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Page 21

by Anita Philmar

  After leading her to the rumpled bed, he threw the comforter back and waited for her to stretch out on the smooth surface. His gaze, like a famished panther, sped along the length of her body and narrowed in on one spot.

  “I believe you’re a little overdressed.” He pointed to the few leaves that still covered her sex.

  She fumbled with the task and felt a heated blush staining her cheeks at her clumsiness. “I should probably decide your future before I’m distracted by your touch.”

  “You’ve already decided what you want me to do.” He sat on the bed and trailed his finger over her neck, chest, around her breasts to her navel and through the hair covering her mound.

  “But you’ve been a bad boy.” She caught his hand. “First you led me to believe you were bringing me home for me, then I find out you did it to sway my mother into letting you stay in Ardenia.” She studied the blue-black glint in his eyes. “What should I believe?”

  “That with you, I can be very, very bad.” He tugged his hand free and reclaimed his spot between her thighs. The tip of his finger traced the opening of cunt. “Noelani, my princess, let me lick your pussy and show you just how bad I can be.”

  She gasped, and a stab of pleasure deflated her resistant. “I...I guess I can let you try to seduce me, but I must warn you I won’t let you off easy.”

  He smiled and stood staring at her for a brief moment, then sauntered to the end of the bed. He cupped her ankle, and a teasing stroke traced the length of her calf to her knee before easing her legs apart.

  “You are indeed, a gracious princess to give me a chance to redeem myself.” The rough purr of his voice ignited her passion.

  He leaned forward, and his lips followed the path of his fingers over her thigh. Anticipation sang through her nerve endings, and she quivered. “Jack, I should...”

  His tongue licked across her labia, parted the outer folds, and then speared her clit. An overwhelming hunger assailed her senses. She screamed and gripped his head against her needy flesh.

  The hot pressure of his mouth licking and stroking her cunt sent wave after wave of pleasure through her. His tongue pulsed against her sensitive skin, and he took erratic jabs at her clit. A wicked finger parted her folds and plunged deep into her. Then he added another. Each stroke spread her wider, and the pace increased until a powerful storm raged inside.

  “Oh, please, Jack,” she whimpered as lights flashed behind her close eyelids.

  The sucking sound of his hand pounding in and out of her pussy, mixed with the heavy air filling her lungs, sent her spinning into a lust-filled vortex. He closed his lips around her clit and sucked hard on the tiny bud.

  A blast of heavenly bliss flooded her body, and her intimate muscles contracted with an intense orgasm. “Yes!”

  He continued to suckle and caress until her moans subsided.

  “I hope you enjoyed my efforts to please you.” Jack shifted forward and positioned his cock against her wet opening. He slid effortlessly inside and lowered his weight onto his elbows.

  The length of his shaft resting deep inside her, along with the very real likelihood of losing him, loosened her tongue. “I love you, Jack.”

  He stared at her without moving. His eyes darkened. The delicate walls of her tight channel marked the retreat of his cock, and the moment the mushroomed head threatened to break free, she cupped her hands over his ass. “Don’t even think about leaving me.”

  He grinned and shoved deep. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Not now, not ever, because I’m right where I want to be.” He thrust again, deeper, stronger and ground his hips against hers. The connection between them expanded, and his love, like a drugging ale, flowed through her veins.

  On fire with his love, Noelani twisted and pumped her hips in time with his. The pleasure of his deep penetration shoved her higher and higher until her climax lay only a short nudge away.

  “Kitty...” His rough groan rang in her ears, and he gripped her shoulders and plunged even deeper.

  A consuming heat shot along her nerve endings, and an explosion pulsed through her body. A bellow of triumph echoed from him, and a hot burst of liquid flooded her womb.

  Completely sated, Jack sank over her and whispered, “I love you, too, Kitty.”

  She wiggled. “My name is Noelani, and because of you, I now have the responsibilities of a princess.”

  He rebalanced his weight and kept her still. “And as your future husband, I’m allowed to call you any name that I chose in private.”

  “But Kitty reminds me of how docile I’ve been for the last twelve years. Governor Sloan had me purring at his feet.” She gripped his arms, and her nails marked his skin. “He cared nothing about me. Yet, he expected me to act like his slave.”

  Jack stared into her dark eyes and caught the hurt buried deep in their depths. “Then you underestimate the man. You were his most prized possession. He might’ve been involved in your kidnapping, but you became a part of his family. He didn’t want to release you. That’s why he sent Rosco and Elmer to retrieve you.”

  “But...” She closed her eyes, but the connection between them alerted him to her doubts. She felt betrayed by the knowledge Sloan had taken her from her family.

  “In his way, Sloan cared about you.” Jack sought to ease her pain and flooded his mind with how much he needed her. “You’re such a cute little pussy cat. Soft and sleek and oh, so sexy.” He rocked his hips, and the wet friction of her cunt tugged at his semi-hard erection.

  “And that’s why you like calling me Kitty, because it reminds you of my other forms?” Her nails scrapped against his biceps and down his back.

  The unspoken threat excited him, and he lowered his mouth to her neck. “It’s merely one of many reasons why I like the name.” He slammed his hips forward. “But mainly because it reminds me how much I enjoy hearing you purr.”

  She moaned, and he whispered against her ear, “See your doing it again.”


  Come on, Kitty. We need to get back. Jack used his panther vision to scan the area. Nothing moved. Yet, her sweet lustful scent perfumed the air.


  She had to be close if he could hear her, and he searched again for her sleek frame. The underbrush hid her position. He changed course and leaped onto an outcrop of rocks. Everyone will be waiting. We’re supposed to attend our engagement ball in less than an hour.

  A slight movement to his right alerted him to her whereabouts. He stalked closer.

  Maybe she wanted sex. After all, her mother had insisted they not share the same bedroom until after the wedding, and she might be suffering from withdrawals.

  Did the hunger for a child loosen her resolve not to mate in another form?

  Yes, but your uncle only insisted on this celebration so he could gain prestige for himself. He would’ve preferred if I had thrown you in the dungeon. She lifted her head and licked a long tongue over her coat.

  Maybe, but tonight I’m planning to tell all of Ardenia about the new addition to our family.

  What are you talking about? Noelani jumped forward. The sweeping swish of her tail flew out behind her like a fist flying through the air. Her seductive scent slammed through his body, and his groin ached with the increase of blood. We’ve only been back in Ardenia for a few weeks.

  Yes, and you haven’t had a mouthful of lust weed since our return. Jack continued to keep his place behind her so she couldn’t locate him on the rocks above.

  Do you really think I could get pregnant that quickly? Her hips swayed and then stopped in the exact position he wanted.

  Maybe. He pounced and landed right beside her. He closed his mouth over the back of her neck and tugged on her coat. She purred and wiggled her hips. The quick patter of her back legs drove home her need for sex. Fire ignited his blood, and his hungry cock throbbed. It will if I have anything to do with it.

  He pinned her against the ro
ck, and her feline scream of pleasure pierced the night.

  Banished Witch

  Chapter One

  “Omar,” Danni groaned the moment she stepped out into the tavern’s hallway. His unique scent held her captive as forgotten images popped into her head and filled her with unwanted need.

  He’d come. Even though she’d read in the cards of his arrival, the dread of facing him and overcoming her past sins tightened her chest. His appearance would play havoc with her plans for the future.

  She brushed her hand through the dark curls circling her head. The light tinkling of her cheap bracelets barely reached her ears over the loud chatter from the patrons eating and drinking in the huge dining room below. She walked to the top of the staircase and scanned the crowd. His blond hair stood out like a beacon. She noted the broad width of his shoulders and his lean form, and painful memories sliced through her, and she gripped the handrail.

  He won’t know me.

  Her blonde hair and blue eyes hidden under a magical spell, she could toy with him without fear. The innocent love of her youth no longer ruled her actions. She now understood the cost of such love and devotion, and no longer wanted the chains that bound one person’s heart to another.

  But revenge held a certain appeal.

  She savored the idea of making him suffer for all she’d endured. The pressure squeezing her heart eased, and she reviewed her options. Could she finally claim him as a lover and connect with his thoughts? The seductive idea heated her skin and excited her desires. The plan would help her learn the fate of her family.

  But was mind raping really her style?

  Keeping him as her personal sex slave, she’d certainly satisfy her curiosity with no repercussions. After she erased his memory, he’d forget the event ever happened.

  A few days of heaven or an eternity of hell to have him for such a short time and then have to let him go?

  Maybe it would be better to avoid him?

  His rich scent tickled her senses again, but the more familiar odors of the place invaded. Sour ale, male sweat, and human filth permeated the place like a petulant wound that refused to heal. For more than a decade, she’d endured the place. Thieves, gamblers, and beggars sat at the scarred tables with a few whores and hags to round out the group.

  After walking down the stairs, she wove her way through the tables. Energy raced through her veins as she drew closer. Tonight, I’ll hold Omar Mandor and experience the pleasures of having him explode in my arms.

  Only a step away, she rubbed her hands together to stop her fingers from running through his hair. She edged closer and slid a palm along the rough fabric covering his arm. His crystal blue gaze met hers, and a harsh blade of lust cut through her center.

  She smiled.

  Now let’s see if you’re willing to play the game, Omar.


  Unfamiliar with a woman’s touch, Omar gazed at the mystical witch. Curly raven hair circled a heart-shape face, and dark eyes glared at him questioningly. Awareness tingled through him, and he could almost hear her laughing at his reaction. He drew away from her caress. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

  She grinned, then leaned forward and whispered, “Not at the moment, but you will before the night is through.”

  Drawing closer, she nudged her lush breast into his arm. An alluring fragrance nudged his awareness and a wave of recognition washed over him.


  He leaned back in his chair and laid his hand on the witch’s waist while studying the alluring picture she presented. Dressed in a multi-colored skirt, she wore a black bustier around her thin waist that perfectly framed the white, cotton bounty of her breasts. Her small form didn’t stand much taller than his head even with him sitting.

  “And why should I be tempted to partake in such rapture?”

  He reviewed his assignment. Bring Danella home.

  How could he best achieve his objective?

  “Because you need relief.” She eased onto his lap, and the plush pressure of her rear on his legs inflamed his need for sex. She toyed with the drawstrings on his shirt and her fingertips brushed his chest. “Shifting shapes builds a hunger in your loins, and you haven’t fed the beast in a while.” She wiggled her bottom across his growing erection.

  Curious how she knew of his ability to transform, he smoothed a hand over her knee. “And what about you? Do you suffer from the same problem?”

  She giggled and widened the space between her legs. “No one could ever accuse me of not taking pleasure wherever I can find it.”

  “But can you shift forms?” He glided his hand under her skirt and stroked the silky skin of her inner thighs. A raging fire lit his desires while he judged her reaction to his touch.

  “I’m a witch. I can accomplish many things.” She nudged the string on his shirt out of the way and combed her fingers through the hair on his chest. “You’ll find having sex with me is like nothing you’ve ever done before.”

  The arousal in her voice sent energy through his system. But if this wasn’t Danella, he should get back to his job and leave the witch alone.

  Still, something about her...

  “I must say I’m tempted.” He wedged his hand deeper between her legs. The silky texture played against his fingertips and increased his hunger. “But I prefer to have a little more privacy when I stroke a woman.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Most men relish the idea of toying with a witch’s pussy while a room full of people surrounded them.” She eased her legs further apart and allowed him access to her moist center. “To show his prowess over the opposite sex.”

  He outlined the wet lips of her labia. She rocked her hips, and her heated pussy enraged his animal lust.

  She released a low moan and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts hugged his chest, and she nibbled on his ear. “Don’t stop now. We’ve only just begun to have fun.”

  After teasing the length of her slit, he withdrew his hand from beneath her skirt and lifted his finger. Her sexy aroma perfumed the air, and he placed his finger in his mouth. The savory flavor caressed his taste buds, and images of young love sped through his mind.

  She grabbed his wrist and kept his hand against his mouth. “Just think about lapping and licking that cream until I explode against your mouth.” Her dark eyes bore into his, drawing him into the erotic fantasy of her orgasm pulsing against his lips.

  He shook his head. Didn’t Danella’s sister, Noelani, warn him Danella wasn’t the same innocent girl? But could this witch really be the girl he’d dreamed about in his youth?

  “And how much will such enjoyment cost me?”

  An angry glint lit the depths of her eyes, and she released his hand. “What’s a girl to do? There are certain debts that have to be paid.”

  He nodded and didn’t detain her when she rose to stand beside his chair. “A problem we all share.”

  A wicked grin graced her lips, and she caught hold of his hands again. “So do you want to head upstairs or would you rather go outside for a stroll?”

  The idea of learning more about her fought with his desire to sink deep into her pussy and pound out his frustration.

  If she was Danella, why couldn’t she just admit it? Didn’t she know he yearned for her no matter how she appeared? Of course, if they made love, the mental link between them would provide him the answer.

  “A breath of fresh air sounds enticing.” He rose, and let her lead him through the crowded room and out the swinging doors. He glanced along the dirt road outlined by tall evergreens. There were no other buildings anywhere nearby. “Which way should we go?”

  She stepped off the porch and walked to the edge of the road. “Well, as you can see, there isn’t much around here. But we might take one of the trails through the forest.”

  Again, she led the way and stopped at a narrow foot trail. “Most who visit the Rocky Hills tavern are traveling to somewhere else. Only a few of us live in the area.”

mar judged the route ahead. A day’s hike in the opposite direction led them to Ardenia, their home, and the place where he wanted to return Danella. “So you don’t rent a permanent room at the tavern?”

  “Oh, I have a room. I just don’t spend all my time there.” Danella pivoted on her heels, sauntered forward, and laid her hands on his chest. “I can take you to my cabin if you want, but it’s rather a long way.”

  He studied her expression. Why did she suddenly trust him enough to allow him into her private lair? “Can we reach it before dark?”

  She slid her arms around his neck and snuggled closer. “We can if you transform into one of your other forms.”

  The soft cushion of her breasts hit his chest, and her seductive heat caressed his thigh. He clasped his hands over her waist, and the blood rushing from his head to his groin left only one thought on his mind. Was this a trap?

  “Are you transforming, too?” He held her close and squashed her attempts to wiggle free.

  “Yes, but we don’t have time to dawdle. Night is almost upon us, and I need to undress.” She stepped out of his arms and back a few paces, laying her hands on the string holding her bustier together. “I discovered a hiding place near here where I stash my clothes.”

  He followed the quick action of her fingers as she loosened her clothes. His blood raced through his veins in anticipation of viewing her luscious breasts. “And what animal do you usually change into?”

  She tugged her blouse from the waistband of her skirt. “It varies. If I’m in a hurry, I usually chose a hawk or falcon and take to the sky. Otherwise, I might choose a coyote or jaguar so I can prowl a little on the way.”

  When she dropped her shirt to the ground, he marveled at the creamy white swell of her breasts. The rosy tips drawn in tight peaks spoke not only of her arousal but the cool air surrounding them.


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