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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7)

Page 181

by Lexi Buchanan

  He walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her back into his chest.

  “I text Steve and told him to come in at eleven o’clock and that you were coming in late as well,” he said. “You guys did such a great job on that project.”

  “Yes,” she said. “We did.”

  They sat down to eat.

  “Steve does like you,” he said. “He never gives people credit for what they do. I was shocked when he gave you credit for everything you did on that project. You are talented.”

  “We worked hard,” she said.

  “I know Steve would have never gotten that far that fast,” he said. “You did a great job. You are coming over this weekend, right?”

  “Do you want me to?” she asked.

  He pulled her to her feet and hugged her tight.

  “Yes,” he said.

  Becky got dressed and kissed Gavin on the way out the door.

  Chapter Twenty

  Becky got to work right on time. She could not believe she was able to get ready so fast. Steve walked in right behind her. It was a relief that he had not gotten there before her. Gavin walked in shortly after Steve with a huge smile on his face. He had on tight black jeans and a t-shirt that showed all of his muscles off perfectly.

  Becky pulled out her phone and text him.

  “Do you really need to come in here looking like that? I am going to hear the ladies out her moan over you today.”

  He walked to his office door and looked out at her as he played on his phone. She heard her phone buzz.

  “Maybe I should stand here all day, so you can enjoy the view.”

  She shook her head and laughed.

  “Maybe I should go and take my panties off,” she sent.

  One of the women in the office walked over and asked her if she wanted to go out for lunch. Becky was thrilled to get out. They grabbed their purses and headed out the door. There was a cute little restaurant in walking distance from the office. They took a booth in the back corner. The two ladies ordered and talked about work and their personal lives.

  Becky noticed a very pretty woman a little younger than her walk in and sit alone at a table. A few moments later the door opened and a man walked in. Becky looked again. It was Gavin. He walked up to the woman who was sitting alone, and a smile appeared on his face. The woman stood up and they hugged in a loving embrace as he kissed her cheek. They both sat down. Gavin sat with his back to Becky. She was so glad he had not seen her. Becky watched his every move. He was laughing as he reached over and took the woman’s hand in his. She could not hear what they were saying. Her heart began to race and she felt sweat on her forehead. She was so upset. It took all she had not to march over to the table and give him a piece of her mind. She knew she couldn’t, because she didn’t want the woman she was having lunch with to know about her and the boss. The woman sitting with Gavin reached over and touched his cheek and he laughed again. Becky couldn’t take it. She told the woman she was with that she wasn’t feeling well and was going back to the office to get her stuff for the day. She handed the woman money and apologized before slipping out the side exit of the restaurant.

  Becky walked back to the office. The closer she got, the more hurt she felt. Tears began flowing from her eyes, and she knew she had to stop them. She went into the building and told Gavin’s secretary she was leaving for the day because she was not feeling well. The woman gave her a compassionate look, and Becky hoped she would not tell him she had been crying.

  “Are you okay?” the woman asked.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “I’m just not feeling well.”

  “Make sure you get some rest this weekend,” the woman replied.

  “Thanks,” Becky said.

  She hurried to her desk and collected her stuff she needed to take home. Becky needed to get out of there before Steve or Gavin came back from lunch. She was not in the mood for questions.

  When she got back to her apartment, she remembered that she was supposed to spend the weekend with Gavin. Crap! There was no way she was going to be able to see him. What could she do? She knew he would show up at her apartment. Her friend Lisa was at work, so she couldn’t talk to her. She had to get out of there.

  Becky went to her room, packed a bag, got into her car, and drove away. It was only seven hours to her parents. She would go visit them for the weekend. Her parents were very excited that she was on her way when she called them. They had been asking her to visit. She had not been gone that long, but they missed her being home.

  Gavin called her a couple of times, but she didn’t answer. When she stopped at a rest area to get gas, she checked her text messages. She had several from Gavin.

  “They said you went home sick. Is everything okay?”

  “I’m coming by after work to check on you. I will bring you something to eat.”

  “Where are you? I went to your apartment and you’re not there.”

  She could not understand why he even cared. He was at lunch with another woman. They were close. She could tell by the affection between them. Why was he even bothering with her? It didn’t make sense at all. She was falling for him in a huge way, and she thought he had feelings for her too. She was wrong.

  When she finally got to her parents, she checked her messages again.

  “I’m worried about you. Did you go to the hospital? Where are you. Lisa said you were gone when she got home from work. Nobody knows where you are.”

  Becky felt bad. She could not see him. It was time for her to think things through. The two of them spent an entire weekend together since the cruise. They had also spent the night before together. It was amazing. There was something between them. She knew there was. When he touched her, it felt like electricity shooting through her. He was so warm and caring. She was truly falling in love with him. Becky thought he felt the same way. Maybe she was just fun and sex for him. He had went to her apartment and talked to her friend. She knew he would have her friend freaking out. He would probably ask Steve too. She didn’t need all of that. Quickly she sent a reply to his message.

  “I’m fine. I will be back for work on Monday. Have a good weekend.”

  “I thought you left work sick,” he replied.

  “I did,” she sent.

  “Where are you?” he sent.

  “In Michigan. I have to go,” she sent.

  Becky put her phone in her purse, grabbed her bag, and went into her parents’ house. Her mom and dad met her at the door. They were both smiling. Her mother rushed her into the kitchen to eat. She was happy to be home.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Gavin couldn’t believe what he read. Why would she be in Michigan? They planned to spend the weekend together. When she left his house earlier that morning, everything seemed fine. At work she had flirted with him through text. When he left for lunch everything was great. He came back from lunch and his secretary said Becky had gone home sick.

  Finally she responded to his text. She was in Michigan. What the hell happened? Did her parents call her and ask her to come home? She had plans with him. Why did she not even tell him she couldn’t see him? It couldn’t have been anything he did. He didn’t do anything to upset her. He thought and tried to figure out what was going on. Oh shit! Was it her ex? Did she go home to see him? She couldn’t have. Becky told him she didn’t want to marry her ex. She said she didn’t want to be with the guy.

  Gavin text her back, but she didn’t answer. He threw his phone down on the nightstand and fell back onto the bed with his hands over his face. What was he going to do? What if she didn’t come back? He thought about never seeing her again. There was no way he could do that. He gave her up once after the cruise. They had gone their separate ways. He was upset and knew he had to find her. Then she walked back into his life. There was no way he was giving her up again. He realized in that moment, just how strong his feelings for her were. Did he love her? He couldn’t love her yet, could he? They had not known each other long enoug
h for him to feel like that. They had agreed to no feelings. Maybe she didn’t care about him the way he thought she did. What if she got back with her ex? He couldn’t show up in Michigan. Her family would think he was crazy. She would too.

  He could not stop thinking about it and trying to figure out what he could have done wrong. The last person to see her was his secretary, so he picked up his phone and text her.

  “When Becky left today, she said she was sick, right?” he sent.

  He hoped she would not think anything strange about his text. If she said anything, he would have to come up with a reason for asking.

  “She said she was sick and was going home,” she replied.

  “I thought she went to lunch,” he sent.

  “She was. She came in from lunch and told me on the way to her desk,” she replied.

  “Did anything seem off? Did she seem sick?” he asked.

  “Honestly, I didn’t want to say, but she had been crying. Please don’t say that I told you. Her eyes were red and puffy. I asked her if she was okay. She said she just wasn’t feeling well and needed to leave,” she sent.

  “Okay, thanks. Have a great weekend,” he replied.

  Gavin sat up and watched television. He eventually fell asleep on the couch. When he woke up, it was one o’clock in the afternoon. He could not believe he had slept that long. Gavin stayed on the couch the entire day and night. She still wouldn’t answer his messages. He kept sending them, just in case she was at least reading them. He wanted Monday to get there so he could figure out what was going on. What if she didn’t come back? What if she stayed and married that guy?

  Sunday afternoon, Gavin was sitting on the couch working on his laptop, when his doorbell rang. He got up and opened the door. It was Ethan. He really was in no mood to deal with Ethan. The guy was such an ass. Ethan pushed past Gavin and walked into the living room.

  “Where’s your woman?” Ethan asked.

  “She’s not here,” Gavin answered.

  “Is everything okay with you two?” Ethan asked.

  Gavin shut the door and walked into the living room. Ethan was sitting on the loveseat. It didn’t seem like he planned on leaving quickly.

  “Why are you asking me that?” Gavin asked.

  “Is it?” Ethan asked.

  Gavin sat down and put his face in his hands. He didn’t know what was going on.

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “We spent Thursday night together. We had plans to spend the weekend together. Friday we both went to work, and I thought everything was perfect. I came back from lunch and was told that Becky went home sick. I text her and she didn’t answer. She didn’t answer my calls. I went by her place and she wasn’t there. She finally text me and said she was in Michigan. I haven’t talked to her since. I have no idea why she took off. What the fuck am I going to do if she doesn’t come back? I don’t know if she went there because of her ex or if she was running from me. I have no idea.”

  Gavin sat back on the couch, put his head back, and closed his eyes.

  “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?” Ethan asked. “Do you having feelings for this chick?”

  “Yes,” Gavin responded. “I don’t know what it is. There is something about her.”

  “I need to tell you something man,” Ethan said.

  “What did you do?” Gavin asked.

  “I didn’t do anything,” Ethan answered. “I’m being serious.”

  Gavin sat up and looked at Ethan with a nervous look on his face. Shit! Ethan was never serious. What was going on?

  “I got a text a few hours ago,” Ethan said.

  “Yes,” Gavin said.

  “It was from Becky,” Ethan replied.

  “How does she have your number?” Gavin asked.

  “I gave her my number when I messing with her at that party,” Ethan said.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Gavin yelled. “Why would you do that to me?”

  “I had no idea you really liked her,” Ethan answered.

  “What was the text about?” Gavin asked.

  “She asked me for a job,” Ethan answered.

  Gavin just sat frozen. He stared at Ethan for a few minutes. Why would she ask Ethan for a job? What the hell happened? He was lost. There was no way he wanted her to leave his life. Maybe he scared her. They had agreed on no relationship on the cruise. She wanted to enjoy her fresh start. Maybe him wanting to spend so much time with her freaked her out. If she didn’t want to be with him, he needed to keep her at his company. He was not losing her completely. Gavin had to many feelings for her. She was a genuinely amazing woman. He had fallen for her. If he could only see her at work, he would have to make it happen.

  “What did you tell her?” Gavin asked.

  “I asked her if she was working for you. She said yes, but that she couldn’t do it anymore. She said she doesn’t want to move back home. Her lease is a year on her place and she made some friends here. She wants to stay. I told her that I would let her know Monday afternoon,” Ethan said.

  “Are you going to hire her?” Gavin asked, as he stood up.

  “I just wanted to let you know, so you could figure it out,” Ethan said. “I’m sorry man. I hope it works out. I had no idea you really liked her.”

  Ethan got up, walked to the door, and shut it as he left. Gavin could not believe it. What could he have done differently? Maybe she really didn’t have the feelings for him that he thought she did. He thought she really liked him. He didn’t even know if she was going to show up for work the next day. What was he going to do?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Becky was freaking out Monday morning, as she got dressed and ready for work. She made sure to put on a very casual and slightly sexy outfit. Gavin was going to know what he was missing. She made sure it was tasteful for the office, but also that he would like it. They had spent the night together and planned to spend the next three nights together as well. What kind of person did he think she was? She could not believe he had the balls to meet up with some woman in between their nights together. Maybe he was just some very wealthy ass, who thought he was better than her. She worked hard every day for the life she had, and nobody was going to make her feel like she was worthless. Why had she let herself fall for someone like him? She got the feeling from his friends he was a player, but she couldn’t believe it. He seemed so sweet, genuine, and caring. She thought he cared about her. It was a real reality check to see him hug that woman at lunch. Becky’s blood boiled just thinking about it. She put on her tight, faded jeans that Gavin said were his favorite. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and she had makeup on. She wore a t-shirt that he also seemed to like because of the way it clung to her. Grabbing some fruit, she left for work.

  She was so nervous. Hopefully, Gavin would be in meetings all day. She had to make it through the day, as she waited for an answer from Ethan. Becky asked him for a job. She was not sure he would give her one. There was a chance he would be loyal to Gavin. She was pretty sure he wouldn’t be loyal to his friend, because he was always such an ass when the friends were together. Becky didn’t want to move back to her parents. She wanted to stay where she was. It was nice there and she had met some very nice people. Her apartment was perfect. She knew she couldn’t work for Gavin. He didn’t return her feelings, and she couldn’t see him every day. He was so sexy. When she saw him at work, it was nice because she knew they would be able to spend time together later. Looking at him knowing she could not have him, would be different. She didn’t want to hear the women talk about him or see them look at him. Becky knew she could not see him knowing he was with someone else. The thought of another woman touching him drove her crazy. Just get through the day, she thought.

  Becky walked down the row to her desk and noticed Steve looking at her. She gave him a dirty look.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” he said. “You look really nice today.”

  She plopped down in her chair and immediately put
her headphones on. Her computer booted up and seemed to take forever. She opened her email and read them. Becky saw Gavin walk to his office out of the corner of her eye. She made sure not to look up and not to make eye contact. If she appeared busy, she was sure he would leave her alone. She saw an email from Steve pop up in the corner of the screen and clicked to open it.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Why?” she sent back.

  “You just look different today. You look amazing, but you look upset. I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he replied.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” she replied.

  “Go to lunch with me today,” he sent.

  Becky thought for a moment. Why shouldn’t she go? There was nothing between her and Gavin. He had proven that. Steve was nice and not bad looking, but she didn’t feel anything when she looked at him. Not like she did when she looked at Gavin. Knock it off, she told herself.

  “Sure,” she sent back.

  She must not have noticed Gavin walk out of his office, because she jumped when he said hello to Steve and her from behind. The email from Steve was open on her screen. She hurried to close it, hoping he hadn’t read it. Becky didn’t respond to Gavin. She just pretended to keep working. He walked by and she looked up. He had on tight black jeans and a gray t-shirt. Crap! He must not have meetings today, she thought. Of course on his way back to his office there were a bunch giggles attached to the good morning Mr. Lucas statements being made around her. She rolled her eyes and tried to concentrate on her work.

  Gavin had been in his office for over an hour. She thought she was in the clear. He wasn’t going to say anything. Maybe Ethan didn’t say anything to him. Just as she started to relax, an email popped up in the corner of her screen from Gavin.

  “Becky, Could you please meet me in the conference room in fifteen minutes. Mr. Lucas”

  Oh no. What was she going to do? There was no avoiding the conversation. Maybe he wanted to talk about a project or account at work. She could hope. Becky replied to his email.


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