The Silver Crown

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The Silver Crown Page 9

by William Bridges

  "I have heard the story," Eliphas said. "It's the crown of kings, the true test of rulership. It is said that only those worthy to rule the tribes under Gaia and Falcon can wear the crown. The unworthy who attempt to wear it die."

  "That's right," Greyfist said. "Many believe the crown is an ancient fetish artifact, not just a myth or a figment of the imagination. I saw this crown in my dream. I saw Morningkill try to wear it and perish. But I saw another — I don't know who — take it up and survive. I believe the Silver Crown still exists, that Falcon showed it to me for a reason. It's our only chance, Albrecht. If you can get the Silver Crown, you can be proven a true king, one fit to rule over Arkady."

  "Wait a minute," Albrecht said. "One, you said it kills whoever is unworthy. That could be me. Two, we have no clue that it really exists, and if so, that we can find it."

  "I've done some research on this," Greyfist said, "with what little is left of the protectorate's records. I think it's in the Umbra, Albrecht. Waiting in some realm for a true king to come claim it. That king is you."

  "Here we go again. What if I'm not worthy? I'm supposed to go off on a dangerous Umbral quest because it might be there? And if I get it, it might not fry me alive? This sounds a bit farfetched."

  "What other hope do we have?" Greyfist said.

  Albrecht couldn't answer that.

  "I have spoken with Antonine Teardrop, a Stargazer in the Catskills who has extensive records of tribal legends. He claims to know something called The Lay of the Silver Crown, a saga composed by a Silver Fang Galliard years ago. He thinks it holds some clues to the crown's location."

  "Look, I like Antonine and all — I mean, he saved my butt once — but he is a bit cracked. He tends to believe a lot of things just because they're mystical."

  "Isn't my dream mystical, Albrecht? We are Garou. We are beings of spirit as well as flesh. You're an Ahroun, so I know you've never paid a lot of attention to spiritual matters; but I have. You need to believe me, Albrecht. The Silver Crown exists. And you must find it. Otherwise, the North Country Protectorate is doomed to corruption."

  "All right. I believe you. I've got to get this crown. Hell, I guess I've gone off on crazier quests for less. But where do I start?"

  "You return to New York, gather your pack, and then visit Antonine. He will tell you the Lay."

  "My pack. Great. They are going to love this."

  "You need to go now, Albrecht. You have to get the crown and return with it before the cusp of the next full moon. That is Arkady's auspice, and the day he will be crowned. After that, not even the Silver Crown can break a kingship rite."

  "So that's… what? Eleven days starting tomorrow? Great. I've gotta trek across the Umbra to who-knows-where, pick up a lost fetish, and get back here in less than two weeks?"

  "Yes," Greyfist said. "Eliphas will drive you home."

  Chapter Nine

  Dawn touched the highest towers of New York City, but in the streets below it was still night. In the early morning gloom, Albrecht and Eliphas drove through the awakening streets. People were coming out of their apartments and getting into their cars to head for work. Buses roared by, stopped to drop off and pick up people, and roared off again, speeding to the next block's stop.

  Albrecht rubbed his eyes and put his hands back on the wheel. He looked over at Eliphas, asleep in the passenger seat. Albrecht had been too worked up after last night's revelation to sleep, so he had taken over the driving duties. Eliphas had protested, experiencing visions of massive dents appearing on his Lexus, but Albrecht was hard to resist when he was fixed on something. So Eliphas had made the best of the situation and crashed out for the journey.

  Albrecht pulled up outside Mari's gym. There was a space open, probably left by someone who had just gone to work. It was a bit tight, and it had been a while since he had parallel-parked, but he was confident. He pulled forward, put the car in reverse, and backed into the space. He was looking back over the seat, doing a good job of swinging the car in, when he heard the sound of metal grinding from the front bumper. Shit, he thought. Scraped the car in front.

  Eliphas sat upright and looked forward. His face fell, an expression of confirmed doom on it. He then sat back again and closed his eyes.

  Albrecht straightened out in the space and shut the engine off. "Sorry about that. You took it better than I thought you would."

  Eliphas didn't say anything. He just frowned with his eyes shut, looking like he still wanted to sleep.

  "That's okay. Just go back to Nod. You wait here while I run in and inform the crew."

  Eliphas nodded and rolled onto his side. Albrecht shrugged and got out of the car, then went up to the studio door. The large window next to it looked in on the gym. Painted in large letters were the words: Cabrah's Self-Defense. And in smaller letters, beneath it: Martial Arts Classes for Women. Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon Do. Albrecht took out his key and unlocked the door. Stepping in, he shut the door behind him and walked across the room.

  As he walked, he looked at himself in the full-length mirror that ran from wall to wall on one side of the gym. Gaia, but he looked terrible. Abbot had done a good job of patching him up, but he still had a large bruise on his forehead. His coat was torn and dirtier than usual. He hadn't shaved since the meeting of the Lodges: his stubble was almost a beard. He shook his head, opening the door on the far wall, and walked up the stairs beyond it.

  He came into a small hallway with two doors opening off it. He went down to the last door and knocked. He heard someone walking around on the other side and listened carefully. Let's see, he thought. Judging from the sound I'd say it's Evan. Not heavy enough to be Mari.

  The door opened and Evan's face lit up with a smile.

  "Hey! You're back!" Evan said. "Come on in! What happened? How'd the fight… go." His enthusiasm trailed off as he noticed the bruise on Albrecht's forehead and his tattered coat. "I guess it didn't go well. Since you're here so quick and all."

  Albrecht stepped past him into the apartment. "You think fast on your feet, kid. I like that. I got my ass whupped."

  "That's too bad," Evan said. But then he smiled. "I guess that means you're back here with us now."

  "Hold on, now. I thought I said on the phone that just because I was going to be king didn't mean we weren't a pack."

  "Okay," Evan nodded, obviously not buying it but not interested in fighting either. That was what Albrecht liked about Evan. He was the only one Albrecht knew who wouldn't immediately jump into an argument with him.

  "Where's Mari?" Albrecht said, looking around the small apartment. They were in a living room with a kitchen opening off it. A hallway was to the right, leading to the bedrooms.

  "She's out on her morning jog," Evan said, walking to the small table by the window. "Breakfast?" he asked, picking up a box of Cap'n Crunch.

  "No thanks. I'm more of a Crunch Berries man myself. When do you think she'll be back?"

  "I don't know. Ten minutes, maybe?"

  "Well, I've got someone waiting out in the car. I don't—"

  "I'm here, Albrecht," Eliphas said, coming in the door. He looked annoyed. Mari walked in behind him, glaring suspiciously at him. "Your friend here did not like me waiting in front of her establishment."

  "Do you vouch for him, Albrecht?" Mari said.

  Albrecht laughed. "Yeah. He's all right. You can ease off him, Mari."

  She nodded at Eliphas, who nodded back. He then rolled his eyes and went to sit down across from Evan, who handed the cereal box to him. He stared at it for a minute, as if he didn't know what it was, then nodded again and took the box.

  "So, Albrecht," Mari said. "What's the story?"

  "You might want to sit down for this one," Albrecht said, leaning against the wall and pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. Mari's brow wrinkled in disgust, but she didn't say anything or move to sit down. He lit the cigarette and took a drag on it. "On second thought, you better stand. You're a pacer, anyway, aren't you?"

ust spit it out," she said.

  "Well, I lost the fight. I got trashed pretty good."

  Mari smiled at that. "The mighty Albrecht taken down? No!"

  "Oh, but wait. Here comes the good part. My opponent, Arkady, cheated. It appears that he had a little Bane ally waiting in the Umbra to trip me up. Literally. I had a killer blow on that bastard, but this Bane interceded and screwed it up."

  "A Bane? So this Arkady is Wyrm-corrupt. What did the Fangs do to him when they found out?"

  "Now that's the really good part. They don't know yet."

  "What?" Evan said, still chewing his cereal. "Why not; You've got to warn them!"

  "Hold on. It's not that easy. And that's the crux of the matter, really. You see, we can't prove it. And with the laws of challenge the way they are, we don't have anybody who could successfully bust on Arkady."

  "Just point him out to me and I'll take him down!" Mari said, her fists bunching up.

  "Ah, it's not that easy. Believe me, I really wish I could. But he's guarded by a damn good pack. And if I were found to be siccing my pals on him, that would be considered conspiracy against the throne. You gotta realize, he's king now."

  "King!" Mari yelled. "You let a Wyrm-fetid Garou take the throne of the Silver Fangs and the rulership of the thirteen tribes?!"

  "Wait a minute here! Just the other day you were singing a different tune there. Something about the day the Fangs ruled over the Furies being Apocalypse night?"

  "That was you, Albrecht. I said that the day you ruled would be the eve of the Apocalypse. But apparently I got it wrong. You've let a Wyrm ally onto the throne. If that's not a step toward the Final Days, I don't know what is."

  "Well, damn it! I'm trying to do something about it! I'm the only one who can take the throne from Arkady. If we just get someone to kill him — assuming they succeeded — the crown might go to a regent, one of his packmates. They could be corrupt also."

  "But they might not know," Eliphas cut in, crunching cereal. "We don't know for sure that they are aware of Arkady's treachery."

  "That's true. But we have to assume they're just as culpable all the same. Now, here's the plan..."

  Mari raised her eyebrows, waiting.

  "There's this ancient artifact called the Silver Crown. If I can get it, I can be king. I think."

  Mari nodded. "Of course. The Silver Crown. If you don't kill yourself putting it on, you will be proven fit to rule the tribes."

  "Yeah," Evan said. "That's a good plan. Do you know where the crown is?"

  Albrecht was looking in surprise at both of them, as was Eliphas. "You mean you've heard of the crown?"

  "Of course," Mari said. "Who hasn't? It's only the greatest treasure of the Silver Fangs."

  "Wait. Wait," Albrecht said, throwing his hands up. "I've only heard vague rumors of this thing, and it turns out you guys know all about it? Is it just me?"

  "I have only heard references to it in other legends, myself," Eliphas said.

  "Unbelievable," Mari said. "You've forgotten your own treasure! No wonder the Silver Fangs are said to have fallen. Everyone knows about the crown except the Silver Fangs! And we thought you had it in hiding from the other tribes for all these years! The Furies and the Uktena would do anything to get it. But no one's looked for it because everyone knows it's being guarded by a Silver Fang sept somewhere. But now! Once this news gets out, everyone's going to be searching for it."

  "Then it doesn't get out," Albrecht said, glaring at her. "'Cause we're going after it. We've got some clues. We can do this. We have to do this."

  Mari nodded. "Yes. I wouldn't dare miss such a quest. The renown alone would be considerable, let alone the chance to see this great artifact."

  Albrecht's eyes narrowed. "We need to make something clear here. We do this so the Fangs can get the crown, not the Furies. Got that? This crown needs to be among the Fangs, not sitting in some Fury stronghold on a remote Greek island."

  Mari glared at him and was silent for a while. "All right. The crown goes to the Fangs. But if I think it will be misused, I will not hesitate to liberate it and place it in the keeping of our crones."

  "Don't worry. If I get it, it'll be in good keeping."

  "I will judge that for myself when the time comes."

  "Guys!" Evan said. "Stop it. Look, Mari, we've got to do this for Albrecht. For the Fangs. For the entire Garou nation. If you can't make that promise ahead of time, it's not in anyone's best interest to involve you in the quest."

  Mari's eyes widened as she looked at Evan as if he had just put a knife in her back. "You're taking his side!"

  "I have to look at the greater good in this," Evan said. "You know the Furies don't need the crown. Come on. Be realistic. You're letting ego get in the way."

  Mari frowned at him and then threw up her hands. "All right! The crown will go to Albrecht."

  Albrecht nodded. "Thank you. Now we've got to leave. Antonine Teardrop knows some lore about the crown that'll give us a pointer in the right direction. Eliphas will drive us to the Catskills."

  * * * *

  The dome sat on a rise, poking out above the fall foliage. Evan pointed it out to them as they drove along the small back road that wound its way to the Stargazer's home. Albrecht had never been here before, but he had heard about it. Antonine Teardrop lived in one of those weird Buckminster-Fuller-designed geodesic domes. He had telescopes pointing out of windows along the top so he could glean omens from the stars. Albrecht was a bit skeptical about such things, but he knew that Antonine was considered a very wise Garou, albeit one with a foot in the twilight zone.

  Albrecht admonished himself for being uncharitable about another tribe again. Antonine had saved his butt. He had saved the entire pack, back when Evan had had his Rite of Passage and the Wyrm had been after him. Antonine had been the only one to read the proper omens and to act to get Albrecht, Evan and Mari to the holy site where the spirits could instruct Evan in his heritage: that of a Wendigo prophet and warrior.

  But Albrecht had not seen Antonine since then. The Stargazer stayed in his home for the most part, occasionally showing up at a Garou moot here and there to tell of a new omen. Most of the time, the rest of the Garou didn't like his omens. They were uncomfortable prophecies, pointing out insidious Wyrm plots that no Garou wanted to believe could exist. Lately, Antonine and Loba Carcassone had been working together, realizing that they had both separately come across the same Wyrm plot — if it was a Wyrm plot. Their "plot" was probably the freakiest conspiracy theory Albrecht had ever heard, linking generations of child abuse to a conscious plot by near-immortal Wyrm servitors. To untangle such a chaotic thread and put a cause-and-effect label on it seemed a bit much even for Antonine.

  But they did have some scary evidence at times.

  Albrecht looked at the dome as they drove closer. Loba's Wyrm plot did not concern him now, however. The crown was what was important here.

  Soon they pulled into the gravel drive outside the dome. Antonine was patiently waiting on the porch that encircled the dome, obviously expecting them. He was a middle-aged man, fit and healthy-looking with deeply tanned skin and a face which had seen much of the outdoors. He wore a red-checked flannel shirt, blue jeans and brown leather shoes.

  As the pack got out of the car and walked over to him, Albrecht looked around. It was quite an impressive spread. Trees surrounded the dome and grew up right next to it, leaving a nice, shady canopy over the drive and the porch.

  "Greetings," Antonine said as they reached the porch. "Hello, Albrecht and Mari. And how are you doing, Evan?"

  "I'm fine, Antonine," Evan said, shaking the Stargazer's hand. "I want to thank you again for all your help during my Firsting."

  Antonine smiled and nodded. He looked at Eliphas. "You must be Standish. Greyfist told me about you. Congratulations on your new post as Gatekeeper."

  Eliphas looked unsure of how to respond. He was obviously a bit awed to be meeting the famed Stargazer. "Thank you. I… I am
very pleased to meet you. I have long respected your wisdom."

  Antonine's eyebrows raised at that. "Then you are a rare Garou." He turned back to the others. "Why don't you all come in? I have prepared a meal. Standish, I have a bed you can sleep on to rest for your journey home. The rest of you will not return with him. You have another place to go, a journey you must make on foot."

  * * * *

  It was evening. The crescent moon was at the end of its waxing, close to becoming a half moon. The Philodox moon. The pack was gathered in Antonine's living room, at the center of the dome. Rooms opened off to the side, leading to bedrooms and a kitchen. Above them, encircling the ceiling, was a walkway. Windows lined it, each with a telescope and a small table with odd devices.

  They sat on cushions on the floor, facing Antonine, who had a stack of books and scrolls before him. He had a pair of reading glasses on and was looking through some of the scrolls. The Garou had eaten a fine meal, some sort of exotic Indian dish, the recipe for which Antonine said had been given to him by a friend named Shakar, an excellent cook.

  Albrecht wanted a cigarette, but he wasn't about to insult Antonine's hospitality by lighting up inside the dome. He sat back and tried to relax. Antonine seemed to notice his restlessness and put his scroll down.

  "Let's begin," Antonine said. "Greyfist and I have spoken about the crown before. Frankly, I was surprised that it is actually lost. I am sure you are aware of the rumors that it has been well-hidden by the Silver Fang leadership?"

  Albrecht rolled his eyes. "Uhm… can we just talk about where it is now?"

  Antonine smiled. "I have done some reading. It is not easy to find written Garou records, but every once in a while an enlightened Garou scholar emerges who records what lore he can for those of us who are interested. I was sorry to hear that the North Country lost most of its records in a fire. But I believe I have discovered a source, a recent one, relatively speaking, which points to the possible fate of the crown."

  Albrecht leaned forward. "Is this the Lay of the Silver Crown that Greyfist mentioned?"


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