Alice's Alpha

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Alice's Alpha Page 8

by Ann Gimpel

  Using the sofa as a crutch, Jed levered himself to his feet and held his hands out to Alice. She grasped them and stood. “Maybe an hour’s nap would help.” She glanced out a window. “With all that’s happened, it’s hard to believe, but I don’t think it’s much past noon.”

  “Doesn’t matter what time it is,” Jed murmured, “we all need sleep. You’ll find you don’t require as much as you used to, but an hour’s downtime will do wonders for all of us.”

  Chapter 7

  Alice woke to the pressure of Jed’s arm around her waist and the jut of his erect cock against her backside. His breath was warm against her hair. Careful not to disturb him, she slithered from under his arm. She needed to pee. The small hitch in Jed’s breathing told her he was still asleep. Good. He’d nearly died. No matter what he said, he needed all the rest he could get.

  She gazed at his face. The bone structure was so beautiful, it could have been sculpted by one of the ancients. High cheekbones blended into a strong jaw. Beneath full, sensual lips, a cleft set off his chin. She’d never tire of looking at him. His eyes fluttered open. Alice bent, kissed his cheek, and said, “Sleep, love. I’ll be right back.” He murmured something and rolled over.

  Alice walked out of the bedroom, her bare feet quiet. She held the curtain so it wouldn’t rustle. Terin was stretched out on the sofa. Bron sat at the kitchen table. He quirked a questioning brow. She held up a finger to tell him she’d be right back and slipped out the cabin’s door. On her way back from the outhouse, she glanced at the angle of the sun. Maybe three o’clock.

  Bron had moved to one of the wooden chairs on the front porch. He patted the one next to it. “Terin got a chance to talk with you, but I didn’t.”

  Alice sat. Most of her sore muscles were better, probably a byproduct of Terin’s intervention. She gazed into Bron’s bottomless, dark eyes. Something clicked within her. He had a dusky beauty that sang to her. An image of his erection as he’d left the creek burned across her eyes. Lust pierced her. She shook her head. How can I want all of them? It seems wrong somehow.

  No, a different inner voice spoke up, it’s the rightest thing I’ve ever found. Her lips curved into a smile. “Thank you for saving Jed.”

  “I love him. He is like a father and brother to me. Aside from that, we need him. The war with humans is heating up. Jed is wiser than the other clan leaders, more subtle. I fear the others will lead their shifter packs to their doom.”


  “By engaging humans in direct combat. We got permission at the gathering to kill not just Hunters, but other humans as well. At first, Terin and I were caught up in the bloodlust, but Jed brought us to our senses.”

  “I have a lot to learn. I’m hoping the three of you will teach me. I’m sorry I was such a high-handed witch when we first met.”

  A corner of Bron’s mouth turned up into a crooked grin. “No apologies needed.” Color stained his tanned cheeks, turning them a deeper copper. “I’m hoping you’ll come to see Terin and me in a more, um, acceptable light. You are Jed’s chosen one. We will love and care for you, too, if you’ll let us.”

  Alice nodded. “I think I’m beginning to understand. It’s not what I thought at first. We’re like a wolf pack—”

  “And why wouldn’t we be?” Jed’s half-laughing voice came from the open cabin door. “It’s what we are: wolves.”

  “I wish I could be one.” Alice clapped a hand over her mouth. Her face heated. “Where the hell did that come from?”

  “From a place deep inside you where the mate bond is anchored,” Bron answered.

  Jed stepped onto the porch. “Terin’s still asleep. I don’t want to wake him.” He covered the small space to Alice and drew her out of the chair and into his arms. She turned her face up and he kissed her.

  She wound her arms around his body and opened her mouth under his. The spicy, exotic scent that was his, and his alone, filled her nostrils. Sexual heat roared through her, setting her nerves ablaze. Her nipples hardened where they pushed against his chest. Her pussy turned to molten liquid. Jed’s erection pressed against her stomach. Alice’s hips thrust against it. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her body again.

  Bron. Alice jerked away from Jed’s body. She’d been so lost in lust, she’d forgotten the other shifter. He stared at the two of them, naked hunger burning in the depths of his eyes. The front of his trousers belled out from his erection. Alice wanted him, too, but felt shy and awkward. She turned to Jed. His lips curved in a knowing smile. “He’d like to join us, but it’s up to you, Alice.”

  “Yes.” Bron licked his lips. “It’s up to you. I can go out back and take care of myself.”

  Confusion mingled with lust. Now that she knew him a little, she liked Bron, respected him. He’d saved Jed’s life, risking his own in the process. He and Terin had sprung into action to save her from the mountain cat. “You’ll have to teach me.” She looked from one to the other. “God help me if I don’t want both of you.”

  Jed’s face split into a merry grin. “Come on. We’ll lay some blankets out behind the cabin.” He gripped one of her hands; Bron took the other. Their bodies jockeyed against one another as all three of them tried to fit down the steps. Alice giggled, but quietly; she didn’t want to disturb Terin.

  Past the stair gauntlet, Bron tapped Jed’s arm. “How about if you do the blankets? I haven’t so much as kissed Alice yet.”

  Jed’s blue eyes glittered mischievously. “Sure. See you two momentarily.”

  Bron closed his arms around her from behind. He strung kisses down her neck and pressed his erection into her butt. His breath burned where it trailed down her bare skin. Alice twisted in his arms. He held her against him so hard she felt his heartbeat where her face pressed into the hollow of his shoulder. “I won’t last long,” he murmured. “Haven’t been inside a woman for a long time.”

  She snorted. “Up until this morning, I was a virgin. I’m so inexperienced, I won’t even notice.” She slipped a hand between them and curved it around his erection. He groaned and thrust against her. “Come on.” She grinned at him. “I feel like a kid who just discovered the very best candy store in the world. I want to see what this,” she squeezed his cock, “looks like.”

  “First, let me taste you.” He held onto her and bent his head to kiss her. His lips covered hers. He kissed differently than Jed, more tentative at first. She opened her mouth to him and he sank his tongue inside it. He tasted sweet, just like the Irish whiskey. His tongue sparred with hers; he tightened his grip on her ass. He groaned around their kiss, and his cock jumped against his belly. She pressed her body into his. Desire arched from the top of her head all the way to her toes.

  She broke away from the kiss before he brought her to orgasm from just rubbing against her. Alice grabbed his hand and hurried around the house. Jed was already naked, lying on the blankets, and stroking his hard-on. Surprised at her lack of modesty, Alice drew her top over her head and undid the fastenings on her pants. Jed crooked a lazy finger at her. She sank to her knees next to him. Bron shrugged out of his clothes and knelt on Jed’s other side. Alice gazed at his body. He was built a lot like Jed, with a lean, muscled form. His nipples were darker and his erection sprang from a mat of coal-dark hair. He glanced at Jed. Something passed between them. She felt the energy resonate through the mate bond.

  “Come here, sweetheart, and straddle me.” Jed pulled one of her legs over his body. She lowered herself onto his shaft. Lust rocketed through her. Her clit swelled; her nipples were so hard they ached. Jed settled his hands on her hips. Bron leaned toward her and took a nipple in his mouth. He suckled her and stroked her body; Jed’s cock twitched deep inside. Bron switched to her other breast. He worked his erection with a hand. The hotter he got, the harder he sucked on her.

  Alice rocked her clit against the base of Jed’s erection. Her back arched. She reached for Bron’s cock, displacing his hand. Uncertain at first, Alice stroked him. He covered her han
d with his and showed her the rhythm he needed. Jed’s blue eyes blazed with desire. He pressed his fingers between her legs and rubbed her sensitive nub. Bron groaned. His cock jumped in her hand, then jumped again. Hot semen arced against her body. Jed’s fingers rubbed harder. She came, still clutching Bron’s throbbing cock. Spasms shot through her as her pussy muscles milked Jed’s cock.

  Still buried deep inside her body, Jed rolled her over. He drew himself out and then drove his cock home over and over again. Bron moved his hand between their bodies and tweaked her clit. He pulled and rubbed in a circular motion that drove her crazy. Alice shrieked and moaned; her pussy convulsed around Jed’s cock as it spasmed deep inside her. Her fingers clawed at his back. She’d never been so high. She wanted to come again and again.

  Jed bent and kissed her, then pulled out. “No, I don’t want you to leave,” she murmured.

  “Fair is fair.” Jed lay next to her and smoothed her hair away from her face. “You want Bron, too.”

  The minute he said it, she knew she did. Her gaze locked on the shifter’s dark eyes. His cock was hard again, standing straight out in front of him. “Turn over, darling,” he said. “Up on your hands and knees.”

  She flipped onto her belly and drew her limbs under her. The heat of Bron’s body seared her as he moved his cockhead to her opening and swirled it in tiny circles. Jed reached beneath her and took a nipple in each hand. She arched her back and moved her hips suggestively, but Bron stayed where he was. He cupped her vulva with a hand and rubbed her clit. Her hips bucked. “Now,” she cried. “What are you waiting for?”

  Bron laughed. The sound was exultant. “An invitation.” He sank into her and gripped her hips. Jed moved so he could reach her clit. He rubbed her sensitive flesh while Bron plumbed her. Alice was beside herself. Her entire body was on fire. She hovered on the brink of coming until she couldn’t stand it anymore and tumbled over the edge. Bron’s cock jerked inside her. It heightened her climax to know he was coming right along with her.

  The three of them collapsed into a satisfied heap, panting. Alice laughed. “I think I could get used to this.”

  “And it will just keep on getting better,” Jed said, grinning like a fool.

  Bron nuzzled her neck. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. “That was wonderful, amazing, stupendous—” His cock twitched inside her.

  “Hey, looks like I slept through all the fun.” Terin threw himself onto the blankets next to them. He made a grab for one of her breasts and twirled her stiff nipple. Sparks shot from it to her hypersensitive pussy. “How about it, Alice? I’m fresh. Let’s give these two a chance to recover.”

  Three beautiful men. All for me. A laugh bubbled from deep inside her. “I’m starting to see some of the advantages here.” She gazed at Terin’s penis. It was as thick as Jed’s, but a little shorter. His body had more defined muscles and his chest a bit more hair. Desire for him set her nerve endings thrumming.

  “We’ve barely begun, darling.” Bron pulled his still hard cock out of her. “I could stay there forever, but in the interest of fairness…”

  Terin turned her onto her back and moved between her legs. His amber eyes glazed over with heat. He lowered his head and kissed her breasts, laving both of them while he sank a hand between her legs. Surprised by her boldness, but too randy to care, Alice made a grab for his cock. It jerked in her hands. He repositioned himself so he could gaze at her. “You’re catching on quick. Tell me what you want.”

  She opened her legs and drew him atop her. He groaned and buried himself inside. She gripped his hips and locked her legs around him. Her back bowed; her head fell back. Jed bent forward and kissed her. He broke away from the kiss and positioned his body so his cock slipped into her mouth.

  Alice gagged, but then she figured it out and used her hand to stroke his shaft and control how deep he went. She tasted herself on him; it made her even hotter. His ridged flesh in her mouth was delicious. She played with his shaft, teasing it with fingers and tongue. Then she experimented with little nibbles, listening for changes in Jed’s breathing to tell her what was most intense for him. She felt like a sex goddess with three men worshipping her. Having a cock in her mouth was almost more of a turn-on than having one in her pussy.

  Terin’s cock plumbed her. Her hips thrust against him; she met him stroke for stroke as she sucked on Jed’s cock. A now-familiar tightening in her belly told her she was close to release. “Yes, darling. Come with me,” Terin urged. Her muscles clenched, and then she came, spasms surging through her. His cock swelled inside her and juddered hard. She would have held onto his hips, but her hands were busy with Jed.

  Terin pulled out. She felt empty, gestured for him to come back. A cock slipped inside, but it felt different. Through the lust haze she realized it was Bron. Someone’s hands fondled her breasts. Jed thrust harder into her mouth. His hand worked his shaft atop hers. He pulled away. She watched him stroke his swollen member, watched semen arc out of it and spatter on the ground.

  It made her so hot she thought she’d pass out from wanting sex, more sex, all the sex she could get. Her hands closed around Bron’s hips. She urged him to fuck her faster. Terin twirled her nipples harder. Alice screamed her joy as her body convulsed around Bron’s cock. “Right behind you,” he panted. His cock jerked inside her and jerked again.

  “Holy Christ,” Alice said when she could talk again. “If I’d known how much I liked this, I wouldn’t have stayed a virgin all these years.”

  “We’re glad you did,” the three men said in unison. All of them dissolved in laughter.

  “Let’s rinse off in the creek,” Jed said. “Then we need to make plans and get out of here.”

  * * * *

  Jed followed Alice to the pool where they’d bathed earlier in the day. Dark hair cascaded down her back to her butt. Thick and curly, it swirled around her when she walked. She had the most incredible body. Limber and lithe. And an unconscious sexuality that made him hotter than hell. It had amped his pleasure tenfold to watch her with his pack mates. The sexual energy they made as a group was ever so much more intense than one on one coupling. He grinned. Let’s hear it for the mate bond.

  She turned to him. “So we can always be like this? No one gets jealous; no one storms out. No one feels they’re not getting enough.”

  He pulled her against him and kissed her deeply. Terin and Bron chugged by on their way to the water. They slugged him in the arm as they passed and gave him a thumbs-up. Jed pulled away from Alice and laughed. “It’s kind of like a big puppy pile. The mate bond ensures we always love and respect everyone in the pack.”

  “Will sex always be with all four of us?”

  “You little vixen. I’ve created a monster. Your eyes are gleaming with lust. Would you like it to always be all of us?”

  She cocked her head to one side, eyes narrowed in thought. “I don’t know. This is all so new to me. I liked it when it was just you and me, but I liked it with all of us, too.”

  “It will be different things at different times. All of us work. We won’t always all be in the same place when one of us wants sex.” He shrugged. “Come on, let’s rinse off. I know Bron thinks your buddy will be out for a while yet, but it would be much better for you to be waiting at the hospital when he wakes up than for him to start spewing crap before you get there.”

  She slipped into the water. Jed followed. One of the others had warmed it. Bron laid his hands on either side of her head and kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

  “Yes, many thanks for accepting us.” Terin kissed her, too. “I was sure I was destined to jack off for at least a couple of years while I listened to you and Jed fucking.”

  “Yeah and he would have made me watch.” Bron laughed.

  “Watch, hell. I would have made you do me.”

  “In your dreams.” Bron splashed water at him. “I love you, brother, but love only goes so far.”

  Jed laughed indulgently. He loved Bron and Terin. An
d now their pack was complete. Joy warmed him. It had been a long wait, but Alice was worth it. He stood and helped her out of the water.

  Back in the cabin, Jed gathered her things. He strapped her ax on her pack and made certain her crampons were secure. He didn’t want her to leave, but she had to. She’d insisted on writing her address and phone number down for him. He really didn’t need them. He could find her anywhere through their mate bond.

  “I guess it’s time,” she said. “I wish we could just stay together.”

  “Soon,” Jed promised. He held her pack so she could slide her arms through its straps.

  “Yes,” Terin said. “We need to do this right. Let’s make certain we have our story straight.”

  Alice nodded. “It’s easy enough, because it’s close to the truth. I camped last night in the little meadow across the creek. Spent a bunch of today hunting for Brent. Then you guys found me and told me you’d taken him to the hospital. I hightailed it out of here.”

  “Perfect,” Bron said approvingly. “By the way, I’m walking you to your car. We talked about it and none of us wanted you to go by yourself.”

  “You don’t have to—” Alice began.

  “It’s not up for discussion,” Jed interrupted. “Terin and I will wait about an hour. It will take that long to clean the cabin and get everything loaded onto the horses. Lon Chaney knows what we are. He’s one of the few humans who appreciate us. He said one day he’ll make a movie about shifters. Crazy drunk that he is, I believe him.”

  “I hadn’t even thought about the horses since last night.” Alice looked around. “Where are they?”

  “There’s a small barn about a quarter mile up the trail,” Terin said. “Good thing, too. If they weren’t locked up, they would have turned into mountain-lion fodder.”

  “Be careful.” Jed brushed her forehead with his lips. “If you run into any problems, Bron will let us know.”

  She grinned. “I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. I’m sure I could make it to my car by myself. The mountain lion was my own fault. I ran off half-cocked like a mad thing. I know better. If I’d had my things and my ax, I would have killed it.”


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