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Page 2

by Anita Philmar

  “Yet,” his gaze didn’t leave her face, “I bet he’s also the one who finds the men to satisfy your desires, isn’t he?”

  The quietly asked question heated Faye Lynn’s face. She lowered her gaze and stared at the dark hair on his chest.

  Her father used her in a number of ways to make money. But she didn’t care to explain her life. A stranger, she’d probably never see this man again, and he had no right to judge what she did or didn’t do.

  She stiffened her back and glanced at him. “It’s time I leave.”

  The fierce glare in his eyes scared her for a moment. “Where is your father?”

  “In town. Why?” She couldn’t imagine why he would care where her father was.

  “Does he know where you are?”

  Again, Faye Lynn blushed.

  “I can see that he doesn’t. When he finds you gone, what will he do?” He brushed his hand over the bruise on her right shoulder.

  “He won’t find out, because I plan to join him by tomorrow morning.” She raised her chin ready to defy her temporary lover should he try to deter her.

  A hint of a smile touched his lips. “And what are you planning for the rest of the evening?”

  Her gaze locked with his. The glint of the lust she’d noticed in his eyes earlier returned. She wanted him, too, but instinct warned her to proceed with caution. He wouldn’t be an easy man to forget.

  “Well...” She eased off on the pressure of her hands against his chest. The idea of spending a night in his arms teased her mind. Could she enjoy the pleasure of sex with a man not of her father’s choosing? Or would picking her own sexual companion be stepping over the line drawn for proper ladies?

  She rubbed her feet along her lover’s calves. The rough texture of his pants tickled her arches. “First, I need to find some clothes,” she studied the stiff tips of her breasts, “and then I should head back to town. After that, I probably should find something to eat and somewhere to rest.” Her hands slid along his chest to the curve of his shoulders. “Why?” She added an innocent tone to her voice. “Did you want to join me?”

  “No, I’m planning a different course of action for the evening.”

  Chapter Two

  Havyn Westmore stared at the young maiden lying beneath him. Her soft skin caressed his hands like silk. Her wet, brown hair, like wild tentacles, jetted out and covered the ground around her head. She reminded him of another girl, one who’d changed his life forever.

  But Meriel didn’t possess shape-shifter blood like this girl. He could smell the rich scent of the lust that burned through her and fed his hunger. She wouldn’t leave him, not as long as he could satisfy her desires.

  “Why don’t you tell me your name?” He shifted his weight to one elbow, and his other hand eased over her stomach. His fingers combed the crisp, dark curls of her sex.

  Her breath caught on a small gasp. “Faye Lynn.”

  “Tell me, where do you come from?” He toyed with her brown bush, stroking, combing, and taking slow steps to the wet lips of her heat.

  “I, uh...” Her hand gripped his bicep, while the other one clutched his shoulder. Short little pants escaped her lips, showing her eagerness for his touch. “We, uh, moved around a lot.”

  “And what shape-shifter forms can you take?” His index finger traced the seam of her pussy.

  “Oh, I...” She arched her hips, begging him to ease the fire burning within her. “I would really love for you to shut up and make my senses soar.”

  He slid his body along hers until the rough texture of his chin massaged the soft white swell of her breasts. “But where should I touch you first? Here?” He licked her nipple. “Or much lower?” He nuzzled his finger between her slick folds and into her tight wet cunt. Greedy muscles tightened.

  His loins swelled. He edged his legs farther apart to gain more room for his growing cock.

  “Either. Both.” She lifted her breast to his lips. “I want it all.”

  A throaty laugh bubbled up from his chest. Over a decade had passed since he’d shared his body with a shape-shifter, especially one who matched his animal lust. He closed his mouth around her nipple, teasing the stiff berry with his teeth and sucking on the tip, and then he released her. His taste buds wept with the desire to taste the rich cream of her pussy.

  “Like that?”

  “Yes, but more,” she panted.

  “More.” Havyn nodded and returned to his task. Licking her nipples first, he fanned his breath against her sensitive skin then wrapped his lips around the swell of her breast.

  He stroked and teased her needy flesh. His fingers glided in and out, but he ignored the hard nub begging for his attention and the hard throbbing of his cock.

  “Oh...please,” she whispered on a rushed breath.

  The fragrant scent of her sex fed his desire, drew him like a beacon to her heat. One hand took the place of his lips, and he kneaded her breast with his fingers. He placed tiny kisses on her stomach and circled her navel with his tongue. Her small hands dug through his hair, exciting the nerve endings. He worked his way over her belly until his chin nudged her inner thighs.

  He speared the tiny bud of her desire with his tongue. She screamed. The animal cry echoed through the trees and spiked his untamed lust. A second finger slid easily into her vagina, causing her to writhe.

  Her back arched. She lifted her hips in the air.

  He marveled at her response and brushed his hands over her firm buttock and squeezed. Like the doe that died a short time earlier to feed his hunger for food, this woman called another primitive passion from him, one of lust.

  She didn’t long for pretty words or flowers. Her animal instinct craved the raw naked passion of a man’s touch. His fingers, slick with her maidenly juices, slid between her butt cheeks. He nudged a wet finger against the tight ring of muscle.

  Another cry tore from her lips. She strained toward his mouth, begging for more.

  His heart pounding in his ears and his cock screaming for relief, he shoved his tongue deeper, tasting the lush treat of her female arousal. She wriggled. He cupped his lips over the taut kernel, teasing her, and then suckling her. For added pleasure, he pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy.

  A deep moan flowed from her mouth. Her thighs trembled. Her hands, raking through his hair, drew him closer to her heat. With both the wet stroke of his tongue and the thrust of his finger, he increased the pace to drive her to the sharp edge of her orgasm.

  She shivered.

  Her muscles froze for a moment, then tiny spasms played against his mouth. He lapped at her, and a wave of sweet nectar exploded from her in a gush. He drank the drops of pleasure seeping from her vagina.

  Slowly, her hips sank to the ground. Havyn lifted his head and scanned her exposed body. Beautiful in her natural skin, she laid spread out before him with no barrier inhibiting his view.

  The heavy fabric of his clothes smothered him. He jerked off his shirt and lowered his pants in one swift movement. His thick male organ jutted out in front of him and throbbed with life. The pink, swollen lips of her sex called for his cock.

  He cupped his solid girth and eased forward, massaging the tip against her clit. Her closed eyes sprang open.

  The hard thick knob of his cock pierced her tight entrance, slid in and receded. Her face lit with disbelief, and he worked his rod back and forth to excite all of her female senses. With each venture into heaven, he drove deeper until he filled her completely.

  Every instinct demanded he slam into her. Her young tight pussy would carry him to the mindless abyss where he would only experience ecstasy. Yet, he wasn’t an animal like so many claimed. He wished to share in her excitement and know she felt the same bliss he did.

  Slowly, he shifted over her with most of his weight resting on his elbows and allowed her a moment to adjust to the size of his cock.

  “Now, little one, are you ready for me to fuck you?” He couldn’t help but smile at her shocked expression, and h
e wondered about her level of innocence.

  He waited, his rod throbbing with a longing to explode.

  Her answer already apparent in her eyes, she finally nodded. She massaged her hand through his dark hair. Their primal appetite for each other bonded them together. His balls tightened, a shot of lust ran through him, and he slammed deeper.

  She drew in a sharp breath. Her tongue moistened her lips. The action drew his gaze to the treasure he’d not yet sampled. He leaned closer and kissed her, drawing his cock slowly out of her. Again, he thrust forward. His tongue darted into her mouth at the same time, sampling the pleasure of her tongue against his.

  A lust so strong he couldn’t fight demanded he take possession of her mouth, her body, her soul. The emotions he generated inside her flowed back through him in waves of joy.

  She gave.

  He took.

  They moved as one in a rhythm that marked them as lovers in any form. Havyn dove deeper, and his mind reached for hers. A blending of thoughts, a shift of perspective, he shared the incredible sensations running through his senses. She shuttered in his arms, unprepared for his desire. Her mouth tugged away from his lips, freeing her from the mental link to him.

  “What are you doing?” she wheezed in confusion.

  “Relax,” he said, coaxing her emotions back in line with his. An untouched maiden, her thoughts hadn’t been stroked by the desires of a male shape-shifter before. The satisfaction of being her first increased his pleasure.

  He bathed her neck with kisses and savored the excitement racing through her virgin blood. Intoxicated by her innocence, he increased his pace. Her passion grew and his exploded into a raw carnivorous beast.

  Harder, faster, he couldn’t seize enough of the rapture whirling through his body. His mind swirled in a vortex with hers. A scream erupted. Where she ended and he began, he didn’t know, didn’t care. Their bodies flew apart then merged for a brief period in a jubilant world of bliss.

  A shiver of fear quivered through her. He clutched her tighter, offering support for the return journey where their thoughts would no longer be connected.

  He eased her into the process by opening his senses to the gentle sounds around them. The soft lapping of the water against the shore, a bird chirping in the trees, the steady pace of his heart beating against hers.

  After a time, the cool breeze against his backside revealed the sun’s descent. The red demon, in control for the night, fought his battle for supremacy on the horizon. Still, Havyn didn’t wish to open his eyes and return to reality.

  His hands caressed her spent female form. Her sleepy sigh drew him back to their grassy bed by the lake. His eyelids lifted slowly, and he shifted his head from her soft breasts. Her eyes remained closed.

  He rolled off her, jerked up his pants and stood. Her body and mind exhausted, she didn’t stir as he found his shirt and wrapped it around her naked form, then lifted her into his arms.

  She wouldn’t wake. After a joining like theirs, she’d be out for a while now.

  A wicked smile fluttered across his face. He envisioned her wakening in his bed. Eager and hungry to taste the pleasure she’d found in his arms.

  Havyn started for home, his stride briskly chewing up the ground in his haste.

  Chapter Three

  The fragrance of sweet herbs and rich male skin teased Faye Lynn’s senses. She opened her eyes, amazed and confused for a moment as to her location.

  In a bed?


  But not like any bed—or room for that matter—she’d ever been in before. Both were huge. Her gaze followed the gray stone walls to a beast-sized fireplace that lit the whole area with a soft, misty glow.

  A thick arm draped across her chest, preventing her from rising. She slipped her shoulder out from under the weight, and a large hand skimmed over her stomach to her thigh. Her gaze fell on the man sleeping beside her. His eyes were closed. Thick lashes brushed his high cheekbones.

  Her hands itched to stroke the dark hair from his brow and trace the beard covering his jaw. She remembered the incredible sensation of his rough chin against her delicate skin. Heat flooded her face.

  What compelled her to make love to such a man?

  When she’d first seen him by the lake, he looked wild, capable of tearing her apart if she defied his orders. Now in sleep, he appeared to be a harmless giant with no intention of hurting anyone.

  Her gaze feasted on his broad chest covered with an inky black fur. Of their own accord, her hands tugged on the blanket to reveal the line of hair running over his stomach. A horde of locks circled his groin and dotted the length of his thick thighs.

  Faye Lynn noticed the pouch nestled between his legs. Round and full, like a bag of stones, they evoked fascinating ideas. She imagined herself as a man, the weight of the balls rocking against her legs when she walked or ran.

  No wondered a man was easily excited. The built-in equipment could be aroused with the slightest movement.

  She longed to play with his testicles, hold them in her hand and judge their weight.

  Tempted, she surveyed his face. His eyes were still closed so she edged closer. Her hand slipped between his legs. A tentative finger poked his sack, rolling the small round ball inside against his thigh.

  He sighed.

  She jerked away, but his hand on her leg flew so quickly, he caught her wrist before she could react.

  “What are you doing?” His dark gaze nailed her.

  “Nothing, I, uh...” She glanced at the fireplace glowing with red embers, then from the tall oak door to the stone walls and finally the large window. The world through the glass appeared dark and empty. Her mind mirrored the scene outside, and she struggled for something to say. Heat radiated over her face.

  “Faye Lynn.” He pulled her to his chest. “You’re blushing.”

  “Uh.” A thought suddenly occurred to her. “What’s your name?”

  A deep rumble vibrated from his chest with a short burst of laughter. “That’s right. You were more interested in my body than my name when we first met.” He glided his hand down her back to her hips. His fingers fondled her butt checks and squeezed her flesh. “Havyn Westmore, I come from the same territory that you do.”

  Shocked, she jerked away. How could he claim they were from the same place? She never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks, except when...

  His arms tightened. “You don’t know where you’re from, do you?”

  She shrugged, relaxed her tense muscles and toyed with the hair on his chest. “My father and I travel a great deal. It’s been a long time since we’ve stayed in more than one place for more than a couple of days.”

  “Then you don’t remember your home land of Ardenia?”

  A lush green oasis flashed through her head. The memory sparked a sense of belonging, love, peace, and then just as fast sped away, leaving a lonely hole in her chest. She fought to recapture the scene, but it fluttered away. “I don’t recall most places. After a while everything begins to look alike.”

  His black eyes narrowed. Obviously, he didn’t like her answer.

  She took a deep cleansing breath to give herself the strength to ignore his touch. The fresh male scent of sweat and leather greeted her senses and ignited her lust. Her hands slipped lower on his chest to his flat stomach. The muscles of his abs tightened.

  She froze. “Did that hurt?”

  “No, but it spiked my awareness as to where I yearn for your hand to be.” He covered her hand and guided her palm over his semi-erect penis. “I need you to touch me here.”

  “Oh, but my dad says never to touch a man’s equipment.” She held her fingers out straight, not letting the soft allure of the forbidden pleasures entice her curiosity. “I can lie under a man and let him make love to me, but I’m not allowed to touch.”

  The idea of stroking his thick sex excited Faye Lynn in a way she found almost impossible to resist. “Or taste, or in any way find...”

  Havyn wrapped
her fingers around his growing implement of pleasure.

  “Oh, but it’s so hard, almost like a silk hammer.” She sighed, imagining the sensual tool inside her, stroking her sensitive skin. The pounding heat of his thrust would nail her to the bed.

  He groaned and released her wrist. She started to let go, but he shook his head. “Don’t stop. I want you to touch me.”

  Her hands fondled his staff.

  “You can also taste me.”

  She peered at him to judge his words. The blue-black fire in his eyes burned through her.

  Would he really let her be so naughty?

  She didn’t ask, but the idea teased her mind with what he might taste like in her mouth. Her hand slid down the length, and she examined the full plump head of his erection. She shifted so she could use both her hands. One nestled between his thighs, and she cupped the full sacks. His hips lifted off the bed, driving his staff smoothly along the grip of her other hand.

  He groaned. “Little one, please...I need your mouth over my cock.”

  Her lips suddenly dry, she licked them and sucked the bottom one into her mouth to avoid the temptation he offered.





  But the round smooth head resembled a pair of sensuous lips.

  And she could taste his lips.

  Her father never said she couldn’t kiss the sexy lips of his rod. She leaned closer, puckered her lips and gripped his penis in her hand.

  She kissed the tip. The soft skin teased her, and she slid her mouth a little farther over his erection. Her tongue found the small slit at the top. Boldly, she stroked the head with long, wet caresses.

  The taste of him lit a flame. Hot fluid seeped between her legs. She shifted first one way, then another to ease the pressure building. Her mouth grew hungrier for what her vagina yearned for. She sucked his penis deeper, enjoying the wicked flavor. On the edge of crossing her father’s strict line, she refused herself the pleasure of taking the full plump head completely into her mouth.


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