Atomic Mage

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Atomic Mage Page 13

by Garrett Carter

  "Yesssss give me our kits my love, all your beautiful babies give them to MEEEEEEE!"

  The loud slapping of flesh followed Mina's confession of love as Cade reached his summit, wrapping his strong arms around her waist smashing her breasts to his chest he arched his back and threw the back of his head into the mattress.

  Lifting Mina bodily in the air with his hips he roared his orgasm out as he pumped his seed into his mate's waiting womb once again.

  Coming down from their heights they looked one another in the eyes as his dick gave one last pulse of seed to his wife and mother of his soon-to-be-born children in this new world.

  "Did you mean it?" He asked braced for the denial of love confessed in the heat of the moment.

  "Yes I do my mate, my love, every word," Mina replied solemnly.

  "I have been falling for you from the moment you healed me in the bandit camp you found me in. Your life-ending back on Earth has brought you to me. You are the mate I have been searching for two long lonely years. I would be a fool to ignore what I have found in you, the mate I have been aching to find, one who could match me without making me less than who I am."

  At the end of her impassioned speech, she caressed his face with a delicate clawed hand and leaned forward to place a chaste kiss on his lips.

  Leaning back still impaled on his slowly softening member she smiled showing her short fangs, suddenly sheathing herself to the hilt on Cades length tearing a groan from him, all the while squeezing her seed-filled tunnel around his rapidly recovering dick.

  "Our kits shall be the envy of all the tribes of the kingdom, come, my mate, my love, My Cade, fill me again to ensure your seed takes in my womb."

  At the end of her speech and forced again to full stiffness by his mate's words and actions, Cade'smind was again blown away by the short panther woman that was slowly making love to him.

  A small part of his mind drove him to introspection, while the greater joined his mate in reaffirming their bond.

  The small part that was not currently enjoying the things his mate was doing to his body thought on her speech.

  Did he love the fierce woman, he didn't think so, it was too soon to tell.

  The three long years he had spent without his Tony, the loneliness had been torture, she had left a void in him when she passed, one this beautiful and fierce woman wanted to fill.

  Cade decided he would try to love Mina, more than halfway there already, charmed by her personality and constantly enticed by her breathtaking body.

  Even her alien panther physic had its draws as one of his powerful thrusts pushed a growling purr from her throat.

  Yes, he would love this woman, probably sooner than later if her fierce love of him had anything to say about the matter.

  Letting the matter drop, leaving the complicated emotion to fate, he gave his full attention to his mate as she rapidly closed in on her next orgasm, quickly pulling him towards his as they made love long into the night.

  A plan of attack

  Slowly coming out of his deep sleep Cade blinkered sleep out of his bleary eyes. Yawning and beginning a stretch, he became conscious of a weight on his chest and a warm snug sensation around his limp member.

  The events of last night came back to him as he looked down to see his beautiful mate slumbering on his chest, the cutest trail of drool joining the puddle that had grown on this chest from her open mouth.

  He smiled at the memory of their debauchery last night, after exhausting themselves with ten orgasms from him and an untold number from her, they had fallen asleep with Mina still impaled on him.

  Feeling the fullness of his bladder reminding him of the morning's needs, he took a moment to decide if he was going to wake his mate up to take care of that or use a more pleasant method of persuading her to move.

  He chose option number two with a grin.

  Slowly running his hands along Mina's back he elicited a groaning moan from his mate.

  Hands finding their way to her luscious backside he raised his legs and planted his feet on the bed and began to slowly work his dick into her cum soaked channel.

  Moaning softly at her mate's movement, Mina slowly pushed up on Cade's bare chest with her hands.

  She came awake groggily with a growling purr as a small orgasm hit her.

  "Your field is planted my Cade, it will take no more seed," she said sleepily as she looked into her mate's eyes, sex mussed hair bouncing as he increased his pace.

  "One more load won't hurt my mate, and you might even enjoy it," Cade said with a shit-eating grin on his face as his mate's claws dug into his chest as another more intense orgasm crashed over her.

  "Never know till you find out my Mina, let's see if we can fit another one in there." He said in a challenge to his mate.

  Laughing brokenly with the power of her mate's thrusts Mina answered simply, "let's find out then my love."

  A hiss of pleasure ended her mirth as a particularly deep thrust from her mate bumped against her cervix before she joined in on the fun thrusting back on her wonderful mate.

  Morning quickie completed and bladders relieved Cade and Mina had showered and after another quickie in the shower, after his lust had reawakened at the sight of his seed trickling down her inner thigh, they had finally made it to the kitchen, forgoing clothes for breakfast and planning for the day.

  "What is a quickie," Mina asked around a mouthful of gator steak, curious about the word after his request in the shower had led to more glorious sex.

  Laughing to himself around the honey-sweetened oatmeal from the bandit's supplies Cade swallowed his food.

  "A quickie is when we have quick sex, no foreplay no warm-up, just wham bam thank you mam, a short period of cuddling is permitted depending on where the quickie takes place."

  As he finished with a grin he watched Minas face light up at the explanation.

  "I think I will like these quickies. You may have them from me whenever you like. Last night was amazing but I think I would enjoy being able to walk after you fill me." She said with a smirk.

  "Yes mam I think I can do just that, but we are getting distracted from what was supposed to be planning for our attack on the slave camp," he said to distract himself as his libido rose at Mina's comment about filling her with his seed.

  "Yes I suppose we have to make proper plans, your kits will be here soon and I will not have the threat of slavers kidnapping them around before their birth," she said as she nodded at Cade's comment, her face serious with a little heat behind her golden eyes.

  "Ok time to adult now." Cade said with a stretch as Mina cocked her head a the strange wording.

  "What do you mean by adult my Cade?"

  "It just means to work my pretty kitty." Cade chuckled as he answered his mate.

  Purring at his pet name for her Mina answered with a nod.

  Rising from the table, Cade stretched turning to go through the bandits and slaver's gear for something that would fit him.

  "My Caaade," Mina said in a sing-song song voice.

  Turning to look at his mate he was met with the glorious sight of his mate bent over the kitchen table legs spread and back arched in offering, her long tail hanging over her back its end dangling above her head as she looked over her shoulder at him.

  "Quickie?" She asked with a small grin.

  Walking over with his throbbing dick at full mast, he grasped Mina's hips with both hands lining himself up with her dripping channel.

  "Quickie," he answered simply as he thrust himself into her warmth.

  "Adulting can wait for a while," Cade said as he roughly took what his mate was offering.

  Stepping out of the storage room fully clothed, finally, Cade stepped out of the door to their home greeting the early afternoon sun.

  He walked down the pebbled to where his mate was waiting next to the slave barge.

  "I am glad you finally decided to join me, my love," she said with crossed arms and a faux irritated look on her face which wa
s quickly replaced by a broad grin as the facade fell from her stunning face.

  "Someone decided adulting could wait for two quickies on the kitchen table." Replied Cade with a frown on his face that was quickly cracking with mirth.

  Peals of laugher sounded through the jungle as both of them burst out laughing at their inane comments.

  As their laughter died down they both took a seat on the deck of the barge, both hoping the possibility of an attack would curb some of their lust.

  "We need to destroy that slave camp as soon as possible, I pulled their shipment schedule from the mind of the slaver I killed when I found you in that bandit camp. They will be shipping off their monthly shipment to Opect in four days time. If we hurry we can reach them in time for us to save your prospective family from being sent upriver."

  He leaned back on his hands as he finished explaining the plan to destroy the slave camp.

  "That hardly qualifies as a plan my Cade. What of the men that man the camp and the mages they will have with them. What shall you do about them?" Mina challenged with a raised eyebrow?

  "The men I have no doubt will go down easy. I will do the same thing that I did with the ones who attacked me on the beach and scramble their brains. Any mages they bring to the fight won't be an issue either, if they are anywhere near the skill of Kaz they will die just as quickly." He finished his declaration with a wave, dismissing the mages as a non-issue as Kaz had gone down with ease.

  "You are very strong my love both mentally and physically, I do not doubt that you will make quick work of a great deal of them, but what of Rista? You have seen in my memories her power, but not first hand. She is devious and cruel in her mental attacks, she circumvented my mental guardians by simply burrowing under the ground past them. Then used an army of hundreds of her own army of orc guardians to attack the forest of my mind. The only reason she was ejected from my mind was that she was not expecting me to throw my defense to the wind and attack her with all twelve of them." Mina's explanation pulled Cade up short.

  "Twelve there were only ten of them in your mind when we fought and only six when I found you in the camp," he said in confusion.

  "You are not nearly trained well enough to combat me in earnest my Cade," Mina said with a mysterious expression on her face, the mystery marred by the glee that was quickly breaking through the facade.

  Hearing a growl roll through his mind Cade's mouth dropped as he dove into his mind to see the two extra panther guardians lounging like giant house cats on the lawn of his mental home.

  Rising and padding past him the two panthers raised their heads in passing and ran rough tongues along his cheeks.

  "Well don't that beat all," he said in amazement as the giant cats stopped inside his barrier sitting as they waited to be let out.

  Running a hand across his face in mild frustration he raised his mental barrier with a thought, allowing the guardians to return to their keeper.

  Mina appeared suddenly as the panther guardians evaporated into thin air.

  "Do not be angry my love I only wanted a deeper look at the man I would be choosing to be my mate and the father of my kits. What I found amazed me, you were and are more than I ever expected to receive. I have watched your life play out before me and have felt your pain, your struggles, and your triumphs. Tony was a lucky woman, I hope to be just as lucky for the rest of our long lives. I will not leave you without fighting to my last breath. I love you my Cade both for the man you were and the man you will be." Mina finished her tearful explanation with a fearful look in her eyes waiting on Cade to explode in a rage at her subterfuge.

  "I am not mad my Mina, just surprised by my own ineptitude. You have been inside my head since yesterday with me none the wiser, you will be giving me lessons on how you did that by the way. I appreciate your honesty and understand more your confession from last night. All is forgiven my mate now let us continue our planning outside my head, sound good to you?"

  As Cade finished with a wry grin and a shake of his head, Mina's breath burst out of her with a sob.

  "Are you ok my Mina?" Cade asked as his expression changed from amused to concern for his sobbing mate.

  Rushing over to hold her in his arms, he began rubbing his hand over her back, making shushing noises as his mate collected herself with hiccupping sobs.

  "I am perfect my love, I just have never been so happy and relieved as I am now hearing your acceptance of my trickery, even if it was just to get to know you better," she explained as she finished her joyful sobbing and rubbed the last of her happy tears from her eyes she patted her mate on the chest to indicate she was ready to leave his mind.

  Releasing Mina from his embrace, Cade lifted his hand to the horizon in the distance to let her leave his mind first. With a wry grin at his gentlemanly manners, she took one step and her form evaporated into the ether.

  Shaking his head at the whole episode he left his mind to be met with the face of his gorgeous mate placing her lips against his.

  Tasting her drying tears he returned the kiss with interest.

  "Quickie?" Mina asked

  "Quickie" Cade replied.

  Shedding their clothes in a rush, the two lovers again reaffirmed their bond, as they made love slowly on the warm boards of the slaver barge.

  Cade was reviewing his interrogation of the lizard man after his and Minas afternoon tryst, he realized the man's mindscape had been damaged only when he had physically damaged the lizard man's brain.

  From the memories he had seen in Kaz's mind of Rista giving Kaz training to battle mind mages, he hadn't seen her explain or show what Mina had described earlier.

  Curious at the implications of the fact that he knew mind mages couldn't directly affect the structure of the brain itself, but could only control the amounts of hormones released by certain parts of the brain to elicit emotions or hallucinations.

  His thoughts also included that Kaz, for all his power, and surprisingly he was powerful by this wolds standards, wasn't a mind mage.

  Dealing with Rista would be another matter entirely, she would have years of tricks and ways around defenses that Kaz would have no knowledge of.

  Thinking on the ramifications of this, his hand left on the deck of the barge was almost bitten by a venomous snake that had slithered onto the barge looking to sun itself on the warm boards.

  Grabbing the unwanted visitor with his power he ejected it back into the water.

  "Starting to hate reptiles," he growled out, thinking back to the two individuals who had started that, the caiman that had almost made him lunch and the lizard man who had managed to catch him off guard getting him in the chest with a thrown dagger.

  "Is that so my love, then you will have to temper your rage when we reach Opect.

  Lizardfolk are almost as numerous there as my people are in the jungle." A now clothed Mina said as she cautioned her mate.

  "Then why go to Opect at all then," he whined to his mate.

  "Don't you have two years of exploration in this jungle under your belt? We could try again to find a place for us if you had to, right?" He finished his question with a flourish with his hand at the jungle around them, his hope for a different response than what he got yesterday plain on his face.

  "That is possible my Cade, it is a big jungle, but to ensure we are not attacked at random and to give us some way of punishing those who would attack our family without killing them ourselves or drawing more well-connected foes, we need to, in the eyes of the high Chieftain, own the land we live on," Mina said with a small shrug.


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