Man Made God 003

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Man Made God 003 Page 1

by Brandon Varnell

  Man Made God 003

  Brandon Varnell

  Illustrated by

  Lonwa _A

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Man Made God 003

  Copyright © 2020 Brandon Varnell

  Illustration Copyright © 2020 Lonwa_A

  All rights reserved.

  Brandon Varnell and Kitsune Incorporated supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce creative works that enrich our culture.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  To see Brandon Varnell’s other works, or to ask for permission to use his works, visit him at, facebook, twitter, Patreon, and instagram.


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  This page is made in dedication to my amazing patrons. Without them, my characters would never get lewded by so many wonderful artists:

  Aaron Harris; Adam; Alarinnise; Alexander Rodriguez; Armando Pastrana; Benjamin Collinsl Benjamin Morgan; Brendan Smiley; Brennan; Bruce Johnson; Bryce McClay; C.L. Holgrahm; Catcrazy9; Chase Corso; Christopher Gross; Cody Woodard; CosmicOrange; Dane Smith; DeseriDan; Dhivael; Dominic Q Roddan; Edward Grindle; Edward Lamar Stephenson; Edward P Warmouth; ElJako98; Emery Moore; Feitochan; Forrest Hansen; Forrest Hansen; Ine Airlcana; IronKing; Jacob Flores; Jacob Wojno; Jake Fedor; James Leon-Moore; Jeremy Schultz; Jesus; John Patton; Joshua Garrett; Kevin; Lane Watkins; LarC85; Lgikito; Lucid Fayt; Lupus Umbras; Mark Frabotta; Matthew Wallace; Max A Kramer; Michael Moneymaker; Nathan; Nathan S; Nex; Omegapudding; Patrick Burns-popieniuck; Peter Barton; Philip Hedgepeth; Rfael Eriksen; Raymond Tatton; Red Phoenix; Red Viking; Repooc Ilahsram; Riesenhuber Christian; Samuel Donaldson; Sean Gray; Seismic Wolf; Slim; Smudi Corp; Starwarscout Jon; Thomas Jackson; ToraLinkley; Travis Cox; Victor Patrick Bauer; Vigil Gardner; William Crew; XY172; Yuriy Snyadanko; Zach Strickland; Zenn Barger








  1. Surprises on the Horizon

  2. Cured

  3. Apologies

  4. Treasure Hunt

  5. Derelict Magic Academy

  6. Academy Ruins

  7. Killer Gargoyle

  8. Elemental Master

  9. It’s All About SP

  10. In-Game Aris

  11. The Guild Token

  12. Big News

  13. The Top Two Guilds

  14. Clash

  15. The Tournament Begins

  16. Rage

  17. Champion

  18. Victory Buffet

  Thank you for reading!


  Sneak Peak

  Manga Page 1

  Manga Page 2

  Manga Page 3

  Manga Page 4

  Manga Page 5

  Hey, did you know?

  Brandon’s LNs

  American Kitsune



  Catgirl Doctor


  A Most Unlikely Hero

  Arcadia’s Knight

  Journey of a Betrayed Hero



  Follow me!

  Surprises on the Horizon

  Because the area surrounding Suncrest Mountain contained level 30 and 40 monsters, Adam decided it was the perfect place to grind his level.

  Adam glared at the current enemy he was fighting against. It walked on two triple-jointed legs. The large claws on its feet dug into the ground with every step. Leathery skin covered every inch of its muscular body, which reminded him of pictures he’d once seen of a dinosaur when he was young. This creature had large yellow eyes, a reptilian muzzle, and frills around its neck. It was also about two times taller than him.

  Titania had already cast [scan] to show him its stats.

  Name: Crestodon

  Description: This reptilian creature is a monster that has survived since before the creation of the races of light. It’s incredibly durable and exceedingly violent. Approach with caution.

  Class: None

  Lvl: 32

  Health: 150,000/150,000

  MP: 1,200/1,200

  Physical Attack: +800

  Constitution: +700

  Dexterity: +500

  Intelligence: +10

  Speed: +50


  Claw: Crestodons have sharp claws that can rend through flesh, muscle, and bone

  Deals Physical Attack + 5% chance of causing the bleed status effect

  MP Cost: 50

  Cooldown time: 0 seconds

  Head Bash: When the Crestodon lowers its body, it will charge forward and slam headfirst into its enemies

  Deals Physical Attack + Stun

  MP Cost: 120

  Cooldown time: 5 seconds

  This enemy had some pretty impressive stats, and since its level was so much higher than his, he would gain a lot of experience points from defeating it. He would gain even more than normal since he was grinding on his own once again.

  The [crestodon] scraped its left foot against the ground. Adam spun the spear around in his hands, eyes narrowed as he shifted from one foot to the other, moving as though he had eight legs instead of two. Anyone watching him would have probably said he looked like a spider. This made his movements more erratic and unpredictable, which would be useful for dodging. His enemy was fast, but that was only when it moved linearly. He’d discovered early on that its ability to turn around was limited.

  He had already activated [Blood Sacrifice]. In the background, Titania was singing [Song of Vigor] to increase his attack power. Kureha was also waiting right next to her, prepared to fire off an attack as needed.

  With a roar, the [crestodon] raced over with thunderous stomps that left deep imprints in the ground. Adam timed his dodge and moved out of the way, thrusting out his spear at the same time, impaling the passing enemy deep in its left flank. He activated [thrust] twice in quick succession. Thanks to [Blood Sacrifice], he did not have to worry about the skill’s cooldown time.

  -36,432; -36,432!

  Two large numbers floated over the [crestodon’s] head. His current Physical Attack power right now was +2,530, but that was tripled when he used [Blood Sacrifice], which was then tripled again and stacked when Titania sang [Song of Vigor]. His unique skill and Titania’s buffing magic stacked on top of each other to deal truly massive damage.


  The moment the [crestodon] moved past Adam, Kureha raised her second tail, which sparked with electricity and released a blue bolt of lightning. This was [Thunder Bolt]. It slammed into the [crestodon] like a real bolt of lightning and lit the enemy up. If this was a cartoon, Adam was certain he would have been able to see the enemy’s skeleton.


  The moment Kureha finished attacking, Adam rushed in and swung at the creature with one of his newer skills. It was called [Energy Thrust]. It was an attack that ignored an enemy’s defense to deal critical damage, which right now meant dealing 150% of the damage he normally did.

sp; -34,155!

  The [crestodon] still had some health left, so Adam spun around and swung his spear once more. [Slash] activated as he tore into the creature’s side. His muscles strained with the very real sensation of tearing through flesh, though no blood emerged, and then it was over. His spear emerged from the monster’s hide and a large number floated over its head.


  With one more [thrust] for good measure, the amount of damage Adam dealt exceeded the amount of health the [crestodon] possessed. The enemy released a final croak like a whimper, then stumbled forward and slammed into the ground, tumbling across it for several meters.


  [Congratulations! You have defeated a [crestodon]! [Crestodon] has dropped the items [Durability Ring], [Monster Bone], and 40,000 gold coins! +300,000 experience points!]


  [Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now at level 16! +1,125 HP! +20 MP! +5 SP!]


  [Congratulations! Titania has leveled up! She is now at level 15! +200 HP! +3,900 MP! +10 SP!]


  [Congratulations! Kureha has leveled up! She is now at level 15! +200 HP! +2,000 MP! +10 SP!]

  “Finally,” Adam murmured as he reached into his pouch and downed a [medium-grade magic potion]. His MP had dropped a lot from all the skills he used. “I feel like I’ve been grinding for hours to reach the next level.”

  “You’ve only been grinding for maybe an hour—two at most,” Titania muttered as she landed on his shoulder. “Though I will admit it is very difficult to level up, you still have no right to complain. No one else I know can take on enemies more than 15 levels above them and come out on top. Thanks to that, you’ve leveled up much more quickly than even some of the most powerful—oh?”

  “What? What is it?” asked Adam.

  “It looks like your spear is evolving.” Titania pointed at the weapon in his hand.

  Adam looked down at his spear to see glowing motes of light surrounding it. The motes became more numerous before they were sucked into the spear like it was a black hole, then the spear began changing. The rust disappeared, the blade grew longer and gained a more prominent shape, and the shaft became a shade of deep red instead of a dull brown. It now looked like something that could actually be used in combat instead of something that belonged in the bargain bin at Spears-R-Us.

  Since it looked like his spear had gained a new level, Adam checked out his equipment along with his new level. He also allocated his new status points.

  Name: Adam

  Class: Seven Forms Spearman

  Lvl: 16

  SP: 0

  AP: 1,700

  Experience: 632/4,915,200

  Reputation: 132,000

  Strength: +500

  Constitution: +225

  Dexterity: +5

  MP: +5

  Speed: +10

  Physical Attack: +2,600

  Health: 4,475/4,475

  Hit-rate: 50%

  MP: 160/160

  Movement: +50

  Comprehension: +1

  Defense: +4,500

  Magic Defense: +1,125

  Dodge-Rate: ???

  Magic Attack: +25


  Fire: 50%

  Water: 50%

  Earth: 50%

  Wind: 50%

  Darkness: 50%

  Slashing: 50%

  Skill List:

  Skill name: Slash

  skill where the player swings his or her sword and attacks the enemy!

  Current lvl: 5 MAXED

  Ability: Causes 150% damage to enemy if it hits

  MP Cost: 1

  Cooldown time: 0 seconds

  Skill name: Thrust

  Description: A basic skill where the player thrusts his or her sword at the enemy!

  Current lvl: 5 MAXED

  Ability: Causes 160% damage with a 5% chance at getting a critical hit

  MP Cost: 5

  Cooldown time: 1 second

  Skill name: Blood Sacrifice

  Description: By sacrificing 50% of your blood (HP), you have gained the ability to increase the damage you do

  Current lvl: 5 MAXED

  Ability: Causes x3 attack power increase for 60 seconds

  Disregards skill cooldown times, allowing the user to attack with every skill

  MP Cost: 20

  Special limit: Drops HP by half

  Cooldown time: 30 seconds

  Skill name: Dance of Sakura Blossoms

  Description: A skill only Adam can use

  Attacks with numerous spear thrusts that eventually forms the shape of a sakura blossom

  Current lvl: 8

  AP needed to reach lvl 8: 128,000

  Ability: Release a constant stream of attacks, does x3 damage increase for every hit, and resets when Adam misses an attack.

  Hit-Rate: 80%

  MP Cost: 100

  Cooldown time: 15 seconds

  Skill name: Energy Sweep

  Description: The wielder of Seven Forms Spearman infuses his energy into a sweeping attack that releases a powerful attack that extends past his natural range.

  Current level: 3

  AP needed to reach level 4: 8,000

  Ability: Attacks every enemy within five yards of the user. Does 140% damage

  MP Cost: 50

  Cooldown Time: 10 Seconds

  Skill Name: Energy Thrust

  Description: The wielder of the Seven Forms Spearman infuses his energy into a thrust that can ignore all defenses and armor.

  Current level: 2

  AP needed to reach level 3: 4,000

  Ability: Ignores enemy’s defense and armor to deal critical damage. 170% damage dealt

  MP Cost: 50

  Cooldown Time: 10 Seconds


  Item Name: Goddess of Creation Spear

  Lvl: 10

  Experience points needed to level up: 900,732/2,560,000

  Item type: Spear

  Grade: 5-Star

  Use requirements: Can only be equipped by Adam. Cannot be thrown away, cannot be given away, and cannot be unequipped.

  Description: The Goddess of Creation Spear was created eons ago by the Goddess of Creation and recently discovered by Adam. It has recognized Adam as its master and cannot be used by anyone else.

  Abilities: Physical Attack+100; Strength+100

  Special ability: Sentient Growth

  Item Name: Dragon Bone Cuirass

  Item Type: Armor

  Grade: 2-Star

  Use requirements: Can be equipped by Warriors level 10 and above.

  Description: This chest plate was made from the bones of a powerful dragon. Not only does it look stylish, but it offers solid defensive abilities and some special stats.

  Abilities: Defense+200; Constitution+100; 25% resistance to slashing, fire, earth, wind, and darkness damage

  Ite4m Name: Dragon Bone Gauntlets

  Item Type: Armor

  Grade: 2-Star

  Use requirements: Can be equipped by Warriors level 10 and above.

  Description: These gauntlets are made from the bones of a powerful dragon. Not only are they stylish, but they offer solid defensive abilities and resistance to elemental damage.

  Abilities: Defense+50; Constitution+10; 10% resistance to slashing, fire, earth, wind, and darkness damage

  Item Name: Dragon Bone Greaves

  Item Type: Armor

  Grade: 2-Star

  Use requirements: Can be equipped by Warriors level 10 and above.

  Description: Greaves made from the bones of a powerful dragon. They are not only stylish; they also offer solid defense and resistance against elemental damage.

  Abilities: Defense+75; Constitution+25; 15% resistance to slashing, fire, earth, wind, and darkness damage.

  His Strength and Physical Attack stats had received a fairly significant boost. He also noticed that his spear’s name had changed from [Rusted Spear] to [Goddess o
f Creation Spear] and its class was listed as 5-Star instead of “???” now. He wondered what that meant. Did the increase in level cause it to change, or did it change because he now knew of the spear’s origins?

  With a shake of his head, Adam dispelled those thoughts, opened his [Item Pouch], and looked at the new items he had gained.

  Item Pouch:

  Item Name: Durability Ring

  Item Type: Accessory

  Grade: 1-Star

  Use Requirements: Can be equipped by anyone.

  Description: An enchanted ring that adds to a person’s Defense and Magical Defense.

  Abilities: Magic Defense+10; Defense+10

  Item Name: Monster Bone

  Item Type: Material

  Grade: 2-Star

  Use requirements: Can only be used by the Craftsmen and Blacksmith class.

  Description: This item can be turned into a weapon or armor at the hands of a skilled blacksmith or crafter.

  Abilities: Defense+50; Magic Defense+50

  The [durability ring] wasn’t a very good item, so he would sell that. While the [monster bone] would be useful to a Blacksmith or Craftsman, Adam was neither of those, so of course, he’d be selling that too. He sighed. It looked like while his level was increasing nicely, he still wasn’t getting any good item drops. He wished he had the Luck stat like Susan.

  “Now that we have leveled up, what should we do? Stay here and keep grinding or travel back to Solum?” asked Titania.

  Adam knelt to pick up Kureha, holding the happy fox yokai in his arms as he looked at the fairy sitting on his shoulder. He considered staying here. He really wanted to raise his level even more. However, after thinking about it, he shook his head.


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