Man Made God 003

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Man Made God 003 Page 29

by Brandon Varnell

  “Ah. That. I’m sorry.” Adam’s left shoulder was taken by Aris, so he raised his right hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. But could you tell me why you acted like that?” Aris peered at him with concern shining in her beautiful eyes. “I know it’s brazen to ask something so personal, but I want to know more about you. I’m only just beginning to realize you have an entire history that I know almost nothing about.”

  Adam only felt a moment of conflict before relenting. While he didn’t want anyone knowing about his past, the person asking him was Aris, the one person he could never lie to or deny.

  Placing his hands behind his back, Adam looked up at the ceiling as he began his tale.

  “I used to be an orphan. Ever since I was a child, I lived on the streets, scrounging through the trash for food, huddling inside cardboard boxes to keep warm, and using whatever I found for clothes. It was a miserable existence, but I didn’t know anything else.”

  Adam paused to make sure Aris was listening. When he saw her looking at him with those eyes he loved so much, he continued.

  “Around when I was five or six, I was being bullied by a couple of rich kids. I’m not sure what they wanted. Maybe they just liked flaunting their superiority to someone less fortunate than themselves, but either way, it was getting pretty bad.” Adam felt a soft smile tug on his lips as he remembered what happened. “But on that day, a young girl around the same age as me appeared. She beat up those bullies and scared them off. She said her name was Lexi. She told me she had run away from her guards and was looking to explore when she came across me. I’m not sure what her intentions were, but she asked me if I wanted to play with her. I didn’t trust her, so I said no and told her to leave me alone, but she came back the next day and every day after that, until I eventually relented.”

  Images flashed through Adam’s mind as he went back to those times. He felt his eyes sting a little, but he couldn’t bring himself to cry. Even if he wanted to, his tears had long since dried up.

  “Once I accepted her offer, Lexi would show up at least once a week to play with me, but soon it became twice or even three times a week. I grew used to her presence and even began to enjoy playing with her. It wasn’t long before she became my best and only friend. Lexi wasn’t just strong and kind. She was also smart. When Lexi realized I wasn’t being schooled, she began teaching me everything I needed to know. She taught me math, English, history… she even taught me how to wield a spear. You know that technique I use in the game called Dance of the Sakura Blossoms? That was a technique Lexi and I made together after she taught me the Seven Phoenix Forms Style.”

  “It sounds like you two were really close,” Aris murmured, biting her lower lip. “Did you love her?”

  “I think I did,” Adam admitted in a whisper. “I was young at the time, so I didn’t recognize my own feelings. It wasn’t until we were forced apart that I began to understand how much she meant to me.”

  “How were you forced apart?”

  Adam took a deep breath. This was getting into the territory he didn’t want to tell anyone, but he pressed on anyway. Aris not only deserved to know more about him, but he also wanted her to know his origins. He wanted her to understand him. More than that, he didn’t want to have any secrets between them.

  “I later learned that Lexi’s full name was Alexis Pleonexia. She was Levon’s younger sister and the heiress to the Pleonexia Family. According to what I know, she had already been pledged to someone else from the moment she was born, but she told me once that she’d never marry someone she didn’t know or love. Anyway, her family one day discovered our friendship and forbade Lexi from seeing me. I remember not seeing her for nearly a month before she appeared again and told me about what happened. At that time, she asked me if I would run away with her.”

  “What did you say?”

  Aris looked captivated by Adam’s story. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him without blinking. The sparkle was gone from her eyes, however, and now only worry remained.

  “I said ‘yes.’” Adam scratched his chin, feeling the smoothness. He couldn’t grow facial hair, so he didn’t have any stubble. “We didn’t get far though. The Pleonexia Family noticed Lexi had snuck out, tracked her down, and chased after us. We tried our best to run, but they quickly caught up to us. I still remember… Lexi’s tear-filled face as her parents were dragging her away and Levon ordered several men to beat me. I can’t remember much after that. I’m pretty sure I lost consciousness at some point, but I do remember waking up trapped inside of a bag. Some people grabbed the bag I was in and then my world became engulfed in coldness.” Adam gave Aris a mirthless smile. “They threw me into a river, in case you were wondering.”

  Aris gasped as tears sprang to her eyes. With a sudden lunge, she pressed her face into his chest, her shoulders shaking as she silently cried for him.

  Adam felt his heart settle as he witnessed Aris’s tears. He caressed her hair. Perhaps it was because he now had someone in his life who would cry for his sake, but he didn’t feel as bad about what happened.

  “What happened after that?” asked Aris, voice choked with emotion.

  Adam hummed. “After that, I somehow managed to survive despite nearly drowning and was picked up by a man who called himself Lucifer. He was a madman who dreamed of creating a god, and I was his experiment. Lucifer kidnapped hundreds of children across the world and experimented on them in his efforts to create a god, but all of them died except for me. I was his only successful creation.”

  Adam did not tell Aris about his time in Eden, not because he didn’t think she deserved to know, but because it was the darkest time of his life. Death had been his daily companion. He had learned the art of assassination and slaughter. By the time Adam escaped from Lucifer’s control and left the island with Lilith, Astaroth, and the others, he had killed so many people that he could have created a mountain with their corpses. He did not want Aris tainted with that knowledge.

  “I eventually escaped from Lucifer’s clutches and went back to New York. I wanted to see Lexi again. Back then, my desire to see her was the only thing that kept me going. However, when I arrived in New York and searched for her, I heard a rumor that she’d run away from home and disappeared. I remember sneaking into the Pleonexia Family estate to find out if the rumor was true or not. I was actually caught, but I did learn that Lexi had run away sometime after I was taken by Lucifer. I searched for her for almost a year before giving up. I realized there was no way Lexi could be alive after all this time. She was only a year older than me, and I was only fourteen years old at the time.”

  Lexi had gone missing several years before Adam escaped from Hell, which meant she couldn’t have been older than ten or eleven at the most. Even if she was skilled with a spear, she was still a child. He didn’t believe such a young child could survive in this world alone. Even Adam had only survived because of Lilith and the training he’d received.

  “Anyway, the reason I got so worked up when I was fighting the Spear God is because of the combat style they use. The Pleonexia Family style is called the Seven Phoenix Forms, and it’s something I am intimately familiar with because Lexi taught it to me. What’s more, the Spear God can use Dance of the Cherry Blossoms, which is identical to my Dance of the Sakura Blossoms. The only people who knew that dance was myself and Lexi.”

  As Adam finished his story, Aris bit her lower lip and looked at him, her eyes rimmed with red. He reached out and cupped her face. Aris blinked as he rubbed the tears away with his thumb.

  “Do you think the Spear God is Lexi?” asked Aris.

  “I don’t know,” Adam admitted.

  “Then you should find out!”


  “You should find out,” Aris repeated. “This is important. Lexi was important to you—no, she’s still important to you or you wouldn’t feel so strongly about her! You need to find out if the Spear God is her!”
  “What would it matter now?” Adam asked, shaking his head. “Even if the Spear God is Lexi, we’ve been apart for so long that I’m sure she’s forgotten all about me, and besides, I have you now.”

  “No!” Aris shouted, adamant as she shook her head. “You can’t do that! Adam, you might think you can fool everyone, but you can’t fool me. I know you want to know if the Spear God is Lexi. I know you want to see her again. You have to find out if they’re the same person.”

  Adam sighed. “And so what if she is? Even if she is the Spear God, what will come of it?”

  “You can start over,” Aris said. “You can ask her to come live with us and start your relationship over again.”

  “You realize I can’t do that,” Adam said. “Don’t forget, I already have you.”

  “Why can’t you have Lexi too?”

  Aris’s question brought him up short. He closed his mouth and stared at the girl, blinking several times.

  “What… are you suggesting?” he asked.

  “I’m saying you can be with her and me. You can be with both of us.”

  “That’s not how relationships work, Aris.”

  “And why not? Who said you can’t be with both of us?” Once again, Adam was brought up short. Even if he wanted to say something, Aris wasn’t going to let him. “I know why you think this isn’t okay. I’m not dumb, Adam. I know polygamy is illegal, but that’s only officially. So long as we don’t get legally married, you can have as many wives as you want.” She grabbed his arm, her grip surprisingly strong. “Lexi is important to you. She’s so important that it was thoughts of her that kept you alive when you were experiencing your darkest moments. You can’t give up on her. If you do… if you just give up and accept this… I’ll never forgive you.”

  Aris stared at him with tears in her eyes, her expression set into a fierce pout.

  Adam was stunned speechless, not just by her words, but because of how stubborn she was being. He already knew about how obstinate Aris could be. He remembered how adamant she had been about letting him live with her family, how she had fought tooth and nail to convince her parents. It was only thanks to her that he found a family, though her parents had been taken from him barely three years later.

  He thought about what he should do here. What should he say? But, of course, there was only one thing he could do. Adam knew when to fold.

  “A-all right,” Adam said. “I’ll confront the Spear God and ask them if they’re really Lexi. If the Spear God is Lexi, I’ll ask her if she’d be willing to start over again.”

  “You’ll ask her to come live with us, you mean,” Aris corrected.


  “Hee-hee, you had better,” Aris said with a bright smile. “Like I said, I won’t forgive you if you don’t do this.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” Adam asked, shaking his head as a wry smile appeared on his face.

  “Love me forever?”

  “That goes without saying.”

  Adam and Aris shared a smile. Despite how difficult and painful this subject was, he did feel much better.

  “Hey, Adam. Do you remember your promise to me?”

  Aris was staring at him with a different look from before. Her eyes contained a quiet intensity that he didn’t recognize, but it caused his body to jolt as if he’d been shocked. That look in her eyes made him feel like an electric current had passed through his body.

  “Which promise was that?” he asked.

  “The one where you said you would take my virginity after I got better,” Aris said.

  “Ah… yeah, I remember.”

  “Adam, I’m better now.”

  “S-so you are.”

  Now that this had been brought up, Adam found himself inexplicably nervous. He wasn’t a virgin, but it wasn’t like he was experienced either. The only person he’d slept with was Lilith. Even then, he had simply been relieving his lust and pent up emotions. It had been akin to abuse no matter how many times Lilith denied that he had abused her.

  Aris was staring at him. She didn’t say anything. He wondered why at first, but then he realized the reason. She was waiting for him to make the first move.

  Knowing he couldn’t disappoint her, Adam leaned down and kissed her. It started soft, but as the kiss continued, it became deeper and more passionate. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and Aris moaned as she tried to keep up.

  Adam pushed Aris onto the bed as he continued to kiss her. She was already naked except for the towel, so all he needed to do was pull the towel away to reveal her splendid figure. He leaned back after kissing her so thoroughly he thought their lips might bruise.

  Aris lay naked before him, bare as the day she’d been born, flawless and perfect. She didn’t have large breasts or wide hips, but her figure contained a purity that he’d never seen from someone else. Her beauty was akin to a goddess’s. In his eyes, no one was more beautiful.

  He admired her flushed face and budding breasts capped with pink nipples. She had tiny areolas, which he thought were cute. Her stomach was flat but soft, a result of his constant massages and channeling energy into her body to help stimulate her nerves and cells. Further down was her hairless crotch. She had nothing there, just a pair of small lips. They looked soft and squishy. He licked his dry lips as he imagined kneeling between her thighs and kissing her to an orgasm.

  “Adam… you’re going to make me embarrassed if you continue to stare at me like that,” Aris said.

  “Mmm. Sorry. I just can’t help but think about how beautiful you are. I really am lucky to have such a wonderful lover in my life.”

  “Hee-hee. You most certainly are. But it’s not like you’re the only one. I’m grateful you entered my life too. You’re the person I love the most in this world.”

  Adam smiled as he stood up from the bed, removed his shirt, pants, and boxers. He reached out to grab Aris’s hips and pulled her closer to the edge. He leaned down and placed a kiss between her breasts, then traveled further down to press his mouth against her stomach before, finally, he reached her lips.

  Aris bucked her hips against his mouth as if she’d been shocked, but he wrapped his arms around her legs and kept a firm grip on them as he began licking her, tracing her outer labia with his tongue before uncovering the small pearl from its hood and suckling on it. Tiny spasms made Aris jolt like she’d been shocked. Loud breathing, throaty moans, and the soft slurping as Adam licked and kissed her nether regions were the only sounds in the room.

  “Adam… Adam! I! I feel it! I’m—I’m gonna cum!”

  Adam didn’t answer Aris with words but applied more pressure with his tongue. Her tiny clit was already hard and easy to stimulate. She was getting wet and her insides were growing warm. Not only did he lick her, but Adam placed a hand against her lips, slowly inserting a single finger. It was a tight fit, but he pumped his finger in and out, and even curled it a little to rub the inside of her fleshy walls.

  Aris released a loud cry, her body tightening, thighs clenching, and back arching as she came in his mouth. A second passed before she slumped back onto the bed. Adam stood up and wiped his mouth as he admired the young woman.

  Aris had never looked more enchanting to him than she did just then, with her hair in disarray, her skin flushed and covered in glistening droplets, and her eyes glazed over as she blinked several times like she wasn’t all there. It was his first time really paying attention to a woman after she orgasmed. He’d never done this to Lilith when they had sex. After satisfying himself, he had basically ignored her. He couldn’t even remember if she orgasmed…

  Gritting his teeth, Adam shoved aside his guilt. He would not allow his guilty conscience to ruin this moment for Aris.

  Lifting Aris into his arms, Adam set her against the pillows. This was the moment Aris came to. She surprised him, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a deep, intense, and passionate kiss. She pushed her tongue into his mouth with enthusiasm but also inexperience. The
y’d never shared kisses this intense before.

  Adam didn’t try to fight her or push himself on her. He merely kept their lips locked as he shifted between her legs and guided himself to her entrance. Of course, he didn’t push himself inside of her yet. There was something he needed to do first.

  “I’m putting it in, okay?” he asked after Aris stopped kissing him so she could breathe.

  “Yes. Do it. Please.” Aris gasped. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Adam nodded as he guided himself to her wet entrance. He took a deep breath when his tip spread her lips apart. The warmth that engulfed him forced him to pause. He wanted to thrust himself inside of her in one go, but he knew that would hurt. Placing a hand on her stomach, Adam channeled just a little of his energy into her body before, ever so slowly, pushing his way inside of her. The invisible tendrils of energy invaded her lower stomach and disappeared.


  Aris clenched her eyes shut as he intruded inside of her, spreading her open. She took several deep breaths. Her cheeks, already red, became an even deeper shade of scarlet. A breathy moan escaped her parted lips. Adam bit his lower lip as he finally bottomed out. Aris was so tight. It was a hard fit. Her insides wrapped around him, warm, tight, soft. He was very glad he’d gotten her warmed up or going in would have been painful for them both.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I’m… fine,” Aris gasped, then smiled. “That didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.”

  “Of course. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you.”

  There was no way Aris could understand what he meant, and Adam didn’t explain things to her as he began moving. Aris moaned as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. He felt her nails scratch against his back as he thrust himself inside of her, moving his hips slowly at first but picking up the pace as time went on.

  Sweat formed on their skin and created a slick coat as they made love. The only sounds were their moans, gasps, and groans. Adam’s vigorous thrusts caused Aris to produce sounds he’d never heard before but hoped he’d get to hear a lot more of in the future. As their lovemaking continued, Adam leaned down and began kissing her despite being breathless. He also placed one hand on her chest, rubbing her breast until her nipple became hard. Aris moaned into his mouth as he lightly pinched her nipple.


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