Instructing the Novice

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Instructing the Novice Page 30

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Not…not yet,” Lizabeth told him again, panting. For a moment she had to hang her head and catch her breath—the pleasure was still tingling through her body and her pussy was spasming hard around the thick invader she was impaled on. She knew what came next and she had to get ready for it—had to gather her strength and her stamina to get through it.

  At last she looked up and met Lone’s eyes. This entire time while she used his big body for her pleasure, he had laid completely still, letting her work herself on him. Now, it was going to be his turn, Lizabeth thought.

  “Lone,” she said, leaning down to stroke his cheek. “I release you. From this moment on, I’m no longer your Mistress. Now I want you to be my Master—and I want you to give me everything you’ve got.”

  His eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed with understanding. A low growl that was almost a roar rose in his chest and then—in one smooth, sudden motion—he flipped her over so that he was looming above her, his thick shaft still buried to the hilt in her pussy.

  “Lizabeth,” he murmured, his voice almost inhumanly deep as he looked her in the eyes.

  The Dark Twin—that’s the Dark Twin coming out, she thought and felt a thrill of fear mixed with lust. Lone might be all sweetness and light when he was serving her in his Light Twin capacity, but his darker half was a little bit scary. Scary and sexy as hell, she admitted to herself. She just hoped she could handle him like this.

  “Lizabeth,” he growled again, holding her eyes with his own. “You’re mine now. I let you fuck me and now I’m going to fuck you—going to ride your sweet pussy long and hard until I fill you with my cum and bond you to me forever.”

  “Yes,” Lizabeth whispered breathlessly, a shiver of erotic delight shooting through her at the hot, dirty words. “God, yes Lone—make me yours! Yours forever.”

  “Forever,” he agreed and began to move.

  Had Lizabeth thought she was stretched to capacity before? Well, it was nothing to this—to the intense sensation of his thick shaft plunging inside her, fucking her hard and claiming her as his. The broad head of his cock gave the mouth of her womb a hard, deep kiss with every stroke he made inside her, shooting sparks of intense pleasure all through her. She found she was crying with wordless need and desire as she took all he had to give and more.

  She closed her eyes at the intensity of the sensations running through her but then she heard Lone make a noise of angry protest.

  “No, Lizabeth,” he told her in a low, commanding voice. “No, open your eyes and look at me. I want to see it in those gorgeous eyes of yours when I fill your pussy with my cum—when I fill you up and bond you to me.”

  “Yes,” Lizabeth whispered, moaning softly, looking up at him. “Yes, Lone—oh yes, please.”

  “I can feel you getting close again,” he growled, still thrusting hard and deep inside her. “Can feel you getting ready to come for me—come all over my cock. But I think you need a little something…more.”

  Reaching down, he scooped his muscular arms under her thighs, splitting her even wider, opening her more for his cock so that he could get even deeper into her.

  “Oh!” Lizabeth gasped as the new position made her feel even more intensely vulnerable. God, had she ever been so open for any man? She knew she hadn’t. It was scary and yet, it felt good too—good to give herself to Lone this way and let him pound into her and claim her in such a hot, primal way.

  “Touch yourself, Lizabeth,” he growled, looking into her eyes. “Pet your pretty little clit while I watch you—while I fuck you. I’ll tell you when to come.”

  “All…all right,” she half-moaned. Slipping her fingers between her legs, she stroked the throbbing little button as he continued to thrust hard and deep inside her. “Lone,” she gasped. “Oh, God…Lone…”

  “That’s right, call my name when you come,” he told her, thrusting even harder. “Let me hear you call for me while I fill you with my seed—while I make you completely and totally mine.”

  “Yes,” she cried. Her clit was aching with need as she stroked rapidly over her slippery folds. “Oh God, I’m so close…don’t know how much longer I can hold out, Lone!”

  “Then come now, sweetheart,” he growled. “Come for me while I come inside you—while I tie us together for life.”

  He leaned down and took her mouth in a kiss so heated it was almost brutal and at the same time she felt his cock thrust deeply into her and then swell even thicker, if that was possible. Then the first hot spurt of cum bathed the mouth of her womb and Lizabeth couldn’t help herself, she was coming again—coming so hard she actually saw stars exploding behind her eyes when she dared to squeeze them tight just for a moment.

  When she opened them again, Lone was looking right at her.

  “I love you, Lizabeth,” he growled softly. “Love you forever. Now you’re mine and I’ll never let you go.”

  Holding her eyes with his, he came inside her and did as he had promised, tying the two of them together for life and eternity and all the lives after.


  “So you’re completely healed and the two of you are fully bonded now?” Kat asked as Liv bustled around, taking Lizabeth’s blood and putting the sample into a small, coffee-cup sized machine that buzzed and hummed quietly to itself in the corner of the exam room.

  “Yes to both—fully and completely.” Lizabeth smiled at her friend.

  “And how did you manage that, doll?” Kat asked, looking interested. “I mean not the healing—I’m not surprised about that. But the bonding? I’ve never heard of anyone who managed to have a complete bond with a Twin Kindred who’s missing his twin. To tell you the truth, I kind of thought it might be impossible.”

  “What? You never told me that!” Lizabeth exclaimed. “If you’d told me it was supposed to be impossible—”

  “You never would have tried it,” Kat said, smiling at her mischievously. “Besides, I had an idea that the Goddess would help the two of you out. You were meant to be together—that much is clear.”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that,” Lizabeth said, giving her friend a grudging smile. “And as for the Goddess…” She paused, not quite sure how to continue.

  “Well? What about the Goddess?” Kat asked encouragingly. “Go on—spill.”

  “I don’t know if this will sound crazy or not,” Lizabeth said carefully. “But, well…when I was, uh, trying to figure out a way to bond with Lone, I heard this voice in my head and it told me exactly what to do.”

  “That was the Goddess all right.” Kat nodded decisively. “She drops in from time to time when you least expect it. So go on—what did she tell you to do?”

  “Well…” Lizabeth frowned thoughtfully. “It’s kind of complicated. You know how sometimes you don’t know with Twin Kindred babies which will be the Light Twin and which one will be the Dark Twin until a few weeks after birth?”

  “I have heard that,” Kat said. “Although it wasn’t that way for mine. War and Peace were pretty obvious, right from the start.” She frowned. “And I would have thought that Lone would be the Light Twin for sure, even though his brother died at birth so his parents didn’t know.”

  “I always thought so too,” Lizabeth admitted. “But while we were at the Tower of the Higher Mind some decidedly Dark Twin characteristics came out. Especially when he came to rescue me from those horrible Friezens.”

  She shivered, remembering the bloody scene—then pushed it away from her mind. With Lone’s help, she was beginning to work through her trauma from that awful night, but she still didn’t want to dwell on it.

  “Really?” Kat looked interested. “So he went all primal caveman on you, huh?”

  “You have no idea,” Lizabeth told her. “And let’s just say he can be a, uh, primal caveman in the bedroom too. As well as going the other way and having me be in charge. So he’s kind of…two in one, if that makes any sense. Both the Light Twin and the Dark Twin in the same body.”

  She couldn�
��t help smiling at the thought. Though Lone loved playing “Mistress and Novice” with her in the bedroom, he was just as happy to switch and be the stern Master from time to time. It kept things interesting to say the least.

  “So you were able to bond with both halves of him, somehow?” Kat guessed.

  Lizabeth nodded. “Exactly. Which made for some pretty wild bonding sex, I can tell you.”

  “Oh, I just bet it did!” Kat giggled. “You bad girl, Lizabeth! You’re always so straight-laced and professional. I never would have guessed you had a kinky side!”

  Lizabeth felt her cheeks getting hot with a blush but she couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

  “Well kinky or not, it worked,” she said lightly. “We have the mental link and everything so I can always communicate with Lone even when we’re apart. Which isn’t very often,” she admitted, blushing harder.

  “Oh, I know that freshly-bonded look,” Liv said, smiling at her as she came to sit beside Kat and across from Lizabeth. “You and Lone can’t get enough of each other, can you?”

  “We really can’t,” Lizabeth admitted. “Which is one reason why Lone is having me do this silly test. Well—that and the way I’ve been throwing up every morning.” She gestured at the small machine still humming away. “I told him it was crazy and way too early to tell—I mean, we’ve only been fully bonded for a week. But, well…” She shrugged. “He insisted.”

  “I would say that only one week in is kind of early to tell,” Liv admitted. “Maybe it’s a little bit of wishful thinking on Lone’s part. Does he want to be a daddy really bad?”

  “I think he does.” Lizabeth bit her lip. “We’d both like to be parents but I think it would take a miracle. I mean, Lone doesn’t have a twin and I’m really too old so—”

  Just at that moment, the little coffee-cup sized machine that Liv had fed the blood sample into dinged musically.

  “Oh look—it’s already done!” Liv exclaimed, hopping up again. “Just a minute and we’ll see for sure.”

  “Oh my goodness, doll!” Kat grabbed for Lizabeth’s hand. “I know you said it’s probably a no-go but I can’t help being excited.”

  Strangely, Lizabeth found she couldn’t help it either. She tried to tell herself to be calm, that the test was sure to be negative. But she couldn’t stop her nerves from twanging like plucked guitar strings as Liv checked the machine and came back holding something hidden in her cupped hands.

  “Well?” Kat demanded as Liv beamed at them. “Don’t keep us in suspense, Liv—show what came out!”

  Wordlessly, Liv opened her hands and showed their contents to Lizabeth. There, lying on her open palm, were two small, perfect blue flowers.

  “Oh…” Lizabeth’s heart suddenly started going so fast she felt almost faint. “Oh my God,” she said weakly. “Is that…does that mean what I think it means? Are they…am I…?”

  “Sweetheart? Lizabeth?” Lone was suddenly at her side, striding in from the front of the med center. “Are you all right?” he asked, sinking down beside her to take her hand. “I just got done talking to Commander Sylvan and I felt you go all weak. I thought…”

  His voice trailed off and his eyes widened as he started in the two blue flowers Liv was still holding. Then he looked at Lizabeth.

  “Lizabeth,” he murmured. “Is that the result of your test?”

  Slowly, Lizabeth nodded. “I…I think so.”

  “It is.” Liv grinned at them both. “You’re going to be parents to twin baby boys! Congratulations!”

  “Oh my God!” Lizabeth blurted and then she was crying and Lone had her in his arms and he was crying too and the intense loop of joy between the two of them was almost too much too bear.

  “Twins,” he sent to Lizabeth through their link. “The Goddess is so good to us!”

  “I didn’t think it was possible,” Lizabeth admitted.

  “I did,” Lone said out loud. “I had…kind of a feeling it might be so, even before we came back to the Mother Ship.”

  “What? How would you know that? And how could I have gotten pregnant before we came back to the Mother Ship?” Lizabeth demanded.

  “Remember the second night’s feast—and the rocking chair?” Lone raised his eyebrows expressively.

  Lizabeth felt her cheeks getting hot.

  “But…but we weren’t fully bonded then. Don’t you have to be fully bonded to a Kindred to get pregnant by one?”

  “Maybe not in this case.” Lone looked thoughtful. “I remember hearing from several people that the cleansing waters we went through when we first got to the Tower of the Higher Mind increased fertility. So maybe that made it possible for you to get pregnant, even before we completed our bond.”

  “Wow…” Lizabeth shook her head. “Maybe so. I just can’t believe we’re having twins.”

  “Well, you are bonded to a Twin Kindred,” Kat pointed out. She and Liv had been standing back tactfully, waiting for Lizabeth and Lone to finish sharing the news of their impending babies with each other before butting in. But both of their faces were wreathed in smiles and it was clear they were bursting to share in the joy.

  “That’s true,” Lizabeth acknowledged. “But I still want Lone to explain how he could have had any kind of inkling I might have been pregnant even before we left the Tower of the Higher Mind.”

  He grinned. “Because when I was taking you home the Goddess appeared to me—well, she filled the ship with her presence, anyway—and refused to let me fold space to get home.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t understand it at first—I was so upset I even tried to argue with her.”

  “Argue with the Goddess?” Kat’s eyes got wide. “You’re braver than I am!”

  “It wasn’t bravery, it was stupidity,” Lone said, smiling. “But she forgave me. Anyway, I forgot all about it until Lizabeth started having morning sickness and then I remembered it and I also remembered that pregnant women aren’t allowed to fold space. So…” He shrugged and smiled again.

  “You didn’t even tell me!” Lizabeth exclaimed. “You just insisted I have the test—why didn’t you tell me you suspected?”

  “I didn’t want you to be upset if it was a false alarm,” Lone admitted. “But it’s not,” he added. Taking the two blue flowers he stroked their petals reverently with one fingertip. “We’re going to have a family, Lizabeth. And you’ll be the most beautiful mother in the galaxy.”

  “And you’ll be the most caring father.” Lizabeth hugged him again. “Oh Lone—I still can’t believe it!”

  “I can’t either but it’s true—we’re going to be parents.” Lone grinned.

  “Well, it sounds like congratulations are in order.” Commander Sylvan came around the corner into the exam room, a broad smile on his handsome face. He looked at Lone. “So your hunch was correct?”

  “More than correct. Twin boys.” Lone showed the two perfect blue flowers off proudly. “Truly the Goddess has blessed us beyond measure.”

  “She likes to do that,” Sylvan said, smiling wider. “She loves her children and wants them to be happy. And I think she knew the two of you would make excellent parents.” He clapped Lone on the back and nodded at Lizabeth. “And please don’t worry about the impending lawsuit with BleakHall. I’ll find another councilor to take over the case.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Lizabeth exclaimed.

  Sylvan looked surprised.

  “But Councilor Paige, it’s going to be necessary. Carrying a Kindred baby—especially twins—can be very hard on a female’s body. And it was my understanding you didn’t want to go back to the Tower of the Higher Mind to get more, ah, instruction there due to what happened there.”

  Clearly he was trying to be delicate and not mention how she’d been tortured. Lizabeth felt her hands get cold and her breath catch in her throat at the memory but she lifted her chin anyway.

  “No, I don’t want to go back but Mistress Anarrah has agreed to tutor me over the viewscreen. And when it’s time to try the case, Lo
ne and I can take a wormhole and go the long way around to Yonnie Six if necessary.”

  “Well…” Sylvan blinked. “If you’re sure…”

  “I am.” Lizabeth nodded firmly. “I’ve been told all my life that I chose my career over motherhood but I know now I can do both. Especially since I have a supportive and loving partner.” She smiled at Lone who gripped her hand and smiled back.

  “You can count on it, sweetheart.”

  “I know.” Lizabeth squeezed his hand. “You also might like to know that the Mistress Superior has been deposed and sent back to Yonnie Six in disgrace,” she added, speaking to Commander Sylvan. She had told him a guarded amount about what had gone on at the Tower of the Higher Mind and she knew he would want to know the end result.

  “That sounds fair, considering what you and Lone said she was up to.” Sylvan nodded gravely.

  “Mistress Anarrah will be the Mistress Superior now,” Lone said. “She will be a just and kind ruler of the Tower, I believe.”

  “She’s already brought the women and children from the Friezen village where I was…was attacked…” Lizabeth cleared her throat. “Anyway, she’s already brought them up to the Tower. The women will be cared for and the children will be raised in a different environment—one that’s respectful of women.”

  “I’m very glad to hear that,” Sylvan said.

  “Yes, it’s about time somebody changed the awful way they do things there!” Kat exclaimed.

  “Everything is going to be all right,” Lone murmured, putting an arm around Lizabeth’s shoulders and drawing her close. “I see the Goddess’s hand at work in all of this.”

  “I prayed to her when…when I was in that awful tent,” Lizabeth told him quietly. “I prayed that she would help me and she sent you, Lone.”

  “I’ll always come for you, sweetheart,” he said softly. “I just wish I could have gotten there sooner.”


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