Faithfully Devoted: Rage Ryders Templeton

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Faithfully Devoted: Rage Ryders Templeton Page 15

by Liberty Parker

  “Please, Lizzie,” I start begging I’m not sure who.

  Please be there and alright.

  I refuse to live this life without you, baby girl.


  I wake up, my body shivering. I don’t know if it’s from the nightly chill in the air, or if it’s because my body is crashing from the excitement and adrenaline of the day. I try to stand, but my feet are asleep, and I cry out as the sharp, needle-like pains that run from them extend up my legs. I must’ve been in this position for a quit awhile if that’s happening.

  I’m not sure if it’s safe to leave my hiding spot or not, but I can’t stay here forever hoping and praying that someone I know, and trust will find me. I have to take this in my own hands and make certain that I make it back home safely to my family…to Justice.

  My teeth begin to chatter, and I notice that my shirt is torn. I’m not sure when it happened, but it’s not giving me any protection from the night’s chilly air. I rub my hands up and down my arms trying to create some friction. It starts to work, but then my hands become like ice, pain slicing through them.

  Knowing I won’t become any warmer standing still, I begin walking the way I was before I needed to stop for a break. I walk and walk for what seems like forever before I find a dirt road. Instead of traveling down it, I decide to stick to the shadows and hide behind the trees and follow the trail. I’m worried that if I show myself, those who took me could find me and snatch me again. Just because I haven’t seen, or heard anyone, doesn’t mean there’s not someone out there looking for me. Hunting for me. I refuse to be anyone’s trophy prize. I wouldn’t look good hung above some maniac’s mantle.

  I’m suddenly thankful that it’s night time, because the road is lit up from the moonlight. “A full moon,” I whisper to myself. “Not sure if that’s a good sign on a night like this or not,” I continue to mutter, talking to myself.

  I’m exhausted, I’m not sure how much longer my legs will hold my body up. I just want to sleep, but it’s so cold that I’m not sure I would be able to accomplish it. Longingness hits me and the desire is strongly evident that I’d prefer to be snugly wrapped in Justice’s arms, on my nice, fluffy bed, and comfortable sheets and comforter. I would break down and cry if I wasn’t worried that the tears would freeze to my face.

  “Ugh…how long had we been driving for anyways before I woke up?” I wail in anguish. “This could only happen to me. I don’t wanna be part of the kidnap club anymore. I don’t give a damn about holiday conversations, or bonding over our men and experiences. Why me?” I scream out. “I’m not a bad person, I’ve never hurt anyone. Am I being punished for the sins of my father? The weakness of my mother? The freedom I’ve finally found? The love I’ve finally felt? It’s not fair!”

  I hit my knees and begin to make promises of what I’ll do if ‘He’ sends Justice to me. “What have I ever done to you? You’re supposed to be all powerful and merciful, care to show me some?” I don’t listen for an answer, knowing that I won’t be getting one. Looks like I’m on my own.

  Is this some sort of test? If so, I admit I’ve failed miserably. Giving up, I lay down right there in plain sight, not caring who finds me or what they do with me. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. For now, I just need to lay here and wallow in my agony.

  While I’m laying here, freezing my tail end off, I contemplate my life. Not too long ago, Justice and I said our forever’s and promised to always be there for each other. I can’t help but wonder if I’ll be the one who breaks those vows and promises. As the chill wracks my body, I have a hard time holding on to consciousness. I feel myself sinking into the darkness.

  My imagination is playing tricks on me, because I swear I hear a band of motorcycles coming up the dirt road. I listen harder, and realize I’m not dreaming at all. No one will find me in this field, I force myself to get up. Only every time I get on my feet I collapse.

  They’re going to pass me by and never realize it. The third time my body gives way and I land on the dirt, I conclude the fact that we all had to crawl before we walked. So I do it old school, I crawl. I feel branches and sticks as they dig into my palms and knees, but don’t let that deter me from my objective.

  I must seek help.

  I will not survive another ten minutes in these elements.

  As I reach the road, I look up to see if I recognize the cuts on the bikers. When I do, and know it’s them, I find what little strength my body has and stand. I run out in the middle and wave my hands like a lunatic.

  Bikes begin to slow down. One nearly drops to the ground as the rider comes barreling towards me. My legs shake, I call out, “Justice!” before gravity once again takes hold. I fall to the ground, only this time it’s to shouts of my name.



  Kill. Seek. Destroy, is still rumbling through my mind as we take the back road towards their hideout. I’m not one-hundred percent positive that I’ll find Lizzie there, but I won’t give up until I have her wrapped tightly in the embrace of my arms. We’re twenty minutes from reaching our intended targets when I see something come out in the middle of the road. It takes me a minute to comprehend that it’s not a wounded animal, but the woman I love.

  My bikes skids to a stop when I hit the brakes and I make it off the bike and am running before the kick stand completely settles on the ground. I’m running, calling her name and my heart skips a beat or two when she collapses to the ground. “Noooo!” I scream out in agony. I couldn’t have just spotted her to losing her in as little as three minutes…tops.

  “Lizzie!” I yell at the same exact moment in time that she hollers out my name. I see her eyes roll into the back of her head as her body makes contact with the earth’s floor. I make it to her and scoop her up into my arms.

  My brothers surround me, and I can hear Kid shouting out orders. “We need a bus here a-s-motherfuckin-p!” Riptide, Julius and Dust are all looking at Lizzie as if they’ve lost their best-friend. No! She’s okay, she’ll be fine…she has to be. I stroke her hair as Julius checks her pulse. I look up at him with begging eyes, he nods at me letting me know her pulse is strong, just like she is.

  “We need to get her back to the clubhouse,” he informs me. I sit here, with my woman snuggled into my chest, hand petting her head and eyes closed, saying the first prayers I’ve said since I was a boy.

  My phone begins buzzing in my pocket, but I ignore it because nothing on this earth is as important as my woman. Safe, sound, alive…that’s all I can manage to comprehend at this time. It’s all that matters. A year ago, I would have spit on the aspect of finding or falling in love. My childhood prevented me from seeking out those things for myself. I didn’t believe in happily ever after, I didn’t believe that a marriage could be good, not for me anyways.

  Yet, here I am, holding the love of my life in my arms after not knowing if I’d ever see her again. Right here, right now, I realize that I’m faithfully devoted to her. My heart, my soul, it’s all hers. She has the ability to make or break me, and I can’t find it in me to be scared about that in the least. Because I know that they’re safest with her. She treasures and covets them more fiercely than I ever did.

  We don’t wait long for the transport vehicle to arrive. There are two prospects driving it, good one of them can ride my bike back so I don’t have to release the strong hold I’ve got on Lizzie. I attempt to stand up, with her still in my arms but am having a hard time getting my legs underneath me. Rip and Dust grab me under the arm pits and help me stand, I hold Lizzie close to my chest and thank them. They assist me with repositioning her so I can carefully carry her without any incidents. Once she’s bridal style in my arms, her head flops to my shoulder and I quickly sprint to the vehicle. Julius has the door open and helps me get inside without hurting her any further.

  No one tries to take her from me, I’d cut their throats if they even tried. Kid jumps into the front seat surprising me. “The Probees will ride our bikes home.
I thought you could use someone in the driver’s seat who you trust, brother.” He never lets anyone ride his bike, so I’m grateful for his sacrifice for me and my Ol’ lady.

  “We’d all do it for each other,” I’m shocked that I don’t have enough wits about me to notice that I spoke my thoughts out loud.

  “Thanks, brother, I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.” He starts the van and puts it in drive. He’s not speeding, but he’s going above the posted speed limit signs we’re passing.

  “I know, trust me, out of all of us, I know what it’s like to be in the situation you are. When Riley was missing, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. I remember when I got her in my arms, how unwillin’ I was to let her go, and thankful more than you’ll ever know that it was my mother there to drive us home. I came so close to losing her that day, a few minutes later, and she would’ve been on a plane and I’d never be able to find her. My brothers had my back then, and we all have yours now.” I remember that day, if it hadn’t been for the anonymous tip, none of us would’ve ever seen her again. It was a day that will forever be singed into my mind, just like today.

  She sleeps the sleep of the dead the entire way to the clubhouse. I lovingly stroke her hair, hold her close, and whisper words of encouragement and love. I’m no poet, but I speak to her from the heart holding nothing back. I tell her more in depth about my childhood, about how I thought I’d never trust my heart to someone, how I’m so happy that she was the one who I was forced to marry…because she’s the one who infiltrated my walls and boundaries.

  My phone is rapidly going off in my pocket, but I can’t force myself to care. I don’t know who it is, or what they want, but they can go suck a big fat dick as far as I’m concerned. I’m lost in looking at my woman and admiring her when I feel the van shut off and doors open. I’m once again assisted out of the vehicle and as I pass my brothers and sisters by, I hear sniffles and cries of fear, but my only goal is to get her to our bed.

  Her skin has warmed up some while we drove here. It helped that Kid noticed her blue lips and the unmistakable shiver of her body and turned the heat up. When I get her to our room, Skylar, Kassi and Kaci follow me into the room and shut the door. They help me strip her down and get her into warmer clothing.

  I’d have rather had her all to myself and done these things for her, but I know her sisters needed this so I decided to not be selfish and allow them this so they’ll know she’s alright.

  “The doc is five minutes out,” Skylar tells me. I look up at her and see that her eyes are swollen, red, and there is water in them. She never cries, so my heart breaks for her, Skylar is a tough nut to crack. She doesn’t show her emotions easily…unless she’s pissed off at Ryder that is.

  “She’s okay, Sky. She’s a fighter. We just need to warm her up and get some food and liquids down her.” She nods her head and continues helping me get the bed turned down and I settle my woman on the mattress. The women swarm us and start tucking her in. I lay down beside her placing her head on my shoulder. I’m above the covers so it’s awkward, but I manage to make it work. The ladies all kiss her on her cheek then leave us alone with longing looks as they exit our room.

  “You’re loved by so many, Lizzie. Don’t sleep too long, okay?” I beg her, breathing in her scent that’s off. She smells more of dirt, woods and pain. I didn’t get her a bath, instead choosing to get her warm and ready for the doc to come take a look at her. I’ll get her cleaned up after she sleeps for a few hours. I can tell she needs the rest and I don’t have the heart to take that away from her. As much as I want to look into her eyes, I wanted her rested more.

  As I lay here, my phone once again goes off with a notification. Finally giving in, I pull it out of my pocket and see it’s a message from Andre.

  Andre: got your problem all wrapped up in a pretty bow for you.

  Andre: need to know where you want these assholes delivered.

  Andre: Justice, answer your motherfucking phone or I’m just going to take these pretty boys’ heads off.

  Andre: Fine fucker, you owe me one they’ve been taken care of.

  I can only think of one thing to reply with to his messages.

  Me: Thank you

  But that’s only a couple of men from the Ozzie’s. We still have several to hand over to the reaper of death. And I will happily serve them up on a silver platter for his delights.


  “C’mon, beautiful. Open your eyes for me. You’ve been asleep long enough, I need to hear your voice and see those beautiful chocolate brown eyes of yours.” The raspy sound that comes from Justice’s mouth makes me want to chastise him. I can hear that he hasn’t slept in a long time. Doesn’t he know he needs to take better care of himself?

  I wanna cry like a toddler and stomp my feet. I don’t wanna wake up, I’m nice and warm, the coziness of my cocoon has enraptured me in it’s embrace. I try to move my hand to his face to push it away, only to find that I’m wrapped up in my blankets like a mummy. “Sleepy,” I mutter instead. “Wake me up in an hour, I need more sleep.”

  “No way, baby girl. You’ve been asleep for two days and the animals are restless to see your smiling face.”

  “Two days!” I squeak out, “why on earth would you allow me to sleep for two days?” This is the first time I’m questioning his sanity.

  “Cause the doc said you needed the rest. But baby, you stink, you need food and I’m tired of not being able to talk with ya.”

  “Well, that’s rude.” Who in the hell tells their wife that she stinks.

  “Babe, you were in the woods for hours. Between sweating, shivering, the cold elements, the dirt, twigs, leaves and other shit that’s still in your hair…let’s face it, that will never sell as a perfume.” What? My mind whirls as memories take over. I relive the entire nightmare all over again. No, no, nonononono! I hear a whimper escape my lips and Justice pulls me close to him. He begins murmuring in my hair, and after a few more minutes of sobs, I finally settle down.

  I begin to hiccup, but know I need to apologize for being so stupid and coming up to check on him. I blurt it all out, from the minute I spotted the two boys, until the last thing I remember about spotting him and his brothers on their bikes.

  “You’re so smart and brave,” he rumbles out.

  “I’m not feeling so smart right now,” I answer back.

  “But you are, you never once just laid there and waited to be rescued. You came up with a plan and executed that. You got yourself to safety and found the road. You fought the pull of the darkness that wanted to take you over. You gave everything you had to make it back to me. I love you, Lizzie. I’m so damn proud of you.”

  My arms wrap around his neck and I bury my face in the crook of it. I sob, and sob, and sob until there’s nothing left. “I love you so much, Justice. I was so scared I’d never see you again and get the opportunity to say those words…just one more time.”

  “I would love to hear those words escape your lips for the rest of my natural life, Lizzie.”

  “Then I’ll make sure to say them as often as possible. Every morning that I wake, every night before I sleep and in between those times. I will remind you and show you just how much you truly mean to me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I ask him.

  “For giving me that gift. I never thought I’d have it or deserved it. But I’m so happy that I do. I’m a selfish man and I’ll never let you go.”

  “Good, because I never want to be apart from you again.”

  “That’s good to know, baby.”



  “When are we goin’ after these sons-of-bitches?” I bang my hand on the table in frustration. We’re in a meeting two days after Lizzie finally awoke. The men have given me some time to spend with my woman alone and help her through her nightmares which are hit and miss. She had them while she was still out of it, but they’ve gotten worse since she opened her beautifu
l eyes.

  “In two days, brother. I’ve been in contact with the other families and organizations and they’re wanting to take them out just as much as you do, brother.”

  “I seriously doubt that,” I rumble out.

  “I promise you, Cardozo wants blood just as much as we do.”

  “Then where is he? I haven’t seen or heard from him since she went missing!” I angrily bellow out. No one will convince me that he gives a fuck if one hair on his daughter’s head has been harmed. I expected at least a phone call asking about how she is. But have I gotten one—nope, nada, not a damn thing.

  “He’s been making plans, he’s been in contact with me and I’ve been advising him of her health and he paid for doc’s services.”

  “Should I bake him a cookie in thanks?” I cross my arms over my chest. Whoop de doo, he called Kid, but not her husband? I’m still unimpressed by his lack of contact. Her mother nor sisters have even called to check in on her. What the fuck is up with this family? The Ol’ ladies have barely left her side, even when I’m there taking care of her.

  They brought me food, drinks, and kept my mind busy on other things. That’s family, that’s sisterhood, that’s true devotion and loyalty at its finest.

  “Sit still, shut your trap and I’ll tell you what we’ve come up with!” he yells out, finally having enough of me running my mouth. I roll my wrist in front of me giving him the universal sign of ‘please continue’. He gives me a hard, unappreciative look, but keeps going forward with the meeting. When he finishes speaking, I have to admit it’s a damn good plan and I’m impressed with Cardozo’s research. “We meet with the families tomorrow morning to finalize everything…two days, Justice. Then, you can take your anger out on the true enemies and we’ll hopefully stop walking on egg shells around you.” I should feel guilty for the way I’ve been acting, but the funny thing about it is, that I don’t.


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