  Positioning himself between her legs, he leaned forward and sucked each throbbing nipple in turn, drawing each tight peak fully into his mouth and swirling his tongue around and around and around, making Lizabeth bite back a moan. God, she could feel her breasts beginning to fill with nectar but before she could tell Lone to suck it out, he was already between her legs, spreading her wide with his big, warm hands.

  Despite Lone’s obvious eagerness, he didn’t dive right in. He laid soft, hot kisses up and down her thighs first, paying special attention to the ticklish undersides of her knees and her outer pussy mound. His hot breath and the feel of his scratchy cheeks against her tender inner thighs was making her hotter and hotter, Lizabeth found. God, when would he get to the main event?

  As though hearing her internal question, Lone turned his attention to her slit, placing several hot, gentle kisses up and down the length of it, sending shivers of pleasure and anticipation down Lizabeth’s spine. It was as though he knew exactly what she needed and was determined to put off giving it to her until she was just about crazy, she thought.

  “Lone…” she protested, panting, when he sucked lightly at her outer pussy lips, taking each into his mouth to tease her without touching her inner folds. He was making Lizabeth moan and squirm on the couch—driving her crazy.

  “Lone,” she gasped again. “I need…need you to…”

  “To pay you greater deference?” he asked, looking up at last, a little smile tugging at the corners of his sensuous mouth. “Yes, Mistress—that was, of course, my intent. Could you spread your legs a little wider, please? I need to be able to kiss your inner pussy to show you the greatest deference possible.”

  Lizabeth felt her breath catch in her chest and thought about protesting that he didn’t actually have to kiss her inner pussy—the last time he had mainly kissed her on the outside with his tongue darting in just a little to lick at her inner folds. But wasn’t that what she wanted him to do—what she needed him to do? Didn’t she long to feel his hot mouth caressing her folds and lapping slowly over her aching clit? God, yes.

  “Of course you may kiss my inner pussy, Lone,” she murmured, parting her legs a bit more for him. “It is, after all, the only correct way to show your obeisance.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Lone was eyeing her hungrily and when she finally spread for him, he pushed in her thighs, his broad shoulders splitting her even wider. Then he framed her pussy with his big, warm hands and spread her outer lips with his thumbs, revealing her slippery pink interior.

  Lizabeth bit back a gasp.

  “Lone,” she protested, feeling uncomfortably exposed. After all, he had never said anything about actually spreading her open.

  “Just a kiss, Mistress,” he murmured, looking up at her. “Just a kiss to show my devotion to you.”

  Lizabeth nibbled her bottom lip. God, her whole body felt like it was on fire with shame and need! She had never felt so exposed before—or so hot.

  “All right, Lone,” she murmured at last, thrusting her hips forward. “Just a kiss.”

  “Yes, my lady.” Holding her eyes with his own, Lone leaned in and placed a hot, sucking kiss over her exposed inner pussy. Lizabeth sighed with pleasure as she felt the heat of his mouth enveloping her and the warm slide of his tongue against her throbbing clit. Her breasts began to ache and she felt the trickle of sticky nectar leaking from her tight nipples and still the kiss seemed to go on and on, as though Lone never wanted the moment to end.

  At last he pulled back from her, his lips shiny with her juices.

  “Delicious.” His voice was a low growl. “Did I bring you pleasure, my Mistress? Did I show the proper respect?”

  “You did…very well, Lone,” Lizabeth whispered a bit breathlessly. “I’m very pleased with you.”

  “If you’re so very pleased, why do you not have your slave—excuse me, your Novice—give you the kiss of pleasure?” Mistress Verlandah asked, smiling lazily. “It’s like the kiss of obeisance but he doesn’t stop until you come all over his face.”

  Lizabeth started to object but the fire that Lone’s kiss had started inside her was raging out of control. She found that she liked being worshipped like a goddess and after all, she had to play her part here at the Tower. She couldn’t let The Mistress Superior suspect that she and Lone weren’t really a couple.

  Feeling justified, she crooked her finger at Lone, gesturing him to come closer again.

  “Novice,” she said, her voice coming out only a little breathless, “I require you to give me the kiss of pleasure.”

  Lone’s eyes flashed hotly.

  “Yes, my Mistress,” he growled. “Going to make you come—come all over my face.”

  Leaning forward, he scooped her ass into his hands, pulling her closer to the edge of the couch as though her pelvis was a bowl of water and he was dying for a drink. Then, holding her eyes with his, he dived in, licking this time instead of kissing.

  Lizabeth moaned as she felt his hot tongue travel all the way from the bottom of her slit, up to bathe her aching clit before finally reaching the top of her mound. Then he did it again… and again and again.

  A gasp was torn from her throat and her pussy throbbed as he lapped her, dragging the flat of his hot tongue over her sensitive flesh as though he was trying to gather every last drop of her honey. Then he sucked the little button of her clit into his mouth and began to stroke it with just the tip of his tongue, making Lizabeth gasp and jerk against him. Oh God, it felt so good! Like he was electrocuting the most tender, sensitive parts of her with pleasure. How could she stand it? It was too much—too intense. And yet, she never wanted it to stop.

  Without knowing quite how it happened, her fingers found their way into his thick, black hair and she found she was tugging at him, trying to position him exactly where she wanted him. He lapped her eagerly and then looked up, his eyes filled with lust.

  “Yes, Mistress?” he murmured. “Is there something you require?”

  “Are you enjoying yourself,
Lone?” she asked, her voice husky with lust. “Do you enjoy eating my pussy?” She could scarcely believe she was saying such things but Lizabeth felt like she was in the deep end now, doing and saying things she would never have done or said in her real, everyday life.

  “Yes, Mistress. And I love your hands in my hair, guiding me,” Lone growled hoarsely. “Show me where you need me. Use me to give you pleasure.” Then he dived in again, lapping her as though he could never get enough.

  “Oh, God, Lone…” His hot words and the way he was licking her open pussy so sweetly was almost too much for Lizabeth. She had never dreamed of being in this position with a hot, muscular man between her thighs desperate to bring her pleasure. And yet, now that she found herself here—she might as well take full advantage of it.

  Her nipples were leaking freely now, sticky, shining trails of nectar sliding down from her aching peaks to stain the white gown she wore. But Lizabeth didn’t care anymore. She only knew she was close to coming—that she needed to come.

  “Lone…” she gasped, gripping his hair even tighter and swirling her hips to get the full effect of his talented tongue. “Oh Lone, yes…so close…so close!”

  He looked up again, his thumb momentarily taking the place of his tongue.

  “Then come for me, Mistress…come all over my face,” he growled. Hooking his arms over her thighs, he split her even wider and lapped at her open pussy with a hunger and a passion Lizabeth had never dreamed was inside him. Throwing back her head, she gave in to the pleasure of his mouth on her, closing her eyes tightly as he lapped and sucked and teased her throbbing clit until she was coming…coming so hard that her pussy contracted hungrily around the emptiness inside it.

  God if only he had the sex toy with him. Or better yet, if he used his cock on me. Need to be filled…need to be fucked…

  Lizabeth caught herself up short as she realized what she was thinking. They weren’t alone in this room, she reminded herself. Mistress Verlandah was watching everything they did. God, what was wrong with her? She was writhing on the couch with Lone’s face buried between her thighs and they had an audience.


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