Man Made God 003

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Man Made God 003 Page 26

by Brandon Varnell

  “The last battle was filled with a lot of action, and it looks like this one might be as well! The fight this time is between the incredibly strong Adam and the mysterious Lilith! Without further ado, let the match begin!”

  Adam lowered himself into a standard spearman stance. He was not using a stance derived from the Seven Phoenix Forms Style since he was certain Levon would recognize it. He placed his left foot in front of him, right foot behind him, and held his spear at a forty-five-degree angle.

  Several yards away was Lilith, who had not even moved into a combat stance. She stared at Adam with the same fervent expression she always did. No one else would be able to see it, but Adam was not so blind that he failed to recognize the emotions hidden behind her cold eyes.

  “I forfeit,” Lilith announced in a quiet voice that nevertheless spread through the stadium.

  “H-huh?!” Sandra shouted in shock.

  “Lilith…” Adam began.

  But Lilith shook his head. “After we survived in Eden together, after you helped us regain our freedom and lives, I swore to myself that I would never raise my blade against you… not even in practice, not even an illusion of you. There is no way I can bring myself to fight you.”

  Adam wished Lilith was not wearing a mask so he could see what expression she was making. He watched the woman as she turned around and walked off the stage, his emotions in conflict.

  The crowd did not approve of someone forfeiting, and they made their displeasure known by booing Lilith, but she ignored everyone as she walked back to their group. She took Kureha from Aris’s arms and began petting the fox yokai’s soft fur.

  “W-well… that was unexpected. Um… let’s see who the next matchup is,” said Sandra, sounding like she was at a loss about how to proceed. This was the first time someone had forfeit in this tournament so far.

  The faces again began randomly flashing across the screen before it ended on two people, both wearing masks.

  Adam versus Spear God.

  Fayte and Susan looked shocked that he would be facing such a strong opponent. They looked worried, anxious. He ignored the concerned expressions they sent him as he gazed at the masked and cloaked Spear God, who walked unhurriedly onto the platform.

  Adam kept his own thoughts carefully masked as he followed the Spear God with his eyes. As they stood on the platform, the Spear God shifted his stance into that heavily modified version of the Seven Phoenix Forms Style. That cloak of theirs kept their entire body covered to the point where it was impossible to see whether this person was a man or a woman. After a moment, Adam finally shifted into a stance.

  It was the mirror image of the Spear God’s.

  “The last battle was disappointing, but let’s hope this one will make up for it!” Sandra said. “This time it is Adam versus Spear God! Let the match begin!”

  Before Adam could move, the Spear God propelled himself forward, his spear forming many spear shadows as he thrust it too fast for the human eye to track.

  However, Adam had seen this attack before.

  “Form Two,” he muttered, evading each attack as if he knew how this person would attack before they did.

  The Spear God suddenly shifted, their attacks no longer swift and deadly like a snake lunging forward, but instead powerful and decisive. A strange roar seemed to echo from the spear. If Adam didn’t know any better, he would have said the spear had become a dragon.

  “Form Seven,” he whispered.

  He did not dodge these attacks. Adam met each of the Spear God’s strikes head-on, using the same technique this person was using. They activated [slash] with every swing to deal their damage, but since they kept counteracting each other’s attacks, neither of them received any hits. Spears clashed. Sparks flew. Adam gritted his teeth as he withstood the Spear God’s powerful blows and launched his own.

  When the Spear God saw what was happening, he jumped back. It wasn’t for long. Without pause, he shifted from powerful movements to deceptive ones. Each swing of his spear seemed to form a web that trapped Adam. If he made even a slight move to avoid one web, he would find himself being struck by another.

  “Form One.”

  Adam dropped to the ground and swept his spear at the Spear God’s legs. Just like he expected, the Spear God did not jump over it, choosing instead to slam the butt of his spear into the ground to block the attack. Adam grimaced when he felt a jolt travel up his arm, but he knew the Spear God would not be in any better shape than him.

  The Spear God used the force of Adam’s attack to twirl the spear in his hands above his head, shifted his feet along the ground, and bent his knees, adopting a wider stance as he pointed the tip at Adam.

  “Form Four.”

  The Spear God took two quick steps forward and thrust out their spear. The [thrust] skill activated. It was just a single thrust, but it seemed to contain the power of a rampaging rhinoceros. There was so much strength in that attack that Adam was certain it could have pierced through two feet thick steel.

  Adam did not meet this attack head-on, stepping back before spinning his weapon around. This time, he used a stance this person had not yet shown in their battle. Form Five was a form that had been made purely with defense in mind. He spun the spear in his hands, then knocked aside the spear set to impale him. His attack would have normally thrown his opponent off-balance, but the Spear God proved to be well-versed in this style by not only not falling, but shifting back into the Form Two stance, relying on the quick and agile lunging movements to attack despite being in a disadvantageous position.

  As the battle progressed, with the Spear God showing more familiarity with the Seven Phoenix Forms Style than anyone outside the family had a right to know, Adam found himself feeling more and more uncertain. His emotions were in flux. His confusion was reaching a peak.

  How did this person know the Pleonexia Family’s spearmanship so thoroughly? This style was never taught to outsiders. Adam only knew it because Lexi had violated her family’s rules to teach him. However, they had always done so in secret.

  Who was this person? Why did they know the Seven Phoenix Forms Style?

  The Spear God leaped forward and attacked with a lunge so fast Adam could only block because he was expecting it. The Spear God jumped back, but it was only for a moment before he leaped forward and attacked from a different angle. Adam blocked it again. However, the Spear God increased the speed of his attacks, until his spear had once more formed several afterimage spear shadows.

  “Form Three.”

  A cry like the sounds of a songbird echoed around Adam as the Spear God began twirling the spear in a deadly dance that was full of vigor and tenacity. Each attack came in at a different angle. Flames erupted from the spear, but it was not normal flames brought about by magic. This fire was created from the friction of the Spear God’s weapon slicing through the air. It was an attack filled with the fires of life.

  “Form Six.”

  All seven forms of the Seven Phoenix Forms Style style of the Pleonexia Family had been used during this battle, but not a single one of them could land a blow on Adam. They wouldn’t have hit even if Adam hadn’t known about this style. However, Adam’s familiarity with it made it even easier for him to avoid the attacks.

  His only concern was how good the Spear God was at changing forms. He could shift from one form to another without any warning, which gave him an infinite number of methods of attacking. Adam was forced to rely on his adaptability and reflexes to avoid being punched full of holes.

  When it became obvious that Adam would not be defeated like this, the Spear God did something that shook him right down to his core.

  He thrust his spear forward and moved around in a dance that, had Adam been able to see it from a bird’s eye view, he knew it would have looked just like the petals of a sakura blossom. The blossom of a cherry tree. The Spear God moved left and thrust out their spear, then danced along the ground to create a petal-like shape. Then he thrust out the spear again
after creating another petal, then another, and another. Adam blocked each attack as they came, but while the attacks didn’t hit him, they still sent him reeling.

  It couldn’t be…

  It couldn’t be!

  His face shifted into a snarl as he thrust out his spear to disrupt the attack. Each thrust of his spear was perfectly timed and impeccably aimed to counter the Spear God’s attacks. It was more than knowing where each attack would be ahead of time. It was like the Spear God was attacking a mirror image of himself. The two of them danced around each other, their movements creating the shape of sakura blossoms as they launched the same attack.

  “Where did you learn that dance?!” Adam barely recognized his own voice as he screamed at the Spear God. “Who taught it to you?!”

  The Spear God said nothing. They fought in grim silence, which only served to further piss Adam off. Up to this point, all he had been doing was silently observing this person so he could try and discover more about them. He wanted to know who this person was. However, everyone had a breaking point, and seeing the dance that he and Lexi created together being used by someone else was Adam’s.

  With a roar, Adam took one hand off his spear and dodged to the side. As the Spear God’s thrust spear moved past him, he gripped the weapon and, with raw strength, yanked it out of the Spear God’s grip. He tossed the spear away, dropped to the floor, and performed a perfect leg sweep that knocked the Spear God’s feet out from underneath him. Before the Spear God could scramble back to his feet, Adam was holding the tip of his spear against his opponent’s throat.

  “Who taught you that technique?! Tell me now!” Adam could feel tears stinging his eyes, though he refused to let them fall. His rage increased when the Spear God remained silent. “Only two people in the entire world know that dance. Myself and one other, and she died several years ago. You will tell me who taught you that technique or so help me, I will find where you live in the real world, rip out your entrails, and hang you by them! I will make you regret ever being born! NOW TELL ME!!!”


  The entire arena had become silent. Not a single soul spoke as Adam pointed his spear at the Spear God, who sat on the ground and gazed up at him in defeat. The Spear God’s own weapon lay discarded several yards away. Even if he wanted to grab it, he could not.

  Adam could see nothing past his opponent’s mask, not even their eyes. The hood remained tied over their head as well. The cloak was so baggy that he could see nothing beyond it, but perhaps due to Adam’s own out of control emotions, he thought maybe the person hidden behind all that fabric was not a man at all.

  The Spear God’s arms began shaking. Adam only had a moment to widen his eyes before his spear was smacked away. After that, the Spear God scrambled to his feet, raced over to grab his discarded spear, and darted away from the platform after grabbing his weapon. Not a single word was spoken as the Spear God, the second most powerful player in the entire world, fled the arena.

  Biting his lip as he stared at the disappearing figure, Adam wondered what he should do. Chase after them? Matters were taken out of his hand when Sandra coughed into her hand and spoke into her microphone.

  “W-well, that was certainly quite the battle. This might be the most heart-pumping battle yet! And it looks like Adam has won! N-now, why don’t we move onto the next battle?”

  Adam felt numb as he climbed off the platform, ignoring the screen as it began scrolling through the players. He walked over to Aris, Fayte, Lilith, Susan, Titania, and Kureha in silence. He could feel their eyes on him, but he didn’t look at any of them.

  While no one spoke at first, Aris eventually took a deep breath and walked over to him, peering into his eyes through his mask.

  “Are you okay?” she asked in a soft, worried voice.

  “I’m fine,” he muttered, though even he couldn’t stop from wincing at the lack of emotion he heard in his own voice.

  “You don’t need to lie to me.” Adam could feel Aris’s stern gaze through her mask. “I don’t know what just happened, but I know you, and I can tell your emotions are all over the place.” She stepped into his personal space, wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed her veiled face against his chest. “I won’t ask you about what just happened. You can tell me if you want, but I can wait until you’re ready. Until then, I hope you’ll rely on me for support.”

  Adam’s emotions slowly settled as Aris’s warmth suffused his body, spreading from his chest to the rest of him. He wrapped her up in his arms, holding her tight as he buried his masked face in her hair, the familiar scent easing his troubled heart. It didn’t matter to him that everyone could see what was happening. The entire world had disappeared to him and only this woman remained.

  “Thank you, Aris.”

  “Hee-hee. You’re welcome.”

  Once his feelings had settled down, Adam released Aris from his hug, though he ended up grabbing her hand, and turned his attention toward the platform.

  The battle immediately after his had already ended. Daren Daggerfall defeated American Samurai. Adam had completely missed the battle, but he really didn’t care. It didn’t matter what kind of fighting style Daggerfall had because even if the man faced him or anyone else in his party, he would still lose.

  After the battle between Daggerfall and American Samurai was a fight between Levon and Morrowind, which ended in Levon’s victory. The man had once again proven that he wasn’t a weakling. His spear technique was nowhere near as refined as the Spear God’s, but he was still well-versed in the Seven Phoenix Forms Style. Now the only remaining competitors were Adam, Aris, Fayte, Susan, Levon, and Daggerfall.

  Aris versus Daggerfall was the next match.

  Adam stared at the screen that proclaimed his lover would fight against the leader of Daggerfall Dynasty. Aris was also looking up. She didn’t seem all that worried.

  “Hee-hee. Looks like I’m going to fight one of the big guild bosses.”

  “Think you’re up for it?”

  “Of course.”

  Aris squeezed Adam’s hand before walking onto the platform alongside Daren, who was staring at the veiled girl with a contemplative expression. Adam was pleased to see no lust in this man’s eyes. It was a testament to the man’s mental fortitude, but it also meant Adam wouldn’t have to send Astaroth and the rest of the Soul Reapers after him.

  “I noticed how fast you were in your last battle,” Daren said as they stood several yards apart. He had already unsheathed his sword and was holding it in a two-handed grip, feet spread shoulder-width apart, knees bent. “But don’t think speed alone will be enough to beat me.”

  “You can only say that because you don’t understand how fast I am.” Aris unsheathed the two swords she was carrying and twirled them in her hands. “You’ll understand once I beat you.”

  “Bwa ha ha ha! I like your confidence, girl! All right. Let’s see who will win this match!”

  “Can anyone else feel their blood pumping from this pre-battle banter?! I know I can!” Sandra said into her microphone. The rest of the crowd cheered. “Is everybody ready?! In that case, let the battle commence!”

  The moment Sandra started the match, Aris disappeared from where she stood. Even Adam could not see her move. It was the kind of speed that a human could never hope to match in real life.

  Daren had obviously been expecting this because he didn’t bother dodging and instead slammed his foot into the platform. The platform shook fiercely. Aris suddenly appeared as if out of thin air and stumbled several times trying to catch herself. While she was off-balance, Daren swung his sword in a powerful arc that caught her in the chest.


  Adam clenched his hands into fists when he saw Aris get hit. He knew it was just a game, knew she would only feel a bit of pain, but he loathed seeing the woman he loved being hurt. It took everything he had not to run onto the platform and kill Daren on the spot.

  While he was upset, Aris merely flipped through the air, lan
ded on her feet, and launched herself at Daren again. She was fast. Her entire body had become invisible as if the light particles could not keep up with her.

  However, Daren seemed to have discovered the weakness to her speed. Namely, she could only move this quickly in a linear motion. She could not maintain that speed while turning. Once he realized how she would attack, predicting where her next attack would land was easy.

  After blocking Aris’s first attack, Daren began swinging his sword at her, forcing her back. Aris might have the advantage in speed. She might also have the advantage of wielding two weapons. But those were the only advantages, and the last one might even be a disadvantage since it was clear to Adam that Aris didn’t actually know how to use her swords.

  “Titania, [scan] Daren for me please,” Adam said.

  “All right.”

  Name: Daren_Daggerfall

  Class: Warrior

  Lvl: 16

  SP: 0

  AP: 4,000,000

  Experience: 22,000/9,830,400

  Fame: 65,000

  Strength: +120

  Constitution: +55

  Dexterity: +5

  MP: +5

  Speed: +5

  Physical Attack: +550

  Health: 710/710

  Hit-Rate: 50%

  MP: 120/120

  Movement: +10

  Physical Attack: +550

  Physical Defense: +500

  Magical Defense: +350

  Dodge-Rate: 50%

  Magic Attack: +25


  Skill Name: Slash

  Description: A basic skill where the player swings his or her sword and attacks the enemy!

  Current lvl: 5 MAXED

  Ability: Causes 150% damage to enemy if it hits

  MP Cost: 1

  Cooldown Time: 0 seconds

  Skill Name: Thrust

  Description: A basic skill where the player thrusts his or her sword at the enemy!

  Current Lvl: 5 MAXED

  Ability: Causes 160% damage with a 5% chance at getting a critical hit


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