Dragon Fate

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Dragon Fate Page 25

by Juniper Hart

  “She is my mate, father,” Nyle groaned. Even though he had only explained it to Evryn, he was already tired of defending his relationship, knowing that he was going to be explaining it a lot in the years to come. “And she isn’t quite human.”

  “What do you mean isn’t quite human?”

  Nyle closed his eyes momentarily, knowing the next part was really going to disappoint his father. “Her mother is human, but we have reason to believe that her father is an Elemental. Which would make her half dragon, which explains how we ended up as mates.”

  “This is complete nonsense,” Thalydias growled, his eyes landing on Evryn. “Are you standing by this theory, Elder Evryn?”

  Evryn gave a single nod. “Yes, sir. I examined her myself. She doesn’t seem to have a dragon form or any of the obvious markings, but she was burned by chamaline. Also, she has shimmering silver in her eyes. She could very well have Elemental abilities, but without the training, her potential abilities will never be realized.” There was a pause before Evryn continued. “I understand your confusion and hostility, my King. But Nyle is sure of the bond they have, and the theory of her being a hybrid makes sense.”

  “Then she is an abomination,” Thalydias scoffed, shaking his head. “Your bond to her must be a fluke.”

  “It isn’t, Father,” Nyle urged. “Please, can’t you just hear me out? I know this isn’t ideal, but it isn’t like I planned it. She was an event planner the foundation contracted. Everything about how we met and everything that has followed has been… well… something larger than us. There has to be a reason that the universe has paired us together.”

  He drew Daisy closer, his fingers going to her chin and turning her face to his. Nyle stared in the depths of her stormy eyes, the glistering silver flecks apparent from the flames of the chandelier having high above their heads.

  “Before I met Daisy, none of the soulmate talk made sense to me. I know I wanted it, but that didn’t mean I grasped the concept. But from the moment I felt her presence, I understood. And while I know the road ahead of us is troubled, I know we are meant be together. Perhaps we were destined to bring peace between the clans. Daisy can learn about the half of herself she never knew existed through the Elementals, and help me lead our people with grace, dignity, and understanding.”

  Daisy’s eyes gleamed at him, so touched by everything he had said. The corners of her lips pulled into a smile as she leaned into Nyle. The moment didn’t last.

  The king’s voice cut through their moment of glee, “No.”

  Daisy and Nyle turned their heads to face him.

  The king continued. “No, I will not stand for this. I don’t care if you feel vindicated in this bond. It is unnatural, and I’m not undoing thousands of years of tradition and policy because you found this… this… creature and got attached to it. Our people need leaders, not for you and this half-blood to launch them into chaos.”

  “Why do you have such little faith in me?” Nyle asked his father as hurt bled through his tone.

  “It isn’t that I don’t have faith in you, my son. It’s that I don’t believe this union is what our people need.”

  “So, are you asking me to go against nature? To leave her behind? Even though you yourself just admitted that the bond is real, no matter who that other person is.”

  “If that person is a Royal,” Thalydias snapped.

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Nyle grew annoyed with his bull-headed father. “Do you know why half our people don’t have their mates? It’s probably because they are Elementals, and we are going against nature by forcing a divide between the clans,” he hypothesized. Nyle inhaled deeply to calm down, knowing that getting angry with his father would get him nowhere. “I thought the same as you before I met Daisy, but in the couple of days that I’ve known her, my mind has opened. I thought the Elementals were evil and that humans were vile, but I don’t feel like that anymore. Those thoughts were ingrained from my upbringing, but I can’t believe the lies any longer. You are victim of the same mindset, Father. Are you really going to sit there and call my mate an abomination and get upset with me, when this is something the universe decided? Are you going to go against our nature to try and separate us?”

  There was a brooding silence. The Royal Dragon King stared down his son and his hybrid lover. Thalydias was racked with anger and frustration, but the longer he sat in contemplation, the more he seemed to ease.

  Nyle’s voice hung in his throat, hoping that his father would understand why Daisy was so important to him.

  “I will not try and separate the two of you,” he announced. There was a sad gleam in his eyes. “However, I cannot approve of this bond, and our people cannot learn of her. It would be an embarrassment for our family. If you are to stay with her, my son, you will have to go into hiding. You may still have access to the family accounts, but you will not be permitted to show your face in the kingdom. Erasina will have to get married, and she and her husband will take your place as first in line for the throne. Do you understand this, Nylyrias? You may have the throne, or you can be with your mate. Given her genetics, you cannot have both.”

  Nyle’s chest ached. The thought of choosing between his family and Daisy crushed his spirit.

  When Nyle hesitated, the king spoke again. “Are you really going to choose a woman you just met over being king? You couldn’t possibly love her yet.”

  “It isn’t about already being in love,” Nyle called to him. “We both know that love will come after a dragon finds his mate. I look forward to falling in love with her, and I look forward to the tears, laughter, and pain that will come with it. You must understand this, Father. You experienced the same feelings when you found my mother.”

  Nyle looked over to his mother, who had visible pain in her eyes from watching her son struggle.

  Nyle continued to try and reason with his father. “Being soulmates goes against all logic. It’s just a feeling, but it’s a feeling I’m not willing to ignore. Now that I’ve known her, I couldn’t possibly imagine being with anyone else. So… that’s my answer. I choose her.”

  His father’s face fell, and his mother looked close to tears.

  “If that is what you choose, then so be it. I hope that you can live with your decision,” the king said.

  “There was never another option,” Nyle said firmly.

  “Very well,” Thalydias said. “You have a week to clear anything you want from the Royal properties. After that, you’re to register everything under pseudonyms. Do not let yourself be tracked; you won’t have the protection like you do now. You know there are people out there who would love to see you dead.”

  Nyle nodded in understanding.

  “Goodbye, my son.”

  “Goodbye, Father. Goodbye, Mother,” Nyle said in a painful breath.

  He couldn’t believe things were ending so cold and abruptly—all because they wouldn’t open their minds to changing tradition. It wasn’t as if he expected his father to accept Daisy with open arms, but he didn’t expect them to react the way they did.

  Throughout his entire life, he had trained for his ascension to the throne. As he grew older, his interactions with his parents were often about meeting expectations, the Royal Dragons’ history, and upholding traditions. He loved his parents with all his heart, and now his heart hurt. He hoped he would be able to see his family again, but if not, Nyle still felt he made the right decision.

  As he turned with Daisy to guide her from the throne room, he found himself at peace. Perhaps Daisy wasn’t brought into his life to help bring peace between clans, but to liberate Nyle, to free him from the traditions and culture that had controlled his entire life.

  As they left the throne room and walked through the halls, Nyle allowed himself to grieve a bit that the palace would no longer be a welcome place for him. His childhood days had been spent running through the halls with guards hot on his trail for one reason or another, and the evenings had been spent flying through the cle
ar, open sky above the property. Nyle was thankful for the opportunities and freedoms he had been given through the years, but it was simply time for a new chapter in his life—a new chapter with Daisy.

  As soon as they reached outside, Daisy stopped him in his tracks by hugging him tightly.

  “You didn’t have to do that. I would never ask you to choose me over your family. I know that what we feel is special, but I—”

  Nyle cut her off by crashing his lips against hers. He melted into her embrace, soaking in every sensation and emotion it conjured. He had made the right decision. The way he felt when he was with Daisy was the only assurance he needed. Their bond was pure, real, and magnificent. Pulling back from the kiss, Nyle stared down into her eyes, brushing locks of her mocha hair behind her ears.

  “If there was ever a good reason for me leaving this place behind, it would be leaving for you. I meant every word I said to my father. I know you’re my destiny, Daisy.”

  Her stormy eyes searched the smoldering cauldrons of his golden hues.

  “You’re so perfect,” she said as her fingers ran through his snowy platinum locks and kissed him with fervor.

  Nyle happily kissed her back, loving her passion. He pulled back and smiled down at her.

  “Let’s go get you cleaned up and get the hell out of town.”

  Taking her hand, he hurried her to one of his cars, a sleek black Mercedes. Once again, he felt like a teenager with his heart lifted at the thoughts of adventure and admiration for the woman in his hold. He opened her door for her before climbing in on his side. Once they were buckled in, Nyle speed off at top speed down the long, windy driveway. His hand found hers, clasping it tightly. No matter what lay ahead of them, Nyle knew Daisy was worth it. And while he knew he wasn’t in love with her yet, he knew it was coming like a freight train. And by god, he was going to embrace it.

  Part II

  Royal Dragons: Loving the Dragon King


  Eight Months Later

  The sound of the ocean waves and wind in the sails lulled Daisy into a light doze. The padded lounge chair made her incredibly comfortable, stretched out with her back absorbing the sun. Before that day, Daisy had never been on a boat bigger than a canoe, let alone something as large as a yacht. Nyle purchased it when he was younger, apparently trying to impress a few girls he had been sleeping with at the time. It didn’t bother Daisy at all, knowing Nyle wasn’t that guy anymore. It was a wonderful feeling to never have a doubt in her mind that Nyle was faithful.

  The trip wasn’t about them, though. Daisy turned her head and glanced over to her mom, Cassie, who was stretched out in the chair next to her. She looked so youthful in her sun hat, glasses, and designer one-piece paired with gold bangle bracelets and a matching gold and opal necklace. Nyle surprised Cassie with the trip to celebrate her forty-second birthday.

  Cassie’s thin pink lips curved into a smile as she looked back at her daughter and grabbed her hand. “This is so wonderful. Thank you both, though this is all really too much,” she gushed to Daisy.

  Daisy squeezed her mom’s hand lovingly, “Don’t thank me, this is all Nyle’s doing. You deserve a break.”

  Cassie was infamous for working too many jobs at once. Being a nurse, she had a full-time job at one hospital, moonlighted at another, and was permanently on-call at a rehab center. Typically, she had a maximum of one day off each week. Daisy wanted to give her a break so badly, knowing she was going to work herself into an early grave if she kept it up. Nyle had taken matters into his own hands, contacting the head of all the departments to make sure she had a full week off for her birthday.

  “Speak of the devil,” Cassie said, turning her head to look at Nyle as he appeared on deck.

  Nyle wore a big smile as he approached with a small tray of iced teas dripping with perspiration. Wearing only a pair of board-shorts, his immaculate muscles and geometric dragon markings were on display. Cassie didn’t know that Nyle was a dragon, so Daisy explained the markings as tattoos, and Cassie never questioned them.

  “Enjoying yourselves?” Nyle asked, placing the drinks on the table between the chairs. He then walked over to Daisy, scooping her up and lying down in the chair with her between his legs and her back against his chest. Daisy laughed, reaching back and running a hand through his white locks as she relaxed into his body.

  “Very much so. You really know how to win brownie-points,” Cassie joked, grabbing a glass of tea from the tray.

  Nyle’s chin rested on the top of Daisy’s head, “I just want you to have a good time for your birthday,” he responded.

  “Well, mission accomplished,” Cassie replied.

  Nyle grinned, “Then do you mind if I steal Daisy for a little while?”

  “Not at all,” Cassie said, fishing a paperback book out of her bag.

  In one motion, Nyle was on his feet with Daisy in his arms bridal-style. Then, he bounded across the deck of the yacht at full speed—toward the railing of the boat.

  Daisy held to him tightly and squealed in bewilderment, “What are you doing?!”

  He didn’t say a word, a wild grin on his face as he leaped onto the railing and dove straight into the water. Daisy screamed as they fell through the air before finally crashing into the ocean. She was quickly surrounded by the warm, salty liquid. As she bobbed to the surface, she could feel tiny fish pecking at her feet and ankles. When her head greeted air once again, Daisy sucked in a deep breath and flipped her hair back. The saltwater clung to her mocha hair, bringing out its natural wave.

  When Nyle surfaced, Daisy immediately splashed him with water. “You aren’t funny!” she scolded him, even though she was laughing all the while.

  Nyle chuckled, wiping his face. “I think I am.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “I’m not a strong swimmer,” Daisy admitted, trying her best not to think about just how deep the water was. Even as an adult, she stayed on the shallow side of the pool. She hated being so helpless in the deep without the ability to take a break.

  Nyle waded over to her, wrapping one arm around her. “Good thing I’m here,” he purred to her.

  “If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be in the water,” Daisy challenged as she linked her arms around his neck.

  “Touché,” Nyle chuckled. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  When he pulled back, Daisy opened her eyes and noticed the way the sun caught his eyes. The golden hues were pools of liquid metal, looking more brilliant than the sun to Daisy.

  “You’re lucky you’re so handsome,” she teased him.

  “I don’t think I needed my looks to snag you,” he chuckled.

  “Touché,” Daisy smiled.

  She loved how comfortable she was around him. Their first days together felt like a lifetime ago. Daisy was so nervous around him, intimidated by his good looks, power, and the indescribable feeling that came with just being in his presence—which she later found out was because they were soulmates. Daisy had clung to her shy and nervous ways for a while, but Nyle helped her get out of that mindset. He wanted to be with her unconditionally and had nothing but love for her. Over the course of the months they spent together, Nyle truthfully had become her other half. Every day was better than the day before.

  Nyle unlaced her arms from around his neck and held her hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two pair of goggles.

  “Put these on and hold your breath,” he instructed her, handing her one pair of he goggles.

  Daisy managed to take one last deep breath before Nyle pulled her under the water. The sun illuminated the water, turning the ocean into a world of cerulean blue. As Nyle guided her along, Daisy looked around at all the sea life. Small schools of fish swam with the currents, larger fish darted in all directions. She had never seen anything like it. It was entirely different from visiting an aquarium. She could have stayed in the water forever, taking in the sights of the endless ocean if not for lack of oxygen.

/>   After hours of swimming and lounging, the sun was setting over the horizon. Daisy, Cassie, and Nyle gathered on the main deck for dinner. Nyle had hired a full staff to man the yacht, including a chef to cook gourmet meals. Daisy sat down next to Nyle, her mother sitting across from her. Her hair was still wet from swimming, soaking the back of her sundress. Her eyes couldn’t stop looking back to the gorgeous sunset. The shades of pink, orange, and purple reflected onto the water, making the sky appear ever expanding.

  Soon, two servers emerged from the galley and wheeled a chrome cart to the table. When the cover to the platter was removed, the aroma of a garlic and basil pasta dish wafted their way. Daisy’s hunger gnawed at her stomach, completely famished from swimming so avidly. They were served their plates and glasses of Chardonnay.

  “My my, this looks divine,” her mother gasped, looking over her dinner plate in awe.

  Nyle raised his wine glass to make a toast. “To Cassie, may you enjoy this birthday and many more to come.”

  They all clinked their glasses together before digging into their dinners. Nyle’s hand rested on Daisy’s knee under the table as they ate. Daisy savored every bite of meal, taking in the robust flavor. The conversations were lighthearted while they ate.

  Cassie spoke again, “Thank you both again for today. It’s certainly been the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  “It’s not over yet,” Nyle stated simply, taking a sip of his wine and relaxing back in his chair. Cassie gave him a questioning look, to which he smirked, “What’s a birthday without cake and presents?”

  Her mouth gaped. “This is plenty, really. I don’t need cake or presents.”

  “Nonsense. You raised the love of my life into the beautiful, brilliant, and compassionate woman she is today. I think that alone is deserving of a simple cake,” Nyle grinned.

  Cassie blinked rapidly and put a hand on her chest. She glanced to Daisy. “He’s a smooth talker, isn’t he?”


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