Taming Travis (Wishing Well, Texas Book 4)

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Taming Travis (Wishing Well, Texas Book 4) Page 17

by Melanie Shawn

  I leaned forward, still moving in and out of her. I was seized with the urge to press my chest against her back, though. To wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. To be as close to her body as one could possibly get to another person. I felt like, if I could accomplish that, then that would be the way to bring our souls together, too. To foster that connection, that bond. That intermingling of ourselves.

  As great as having sex with her felt on a physical level, the real goal was to become one—to not know where one of us stopped and the other began. I wanted there to be as little keeping us apart as possible, and I would do whatever I needed to do to make that happen.

  I lowered down, pressing my chest against her back, I worked hard to keep up with the smooth rhythm that our bodies were creating together. It was more difficult at that angle, but when I accomplished it, it was like the best of both worlds—all of the physical pleasure of being inside her and making love to her and all of the emotional satisfaction of holding her close.

  I slid my hand up her belly to cup her breasts as I took her from behind. They bounced in my palms every time I entered her. Tremors rocketed through them and with every jiggly shake. I loved it. The more I did it and the harder I thrust, the more her tits wiggled in my palms.

  Her nipples grew harder with each pass of my fingertips as I tweaked her nipples, pinching and rolling them. Every time I squeezed, she let out a small whimper of delight and I could feel the tremors of pleasure passing through her. The involuntary twinges of her muscles rippled under her skin, and I could feel it in every single place that we were pressed together. It was like a Morse code of arousal, and I was just the Boy Scout to read the signs.

  I moved one of my hands lower on her body, sliding it over her flat belly, which was slick with a sheen of sweat. Dipping my fingers between her legs I rubbed her clit, never losing my rhythm as I pumped in and out of her, and even still using my other hand to play with the tight peaks on her breasts. I wanted to give her the most intense and complete sensory experience possible. I wanted her to be feeling pleasure from every possible source. I wanted all three of those waves of pleasure to crash into each other in her torso, creating one giant tsunami of sensation that would sweep her out to sea with it.

  Her whole body trembled and shook as an orgasm crashed through her, and pride filled my chest. To think that she was experiencing that kind of intense pleasure because of what I was doing to her. That I was able to give that to her as a kind of gift—it was overwhelming and emotional. I cared about her more than I cared about myself. I would do anything for her, give her anything. The fact that I was able to give her this was beyond satisfying.

  I continued to stroke all three pleasure centers as she rode out the orgasm. I could feel the urge to climb that peak rising up in me, but I pushed it down. That wasn’t what I wanted right now. I wanted to focus on her pleasure. I wanted to maintain a clear head so that I could remember every moment, every whimper, every tiny movement of every part of her body. I wanted to keep it in the vault of my brain so that I could pull it out and replay it anytime I wanted to. For that reason, I couldn’t give myself over to my own mind-blowing orgasm. Not yet. Once I did, all ability to reason—and remember—would fly right out the window, and I couldn’t let that happen yet.

  I slowed my movements as her trembling became less violent and her moans quieted. By the time she’d completely come back down to earth, I was doing nothing but running my hands lightly up and down her arms.

  She extricated herself from me, turned and scooted back on the bed. Then she tilted her head to the side and looked at me quizzically. “Did you come?”

  I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips.

  “Why not?”

  Her genuine puzzlement was adorable.

  “I wanted to focus on you. I wanted to fully enjoy the show. I didn’t want to be distracted by what I was feeling,” I replied honestly.

  “Good,” she replied smugly.


  “Yeah, because now I can do this.”

  I didn’t have to wait long to find out what she was talking about. She leaned forward on her hands and knees on the bed, this time facing towards me. Reaching out she slid the condom off of my rock hard dick, and massaged it with her hands.

  Then, she slipped her mouth back over my steel length and picked up right where she’d left off. Her mouth was so tight and hot around me that I thought I might just blow my load right there, but I did my best to hold back. For no other reason than to have longer to enjoy the incredible sensation of her lips and tongue wrapped around me as she moved her head up and down.

  Although there was nothing in this world that I loved more than making love to Mia, I had to admit that getting a blow job from Mia came in such a close second that they may as well have been twins.

  When it was clear to me, suddenly, that I wasn’t going to be able to take this much longer whether I wanted to or not, I grasped her shoulders and tried to push her back off of my dick. She resisted. I tried again. She still resisted.

  I decided that I’d better try the direct approach. “I’m gonna,” I said, as matter-of-factly as I could.

  She took her incredible mouth off of my cock just long enough to say, “I know.”

  “Mia,” Her name in a warning sound was the only word I could form with my baby batter brain.

  She looked up at me, her lips still wrapped tightly around me, and gave a slight nod.

  Damn. She really was the perfect woman.

  She kept her mouth firmly fastened around my dick as I reached my release, and took all of it. Then, when I was finished, she collapsed back on the pillows, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, grinning as her heavy lids started to fall, “That was fun, but I’m exhausted.”

  I crawled up beside her and pulled her into my arms. She rested her head against my shoulder and I ran my fingers through her hair as I whispered, “I love you, Mia James.”

  “I love you, Travis Briggs.” And with that declaration she drifted off to sleep.

  I held her close and closed my eyes to the soundtrack that if I was lucky, I’d be falling asleep to for the rest of my life: Mia snoring.

  Chapter 26


  “All’s well that ends well and if you get cake that’s just a bonus.”

  ~ Walker Briggs

  My legs were shaking like leaves from nervous energy as we walked up the back porch of the Briggs’ impressive farmhouse. We should have been here twenty minutes ago. This wasn’t the impression I wanted to make on Travis’ family.

  I tried to distract myself from my anxiety by focusing on my surroundings and it worked. The house itself was incredible, but the real showstopper was the land it was set on. Acres and acres of lush farmland. Green pastures, fields of crops, stables, barns.

  It was almost too perfect to be real. It felt like I was on a Hallmark movie set. It was breathtakingly beautiful and serenely tranquil.

  “It must’ve been amazing growing up here,” I breathed in awe as I took in the view.

  “It was.” Travis circled his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder as we both looked out at the picturesque scenery. I let myself melt into him and savor the moment.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” The warmth of Travis’ breath fanned my neck as he spoke in a low gravelly tone.

  “Yes.” I smiled widely, nuzzling deeper into his embrace. “About a dozen times.”

  After spending a lazy Sunday morning in bed, Travis had run to his house to get ready and I did the same at the motel this afternoon. When he’d returned, you would have thought he’d never seen a girl in a dress before. He backed me into the room and my dress ended up on the floor, which had been the delay that caused us to be late. But I still didn’t want to rush this moment.

  This was a flash in time that I knew I would always remember. Standing here, wrapped in Travis’ love and strength. It felt like I was in exactly the right place at exactly the
right time. I didn’t want to lose this feeling. It was magic.

  “How did you ever move away from here?”

  “You’ll find out in a few seconds,” he whispered against my ear.

  Less than a beat later, the sound of the screen door slammed open. “You’re here!” Harmony exclaimed. “I thought I heard your truck.”

  She pulled her brother into a hug first and then it was my turn. The embrace helped to settle some of the uneasiness I was feeling about meeting Travis’ family. It wasn’t that I thought they would be anything less than gracious, it was that there were so many of them.

  I’d grown up with one sister and didn’t have any cousins my age. Going to college and sharing my dorm room with three other girls was a culture shock. This was going to be like a culture electrocution.

  We stepped into the house and introductions were made. I recognized everyone from the wedding, but hadn’t known names to put to faces until now. We all sat down for supper and the conversation flowed easily.

  As we ate I was relieved that I wasn’t the main topic or focus of conversation. It was mainly centered on Travis’ new niece Lilah as she was passed from family member to family member as they all took turns gushing over her. She was his brother JJ’s daughter. I’d met JJ’s wife Destiny when we were location scouting. She owned the bakery that we were going to do a segment in.

  It wasn’t until the discussion turned to Trace’s wedding that all eyes were focused on Travis and me.

  “And that’s where you two met?” His older brother Sawyer, the lone Briggs who had yet to crack a smile in my direction, asked. “At the wedding?”

  Travis didn’t miss a beat. “Yep, I was helping mom—like the good son that I am—by getting the glasses from the storeroom when Mia came in desperate to hire someone to pretend to be her boyfriend and she begged me to do it.”

  My eyes grew so big from shock and horrification at what he’d just said, out loud, to his entire family, that I thought they were going to pop out of my head as I turned towards him. “That’s not what happened!”

  Before I’d even got the last word out Travis’ arms were around me and he was kissing my neck as the entire family erupted in laughter.

  “Now son, that’s not how I remember it happening.” Dolly piped in over the laughter. “And I had a front row seat from the hall.”

  “You heard us?!” Now I was really mortified.

  “She hears all and sees all,” over half the table said in unison.

  Dolly nodded, wearing her reputation with pride. “From what I remember, you son, were pulling out every trick you had to get the lovely Mia to even give you the time of day.”

  “Right.” Travis nodded with a smile that covered all sins. “That’s what I said.”

  I slapped his arm playfully, “You did not.”

  He kissed my nose. “Are you sure? I think I did.”

  The baby woke up and needed changing, which disrupted the current flow of conversation and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I’d made it through the hot seat portion of Sunday dinner. I was just starting to relax when Harmony’s fiancé nudged my arm and handed me a folded up piece of college-lined paper with a pen clipped onto it with my name written in capital letters.

  I took it, thinking it must be some kind of Briggs family initiation. When I opened it I saw that it was a question posed by Harmony. It read:

  Are you going to marry my brother and have his babies? Check one.

  Below that were three options: Hell no. The jury’s still out. And Abso-freakin-lutely!

  I smiled but before I had a chance to mark one, Travis took the pen out of my hand and placed a check mark beside Abso-freakin-lutely, then folded it up and handed it back to Hudson to pass to Harmony.

  “Seriously?” I grinned as I asked softly, “Weren’t you curious to see what my answer was going to be?”

  “Not at all.” He spoke at the same volume as he shook his head looking as cocky as the rooster that was in the coup outside. “I know exactly what you would have put.”

  “Really?” I smiled. “Do tell.”

  He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “You would’ve checked maybe because you’re scared. Scared that this is happening too fast. That you can’t trust what your heart is telling you. That you’ll get hurt.”

  Yep. He pretty much nailed it.

  “Am I right?” His lips brushed the outside of my ear as he spoke.

  I nodded as a shock of bliss raced down my spine.

  He leaned back, his face a breath away from me as he said in a quiet voice, “So, I answered for you, because we’re in this together now. When you’re too scared to jump, I’ll be there to hold your hand. And when I’m too stupid and try to jump, you’ll be there to pull me back. Can’t you see? We were made for each other. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly. The cheese to my macaroni. The burger to my fries. The ham to my sandwich.

  “These are a lot of food references.” I teased.

  “You keep talking to me and I can’t eat, I’m starving,” he joked.

  I laughed and he smiled as he brushed my cheek with the back of his knuckles, his tone turning serious. “You’re more than my better half, you’re my best whole. You’re my everything.”

  “Hey!” A call came from the other end of the table. “What are you two whispering about? Share with the class!”

  As Travis explained that I was just telling him how much I wanted to marry him and have his babies there was a chorus of ‘yeah right,’ ‘you wish,’ and ‘in your dreams.’

  Even though Travis was kidding, he was right. That is what I wanted. And for the first time in a long time, I had a feeling I was going to get exactly what I wanted. Here. In my new home. With Travis.


  Coming Soon to Wishing Well, Texas

  Wishing Well, Texas Coming in 2017

  Claiming Colton April 2017

  Trusting Bryson May 2017

  Seducing Sawyer June 2017

  Excerpt New Series: Whisper Lake Romance

  Introducing our new series that is a Crossroads Spinoff

  Whisper Lake Romance

  Starting with

  Allison & Kade’s story in

  Whisper of Love

  Coming Summer 2017

  Unedited Excerpt

  Chapter 1

  “Are you looking at porn!?”

  “What? No!” Kade’s brow furrowed as his eyes remained glued to the device he was clutching in his hands.

  The grunts and groans she’d heard in the hall that had caused her to go where no man dared to go—a teenage boy’s bedroom—were silenced now. In the dark room the only thing she could see through the small crack in the door was her nephew’s face that was illuminated by the screen of the iPad he was holding. It was too bad he didn’t wear glasses so she could have seen the reflection of what he was watching in them.

  “Give it to me.” Allison Walsh did her best to sound as authoritative as possible as she leaned into the door with her shoulder pushing it open. The task was made more difficult due to an enormous pile of laundry halting its path. After putting her back into it, she was finally able to move inside the darkened room.

  The first thing that hit her was the overwhelming, pungent smell. The combination of dirty socks, rotten food, and a distinctive funk that, in her experience, was uniquely teen-boy aroma. Lifting her hand to cover her mouth, she instantly regretted the fact that she’d let the room checks slip over the last few months.

  That’s not the only thing you’ve let slip, her inner—somewhat judgmental—voice chimed in.

  Shaking off that truth she pushed ahead into the funk cloud and expertly navigated through the minefield of dirty laundry, pizza boxes and general debris that covered his floor. When she reached the bed, she snatched her nephew’s iPad out of his hands.

  “Hey! What are you doing!?” he shouted angrily.

  “You’ll get it back when your room is clean and the yard is mowed, K-man.”

  “Don’t call me that,” her nephew shot back as he sat up on his bed and extended his hands to her like he was Oliver asking for ‘some mo’ please, except in a much more belligerent and rude manor. “You can’t take that, I need it for schoolwork.”

  Shit. Ali’s mind raced as she searched her nephew’s light green irises for any hint of deception. Was he lying? Was he telling the truth? She had no idea.

  Over the past year since she’d become legally responsible for her then pre-teen twin nephews she still hadn’t developed any kind of parent radar skills. She was officially in over her head and since the boys had both officially become teenagers the week before, she knew she hadn’t even hit the hard part yet.

  With no clue as to whether he actually needed the device for scholastic reasons, she looked down to see if she could at least figure out what he’d been watching. It didn’t take much detective work since the YouTube video was still playing. It was an MMA fight that she’d seen at least a dozen times, which for her was a dozen times too many.

  “This is not schoolwork.”

  “Yes, it is! I have to write an essay on who my hero is.”

  No. Not that. Not him.

  Of course she knew that her nephew looked up to the man that he was named after. His godfather who happened to be a MMA fighter who got more press for his extra-curricular behavior than he did for his profession. Kade Donovan had been the reigning Bad Boy of MMA for nearly ten years, which was not an easy title to hold. That line of work didn’t normally attract choir boys. To stand out as trouble was quite a feat.

  Hoping she could guide him in a different direction, she suggested, “Why don’t you write it on—”


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