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Page 11

by Anita Philmar

  “But you just arrived home, you can’t leave.” Tears gathered in her mother’s eyes.

  “I know, and I will stay for a few more days. But I must go back.” Kesia kissed her mother’s cheeks, stood, and walked to where Havyn stood in the middle of the room.

  “If you will please kneel before me,” she said in the same regal voice she’d used to command him to please her in bed.

  His left eyebrow rose, but he took a knee before her.

  She laid her hands on his shoulders. He opened his mouth, but she lifted her chin to stall his words. “I am the princess of Ardenia. With whatever power I possess, I pardon your war crimes. You are free to come home to Ardenia any time.”

  “You can’t do that.” Rodman stepped forward and grabbed her arm. “You don’t have—”

  Havyn sprang to his feet, and in one quick move, he had Rodman in a stranglehold. “Take your hands off of her.”

  Rodman didn’t immediately comply.

  Havyn tightened his hold around the man’s neck. Rodman’s red face turned purple.

  “Let him go,” Kesia ordered.

  Havyn released the councilman and shoved him away from her. He blocked her from another attack.

  Rodman stepped back and gripped his throat. “See, the man can’t be trust. You saw the way he attacked me.”

  “And you laid your hands on my daughter.” Her mother joined the group. “I think this meeting is over. We’ll discuss the changes to security policy later.”

  Rodman started to argue, but Omar took his arm and directed him to the door. “I think the Queen would like some time alone with her daughter.”

  After the two men left, Oxford, still guarding the door, stepped forward and took Havyn’s arm. “Do you still want me to hold him, Princess?”

  “No.” She studied Havyn. An angry glint sparkled in his eyes. “He’s free to do whatever he desires.”

  Havyn jerked his arm from his brother’s grasp and walked to Rodman’s chair. His arms across his chest, he settled back in his seat.

  Oxford smiled and strolled to the chamber’s door. He closed it then stood inside, guarding the entrance.

  Kesia glanced at the two men then turned to her mother. “Looks like we have an audience.”

  Her mother glided forward and wrapped her arms around her daughter. “It’s a sign they care.”

  Moving back to her chair, her mother directed Kesia to the chair next to her. “I understand your desire to find your sisters. But I must tell you, all the attempts we’ve made to find them have come up empty.”

  “But those you sent weren’t familiar with the territory; I am. The man who claimed to be my father took me to a lot of different places.” Kesia caught the concern in her mother’s eyes, but she had to do this. “I’ve met several men who might be able to help us. Jacko—”

  “What!” Her mother’s gasped.

  “He said he was a shape-shifter.”

  “Yes, but he is an unsavory man with a conniving witch for a mother.”

  “Maybe, but he asked me to put in a good word to you for him.” Kesia didn’t necessarily like Jacko, but he might be able to provide valuable information from the rougher element of the human world. “He has connections that might help us find my sisters. But he’ll only help if he’s allowed to come back to Ardenia for a visit.”

  Her mother’s gaze narrowed, as if she weighed the price of letting him back into his homeland with the cost of never seeing her daughters again.

  Kesia could see her relenting and continued her argument. “I’ve also heard tales. And now that I know what the storytellers are talking about, I’ll have a better chance of finding them.”

  Her mother laid her hand on Kesia’s arm. “Are you planning on doing this by yourself?”

  “No,” Havyn interjected. “She should not be allowed to travel in the other world by herself.”

  Kesia felt her anger rise. Only this morning, he planned to leave. Now he thought he could tell her what she could and couldn’t do. “And who’s going to stop me?”

  “Me.” He pointed a finger at his chest.

  “And what army? You have no right to tell me what to do. This is none of your concern. You’re free to run your own life, but stay out of mine.” She turned back to her mother and took a deep breath to calm herself.

  “You know, your majesty, your daughter has a real stubborn streak.” His voice sounded almost amused by the idea. “She’ll be a very difficult wife to handle.”

  Her mother smiled. Kesia opened her mouth to argue, but her mother patted her arm and answered instead. “Yes, it’ll require a special man to achieve the task of taming her.”

  His gaze trained on her body. Kesia wondered if he could see past the special fabric of her robes. But she couldn’t look at him, not with her blood churning through her veins, screaming for him to wise up and realize she loved him.

  “He also has to be willing to travel in the human world,” Havyn stated, as if searching for someone to fill the position.

  “It might be a plus in his favor. That is, if he’s willing to ask for the right to marry my daughter.” Her mother winked at Kesia. “But I’m not inclined to grant the privilege to just anyone.”

  “Very wise of you, your majesty.” Havyn rose from his chair and stepped forward.

  Kesia knotted her hands into fists. She longed to punch him in the gut.

  “I guess then, I don’t have a choice.” He kneeled on the rug in front of the fireplace. “My queen, I know my duty. Your daughter can be both obstinate and hard to handle, but I—”

  “Why you arrogant son of a giant.” Kesia jumped from her seat. “I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on the planet.”

  “And though she fights like a wild cat,” he caught her wrists to keep her from clawing his chest, “I love her.”

  She struggled to twist her hands free. “You don’t know the meaning of the word. You were planning to leave me only this morning.”

  Her kick to his crotch hit his thigh. His strong arm circled her waist and jerked her against his chest.

  “Let me go,” she yelled, fighting to break free.

  “Not now, not ever.” His onyx gaze captured hers. The dark hunger in their depths told her better than words how much he loved her.

  “Oh, Havyn.” She relaxed against him, and her arms fell around his neck. With him still on his knees, she studied his face. “I’m the one whose hands will be full, trying to tame the wilder side of your nature.”

  “You don’t have a chance in a wizarding world of achieving that objective.” His eyes sparkled with amusement as he rose and his lips claimed hers.

  “Oxford, I guess we better start planning a wedding.” Her mother’s words slipped into Kesia’s mind.

  At last she’d found her true home.

  In Havyn’s arms.


  Kesia, where are you?

  Silence echoed in Havyn’s head. Where is she?

  He scanned the brushes lining the edge of the open field. He didn’t like her out of his sight when they were in an unknown area.

  A soft giggle tickled his senses. He placed his wolf nose in the air. Her scent perfumed the cool morning air. His gaze scanned the fresh fallen snow for clues to her whereabouts. A small hole in a web of underbrush told him her hiding place.

  You might as well come out. I’m not playing games. Not when we have a good lead on one of your sisters. He waited for her to reemerge from the hole.

  A flash of brown caught his gaze. Her small wolf form streaked away toward another group of trees. His long legs easily matched her pace.

  Come on, Havyn, we’ve had a number of good leads over the last two seasons. None have worked out. Today, I just want to play. She darted first one way, then another, teasing him with her frisky moves.

  He reviewed the time they had spent on the road. Both the summer and fall season were gone. Maybe, they should go home to his castle and rest for the winter. They could even travel ba
ck to Ardenia.

  She shot under a low bush. Her full tail swished from side to side, perfuming the air with the rich scent of her sex. Smaller and more agile, she could get into places he couldn’t.

  Come out, Kesia, he growled, running around the shrubbery. She ran out the other side, and he tackled her. They both slid across the slick ground.

  She stayed on the ground even after he rose to his feet. His gaze glided over the graceful lines of her curves.

  Havyn, I think we should go home. I haven’t eaten any lust weed in a while. She rolled over and stood up.

  If she became pregnant, they wouldn’t be able to continue their search. What about your sisters?

  I think we can get some help from Omar and a few others. After all, we know the general area where they might be. Jacko is even making some progress of his own. She circled around behind his back legs.

  Her soft fur rubbed against his side and along his chest. The luscious scent of her arousal hit his loins. He groaned. The wild appetite running through his canine body craved only one thing—sex. Desire dripped from the end of his tongue. Do you want a baby?

  She wagged her tail and gave him a cute little doggy grin. He stepped closer.

  Maybe, but right now, why can’t we just have some fun?

  Turning, she started to scamper away, but her feet lost traction in the wet snow. He pounced. His body rolled with hers. He shifted and drove home the point he would gladly give her whatever she desired.

  Banished Scoundrel

  Chapter One

  A brewing adventure to win his ultimate prize.

  The phrase pulsed through Jack Avery’s system like an incantation. His stomach, a cauldron of excitement, bubbled with nerves. Glancing briefly at the butler by the thick oak door, he shrugged his cloak off and handed it to the man. The timid butler laid Jack’s coat over his arm and bowed in an elegant dip of subservience.

  Jack turned and dismissed the servant without a nod or word in the time-honored way of the rich. Best to play the part properly from the beginning.

  Once in the parlor, his gaze darted to the huge stone fireplace and onto the rich fabric framing the windows. The colors shining through displayed the battle of the red brute in the west as it tried to overtake the sun. Bent on escaping, the daylight’s glow raced from the sky.

  The room designed to entertain Governor Cedric Sloan’s wealthy guests held a treasure-trove of expensive artifacts—a silver dwarf’s snuffbox, a giant’s ale cup, and a wizard’s gold-plated wand just to name a few. His fingers itched to pilfer one or two, but Jack squelched the idea. His thieving skills would have to rest for the next few days. Another objective reigned supreme.

  A soft laugh rang out, and he turned. Near the fireplace stood a petite, young woman, the top of her head barely reaching the man’s shoulder beside her. Yet, her willowy form, encased in a red silky gown, hid none of her curves. The thin straps on her shoulders struggled with the full, rich volume of her breasts, and her narrow waist flared to hips just wide enough to fill a man’s lap as she rode his cock.

  The provocative notion of her naked body straddling his eased the tension in the pit of his stomach, and he smiled.

  Just part of the benefits of attending this high-priced game. I get to drink expensive wine, eat succulent food, and enjoy the favors of the governor’s prize wenches.

  A real step up from my normal lifestyle.

  The lady’s brown eyes met his. Interest sparkled in hers, and he nodded a greeting from across the room. She turned and spoke to the man beside her.

  Jack glanced around again. No other women in the room met the description he’d been given of Noelani. His gaze fell again on the elegant tilt of the pretty woman’s head, her refined hand gestures, and the graceful sway of her hips as she strolled toward him.

  In her early twenties.

  Petite with light brown hair.

  She could be the princess I’m looking for.

  “Can I get you a drink?” The seductive words promised a lot more than a drink, but Jack accepted the words at face value.

  “That’d be a welcome treat after the dusty roads I’ve traveled.” He offered his best smile while he studied the lady’s perfect features. If she turned out to be Kesia’s sister, all his troubles would be over. Nevertheless, the next few moments were crucial. According to his informants, if she selected him as her partner for the duration of the party, his plan for their escape would be made that much easier.

  The lady smiled and stepped closer.

  The sweet fragrance of honey-suckle filtered through his senses. Did she crush the delicate petals against her skin or sprinkle the pollen in her hair? Moreover, where could she find the springtime flowers at this time of year?

  “Have you dropped off your stipend for the game tomorrow?” She laid her finely, manicured hand on his arm. The dainty touch sent sparks of awareness through him, and his cock swelled. “The governor likes to put all the money in his strongbox for safekeeping before the party begins.”

  Jack reined in his desire and reminded himself of his primary objective—to transport the lady back to Ardenia.

  However, he liked Sloan’s clever rule. If a man didn’t contribute the required gold coins to the game, the governor shouldn’t waste resources entertaining him. “No, I can’t say that I have. I arrived just a few moments ago.”

  “Then let me show you to the study, and I’ll fetch you a drink.” She touched his arm again and stepped into the foyer.

  He bowed his head slightly and played the unfamiliar part of a refined gentleman. “And you are?”

  She fluttered her hand over her face and brushed a wisp of light brown hair from her brow. “The governor calls me Kitty. It’d probably be best if you did, too.”

  “What an alluring name? It makes me think of a cat with its lips covered by a luscious coat of cream.” Jack stared at Kitty’s mouth, and his tongue tingled at the idea of tasting her rich, flavorful lust.

  She giggled and wove her hand through the crook in his arm. The soft swell of her breast bumped against his arm. “Oh, you’re naughty, but I love the alluring image.”

  “Then, I hope you’ll let me have a taste later.” He didn’t crowd her but allowed her to step back. She led him across the entranceway to a door on the other side.

  Remember she’s a princess.

  She paused with her hand on the knob. “Maybe, but first let me introduce you to the governor.” She opened the door with a flourish and waved her hand gracefully for him to precede her into the room.

  Jack crossed the threshold and observed the huge man behind the large oak desk. Dark hair, round face, and shoulders that filled the width of his jacket and demanded more, the governor, as Cedric Sloan liked to be called, glanced up. His gray eyes narrowed on Jack.

  A twinge of apprehension shimmied over his skin then dissipated just as quickly. No man has ever bested me in a game, and none ever will.

  With a slight dip of his head to acknowledge the introduction, he ignored the dangerous glint in the governor’s stare. After living with the underbelly of the world, little frightened Jack. He scanned the lavish space. Across the room in front of a stone fireplace sat a large round table. Seven chairs crowded around the edge, and a stool rested near a tall wingback chair. “Nice place. Is this where you’re holding the tournament?”

  The sound of the governor’s chair ground against the stone floor and pulled Jack’s attention from the priceless artifacts in the room and back to the man. Tall and wide, the man stood a hand short of a giant’s shoulder.

  Were the rumors true? Was Sloan’s father a Timberland giant? Did that explain the source of the man’s wealth? After all, Sloan’s estate included all the property that once belonged to giants.

  “You must be Jack Avery. I don’t believe we’ve ever met.” The governor extended his hand in greeting. “You must be a very good friend of Captain Havyn Westmore. He gave you a glowing endorsement.”

  Jack smiled and stepped forward
to shake the man’s hand.

  Havyn would probably rather see him dead. Nevertheless, Kesia, Havyn’s wife, wanted her sister back, and Jack had arranged to enter the governor’s card game so he could make it happen. “Yes, we served in the war together.”

  “Right. And did you bring along the required stipend?” The man’s voice cracked with emotion. Which side had the governor been on in the dispute between the humans and the giants?

  Jack tugged his squashed fingers from the governor’s grip and dug in his pocket. “I believe the cost to play is twenty gold pieces?”

  “Yes. I charge a hefty price as an entrance fee to eliminate the scoundrels of society.”

  The leather pouch caressed Jack’s fingers, and he drew the small sack from his pants. “And when is the game over?”

  “Three days or until only one man has won all the money.” The governor’s gaze shifted to the woman behind Jack. “Kitty, why don’t you show our guest to his room and make sure he’s comfortable?”

  Ignoring the two, Jack opened the small pouch. After counting out twenty pieces, he closed the bag and slid it back into his pocket. “And this will be all I’m allowed to use in the game?”

  The governor nodded and indicated a basket on the corner of his desk. “We all start with the same amount. If you run low on funds, you’ll not be allowed to contribute more. A handicap we’ll all live under.”

  “Fair enough.” Jack trickled the coins into the straw container and enjoyed the sweet music of them clanking together.

  Kitty touched his arm. “Then if you’re ready, I’ll show you to your room.”


  “I hope you find this room to your liking.” Kitty opened the door to her bedroom.


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