by Mark Pirie
Mary Cresswell, Metastasis
James Dignan, Great Minds
John Dolan, In Which I Materialize, Horribly Maimed, in the Transporter Room of the Enterprise
John Dolan, The Siege of Dunedin
Marilyn Duckworth, In Thin Air
David Eggleton, 60-Second Warning
David Eggleton, Overseasia
Chris Else, Hypnogogia
Andrew Fagan, A Spaceship Has Landed Near Nuhaka
A.R.D. Fairburn, 2000 A.D.
Cliff Fell, In Truth or Consequences
Gary Forrester, The Thirst That Can Never Be Slaked Janis Freegard, Beside the Laughing Kitchen
Robin Fry, Lift-off
Ruth Gilbert, Still Centre
David Gregory, Einstein’s Theory Simply Explained
Nic Hill, Somewhere Else
Kevin Ireland, Instructions About Global Warming
Rob Jackaman, from Lee: A Science Fiction Poem
Anna Jackson, Death Star
Louis Johnson, Four Poems from the Strontium Age
Louis Johnson, Love Among the Daleks
Louis Johnson, To a Science-Fiction Writer
Tim Jones, Good Solid Work
Tim Jones, Touchdown
Tim Jones, The First Artist on Mars
Tim Jones, The stars, Natasha
David Kārena-Holmes, Your Being
Phil Kawana, This machine kills aliens
Fiona Kidman, An aftermath
Hilaire Kirkland, Three Poems
Katherine Liddy, Crab Nebula
Rachel McAlpine, Satellites
Tracie McBride, Contact
Seán McMahon, planet one
Harvey McQueen, After the Disaster
Harvey McQueen, Return
Owen Marshall, Awakening
Jane Matheson, An Alien’s Notes on fi rst seeing a prunus-plum tree Thomas Mitchell, Rituals
Harvey Molloy, Nanosphere
Michael Morrissey, Are the Andromedans Like Us
Michael Morrissey, UFOs in Autumn
James Norclife, the ascent
Michael O’Leary, Hey man, Wow! [Jimi Hendrix]
Michael O’Leary, Nuclear Family – A Fragment
Stephen Oliver, Letter to an Astronomer
Stephen Oliver, Manned Mission to the Green Planet
Jacqueline Crompton Ottaway, Black Hole
Alistair Paterson, Time traveller
Jack Perkins, Out of Time
Chris Pigott, We’re thinking of going into space
Mark Pirie, Dan and His Amazing Cat
Mark Pirie, Liam Going
Mark Pirie, The Rescue Mission
Vivienne Plumb, Signs of Activity
Vivienne Plumb, The Last Day of the World
Jenny Powell with John Dolan, Note to the Aliens
Cath Randle, The Purple fantastic, feels like elastic, spangled and plastic ray gun
Trevor Reeves, they’re keeping tabs
Helen Rickerby, Tabloid Headlines
Anna Rugis, the poetry of the future
Bill Sewell, Space & Time
Bill Sewell, The World Catastrophe
Bill Sewell, The Imaginary Voyage
Bill Sewell, Utopia
Iain Sharp, Karen Carpenter Calls Interplanetary Craft
Meliors Simms, Two Kinds of Time
Robert Sullivan, from Star Waka
Brian Turner, Earth Star
Tze Ming Mok, Lament of the imperfect copy of Ensign Harry Kim Richard von Sturmer, from Mill Pond Poems
Nelson Wattie, The Art of Translation
Mike Webber, My Personal Universe
Simon Williamson, Japan 2030
Sue Wootton, the verdigris critic
Recent IP Poetry
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Death and the Motorway, David Gilbey
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Someone Forgot to Tell the Fish, Hal Judge
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What Can Be Proven, Mark O’Flynn
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With One Brush, Jan Dean
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