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Banished Page 7

by Anita Philmar

  He bent his head and whispered in her ear. “Jacko is also from Ardenia. By greeting him in your natural form, he’ll see you’re proud of being a shape-shifter.”

  She lifted her head and loosened her hold around his waist. Skepticism sparkled from the depths of her eyes. She struggled for a moment to gain control of her fears then straightened her shoulders.

  Havyn’s hands fell away as he glanced at Jacko and registered the heat in the man’s gaze. “Jacko, I’d like for you to meet Faye Lynn.”

  Faye Lynn took a deep breath and let it out slowly then turned. “I can’t say that it’s a pleasure to meet you. Not if you’re the one who sent Shadow after me, but Havyn says you’re a shape-shifter like us.” She held out a hand. “So I guess you’re all right.”

  Jacko gaze followed the length of Faye Lynn’s lush form. He stepped closer, but Faye Lynn withdrew her hand.

  He smiled, and a spark of lust lit his eyes. Havyn could read the hunger racing through the man’s blood.

  Enraged by his lack of respect, Havyn drew Faye Lynn back against his chest. His hands circled her waist. He’d forgotten for a moment the man’s disreputable reputation. Male shape-shifters weren’t allowed to show their desires when addressing a female. Jacko’s gaze fell to Faye Lynn’s breasts.

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Jacko’s head tilted to one side, and he nodded to Havyn. “She does remind me of Meriel, strong and proud.”

  Havyn frowned and tightened his grip on Faye Lynn’s waist.

  Jacko ogled Faye Lynn again then took a step back. “And you might be right about her.” He nodded as if coming to a decision. “Which could still work for me?”


  “That I’ve decided to be generous.” Jacko’s hand closed over the door knob. “The portal to Ardenia is in the same place it was when you left. It should be there for a while yet.”

  “And the cost?”

  The wicked smirk on Jacko’s lips twisted a knife in Havyn’s chest. Luckily, he’d found Faye Lynn before Shadow did. Otherwise, things would have turned out much differently.

  Jacko shrugged. “A kind word to the queen might help matters in the future, but I won’t hold my breath. You can’t get caught up in my mess. We’ll just wait and see how you fair on your adventure.”

  He stroked a hand over his neck, rubbing it lightly. A reminder of what could happen to Havyn if he couldn’t confirm Faye Lynn’s parentage.

  “Is she a treasure or a curse, Havyn? I hope the cost of claiming the prize isn’t more than you’re willing to pay.” Jacko turned the knob, gave Faye Lynn a slight nod, then left.

  The door closed.

  Faye Lynn turned. “Who is Meriel?”

  Chapter Ten

  Faye Lynn laid her hands on Havyn’s chest. “Shadow and Jacko both mentioned her several times. Who is she?”

  Havyn’s large hands stroked her back and cupped her buttocks. “Just a woman I knew back in the war. Enemy raiders killed her while my troop fought a group of renegades near our home base.”

  “Were you in love with her?”

  Pain flashed in Havyn’s eyes before he lowered his head to nibble on the side of her neck.

  “I thought,” his lips charted a path to her ear, “I was at the time.” He shifted back, and a bright smile lit his face. “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. First, you fooled Shadow by transforming and hiding under the bed. Then you greeted Jacko in your natural form like you were a true princess. You’re one incredible lady.”

  His arms circled her and lifted her off the ground. He twirled her in circles. Her feet flew out in an arc. A special joy bloomed in her chest. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t labeled her a coward for hiding under the bed.

  “I...uh...” She struggled to catch her breath.

  They fell onto the bed. His weight rolled over hers, and they landed in the center of the mattress. He laid her on top of him and adjusted her into a sitting position. Her legs flanked his hips.

  “I thought Jacko’s eyes would pop out of his head when he saw your full breasts and slick mound. The rich smell of your transformation made him as horny as hell.” Havyn’s hands drifted over her thighs. “He pictured himself where I am now, with you warm and willing above him, your wet pussy only a breath away from his fingertips. His cock aching for the chance to slide into your moist heat. He even thought for a moment about fighting me for you.”

  “I wouldn’t have made love to him.” Faye Lynn shuddered. Whether from the idea of Jacko touching her or from Havyn’s fingers running through the hair between her legs, she couldn’t say. Something about Jacko’s appearance warned Faye Lynn. As an unscrupulous man, he took whatever he wanted and didn’t care who he hurt in the process. If Havyn hadn’t been standing behind her, she couldn’t have endured his gaze.

  “He’ll never get the chance to touch you, but I can imagine what he’d attempt if given the opportunity.” Havyn shoved a pillow under his head and settled, then drew her forward and cupped her breasts. “First, he’d taste your rosy red nipples and feast on them until you screamed.” The pad of his thumbs toyed with the tip of her breasts. They peaked. His hungry gaze gleamed with delight.

  “After he sampled each tight berry, he’d suck the rich full globe of one breast deep into his mouth.” Husky with lust, his words flowed over her skin. “But that wouldn’t be enough for Jacko. His mouth might be busy with this treat, but...” He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging and wrenching lust from her toes and fingers. “One of his hands would venture lower and find the sweet little nub between your legs.”

  His words excited her as much as the warm fingers traveling over her stomach. “He’d thrust one or two fingers into your hot wet pussy and play.”

  Destination clear, she waited impatiently for him to find his mark. Melting under the heat of his breath, so close yet so far from her breasts, the fire in his gaze ignited a flame. She couldn’t remain still. Her knees squeezed his hips. Her hands clutched his shoulders. She rubbed the tip of her breast over his mouth, begging him to ease the ache.

  Tediously slow fingers fluttered through brown hair, stroked the inside of her thigh, and finally traced her heat.

  “Havyn, you’re...”

  “Playing.” His gaze met hers. He shifted. The evidence of his desire rubbed against her sensitive flesh. “Let me show you how he’d fuck you?”


  Days later, Faye Lynn found herself following Havyn through the forest. His black tail, the only part of his wolf’s frame she could see, led the way through the thick underbrush. Limbs and stems tugged at her fur. She wondered about her new dress, lost forever after they changed into their current form.

  I still don’t see why we can’t simply fly to Ardenia. A big meadow opened up in front of them. She breathed a sigh of relief. Large rocks dotted the area with trees circling the perimeter, a cool oasis after the terrain they’d traveled through.

  I told you. The space around their country is protected. They don’t want anyone to find out where they live. He paused for a moment to let her catch up.

  Then how much farther? She stopped next to him in the clearing. The rough terrain they’d hiked over for the last few hours caused the pads of her paws to hurt. The driving sun raced for the horizon. Only a few hours of light would glow in the sky before the moon beast flushed the heavens with its red blaze.

  Havyn turned his head and swept his nose over her coat. Not far, we can take a break and rest for a moment.

  A wet stroke licked the smooth skin of her belly. She sidestepped his tongue. But Havyn, I thought you wanted to get there today. Shouldn’t we keep moving?

  No, right now, mounting your sweet ass and pounding my cock between your legs is paramount to my sanity. This is one of the forms we can use that position I showed you earlier at the hotel.

  The rough words didn’t sound like the man she’d come to know over the last few days. Havyn, the man, was a gentleman. Havyn, the wolf, poss
essed a wilder more lustful side.

  She caught his rich masculine scent but curbed her desires and took a few more steps away. Why don’t we transform into humans first? I’m not sure I’m ready to make love as a wolf yet.

  He didn’t argue but pounced on her, sending her rolling on the ground. She turned her head to nip at him and saw his shape begin to change. Following his lead, she closed her eyes and remembered the joys of being a human. She loved the unique ability to touch and stroke Havyn.

  Muscles stretched. Bones lengthened. She flowed through the cycle in no more than a moment. The lick of a slick tongue against her breast brought her screaming back to her female form.


  The sudden sucking motion of his mouth over her nipple stole the words from her head. His thick erection stood between her legs. With one thrust of his hips, he entered her, filling her completely.

  This wasn’t a slow leisurely act of sharing his body with hers. He slammed into her, hard and fast, with an urgent hunger to take what he needed, give what he had. Strung out on desire, she couldn’t match his frantic pace. Sparks lit the end of her nerves, racing through her system like lighting.

  With a deep groan, he plunged deeper, drove harder, seared her with the heat he generated.

  Too much, too much for one person to feel. All reason blew from her head in an explosion of lust. His body quivered with hers, and he fell with her into the peaceful abyss.

  Linked as one, Havyn couldn’t break the connection for a moment. He sniffed the sweet fragrance of her hair. She’d given him everything he asked for; her love, her attention, her trust. He wondered for a moment if he deserved such loyalty, the innocent desires of love.

  Meriel, unaware of his secret of being a shape-shifter, only loved him as a man. Would she have still cared for him if she’d known the truth?

  The answer still haunted him.

  Now in a way, he stood at the same cross road. Faye Lynn knew his identity as a shape-shifter, but she didn’t know about his disloyalty to his people. Would her feelings for him change once she learned of his crime against their home land?

  His uncertainty drove him to show her the savage side of his nature. He’d taken what he wanted without giving her a chance to deny his lust or curb his appetite for her release. One last time without the barrier of the past between them, he made love to her, her body and mind innocent of the truth.

  After they stepped through the portal, she might never wish to see him again. Or he might be forever imprisoned in the dungeon of Ardenia.

  “Havyn?” She slid her hands through his hair, caressing his scalp. “Are you sure you want to do this? The journey here has upset you?”

  He shifted away from her, unwilling to share his doubts. With their minds joined after sex, he’d alerted her to his fears. His hands loosened their grip, but he couldn’t let go of her without one last taste. After stealing a quick peck from her moist lips, he rolled over and sat up.

  The smile on her face eased the uncertainty eating through his gut. “No, you have to go back. Ardenia is your home, and you need to learn where you came from.”

  He pointed to a large rock a short distance from them. “That’s the entrance into the shape-shifter’s world.”

  She laid her hand on his shoulder and stood up. “But why didn’t you tell me we were so close.”

  “I considered telling you, but other things diverted my attention.” He rolled to his feet, and her small hand landed in his much larger one.

  The best thing about their country consisted of the magical features of the land. He loved the idea of showing her each one of the amazing nuances but knew it might not be possible.

  “This, my love, is a leave-wear tree.” He pointed to a large multi-color tree. “I know you won’t be comfortable running around in your natural form, so let’s pick a few leaves for you to wear.”

  He walked to the tree. “Once you pick a leaf, you place it against your skin. The foliage stays in place until you remove it.” He plucked a large black leaf and positioned it over his crotch. “See it adheres to your skin.”

  “And I can’t remove it.” Faye Lynn tested his assessment of how the natural-wear worked and placed her fingers along the edge of his leaf. She tugged at the black patch. The leaf didn’t budge, but his cock swelled at her fumbling touch.

  He grabbed her hand. “Believe me, Faye Lynn, the special magic of the leaves works.”

  She studied the tree again, then chose a pair of bright pink leaves and placed one over each breast.

  Havyn drew in a long cleansing breath. The color and shape accented the soft swell of her flesh, begging for him to kiss and suck on the puckered tips.

  The next set of purple leaves, she placed over her mound and covered her sex. Again, his gaze zeroed in on the colorful foliage. His hunger for her grew.

  He ignored the call of his desires, turned and picked some more foliage to cover her with. One for her navel, the round curve of her butt, a few more around her breasts, his hands collided with hers in his attempt to add more.

  “Havyn, stop.” She slapped at his chest. “I have enough. You’re the one who needs some more coverage.”

  He surveyed the sole leaf over his crotch. “No, one is plenty. Most people in Ardenia don’t even bother with clothes or any type of cover. It’s acceptable to run around in your natural state.”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean everyone is naked?”

  “Yes. Being without clothes makes it easier to transform.” Havyn took her hand and stepped forward. “You’ll see when you get there. People in Ardenia don’t possess the same inhibitions that humans do.”

  “I don’t know. For some reason, this doesn’t feel like the right thing to do.” Faye Lynn hung back.

  His hand tightened on hers. “No, little one, it’s like paradise. The magic of the place makes life so much easier to enjoy.”

  She glanced around, and the instinct to run skittered over her skin. Her breathing accelerated. “No, I don’t want to go.”

  “Easy,” he whispered and drew her into his arm. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll be right beside you, and I’ll introduce you to anyone you should know.” He shared her fears for a brief moment and cupped her face. “I promise you’ll love Ardenia, and if you don’t, you’re welcome to come back to my castle and live with me.”

  Her hands closed over his wrists. “Then let’s go back to your castle now.”

  “But you haven’t even seen the place yet.” He fought with his conscience to complete their journey. She needed to understand what she was giving up before he could let her stay with him and not live the life she deserved.

  After a brief hug, he drew her to the large boulder. “Once you place your hand on the rock, you’ll see a huge crystal gate glowing with light. You’ll feel a slight tug, and then you’ll be on the other side of the portal at the entrance into Ardenia.” He held her hand, watching her hesitate.

  She reached out to touch the boulder with the tips of her fingers. The hard surface of rock shifted under the impact of their hands.

  A sharp jerk and he plunged forward into a dark abyss.

  Chapter Eleven

  Falling through the darkness, Faye Lynn saw no light. A cold chill brushed her skin. The hand holding Havyn’s gripped nothing but air.

  With a jarring bump, she landed. Her legs stumbled on a stone floor. She fell forward onto her knees. Large claws gripped her forearms and jerked her back to her feet.

  “Havyn?” She studied the huge dank area. Sun stones lit the dark gray walls. Two other hairy creatures about the same size as the one holding her held him captive. A number of other men stood with spears pointed at them. Metal doors lined the walls.

  “What are you doing here, Havyn? You know you’re not allowed to set foot in Ardenia again.” A mountain of a man with dark hair and huge muscles stepped forward. The guards parted to let him through. He stopped in front of Havyn. The two looked like a reflection of the other. “You�
�re not allowed to come back for any reason.”

  Havyn struggled to free his arms from his captors and hissed at the man. “Right, Oxford. I’m only here because I thought the queen might want to see her daughter again.”

  “What?” Shocked, Faye Lynn stared at Havyn. Queen? His joke of her being royalty couldn’t be true?

  The creatures holding her released her suddenly, causing her to almost fall to the floor again. She took a step forward, the rough surface of the dungeon floor rubbed against her bare feet. Grit played between her toes.

  “Her?” Oxford stared at her like a bug under his foot he planned to squash.

  Faye Lynn shivered under his vicious glare.

  “She can’t be the queen’s daughter. She’s not the right age, even if she does share the same coloring.”

  “How old are you, Faye Lynn?” Havyn nodded to her, indicating for her to return to his side.

  “I’m, uh, not really sure.” She shuffled her feet in a slow side-step until she stood beside him. The guards around her were all naked expect the big guy, Oxford. He wore a short, black skirt. She diverted her gaze and zeroed in on Havyn’s chest.

  The two big beasts on each side of him wouldn’t let her touch him. “My dad told me. I would turn twenty in the fall.”

  “How long ago were the queen’s daughters stolen?” Havyn spoke again to the large man.

  “It’s been almost ten years.” Oxford’s gaze ran over her head, chest and legs. He appeared disgusted by her.

  With so many eyes trained on her exposed body, Faye Lynn wished she’d covered more of herself with the leaves. Heat flushed her skin. Her instincts about not coming here correct, her courage wavered. “I, uh...”

  “Even if this small bit of a girl is her daughter, we can’t trust you. It could be some trick to gain the Queen’s graces.” Oxford stepped closer, still examining her with cold narrow eyes. “I’ll take her to a wizard to test her skills.”


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