The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 13

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Last night was an answer to this woman’s dream, Jared. Don’t spoil it with what-ifs. I’m sure I will survive this day in the saddle as long as I have you to comfort me later.”

  Jared grinned. “You can count on that.” He turned to get the horses and they sneaked off through the trees.

  Michael set forth without them.

  “When did you suspect Agnes was in cahoots with Winter or your father?”

  “I started to suspect when she so placidly accepted everything and listened intently, but rarely joined the conversation.”

  “Much like a good servant would.”

  “Aye, but she has been left to shift for herself too often and I cannot believe she was sewing all that time. She should have two trunks full of dresses for me if that were the case and yet she is still working on the same one she was a week ago.”

  “How astute. I knew there was a good reason I fell in love with you.”

  Lucy pulled her mare up and looked at him as Rogue danced around. “You do?”

  “Do what?”

  “Love me?”

  He shifted in his saddle and color rose in his cheeks. “More than my own life.” His steady blue eyes met hers.

  “Well, let us pray it does not come to that, because I loved you from the first moment I kissed you in your dream.”

  “You are a silly wench. Impossible.”

  They were riding forward again. “What’s so impossible? I mooned over your sketch for a month before I saw you in the flesh. I was ready to love you. You, on the other hand, had no notice of the nature of your quest and I believe would have refused it had you known.”

  “That is perhaps why Wellington is in charge and I am not. He played me well. I would have refused the task had I known the truth. I only hope he is accepting of our marriage for it cannot be undone now.”

  “No, and for that I am grateful.” She winked at him and they continued on in silence, keeping a wide berth of the road and watching for any potential assailants.

  It was two hours later as fatigue and soreness were beginning to take their toll on her muscles, when Jared pulled up short and stopped her. He pointed slightly ahead and right near the road. Jared put a finger to his lips. Lucy nodded.

  There was a log across the road and the two men were waiting off to the side, armed and ready to attack. Their horses were fidgeting.

  Fiona and Rogue remained silent.

  Within minutes Michael drove up with the carriage and came to a halt at the log. He scanned the woods.

  Lucy was sure he had seen them, but he gave no indication.

  Michael got down to move the log. The men jumped up. One held a gun on Michael, who put his hands up. The other masked man went to the carriage and pulled Agnes out. She screamed and yelled at him that she wasn’t the one they wanted. The man cuffed her with his fist and she silenced. He spoke words they could not hear and dragged her off, tied her hands, and threw her over the horse. The men galloped down the road.

  Jared and Lucy waited a bit, then went to help Michael move the log. Soon Rogue and Fiona were tied behind the carriage and Jared and Lucy were alone inside.

  Lucy leaned into the side of her husband as he wrapped his arm around her. “You made me a believer, my pixie bride. Please let me see any more of those images you have. Even if they don’t make sense to you.”

  “I will.” She gave him a kiss and enjoyed a few more since they now had the carriage to themselves.


  Jared held his wife close. Today could have ended much differently if God had not warned them through Lucy’s gift. He wondered what other blessings were in store as he gave himself over to loving this woman.

  They reached Stratford and checked into an inn with Lucy once again posing as a valet. Jared had as much fun taking off her cravat as she did his when it came time to sleep.

  They left before the sun rose in the morning.

  Lucy was once again the prim and proper Lady Allendale.

  Jared was proud to have her on his arm but dreaded the upcoming interview at Whitehall once he delivered her there. Now though, he knew he would not be leaving her. He pulled her close in the carriage and kissed the top of her frizzy hair that was starting to lighten with every bath she took. He wrapped a curl around his finger and marveled at the softness of it. All of this woman was a wonder and delight.

  He deserved none of it and he felt guilty for spoiling any opportunity for her to make a better match. He was selfish and while Michael seemed to think his actions honorable, he felt the opposite. The one thing he did appreciate was that thus far, when she was in his arms, the night terrors were held at bay. She made everything better and he only hoped he would prove worthy of her.

  Lord Winter was a cohort of the Duke of Diamonte. Had the Black Diamond returned to England? Would he dare follow through on the plans he made when Lucy was all of six-years-old, to use her as a sacrifice? The diamond on her shoulder infuriated him. That man branded his child like he’d heard the cowboys in the colonies did to their cattle. He wondered if she even remembered it. Michael had cried when he shared the horror of watching Katrina branded with the same symbol. He had been unable to protect her or stop them and it took a long time for him to get past that.

  He thought about Josie, his sister-in-law; Beth, Phillip’s wife; and Valeria, Theo’s bride, who was also Lucy’s sister-in-law. Along with Katrina they were all women of hidden strengths. He admired them all and he felt as though somehow he had won the prize of the bunch. Lucy would be well-received by them. At the next stop, he would send a missive to Marcus to make him aware, as well as a note to the papers to announce their marriage. Just how do to that with her name having been changed posed a challenge. He’d think of something.

  He would also ask Marcus if they could have a small family wedding when he returned home with his wife.

  Wife. She relaxed against him. She wasn’t asleep but just as when they were in the highlands, there was a comfortable silence between them. He had a wife. He needed to get her a ring when he got to London. He needed to write his man of affairs too, establishing provision for Lucy should anything happen to him. Given the dangers ahead that would be his first priority tonight.

  They arrived in Stratford and found a small inn off the beaten path that would hopefully keep them out of Winter’s sights.


  Lucy missed her abigail, but knowing she had been a spy leaving messages and possibly meeting with her father’s men, angered her. She was stiff and sore from her ride, but grateful her husband was willing and able to fill the position of maid.

  Michael had threatened to room with them for protection and Lucy bit her cheek to keep from laughing at the livid expression on her husband’s face. Michael was a cheeky fellow and Lucy found she enjoyed his silly banter. He had proven he could be serious when it mattered, and she understood that he and Jared had history together that went back many years. There was trust on both sides. She was safe.

  The next morning, they started out again. They debated keeping the carriage and paring down to just horses, but Jared wanted another day of recovery for her and she had to agree it would have been more than she could handle to have ridden all day. Tomorrow…

  She sketched as they rode. Jared chose to drive for a while so Lucy could get to know her brother better. She learned more about his tumultuous road to the altar with Katrina and how he had married her when he had amnesia. He didn’t learn until later that he had a half-brother who had looked just like him, but who had already passed away. It caused some difficulty, he reported, when he met his brother’s widow. His nephew also looked a lot like him which made his wife suspect he had fathered a child of his own on the wrong side of the blanket. Misunderstandings were resolved, and they were all friends.

  Michael told her silly stories of his time in London. Lucy asked how she could be a lady when her husband couldn’t be a “lord” simply due to her birth. She didn’t mind being married to a Captain as it was a title well-
earned, whereas dukes did not have to do anything to earn their title but be born the next in line to inherit and have their predecessor die. All those things were outside the realm of their control.

  “How will I be addressed in London?”

  “Lady Allendale.”

  “Even though my husband has no title?”

  Michael nodded. “Strange, isn’t it? You get the honor of the appellation of lady because of an accident of your birth to a Duke and Duchess.”

  “I do not like it, Michael. I’ve always been a miss or a lass, and while I’ve tried to learn to act like a lady, I was not meant to be part of the haute ton.”

  “It’s ridiculous. I only had entre to the beau monde because I was knighted by the Prince Regent for service I rendered to the Crown. Still, that leaves me a Sir, not a lord and my wife is a missus.”

  “Perhaps I can request that Jared and I escape to his home and avoid me even being introduced to all these strangers with their odd customs, food, and talk. Is English not even good enough for them to speak that they have to keep littering it with French? I thought we were at war with France.”

  “We are, yet society craves anything French. Fashion, idioms, and brandy if they can get it smuggled.”

  “So not all are supportive of the war?”

  “Only as much as it can preserve their way of life. Most have no empathy for the wounded soldiers billeted home who lose their fiancées, jobs, or any kind of livelihood due to their sacrifice so that the ton can dance until dawn in freedom.”

  “Yet you have participated in these festivities.”

  “When it enabled me to do my work for the Crown, I did. I never bought into any illusion that they did anything more than humor me. None would have considered me a viable husband for their daughters even if I had a fortune to offer.”

  “But your father was a Duke.”

  “They didn’t know that. My mother was landed gentry and never spoke his name to anyone, not even my shamed Grandfather. The weight of her keeping me instead of giving me to the foundling home was a huge sacrifice. I believe she really did love our father and mourned the lies he had told her to manipulate her into his bed.”

  “I’m sorry she endured that.”

  “Can I ask you something more personal?” Michael’s voice had turned serious.

  “I can always decline to answer, so yes, you may ask.”

  “Our father is an evil man.”

  Lucy nodded. “I am aware of that.”

  “He has a thing for diamonds and brands women he wants for his evil purposes, with a diamond on their shoulder. Did he perchance do that to you before your mother escaped with you?”

  Lucy shrugged. “I can’t see my back. I don’t know.”

  Her brother looked at her with sad eyes. “Luce, did he ever…”

  “I was a virgin until a few nights ago.”

  The silence hung between them like a curtain, but Michael finally pushed through. “I want you to know, that your husband is the kind of man…he would have loved you anyway if…”

  Lucy sniffed. “I believe you are right, Michael, but am grateful I didn’t have that shame to bring to my bridal bed.”

  “The Duke may still be after you.”


  “Who understands the mind of a mad man? Winter obviously wants you and I have no doubt that it is for evil reasons. How he’s connected to our father, I have no clue, but if he is after us, he is in deep, and we should be on our guard and praying.”

  “You know God then?”

  “Yes, thanks to the faithful witness of my friend Marcus. He’s your brother-in-law, by the way. You have a sister-in-law, Henrietta, who is a flibbertigibbet if I ever knew one. I adore her anyway.”

  “I appreciate knowing I will not be alone, that I have a ready-made family awaiting me in my new life as Jared’s wife.”

  “If we can make it through the next few days alive, then yes, you have a wonderful new life awaiting you near Rose Hill.”

  “What do you mean, if?”

  A shot rang out and the horses bolted.


  A bullet whizzed past Jared’s head from the side and the horses took off at a gallop, almost knocking him from his perch. He managed to hold on to the reins and steer.

  The little door behind his seat opened. “Are you well?”

  “The bullet missed but I cannot tell if we are being pursued.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Jared hoped Rogue and Fiona were ready for a good gallop. It would be easier on them since they weren’t pulling a load. He tried to slow the horses, but they resisted. He heard the carriage door open and the sound of a gun being discharged. Don’t fall, Michael. He heard the other door open as well. What?

  Gunfire was discharged from both sides of the carriage. He glanced to the side and saw his intrepid bride holding on for dear life as she fired her gun. She slipped back inside before he could yell at her. Both doors slammed shut.

  Michael spoke up from behind. “Got ‘em. You can slow down now. We should probably check your mounts.”

  “Easier said…” Jared pulled on the reins, but it still took time before he could bring the horses to a walk and pull over.

  He jumped down and opened the carriage door. He was about to scold his wife but stopped before a word escaped his mouth.

  Lucy was bleeding and Michael had removed his cravat to staunch the blood. Her eyes were closed, and her face was even paler than normal.

  “Is she…?”

  “Very much alive. Just nicked her ear and it’s bleeding copious amounts. Care to offer your cravat to the cause?”

  Jared shook his head as he hastily untied his cravat and handed it to Michael. He moved to check the horses. They were lathered, but fine. He untied them and led them to the side of the road to get at the grass. He did the same to the other two and started to rub them down. Michael joined him. In short order they finished and leaned against the carriage.


  “She’s resting with a large pad against her head. She’ll be right as rain in no time.”

  “The sooner we ditch the carriage and ride across country the better I will feel about this.”

  Michael nodded. “Tomorrow is soon enough. We left a pile of bodies for them to deal with first. We can only hope that deters them for a few hours at least.” He took the lead horses to the front of the carriage and secured them. “Tie up Rogue and Fiona. You go sit with your bride and I’ll get us to Stratford.”

  Jared nodded, tied up the horses, and jumped into the carriage.

  Michael set off at a good pace designed to not tire the horses, given the run they already endured.

  Jared leaned his head against the squabs to fight off the headache that threatened him. His sprite rested.

  Her eyes opened and focused on him. “Hello.”

  “You saved yourself from a scold. I was all fired up to come in here and let you know how dangerous your actions were and that you could have been hurt.” Jared looked away from her. “You already proved my point.”

  “I am sorry I disappointed you. I’ll never be the proper English maiden so resign yourself to that now.”

  “I don’t want a proper English maiden. I want a Scottish sprite for my pixie bride. She would be the only woman for me.” Jared fought tears. “When I saw all that blood…” He moved to sit next to her and raised a hand to caress her uninjured ear. “I was afraid I had lost you, and that would never do.”

  “Of course, it wouldn’t, just as it would never do for you to act foolishly and risk your life for me.” She reached up to touch his face and traced her thumb along his lower lip. She whispered, “See, I thought they might have hurt you and no one can do that and live to tell about it.”

  “They missed.”

  “I’m grateful.”

  “Tomorrow, do you think you could tolerate traveling cross country on horseback?”

  “As a man or a woman?”

  Jared grinned. �
�I’ve taken a shine to this young lad…”

  Her eyebrows wiggled. “You have? My, oh, my, what other secrets do you have?”

  “This is no secret.” He bent his head and kissed her with all the love and fear and anguish of the past hour.

  “I love you too,” Lucy whispered back.

  The next morning the carriage and two horses were sold in exchange for a showy gelding for Michael that looked as if he would keep up with Rogue and Fiona.

  “What’s his name?”


  Lucy started to giggle.

  Jared laughed out loud. “Sounds more like a girly horse.”

  “Apparently it was named by the owner’s daughter.” Michael had puffed out his chest.

  “As long as he can keep up with us.” Lucy, dressed as a boy, took off after Jared with Michael following behind.

  The travel was slow as they stayed to lesser used lanes.


  Lucy’s ear ached and the cap she wore kept rubbing it. She was faring better on the horse than she expected, but that was because her husband had held her and not exercised his “husbandly rights” no matter how much she cajoled.

  She was grateful now for his foresight and dedication to her comfort. He gave her a scold about putting herself in danger and she listened. She also determined, however, that her life meant little without Jared and if it came to it, she would step into harm’s way if it meant saving his life. He had seen too much darkness in this world and she wished a life of light and grace for his future. How many more days or weeks before that would happen?

  The trip was uneventful, and they spent the night at a small inn with Lucy once again pretending to be Luke, Jared’s valet.

  “Relax in your bath and I will return soon.” Jared kissed her forehead and left to share a pint of ale with Michael.

  She soaked her aching muscles, dried off, dressed for bed, and fluffed her wet curls with her fingers by the fireplace. The window was open to let in the fresh summer air and keep the room from being stuffy. The curtains billowed from the breeze and Lucy smiled to herself at how content she was.

  This trip and her accidental marriage had been a revelation. She fought back the fears of the future that threatened. A noise scraped behind her and she turned, expecting to see Jared.


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