Falling for my Neighbor: A Virgin Babysitter and Single Dad Romance

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Falling for my Neighbor: A Virgin Babysitter and Single Dad Romance Page 10

by Lila Younger

  I slide a hand gently between my folds, spreading apart my swelling lips to my pink entrance, already dripping with desire. My fingers are drenched in slick liquid, the honey already covering the top of my thighs. I can’t believe how much my body’s transformed. In fact, maybe even too much, because I hide it usually in loose t-shirts and sweaters.

  But now I have a good reason to show off, I think. I wonder what Wyatt would think if he walked in on me now, creamy and pink and dizzy with lust. I turn towards the tub, turning off the faucet, and gingerly dip a toe into the water. It’s definitely hot, just beneath scalding. I carefully lower myself in, letting the hot water massage my body. There’s a perfectly molded headrest on one side, and I sink down until I’m just above the bubbles. Talk about luxury. The only thing we had in the crappy apartment was a dinky shower with no water pressure.

  The steam from the water seeps into me, relaxing me completely. This feels so amazing, I think lazily. I’d do this every day even if I wasn’t so turned on. My breasts were lifted by the water, cotton candy pink nipples hardening in the cold air above the water. I circled my breast with my fingers, swirling around slowly, teasing myself until finally I touched one distended nipple, rolling it between my fingers. I close my eyes, letting my fantasy of being caught by Wyatt take over, his tongue raking over my sensitive breasts, sucking them into his mouth.

  My other hand slides down, and I shift, opening wide my legs for my hand as they quest deeper. I could feel my pussy, the way my lips are already puffed enough to hide my entrance, slick and luscious and ready to be played with. I run a finger between my folds, sighing as a jolt of pleasure runs through me. I trace lazy patterns across my labia, my inner thigh, up and down and around, drawing out the sensations by denying myself until I could feel my lips swelling, tight and soft and pillow. After all, if Wyatt was here, he wouldn’t just fuck me and be done with it. I could tell, he was a man who would wait, who would take the time to really thoroughly satisfy his woman.

  And then I trace upwards, towards my clit, the nub already distended and peeking from its secret hood. It’s so sensitive that even the swish of the water has me moaning softly. I can feel it pulsing in time with the beat of my heart, sending delicious waves of bliss through my body that makes my toes curl against the porcelain tub. I finally slide a finger inside of me, and I’m soaking wet. I circle my nipple with my other hand, my body shaking from how good it feels. My fantasy is so vivid, so arousing, that I could give myself over to it completely if I just close my eyes, breathy sighs escaping from my lips as I tease my body some more. Who knew my fingers could do this? Not me, not until I met Wyatt.

  I toss my head back, giving over to my wanton needs now as my hand plays with my breast some more, kneading the creamy white orb as my fingers dip even deeper inside, finding the place that makes everything feel so good.

  “Wyatt! Oh, Wyatt,” I whimper, safe in the knowledge that the house was empty and I can be as loud as I want. The bathroom echoes with my cries as I work my fingers faster, imagining that he was here in the tub with me, pleasing me, driving me crazy with his touch. I wish so much it could be him, his thick digits pushing my delicate folds apart, spreading me open for him. I open my legs further, and then I get the thing that’ll really get me going. The shower spray. It detaches easily from the hook above, and I pull it down, turn on the warm spray directly against my quivering clit. The force of water caresses my swollen cunt with sensations so delicious, so dizzyingly wonderful. I spread my lips further apart, lifting my hips up high towards the spray of water as it massages my pussy. My other hand furiously tweaks and pinches at my hard nipples, completing a circle of pleasure that builds and builds inside of me. I pull the nozzle even closer to my clit, the sensitive nub my whole universe as pleasure concentrates upon it.

  My hips jerk from instinct, my voice saying his name as I angle the water just perfectly that I come at last, my body twitching and pulsing with my orgasm. I scream with delight, letting it all take me over, my vision blinking with stars. My pussy tightens, spurting out a gush of cream into the tub. I can feel my whole body shaking, my fingers barely holding onto the shower spray as I come, and then again, the relentless pounding on my clit driving me to new heights all over again.

  I pant, falling back down against the headrest, my fingers finally letting go of the nozzle into the water. My breasts shake and sway in the sloshing of the water from my body’s movements, and it takes me minutes before I can hear anything more than the pounding of my heart. I’m deliciously tired and sleepy, but I know I should probably get out of the tub and clean myself off so I pull the plug on the tub. I’m covered in my own juices, mixed in with the bubbles and warm water. I’m so relaxed and happy and I can still feel little aftershocks as I wash everything off my body.

  Too bad he’ll never think of me that way, I think to myself as I come down off that amazing orgasm. Because I know he won’t. I’m too young for him by almost ten years. It’s wrong, but the feelings I have for him don’t go away even though I keep telling myself. If anything, they get stronger. I’ve never been so sure of them. I love him. I can be honest with myself about that at least. The second I laid eyes on him, I knew that he would change the direction of my life. That he’s fated to be mine. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can’t shake the conviction I have in that future.


  For the longest time, my life was lonely and simple. I had Charlie, but the only reason I did was because some asshole chained him on the side of a highway. If you’re not ready for twenty years of ownership, then you shouldn’t get a damn dog. I was the only one who stopped, and dug out the stake that tied him there. The vet said he’d only been there a few hours at most, thank God, but Charlie was so happy that I rescued him that I couldn’t just abandon him to the shelter. So I took him home.

  I don’t regret how I lived it. It felt… right, especially after the devastation I caused. It felt like I was doing penance. I’m not really a believer in heaven and hell, but I do believe that things we do have consequences, and I was living it out. And I thought that I was okay with that. At least, until Jerry and Isabelle showed up on my doorstep. She’s like a ray of sunshine, lighting up the whole house in a way that finally made it feel like a home. And she did it in such a way that it didn’t feel intrusive, or wrong. It felt like it should always be like that.

  I even started smiling more. At least, that’s what people at work tell me. I’m easier to be around.

  “Are you seeing someone?” my friend and partner Andy, asks me the other day.

  The image of Isabelle pops into my head. Those luscious curls, the green eyes that sparkled like emeralds whenever she smiles at me, the delicate bone structure that has me extra careful when I’m around her in case I accidentally hurt her. Something about her makes me want to be around her, a magnetic charge that I’m powerless to resist. She’s just so easy to be around, and I find myself lightening up, forgetting about the past, even though she should be reminding me of it. Maybe that’s why I enjoy being in her company so much.

  “No,” I tell him, but it takes me so long to answer that I know he’s not convinced.

  “Sure,” he says, punching me in the shoulder. “Whatever you say.”

  “Come on,” I tell him. “We need to focus on the new launch. We still haven’t sent the files over to iTunes, and if we don’t do it soon, we won’t be able to get it ready in time.”

  Andy shrugs, swivels in his chair and bends back over his computer, but I have to work a lot harder to shake off his words.

  His words still linger when I wake up the next morning. It’s a nice Saturday, just enough clouds to keep it from getting too hot, but not so much that it darkens the day. It’s the perfect day to take Charlie out to the dog park. I change into jeans and a light sweater and head downstairs.

  Isabelle straightens up when she sees me, sitting up and smiling that gorgeous smile of hers. She’s sitting in a shaft of light, and she looks almost angelic with
the golden highlights in her hair. A textbook is laid out in front of her, along with a hot cup of tea. I love seeing her here each morning, even if we don’t get to talk much. It just sets the tone for the rest of my day.

  “Going out?” she asks.

  “It’s a nice day, and I thought I’d take Charlie to the dog park. I haven’t gone in a while, and it’s the perfect day for it”

  His ears perk up at the mention of his name, and he gets up from his position at Isabelle’s feet by the table.

  “I think he’s pretty excited too,” she comments. I should probably let her get some work done, but I can’t resist.

  “Do you want to come along?” I ask her. “As long as you’re willing to throw balls until your arms fall off of course.”

  “I can do that,” she says laughing. “Let me go change.”

  While Isabelle gets ready, I grab both tennis balls and Frisbees. Charlie might not be as springy as some of the other dogs, but he’s still got boundless energy when it comes to catching. Charlie bumps into my legs repeatedly in excitement. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to go to the park. I’m grabbing his leash and his water bowl when Isabelle comes back down. She’s wearing a beautiful white dress that scoops down, hugging her breasts before flaring out over her hips. The material floats around her, giving me glimpses of her wide hips and shapely legs. Until now she’s never worn anything like this, and I have to say that it looks so fucking good. My cock throbs, straining against my jeans as I imagine how great it’d feel to slide the hem of that dress up over her ass, taking her against the wall.

  I’m so aroused by the idea that I have to turn quickly and head outside, because with a cock like mine, you can’t hide, not even in jeans. My hot shaft strains against the thick cotton, the friction just adding to my lust. Even seeing old Mrs. Edelstein gardening across the road can’t dull the aching need to take her. I busy myself with Charlie, getting him settled in the back of the car, and by the time Isabelle’s come outside, I’ve managed to tame myself enough that I won’t embarrass myself at the park.

  It’s a short drive, and we’re lucky to grab a spot right by the entrance. I bring a nice blanket that I keep in the car so we can sit down. Isabelle’s packed us a lunch too, and soon we’ve picked a nice spot on the grass to camp out on. Charlie’s tail is swishing so fast it’s a blur, and he takes off like a shot as soon as I throw the ball.

  “So how’s school?” I ask, once we’re settled in.

  “It’s really great,” she says. “Thank you for getting me a spot there. You’re right, they have a class for anything I can imagine taking there.”

  “That’s one of the things that made me really want to put my nephews in it,” I tell her. “They’re into robots, but the public school doesn’t have the funds to devote to that sort of thing. Rosewood does.”

  Charlie comes up to me, dropping the ball at my feet. I throw it again, and we watch as he takes off again.

  “That’s wonderful that you take care of them like that,” she says. She’s setting out our lunch, sandwiches, chips, and hot coffee in a thermos.

  “I guess it’s just a part of me to want to take care of people,” I say, taking a sip of the coffee.

  “It’s a good part of you,” she says, smiling.

  I hold onto that smile, because it’s the simple little things like that that make my time with Isabelle so special. I can’t take anything more than that from her, not even if I desperately want to, because I know that it would be wrong. Even if the feeling is relentless, even if I’m tired of fighting against it, I know I can’t be selfish like that. That it would hurt Isabelle. And that’s the only reason I don’t. I won’t lay a finger on her, I know that much, but I can’t stop myself from wanting to be next to her as much as I can.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I tell her. “There’s some not so good parts too.”

  “You say that, but I don’t see it,” she declares, and then she flushes pink. “All of you is good.”

  I look into her eyes. How easy it would be to say something that’ll push it a bit further, that’ll let me take what I want. Instead, I steer the conversation back into safe waters.

  “Do you have any idea what you want to do after you graduate?”

  “I thought I’d do accounting, maybe business administration,” she says slowly. “But honestly, that was just because it would lead to a steady job. They’re not what I really want to do though. I think if I had the chance, I’d like to do something creative. Or maybe some traveling. I haven’t ever been out of state. Now that I think about it, there are quite a few things I’d like to try.”

  “Then you should. You’ve got three more months until graduation. Why not use the opportunity to try something now that you can? That way, when you get to college, you’ll have an idea as to where you want to go.”

  She considers my words.

  “Maybe I will,” she says. A ball lands on our blanket and we turn to see a collie running towards us. She picks up the ball and tosses it towards him and he jumps up in the air to catch it. The owner waves to us, and we wave back.

  “It sure is friendly here,” she says.

  “Dog people always are,” I reply. I take a bite of the sandwich and so does she. It seems like she’s lost in thought, but I don’t mind. I take the opportunity to just drink in her presence. The idea of her going to college makes my stomach turn over. I take out the Frisbee and throw to Charlie a few times to try and distract myself from it.

  “So tell me more about your work,” she says at last.

  “Work… well, that new project we’re doing is going ahead at last,” I say. “It’s a huge project that we’ve landed, turning the Star Wars franchise into a game. It’s going to be a goldmine, because there are so many episodes for us.”

  Isabelle tilts her head, puzzled, and I’m filled with horror.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen Star Wars,” I say to her. “You haven’t?! How is that possible? Light sabers? Darth Vader? Wookies?”

  She keeps shaking her head.

  “That can’t be right,” I tell her. “Star Wars isn’t for the geeks anymore. Surely you’ve seen the The Force Awakens?”

  “None of it,” she says at last. “I mean, I know people who talk about Star Wars, but I never saw the appeal of it I guess. I spent most of my time studying or working.”

  “Then we’re going to fix it,” I tell her. “Tonight, you are going to be in for a treat. Big tub of popcorn, and Star Wars on the flat screen.”

  “Okay,” she says, flashing me that smile again. “Tonight then. We’ll see if it’s as good as you say.”

  Charlie drops the Frisbee at our feet, and I throw it as far as I can.

  “It’ll be better,” I tell her, because you’ll be there.


  “I have to study,” Isabelle moans as the final credits roll across the screen. We’ve already seen three of them, at her request. At first she was skeptical, but pretty soon she was getting into it. We’re sunk in deep in my sectional sofa, and with Charlie across our laps, it’s pretty tempting to just play the next one. I for one have no intention of hurrying her away. Having her here with me, almost touching, it’s pathetic almost, but I don’t care. It’s the most I’ll get, and I’m happy with it.

  “I’ll leave it up to you,” I tell her. She wavers, biting on her lip as she tries to decide. Looking at her like this, her hair cascading around her, wearing just a simple tank top and shorts, is a pleasure. Her beauty draws me like a moth to a fucking flame, and even if I’m going to burn in it, even if it’s never going to happen, I won’t regret any of it.

  She holds up the remote, but just then the front door opens. She jumps off the sofa, as if electrocuted. Charlie gives her a reproachful look before putting his head down.

  Jerry comes in to the kitchen and Isabelle hurries over.

  “Where have you been?” she asks. “You’ve been gone almost the whole weekend.”

  “What ha
ve you been watching?” he asks, ignoring her question.

  “Star Wars,” I say. “Isabelle says she’s never seen, and I wanted to rematch them for work.”

  Jerry seems to accept the answer. He pulls out the ingredients for a sandwich as Isabelle tries to question him again. When he refuses to give a straight answer, she leaves, annoyed. I get up and head over to the island.

  “You’re only going to worry her more,” I tell him. “It’s not like she doesn’t know you gamble.”

  “Difference between knowing and telling,” he says as he stacks cheese, ham, and mayonnaise into a double decker.

  “She’s not a kid anymore.”

  He looks up at me, and there’s remorse written all over his face.

  “No she fucking isn’t is she? She hasn’t been in a long time,” he says.

  I frown. There’s something strange going on with him, and I can’t figure out what it is. Has he finally realized the kind of hell he’s put Isabelle through all these years? I cross my arms, waiting. He takes a bite of his gigantic sandwich.

  “She’s happier now,” he says. “Far happier than when she is with me. I should have never taken her away from her grandmother. She would have had it far better if she stayed. I’m not cut out to be a father. Never was.”

  “Well she’s here now. That’s one good decision you’ve made,” I say.

  “You’re the reason Isabelle’s mother is gone. How is that a good decision?”

  “I live with that every day,” I tell him. “I’ll never forget.”

  He looks at me, as though he’s seeing me for the first time. His eyes aren’t blurry with drink, and it’s almost disconcerting the way his gaze takes me in. Maybe he knows what I want. I look at him steady on, let him know that I won’t let Isabelle go, not now, not to a fucker like him who doesn’t understand how precious she truly is. Who doesn’t put her interests first?

  Suddenly he nods, as if we’ve come to an understanding. Picking up his plate, he turns around and heads towards the living room. Just before he disappears he stops and turns around.


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