Your Guardian Angel Uncut (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1.5)

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Your Guardian Angel Uncut (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1.5) Page 12

by Skyla Madi

  He uncrossed him arms and leaned forward in his chair. “Useless? You saved our lives last night. There was no way we would’ve survived without you. There were too many of them. We would have been slaughtered.” He tapped his index finger on the table, his eyes never leaving mine. “Don’t under estimate yourself.”

  That was true. Tying up the vampires’ feet had immobilized them long enough for Tay to stake them, but I still felt useless in a broader sense.

  “About last night…” I started, recalling Hank say something about Eli’s dad.

  His eyes darkened slightly, narrowing in on me. He knew exactly what I was going to ask.

  “Your dad was murdered by vampires?”

  “Michelangelo was—”

  “Eli?” The shop assistant called as she stepped out of the shop with Eli’s coffee.

  I gritted my teeth, trying hard not to scowl at her. He raised his hand and she bought it over. We were in the middle of an important conversation. She sat the drink down on the table and asked if we wanted anything else. We both shook our head and she turned on her heel and left. Eli brought the coffee to his lips and sipped at it, avoiding my face.

  “You were saying?” I prompted him and he exhaled, lowering the coffee to the table.

  “Yes… my dad was murdered by vampires. Michelangelo was my father and he was guarding your mother the night her cabin was attacked.”

  I leaned back in my chair out of shock. His father was my mother’s guardian angel? What a small world...

  “He helped her escape, but he was taken by them.”

  Guilt struck my chest. My mother was the reason his dad was dead. I suddenly felt bad for bringing it up. “I’m so sorry...”

  He smiled and it was genuine. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. These things happen in my line of work and I understand that better than anybody. He’s the reason why I had to help you. It’s what my father would have wanted.”

  “What do you want?”

  His lips twitched. “That doesn't matter in my world.”

  I leaned forward. “Let’s pretend for a second that it does matter. What do you want?”

  Eli paused in thought, taking a large sip of his coffee. When he brought it back down he opened his mouth to say something. He sighed. “Nothing.”

  For a moment Eli looked like he was going to open up to me... but he didn’t. Eli was easy to talk to—easy to like, but at the same time he was closed off. After our talk, we ate in silence and enjoyed the freedom. As soon as the last bite of blueberry muffin was eaten and the last drop off coffee was drunk, we headed back to the car.

  The drive back to the school was quiet and as much as I wanted to talk to him, I didn't. When we rolled in through the gates and parked up. I wasted no time in climbing out of the car. I needed to get away from the uncomfortable silence.

  “You’re late for your angelology class.” Eli called after me, making me stop before I closed the door.

  I looked at him over my shoulder and he gave me a small, sympathetic smile. “I’ll call your teacher and let him know where you were. He shouldn’t give you any trouble then.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled and closed the car door, feeling relieved. That was the first thing Eli had said to me since the bakery and I was worried he was upset with my prying.

  I strolled back to the girl’s dorm, hoping Lillian had forgotten to drop my books off so I could take a nap. No such luck. When I arrived there was a stack of books outside my door with a note attached:


  Here are your books. I look forward to teaching you.



  I unlocked my door and kicked them inside. I still wasn't going to class. I wasn’t going to show up late, not to my very first class anyway. I imagined everyone staring at me as I awkwardly strolled around the room to find a seat. The thought made me shudder. I closed the door behind me and when I turned around, I stopped dead in my tracks. Someone had been in my room. The bed was made up, adorned with light purple satin sheets. There was also a huge deep purple rug on the floor, and a computer desk by the window. I noticed on the desk there was another note. Cautiously, I strolled over to it and opened it.


  I hope you like your room and I hope it makes you feel more at home.

  Love Mila.

  I smiled, clutching the paper to my chest. Wow, Mila did this. Damn it! I’d forgotten to thank her for the clothes. I threw myself onto the bed and closed my eyes. The cool satin sheets cooled my warm skin as my mind whirled back to last night. I was so lucky I’d managed to get away from Hank... but I wouldn’t have without Eli or Tay. They saved my life.


  I walked around campus, taking in the beautiful buildings and lush gardens. Since my return to my goddess state, I hadn’t really had time to just sit and enjoy it. My eyes dragged over an almost fluffy looking patch of grass and I strolled toward it, deciding to lie down and have some time to myself. I slipped out of my sandals and slowly pressed one foot after the other into the soft ground. The grass felt as amazing as it looked and the very tips of the blades caressed the tops of my feet. I gradually dropped to my knees and rolled onto my back, closing my eyes. The light that danced against my eyelids darkened and my eyes shot open. The warmth of the sun suddenly turned ice cold and a sudden feeling of unease swept through me. I sat bolt upright and I could feel my heart rate begin to accelerate slightly as I scanned the area around me, blinking rapidly. It was no longer daytime. The sun had set and the moon rode high in the sky. I brushed my hands of the once lush grass, gathering handfuls of dust. I looked down. The lush grass had decayed, leaving me sitting in a sea of white and black ash.

  A chilling shiver crawled down my spine and I recoiled.

  I was being watched.

  The creeping realization crawled swiftly through me as my skin began to prickle and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. The sensation was unmistakable—I could practically feel a set of eyes dragging over me, and I swallowed thickly as my hands began to shake uncontrollably. I swept my eyes across the campus, pausing to peer anxiously at every burnt bush, every window and each vacant doorway. Seeing nothing, I twisted my body minutely, then glanced carefully over my shoulder, almost afraid of what I might see.


  I turned my head slowly back to the front and then, I let out a blood-curdling scream. He appeared with the darkness, a silent, menacing figure, standing still as stone a few feet away from. He didn't flinch as my scream tore through the eerily quiet air, and I cut myself off as I clamped a hand over my mouth. He shot forward, baring his fangs and sending drops of venom everywhere.

  “Ruby.” Mila called through the door.

  My eyes snapped open and I shot up in bed. My eyes were met with nothing but an empty room and I brushed a dark tangle of hair off my face. I’d fallen asleep, it was only a dream. I exhaled as more knocks thundered on my door. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stumbled over myself to get to the door. I threw it open, blatantly ignoring the way my heart had doubled its pace. Mila smiled widely at me, pushing her way into my room as I combed my fingers through one side of my hair. I hoped I didn’t look too wild.

  “You weren’t at Angelology and Eli was extremely worried. I told him you decided to skip it because you were worn out... at least I wasn’t lying.” She strolled around my room before turning her smiling face back to me. Her eyes dropped to the bandage that was wrapped around my wrist.

  She stepped closer. “Did you get it?”

  I held it out for her to examine. “Yeah, this morning after breakfast.”

  “What is it?”

  “A feather.”

  The very tips of her fingers glided over the fabric and I winced, pulling my arm away. “Can I see it?”

  “I’m not supposed to undo the bandage until tomorrow. Gwydion said it should be fully healed by then.” I explained as she pouted. “Also, thanks for all the clothes
. I hope I’m not putting you out... If you see something you want to wear, please, take it.”

  “Don’t be silly!” She giggled, flicking her hair. “I bought them specifically for you.”

  I hated feeling like I was a charity case. Her clothes were nice, but I wish I had my own to wear.

  “Well, thank you.”

  She dropped to her knees and began to filter through the pile of textbooks on the floor. “C’mon, we have a Fluviology class now.”

  She picked the appropriate books off the floor and handed them to me.

  “I don’t want to.” I sighed dramatically. “I don’t want to start school today. I don’t want to see people.”

  “Lillian is teaching this class and you have me, so it’s not like you don't know anyone.”

  I leaned across to drop the books on my bed, but she slid in front of them, forcing me to keep them in my hands.

  “You need to go to class, Ruby. Eli and my uncle will get all pissed and come marching down here. It will be a hell of a lot more embarrassing than showing up late to a class.”

  I could imagine them coming down to my dorm room and making a big scene. It wasn’t exactly something I wanted on my first day.

  “Fine.” I exhaled.

  The word made the nerves in my stomach grow exponentially. Mila took me by the wrist and dragged me from my room. I felt the urge to vomit with every step I took, but managed to keep my muffin down, thankfully.


  Lillian’s classroom was on the other side of the dining hall. I rubbed the palms of my hands along my jeans every few minutes. They were so sweaty. Sensing my unease, Mila slowed her pace.

  “Once your first class is over it will be easier.” She said, trying to comfort me.

  It was easy for her to say. She was pretty with long blonde hair and wore cute dresses. Mila was a natural crowd pleaser.

  “Anything I should know going in?” I asked her.

  She nodded. “Raina and her crew are total bitches. I’d tell you to stay away from them, but why waste the breath. They’ll sink their claws into you if they want to. ”

  I slumped into myself. “Great, bitchy high school girls, exactly what I need right now.”

  “Just ignore them. They’ll leave you alone after a while and come back and bully me like they always do.”

  I stopped walking and frowned. “They bully you? But you’re so pretty. I just assumed you were—”

  “Popular? Cool?” She interrupted, shaking her head. “No, Sam and Cloud are my only friends and I’m pretty sure it’s only because Eli told them to be.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled. “Oh and I have you.”

  I was gobsmacked. I thought Mila would be quite popular. She was so beautiful and caring. I was a stranger and someone that hunted her kind, but she had given me her blood in order to get my life back. She gave me a second chance at life and I owed her everything.


  We reached the classroom and I was already frustrated with Raina and her crew. I wanted to see them, but at the same time I wanted to stay far away from them. The loud chatter that flowed out of the classroom door had me thinking the teacher hadn’t arrived yet. We stepped into the room and surprisingly, no one paid any attention to us. Before anyone had the chance to spot us at the door I quickly marched up the side of the room and found two seats in the very back row. I spotted Raina and two of her friends at the front. Well, I assumed it was Raina and her posse. They were the only ones giving Mila an evil scowl. I could see how superior they felt in their pretty, colourful dresses and I watched them as they rose from their seats and walked down the back, coming to a stop in front of our desk.

  “Mila,” She greeted her in a high, nausea-provoking voice. “Who’s your new friend?”

  Mila glanced sheepishly up at her from under her blonde eyelashes. “Ruby.”

  “Hi Ruby.” She smiled, exposing perfect teeth. “Would you like to sit with us at dinner?”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mila look down at her paper. Mila was scared of them just like Kyle had been of Darren. I clenched my jaw. I assumed Raina did this to all the new girls that Mila befriended.

  I produced my best ‘go to hell’ smile and said. “No, thanks. I’m allergic to fakes.”

  Raina’s mouth parted as she gasped, thoroughly offended by my comment. The facial expressions on her friends were priceless. You’d think I’d just slapped them all in the face at once. A few female students sitting nearby snickered at her rejection. Raina turned her stormy face on them and they quickly looked away. She turned violently on her heels, as if to leave, but pivoted to look at me again. Her dull green eyes flared with pleasure.

  “You’re going to regret that, vampire.” She snarled.

  Her friends giggled, no doubt at the horror reflected in mine and Mila’s faces. Satisfied, Raina and her posse strolled back to their desks.

  I stared at the empty space in front of me.

  Vampire? How did she know?

  Forbidden Touch

  The rest of Fluviology was a blur. My mind was running a million miles an hour, matching the speed of my heart. Who would tell Raina that I was a vampire? The only culprits were Tay, Eli, Gwydion, Lillian, Mr Aleksandrov, and Mila. Mila was the only person out of that list who spoke more to the students, but surely she wouldn't tell people, would she? I glanced sideways at Mila. She kept her head down, furiously copying Lillian’s notes from the board. I noticed her eyes flick nervously around the room every few minutes, but I did my best to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  After an eternity, class finished and students poured from the room, shooting curious glances in my direction. I ignored them all, pretending I didn’t see them. Mila started to pack up her things, but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from doing anything.

  “Did you tell anyone?” I demanded in a quiet tone so Lillian didn’t hear us.

  “Ruby, you—”

  “Girls?” Lillian called from the front of the room and I dropped Mila’s arm.

  “Your Botany class is a five minute walk away. If you don’t go now, you’re going to be late.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ears and scooped up my books. Mila and I farewelled Lillian and left the building. When we got far enough, I stopped walking. With a deep breath, Mila turned to me. Her eyes were watery and round, but I wasn’t going to feel sorry for her.

  “Did you tell anyone?” I asked and she looked down at her feet, confirming my suspicions. Hurt, I whirled around and stormed away from her.

  “Ruby!” She called after me. “It was an accident. Where are you going?”

  I didn’t turn back to acknowledge her. I was too angry and too emotional to deal with her or a stupid plant class. Small rocks and dry leaves crunched underneath my sneakers as I stormed around the school. I had no idea where I was going and I didn’t stop until I found a little nook tucked away near the student medical block. With a loud exhale, I dropped onto the concrete and brought my knees up to my chest. It was stupid of me to think that my past would be behind me and that I’d never have to think of it again. I hadn’t even made it a day and my secret was already out. That had to be some kind of record. I was sitting by myself for a whole ten minutes before Eli showed up.

  “There you are, goddess.” He called and I could hear the smile playing on his lips.

  “Mila told you?” I asked, not lifting my head up from my knees. I didn’t want him to see my red-rimmed eyes.

  He didn’t say anything, making me angrier.

  “Is there anything she doesn’t tell people?” I snapped.

  Eli’s heat surrounded me as he sat down on the hard concrete step next to me. Following the warmth from his body, a crisp cologne scent wafted into my nostrils and seeped through my pores, igniting my blood and relaxing me immediately.

  “You can’t blame her.” He told me.

  I turned my head to peek out over the top of my arms. Eli was dressed casually in a nice tight t-shirt and a pair of jean
s with white sneakers. It was strange seeing him wearing a color other than black, but he looked amazing. He probably looked amazing in anything.

  “She’s ruined everything here. I wanted to start fresh and to forget what I was.”

  “Mila has to battle fitting in as well. It isn’t easy being the headmaster’s niece. She can be easily peer-pressured, you don’t know what happened. You didn’t stick around to find out.”

  I scoffed. “She told Raina what I went through and where I’m from. What else is there to find out?”

  He rested his head back against the stone wall, briefly shaking it from side to side. “C’mon, Ruby. So a bit of gossip gets around, it isn’t the end of the world. What damage is it really going to do?”

  I dropped my head back to my knees. “You clearly don’t remember what high school is like.”

  “Maybe not, but I do remember your timetable. You have Botany class now and I believe you’re late.”

  A few seconds later, I lifted my head and Eli was standing with his hand extended out to me. He wiggled his fingers with a smile and I put my hand in his as he helped me up.

  “You didn’t have to come find me. You’re my Guardian Angel, not my councillor.” I said as we began walking back toward the class buildings.

  He smiled that make-the-world-stop-and-women-faint smile. “You’ve been through a lot and I want to be there as a helping hand, for as long as you need me to be.”

  Along with his smile, his words were another thing that took my breath away. He knew what to say and when to say it. Eli was the perfect man—rock hard body, tall, amazing green eyes, olive skin, and a total badass. He was someone you could feel safe with no matter what the circumstance was.

  I walked beside him and soon we approached a building. How people could tell what building was what was beyond me. They all looked the same. They were all made of stone, all had barred windows and all had that gothic styling to it.


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