The Major Crimes Team - Vol 1: Lines of Enquiry

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The Major Crimes Team - Vol 1: Lines of Enquiry Page 6

by Graham Smith

  Before she could begin to guess, a group of men came into the bar. From their dirty clothes and hob-nailed boots she figured they were involved in the building of the new supermarket on the outskirts of town.

  Although clearly under the effects of the alcohol they’d drank since finishing time, they weren’t too rowdy. A spotty faced youth in the middle of the group was the only one who appeared to be drunk.

  The lad’s eyes oscillated around the room until they settled on Lauren. An unsubtle elbow was dug into the ribs of the man at his side as a wobbling arm was pointed in her direction.

  Unsure whether to approach the lad or let him come to her, Lauren’s momentary hesitation gave the more experienced Katya the opportunity she needed.

  Lauren could do nothing except watch as Katya sashayed her way towards the lad, her intentions to steal his custom quite blatant. Her thin body clad only in a bra and thong attracting his gaze when she got close enough for his bleary eyes to focus on her obvious charms.

  Scarlet and Candy followed her lead and set off towards the men, their attempts at alluring sexiness forced and unnatural.

  Understanding the protocol, Lauren caught the eye of a forty-something man who appeared to be the natural leader of the group and made her way towards him.

  Each step taken forward caused the growing knot of tension to tighten in her stomach. Unfamiliar with the sensation, Lauren had to battle the flight instinct screaming at her to run for the door.

  The overriding feeling swirling through her brain was that she was out of her depth. It was one thing to wear clothes which gave discreet flashes, it was quite another to seduce men into paying for her to strip. It was only the thought of Christopher lying in the hospital bed which kept her to her intended purpose.

  ‘Hi. I’m Monique.’

  ‘Tom.’ The builder smiled at her and kept his eyes on her face. ‘Been busy?’

  Lauren shook her head, smiling at the banality of the conversation. ‘Not yet, we’ve only just opened for the night.’

  Tom nodded. His eyes stealing a glance at her lace covered chest. ‘Oh right’-

  Whatever he was about to say was drowned out by Scruffy’s voice on the microphone.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, would you please put your hands to together for the beautiful, the flexible, the desirable, Candy.’ His words were met with a fierce scowl from Candy and a resigned look from the other two girls as a few polite handclaps echoed over the music.

  Candy left the group of men she was with and made her way to the nearest of the two stages. As she climbed the three steep steps, the music dipped as Scruffy made another announcement.

  ‘Coming later tonight we have a special Shakers event. A dance off between two of our loveliest dancers. The sultry Monique has challenged our reigning champion Mistress Katya to a fully nude dance off. The loser will buy everyone in the bar a beer. Tell your friends and get them here. It’s gonna be epiiic’

  Lauren tried to process this information as Scruffy held the last syllable in the style of a boxing commentator. Glancing around she saw Katya give her a confident wink.

  That bitch has set me up.

  The anger coursing through her veins loosened the knot in her stomach and filled her with an extra determination. Not only would she stick this out to get justice for Christopher, she’d damn well make sure she beat Katya in the dance off.

  ‘You didn’t know about that did you?’

  ‘No I didn’t.’ Lauren was honest with Tom, but annoyed at herself for letting her surprise show.

  Her next words took a lot out of her, but she had a role to play and knew what she must do to play the part.

  ‘No thanks. I’m only here because of that lot.’ A thumb indicated Tom’s workmates.

  ‘No problem.’ Lauren wondered at the etiquette of leaving now she knew Tom wasn’t going to pay for a dance. Figuring on an exit strategy she flashed him a genuine smile. ‘Let me know if you change your mind.’

  His hand landed on her wrist, his fingers coarse with calluses but his touch gentle. ‘Stay and talk for a minute. So long as she’s up there, this lot won’t be interested in anything else.’

  Lauren recognised the truth in Tom’s words. While Candy was giving a free show, nobody would be interested in paying for a private dance.

  As she chatted with Tom she kept her eyes on what was happening elsewhere in the room. Katya was stood in the middle of the group with a proprietal arm draped around the drunk lad.

  On stage Candy twirled and posed in a series of faux seductive moves. As the song neared its end Candy’s fingers found the clasp at the front of the babydoll she wore. Undoing the clasp she teased the material to either side with a deliberate slowness until her breasts were exposed. A faint cheer went up from one or two of the builders, although the majority just looked for a moment and then turned their attention back to the drinks in their hands.

  Lauren felt embarrassed for Candy. A group of half-pissed builders hadn’t been impressed by the sight of her flaccid breasts dangling over her lumpen stomach. While she’d not expected any glory in this role, she knew a kick in the teeth when she saw one.

  The response of the builders retied the knot in her stomach as doubts began to assail her.

  What if they turn away from me like that? What if I get even worse from them?

  A voice at her ear and a hand on her elbow interrupted her doubts.

  ‘Scuse me. Can you give me a dansch?’

  It was the drunk lad. Behind him stood a glowering Katya.


  The single word spoken before Lauren had time to consider its implications. Everything she’d done up until now could be explained away if her superiors found out. Now she’d agreed to accept money for stripping there was no going back. The line had been crossed.

  ‘D’you want a ten or twenty pound dance?’ Again the words came without thought, making Lauren realise just how much she’d unconsciously immersed herself into the undercover role. She almost felt as if she was watching herself in some kind of weird out of body experience.

  ‘Twenty please.’

  ‘C’mon then.’

  Lauren led the youth towards the booths at the back of the room as new doubts assailed her.

  Christ! He doesn’t look old enough to drink. Am I about to expose myself to a minor?

  A self-preserving sense of reason kicked in and offered some reassurance to counteract the doubts.

  Don’t be soft. He wouldn’t have been able to get drunk if he was seriously underage. Besides I’m protected by the door policy. It’s their job to make sure the people in here are at least twenty-one.

  It could have been a lot worse, this lad’s eyes are so glassy he’ll hardly see me.

  Lauren pulled back the curtain and ushered the lad into the three by six feet booth. Taking the twenty pound from his hand, she positioned him on the stool and started to move in time with the music.

  As she danced, Lauren kept her eyes on his, alert for any sign of boredom or the intent to reach out. Beer fumes rose from the lad as she gyrated her way to nudity.

  Watching his eyes lock on to her bare breasts and then her more intimate areas Lauren felt a transfer of power in the poorly lit booth. She’d entered the booth at his request, lured by the money in his pocket. Just another purchase made after a few beers on payday.

  Yet the unrestrained lust in his eyes put him in her control. It was her who called the shots and he who said thank you first.

  Lauren was used to using her body to get whatever she wanted but dancing for this lad had shown her a whole new level of control was available. He’d fallen under her spell long before any clothing had been removed and the experience of dancing for him dispelled all her nerves and self doubts.

  Letting the lad exit the booth first, Lauren put her clothes back on and emerged to see a few more men had come in. Scarlett and Katya were nowhere to be seen, but Candy was trying her luck with the new faces.

  The young lad’s vo
ice carried across the room as he was teased by his older colleagues. ‘Fucking brilliant. You should try her.’

  * * * *

  Time passed quickly for Lauren as more and more new faces piled into the club. By observing the other dancers she soon learned the men to target and the best way to get them to part with their money. Her purse bulged with notes taken from beer filled men intent on getting a cheap thrill.

  Some of the men seemed to be regulars as they commented on not having seen her before. Others appeared to be here for the first time as their behaviour was nervous as if they were unsure of how to conduct themselves.

  Frequent reminders from Scruffy had built up expectation for the dance off. Unsure when it would be, Lauren wasn’t able to inform the men who asked her. Whenever she tried pressing Scruffy for a time, he just said ‘later’.

  Looking around she saw the young lad coming her way once more. She’d already danced for him three times but he seemed to be coming back for a forth turn. He was now so drunk he was slurring to the point of incomprehension, his eyes almost blank and unseeing.

  Lauren felt guilty taking his money, aware that tomorrow morning would bring him nothing but a raging hangover and an empty pocket. If he was lucky he might be able to remember the first time she’d danced.

  When the dance, Lauren exited the booth, to see a face which filled her with dread.

  Walking towards the booths behind Katya was a face from her past. Ten years ago Mr Simmons had been her geography teacher. Bored by his turgid style of teaching she had spent most of his lessons giggling with friends.

  Even at a young age she’d been aware of his attentions. Understanding he fancied her and some of her mates, she pushed the boundaries of acceptable classroom behaviour secure in the knowledge that he wouldn’t administer any of his threatened punishments. The same behaviour in other classrooms would have seen her marched to the headmaster’s office, but “Creepy Simmons” was a pushover for a pretty face.

  She looked at the floor as she passed him, more afraid that being recognised would fuel his fantasies than of being exposed. The lecherous fool would get immense kicks from the knowledge and while she could refuse to dance for him, it would raise suspicions. Besides, in light of the dance off, there was going to be no hiding from him.

  I hope he buggers off before then.

  Scruffy’s voice cut across the air with a booming excitement. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that tonight’s dance off between the sultry Monique and Mistress Katya will take place in just five minutes. Fill your glasses and get ready to fill your boots. It’s gonna be awwwwesome.’

  ‘Have you time for a quick dance?’

  The speaker was one of the builders. Figuring they couldn’t start without her, Lauren nodded. ‘Would you like a ten or twenty pound dance?’

  ‘How about a superior dance?’

  ‘Sorry. I don’t know what you mean.’ The builder’s face changed in an instant. ‘Erm a tenner.’

  As Lauren danced for the builder, she felt a stab of exultant vindication. She’d been waiting all night for someone to ask for a deluxe, superior or executive dance.

  The three words each represented a different kind of order. Her cousin Christopher had learned of this ordering system when visiting Shakers on a night out with friends. Unknown to him, the ecstasy tablet which came with his deluxe dance was from a dangerous batch.

  Within an hour of taking the tablet, he’d suffered a neurological collapse on the right side of his brain. He now lay in a hospital bed in an induced coma while doctors waited to see if his brain could repair itself from the damage wrought by the toxins.

  Since hearing the news, Lauren had bullied, demanded and coaxed information from those in his company on that fateful night. They’d told her how Christopher was fine one minute and on the ground fitting the next.

  Now she’d been asked for a superior dance, she knew she was on the right track. All doubts about being here assuaged by confirmation of the stories she’d been told. Knowing for certain didn’t make it any less risky, to either her health or career if she was uncovered, but it did give her the confidence to see it through.

  Returning to the club floor after the dance, Lauren saw Scruffy waving her across to where he and Katya stood at the bar.

  Now she had confirmation, it was all Lauren could do not to claw Katya’s eyes out. Tempting as the thought was, Lauren knew a greater satisfaction was to be had from bringing down Nicholson and whoever was behind the supply routes.

  Scruffy looked at each of them in turn. ‘Youse ready?’

  Not bothering to listen to their answers he climbed onto the bar and raised the microphone to his lips.

  ‘Iiiiit’s here! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, the time you’ve all been waiting for has arrived. We’re about to start a Shakers dance off between the sultry Monique and the devilishly dirty, Mistress Katya. The girls will dance to two tracks each and you can decide on your favourite. The loser will buy every one of you a beer while the winner will be crowned Shakers’ champion.’

  A host of cheers rang around the bar, but now the moment was at hand, Lauren’s nerves had evaporated. Armed with the surety of conviction she felt invincible. She would beat Katya. She would gain the approval of Scruffy and Nicholson. The approach to deliver the more exotic dances would soon be made and then she’d have her evidence.

  She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain having the evidence, but that was a bridge she’d cross when she came to it.

  ‘First up we have the lovely, the bow-dacious. Miiistress Katya.’

  Katya made her way onto one of the podiums playing up to the crowd as she went. As the music began, she embraced the pole and effortlessly hauled herself towards the ceiling. Halfway up the pole she stopped climbing and sat in an upright position, held in place by the strength of her thighs.

  Unhooking her bra she let herself fall backwards, flinging her arms towards the podium, the move leaving her topless and upside down. Retaking the pole in her hands she somersaulted backwards and went straight into a series of gyrations.

  Lauren watched with an analytical eye. Katya had the moves and she was brazen enough to follow through on them but there was no grace or style about her, or her act. Once exposed from the bra, her implanted breasts sat immobile on her chest like half grapefruits, her moves were more look at what I’m prepared to do, than seduction or enticement.

  Katya was naked for the whole of the second song and she used the time to display her prowess with the pole while making sure every man in the room got an eyeful.

  Scruffy led the round of applause and the cheering before introducing Lauren to the baying crowd.

  Taking her place on the other podium, Lauren was grateful Katya had warmed the crowd up first.

  She took a different approach to Katya and went for subtle seduction rather than shock and awe, only starting to remove her clothes when the second song kicked in. When the last item of her clothing hit the floor it was greeted with a load cheer.

  As the music faded out Scruffy stood on the bar and called for order. When the crowd had quietened down he raised the microphone to his lips.

  ‘Gentlemen, I have Mistress Katya on my right and Monique on my left. Please cast your vote by moving towards whichever girl gets your vote.’

  It took a couple of minutes but soon all the men in the room had cast their vote.

  Lauren’s podium was surrounded by two-thirds of the men in the room making her the clear winner. Katya face twisted into a vicious scowl when Scruffy announced the result despite nobody needing to hear the official verdict.

  Lauren received several requests for a private dance and by the time she’d worked her way through those prepared to wait their turn, Scruffy and the barman had served all the beers Katya had to stand.

  Scarlett and Candy were kept busy with dances but Katya was getting nowhere. Every time she approached someone they shook their head. Had she not hated Katya with every fibre of her
body, she would have pitied the woman.

  Once the free beers were consumed, the place started to empty out.

  Having decided to take the bull by the horns, Lauren approached Scruffy. ‘I was asked for a superior dance earlier. What are those?’

  His eyes flickered left indicating he was using the right side of his brain. The creative side. A lie was on its way. ‘I dunno. Maybe it’s what the girls call a two girl experience. Ask the girls. They’ll tell you.’

  Lauren thanked him and turned away. She needed time to think about the best way to approach the girls.

  Candy seemed to be the friendliest, but both she and Scarlett obeyed Katya’s every command. To get the answers she needed she’d have to engineer some time alone with Candy.

  * * * *

  Harry Evans stamped through the corridors of Durranhill Station. Janet had endured another restless night interspersed with nightmares and uncontrollable sobbing fits. When he’d left their flat she had only just fallen into a dreamless slumber.

  Finding Lauren absent he demanded Chisholm tell him where she was.

  ‘She’s on her way Guv. I reckon she’ll be here in five minutes.’ Chisholm followed his words with a pointed look at his watch. Their shift wasn’t due to start for another fifteen minutes.

  ‘She better be here soon.’

  Chisholm kept quiet and refocused his gaze on the twin computer screens on his desk, while Evans scowled at the piece of paper clutched in his hand.

  ‘What the fuck is this supposed to mean? I mean what the fuck do Mungo and Martins think they are playing at? This report is so full of shite it should have been sent to a sewage farm.’

  ‘Morning all. Is there a problem Guv?’ Lauren greeted them with a smile and passed around the containers of coffee she brought in every morning.

  ‘Aye there’s a fucking problem. I should’ve been a proctologist the number of arseholes I have to deal with.’

  ‘The M&Ms?’ Lauren directed her question to Chisholm who nodded in confirmation.

  ‘Nevermind that just now.’ Evans pointed at the door. ‘Shut that and then sit down.’


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