Taming Travis (Wishing Well, Texas Book 4)

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Taming Travis (Wishing Well, Texas Book 4) Page 4

by Melanie Shawn

  Cut to three years later on a random Friday, Tad walked into our shared apartment—that I’d never been allowed to put any personal things up just in case someone stopped by—after being gone on a three-month shoot and announced that he’d met someone, it was serious and he was going to give me the weekend to move out because she would be moving in on Monday.

  That was six months ago and I still wasn’t sure I had recovered from my relationship-ending whiplash.

  During my visual check for production gear, I noticed Colton at the bar with several other men. I still needed to go over a few scheduling details with him tonight since he was leaving for a week of press tomorrow morning and wouldn’t be back until the night before the first day of production.

  Unlike most reality shows that were filmed months before they were broadcast, Claiming Colton was going to be filmed and edited each week with episodes airing every Friday night from the previous week’s footage. It wasn’t live, but it was as close to real time as I’d gotten and the butterflies partying in my stomach were raving even harder just thinking about it.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Travis had stopped walking and was setting down the boxes he’d carried and he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. When I turned my head towards him I caught a brief flash of a pained expression on his now pale face.

  It was there and gone faster than a sneeze in a windstorm, and once he straightened, his olive complexion reappeared, but I’d definitely seen that he was in a significant amount of discomfort. My hand automatically reached out to him and rested on his forearm. “Are you hurt?”

  “Nothin’ a few massages won’t help,” he replied with a wink.

  I may have just met Travis Briggs, but I didn’t have to know him to know that he was downplaying his pain. It was clear from the way the color drained from his face and the hissing that escaped his clenched teeth that it was more serious than he was letting on.

  In all of my twenty-six years, my gut instinct, my intuition had yet to steer me wrong. And so I never second-guessed it. Right now that gut instinct or intuition was telling me that Travis was really hurt with a significant injury. His pain was more than he was letting on and our arrangement might actually be a necessity and not flirty foreplay…at least not only flirty foreplay.

  I carefully worded my question, not asking what had happened or how bad the pain was. I knew that if I did that his response would be vague or downplayed. I went with direct and to the point. “Is it your back or your shoulder?”


  “Is it only when you put weight on it or is it constant?”

  “Mostly when I put weight on it.”

  Mostly. That meant there were other times. I waited for him to elaborate, when he didn’t I decided to dig further. “Also when you lift it above your head?”

  “Yes,” he reluctantly confirmed.

  “And at night, when you sleep if you rest on it, or if something hits it?”


  “Torn rotator cuff.” My diagnosis was made semi-rhetorically. I was fairly certain of it.

  He placed his thumbs in his belt loops and dropped his eyes to the ground. “Uh huh.”

  It was obvious that he didn’t want to talk about it, but for the life of me I had no idea why. Was it because he was a big, tough cowboy? That seemed ridiculous but it was the only conclusion I could jump to at the moment.

  Needing more information, l asked, “Did you have surgery?”

  His eyes shot back to mine and there was a defiance burning in his hazel eyes that caught me off guard.

  “Hell, no.” The firm tone in his voice was filled with an authority that left no room for argument.

  Maybe I should’ve been taken aback, but instead I thought it was hot. Four-alarm-fire hot.

  “Ooookay.” I retreated hoping that he didn’t notice the flush that his commanding response had caused to flood through me.

  “Sorry, darlin’.” He shook his head slightly as his face softened. “That’s no way to talk to a lady. I was raised better than that.”

  Apparently not only was the Alpha male thing my hormone-cup-o-tea, the Southern gentleman thing—accentuated by the accent—was another hidden turn on for me because my ovaries had gone from tingling to exploding in this short interaction. In fact, he should be apologizing to them not my delicate sensibilities.

  Trying to ignore my body’s surprising reaction, I pushed on hoping to get more info as I cleared my throat and stared into his green eyes that were surrounded by long lashes that he somehow managed to pull off as manly. “So, I’m guessing that surgery was recommended and you refused.”

  Stepping forward he closed the distance between us so that there was barely an inch of air separating our bodies. My head tilted up so I could see him. Just his proximity sent my body into hormonal overdrive. The earthy spice of his scent, his hypnotizing stare, the air of authority that radiated off of him in heated waves. I was officially in the red zone of sensory overload.

  He stared down at me with an expression that I couldn’t quite put my finger on before his lips turned up in a slow, sexy-as-sin grin. “I think you might’ve missed your calling as the next Sherlock Holmes.”

  I didn’t even try to hide the amused smile that tugged at the corner of my mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Care to dance?” His hand lifted and he brushed a strand of hair off my cheek.

  The pad of his thumb had only made contact with a small area of skin on my face but it vibrated over every inch of my body. It was the lightest and briefest of touches but its potency quaked through me with a ten on the arousal Richter scale as I sucked in a shaky breath.

  His smile widened and he turned my words against me. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  The next thing I knew I was in the middle of the dance floor enveloped in Travis’ large, strong arms. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, I rested my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes and melted against the hard planes of his chest and abs. His large hand spread across my lower back, engulfing my petite frame and I luxuriated in the overwhelming sensations rolling through me. I couldn’t say how long we danced, one song or five, before we were interrupted.

  “Can I cut in?” A female voice snapped me out of the bubble that I’d been floating in.

  Opening my eyes, I saw a stunning brunette with large blue eyes standing beside us. We stopped swaying and I started to step back and released my arms from behind Travis’ neck. “Of cour—”

  Travis cut me off by saying, “Sorry, my dance card is full.”

  Instead of looking offended or upset in the slightest, the young woman seemed intrigued and her gaze shot to mine. “Hi, I’m Jade.”

  Her demeanor was friendly not confrontational. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Mia.”

  “Are you two…?” Her finger waved between me and Travis.

  “Yep.” Travis’ arm that had not dropped from around my waist tightened and I felt myself once again being pulled into him. “We’re together.”

  “Interesting.” Jade’s smile widened as she looked up at him and before turning and leaving the dance floor, she met my eyes once again and added, “It was so very nice to meet you.”

  When she was gone, Travis immediately picked up right where we’d left off and started to move again. This time, instead of losing myself in the motion I straightened, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the position that our arrangement was putting him in with his friends and family. “You don’t have to do that, to lie to people. Tad won’t be here until tomorrow and besides, he doesn’t know anyone here.”

  Travis effortlessly dipped me and I gasped as I found myself cradled in his arms, looking up at the ceiling. Then he moved so that he was hovering above me and whispered in my ear, “This is a small town and word travels fast. And besides, I’m not lying. We are together. As of ten minutes ago, you are my girlfriend.”

  I shouldn’t have liked the way that sounded as much as I did. No
matter what he said, this wasn’t real. This was temporary. Temporary and fake.

  Chapter 5


  “The true measure of a man is when he does the right thing even when no one’s watching.”

  ~ Walker Briggs

  As I turned into the parking lot of the Come On Inn and parked in front of room twelve, I felt exactly the same energy flowing through me as I had when I’d raced down the stairs on Christmas morning as a kid. I wasn’t sure if the familiar feeling was from the excitement that was coursing through me at the thought of seeing Mia again or if, just like that kid on Christmas, I hadn’t slept at all last night. Except this time it wasn’t dreams of Legos or video games that had kept me awake. From the time my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes, all I could see were the pretty blue eyes, blonde hair and wide smile that had captivated me from the first glance. Whatever the reason, I hadn’t experienced this kind of unfettered anticipation since I’d hit double digits.

  I parked and the rumble of the engine silenced. My eyes automatically shot to the rearview mirror. I was burning the candle at both ends, working at both my parent’s farm and covering for Trace at Colton’s ranch, so I hadn’t taken the time to shave this morning. That left me rockin’ a fair amount of stubble and my hair was still wet from the two-minute shower I’d taken before heading over here. I had been coated in several layers of dirt and filth before ten a.m. so showering was not a luxury, it was a necessity.

  Shaking my head back and forth I ran my fingers through my still damp hair and then grabbed the flowers I’d bought on the way over to pick up Mia for our lunch with her ex and his pregnant fiancée.

  Last night she’d had to leave the reception suddenly to deal with some crisis that had something to do with the director of photography’s camera package not being available. One second she was in my arms, dancing. The next, she was gone, but luckily not before giving me her room number and the time to pick her up. She was out the door before I’d had a chance to say a word.

  I’d stood in stunned silence until my mom snapped me out of it. I honestly don’t know how long I would have stared after her if it hadn’t been for the interruption. Mia had put me under a spell, one that I was anxious to see if I was still susceptible to.

  Getting away from the ranch and the farm today had been difficult, and if it was anyone or anything else, I would’ve cancelled. But I wanted to see Mia again more than I’d wanted just about anything in my life. And I really didn’t want her facing that jackass alone.

  The beep of my truck locking sounded as I made my way up to the door and it hit me that this was the first time I’d ever brought a girl flowers and it was for my pretend girlfriend. It hadn’t been a premeditated move. When I’d passed by The Flower Pot, I impulsively ran in and grabbed the prettiest bouquet in the place.

  As I knocked on the wooden door I could hear Mia’s sweet voice on the other side of it. The door opened I couldn’t help the grin my mouth lifted into. When I saw Mia in the doorway, I was struck speechless. It was the same feeling I had when I saw her the night before, but somehow more intense. I felt it all over. In my chest, my legs, my arms, my head—my entire being was filled with an overwhelming wave of tightness. It wasn’t that I couldn’t breathe, it was that I didn’t want to. I didn’t need to. It was as if just seeing Mia’s face again could keep me alive. I could survive off of her. Just her presence was enough to sustain me.

  I guess I was still susceptible.

  A muffled voice sounded and snapped me out of my haze.

  “Oh sorry.” She shook her head and I realized for the first time that she was on the phone. “We’ll be right there.”

  When she lowered the device she glanced behind her and grabbed a bag as she rushed out. “They’re already at the diner. We’re late.”

  I took a step back as she walked onto the small patio but before she closed the door I realized that I was still holding the flowers. “Do you want to put these inside?”

  The expression on her face as she looked up at me was uncertainty. Reaching up she touched her chest. “Those are for me?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded and couldn’t help the stupid grin that was plastered on my face—the same one that seemed to appear whenever I even thought about Mia much less stood in front of her.

  “Oh…” She stared at them making no move to take them from my hand. An adorable, small wrinkle appeared above her nose. “Did you think Tad would be here?”

  “No.” Unlike the feeling I had when I pulled up in front of the motel, the feeling that I was experiencing now was very unfamiliar.

  When it came to the opposite sex, confidence had never been an issue with me. I’d never been one of those guys that worried about what to say or thought about what a girl might think of something that I did. But here I was, second-guessing the shit out of picking up this bouquet, and having no idea what to say in way of explanation. It was a genuine first for me, and so far I wasn’t a fan.

  That is until I saw a light blush creep up her creamy cheeks and her lips pull up in a bright smile as she took them from me. Then that uncomfortable sensation was replaced with an exaggerated sense of accomplishment and pride. Making Mia smile was a high that I could easily get addicted to.

  “Oh…” Her voice was whisper soft as she said, “Thank you.”

  I watched as she rushed back into the room. It was then that I noticed what she was wearing. On any other girl it would just be jeans and a T-shirt but on Mia…on Mia it was a work of art. Last night, her dress did nothing to display the masterpiece that was her backside. I’d never been a man that claimed to like one part of the female anatomy over any other. I was an equal-opportunity lover of tits, legs, eyes, smiles and asses. But the pair of jeans that Mia was wearing changed that. I was now officially an ass man. As long as it was Mia’s ass.

  The faded denim did more than just accent her perfect curves, it showcased them like the work of art they were as she stood at the small sink and filled a large glass with water.

  As she placed the flowers in the makeshift vase she called out, “This is the first time anyone’s ever given me flowers.”

  “Well, it’s the first time I’ve ever given anyone flowers.”


  My eyes lifted at the sound of her voice and I saw that she’d glanced over her shoulder.

  I nodded. “Seriously.”

  Her left brow lifted and her full lips turned up into a small smirk. It was clear that she’d caught me. “Enjoying the view?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Maybe most guys would’ve been embarrassed in this situation, but I wasn’t most guys. I nodded as I tucked my thumbs in my belt loop. “I sure am.”

  My unapologetic response made the light pink tint that was currently residing on her cheeks flare to a much deeper shade of red. She licked her lips nervously and shook her head slightly as she grabbed her computer bag. “We should go.”

  I held my arm out towards my truck. “After you.”

  As she passed me and made her way to my truck my eyes drifted south and I found myself once again “enjoying the view.” Mia James in blue jeans was now tied with a summer night sunset from my parent’s porch as my all-time favorite view.

  When I reached around her to open the passenger door, her head spun and her baby blue eyes lifted to mine and I could see the confusion clouding them. “You don’t have to do that. Tad’s not here, he’s at the diner.”

  I leaned down closer to her and her eyes grew wide as I did. “Sweetheart, if you think that the only reason a man should open a door for a lady is because someone’s watching, then you’ve been hanging around the wrong men.”

  The corner of her eyes narrowed. She looked at me as if she wasn’t sure what to make of me. Finally, her lips turned up in a small grin as her head tilted to the side. “I can’t tell if you’re for real or not.”

  Now, I could assure her that I was “for real.” Explain that there wasn’t an insincere bone in my body. But, in my experi
ence actions spoke louder than words. And this was a show, not tell situation.

  “Well, luckily you have a whole week to figure it out.” With a wink, I held out my hand to help her step up into the truck.

  After a moment of hesitation she placed her delicate fingers in mine, but still looked a little suspicious. I could practically hear the wheels turning in that pretty little head of hers. I wasn’t exactly sure what she thought I was up to, but if I had to guess I would say no good.

  When I made it around to the driver’s side, she was turning towards me and snapping her fingers before my ass had even hit the seat.

  “Oh, I was meaning to ask you. I saw Colton talking to a blonde when I was leaving last night and it looked…serious. I was dealing with a show crisis until three a.m. so I couldn’t check in with him last night. And I tried to get in touch with him this morning but he’s been flying and doing interviews. Do you know who she was? Pretty blonde in a red dress?”

  She didn’t need to specify. I knew exactly who she was talking about. I nodded, not sure of how much I should say. “Isabella Connor.”

  “That name sounds familiar.” Mia bit her lip as she sat back, looking out the window as we pulled out of the parking lot. “Does she live here?”

  “She grew up here, but left when she was a teenager. I’m pretty sure last night was the first time she’s been back since then.”

  “Oh…” She continued looking straight ahead. “And were they…she and Colton…were they friends? When they were younger? Before she moved?”

  “You could say that.” They were a lot more than that, but that wasn’t my story to tell. When growing up with eight siblings you learn that if it’s not your business, don’t speak on it.

  “I wonder if she’d want to be on the show.” Mia’s right foot tapped on the floorboard and caused her knee to move up and down. “I only saw them for a few minutes but it looked like there was a lot of chemistry there. I haven’t finished casting and that might be a great angle, a storyline, you know, someone that he grew up with.”


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