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Your Guardian Angel Uncut (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1.5)

Page 13

by Skyla Madi

  We strolled up to the buildings door, but before I stepped through it Eli grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop.

  “The teacher’s name is Mr Leo Farley, but address him by his last name. He’s a bit of an old timer and takes it to heart.”

  I nodded, swallowing harshly. “This is going to suck.”

  Eli nudged my shoulder with his. “You’ll be fine. You’ve been through worse.”

  I had, hadn’t I? I confidently drew myself to my full height and entered the classroom. Raina and her two friends wore smartass expressions on their annoyingly pretty faces and I glowered at them. They weren’t going to break me. I’ve been through worse. I turned my attention to Mr Farley who watched me blankly.

  “You’re late.” He grumbled.

  “I know, sorr—”

  “Go sit.” He commanded, interrupting me as he gestured to the only empty seat in the class.

  I held my head high as I walked to the opposite side of the room, finding a seat next to a rather cute boy in the back row. My eyes scanned the room, stopping at the door... where Eli was standing. Most of the girls gasped and the boys watched him closely, envy faring in the depths of their eyes. He seemed almost oblivious to the effect he had on people and I liked it. I wondered if he was used to getting that reaction. If he was, he sure didn’t give anything away.

  “Do you mind if I watch, sir?” Eli asked Mr Farley with polite formality.

  Mr Farley seemed delighted that Eli wanted to sit in on his class and he smiled widely. “Not at all, Mr De Luca, please, come in.”

  My eyes followed him as he walked to the back of the room and leaned against the back wall, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. My gaze flicked over the students and I met Mila’s eyes. Abruptly, I averted my gaze to the front of the room. I wasn’t prepared to forgive her yet. The other students also forced their eyes from Eli and back to the old teacher. Okay, maybe old was harsh. Mr Farley wasn’t that old. He was forty, maximum, but next to Eli he seemed washed out and tired. He had dry, brown-grey hair that sat lifelessly on the top of his head. His buttoned shirt was rolled up to the elbows and tucked lazily into his black slacks. He didn’t look like he wanted to be here, at all.

  “Hi, I’m Rylan.” The boy next to me said, drawing my attention.

  I looked at him. His eyes were as blue as ice and his hair was dark, making the bright irises pop. He had a nice face—it was a little pointy, but he was definitely handsome.

  “Ruby.” I replied with a smile.

  His eyes flared and he bit his lip playfully. “That’s pretty.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to focus on whatever Mr Farley was saying, but Rylan's cologne kept taking my mind elsewhere.

  He leaned in closer to whisper. “So you’re new, huh?”

  I angled my head, letting my eyes wander to Rylan’s face. “Have you seen me before?”

  He laughed. “Well played. No, I haven't.”

  “Ruby, would you care to explain why?” asked Mr Farley.

  I froze and glanced around at all the staring faces. My heart was hammering in my chest, my face flushed with embarrassment. I looked back at Eli, who smiled at me, highly amused by my humiliation. I turned back to Mr Farley with wide eyes as I wrung my hands awkwardly together. “I…I…uh, I don't know.”

  “No, of course you don't, and you aren’t going to find the answer gazing into Mr Pascacio’s eyes. Look at your own text book.”

  I just about died and sank slightly lower in my chair.

  Rylan chuckled under his breath. “For the record, you can gaze at me anytime.”

  “Lucky me.” I groaned, angling my head and letting my hair fall down to work as a curtain between us.

  Thankfully, the bell rang loudly a few minutes later and I grabbed my bag and left the room. I was too embarrassed to talk to Eli and too upset to talk to Mila so going straight to my dorm and getting dressed for dinner seemed like the best choice.

  The cool air caressed my burning cheeks, cooling me down immediately as I trudged across campus and toward the female dorms with purpose. I ignored lingering stares and quiet whispers. I didn’t slow my pace or relax until I was in the hallway outside the door to my room. I pulled the key from my bra and jammed it into the lock.

  “You forgot this.” A familiar voice said, startling me.

  I turned abruptly, almost falling backward against my door. Rylan adjusted his green shirt and I noticed he was holding my textbook in his hand.

  “You could have waited until the next class.” I informed him, taking my book from him.

  I glanced nervously down the hallway. Were boys even allowed in here?

  “Relax, no one saw me. Besides, I was only returning your book.”

  “Thanks.” I tapped my fingers in an even beat against the books hard cover. “How’d you get here so fast? I left before you.”

  I turned around and gestured for him to come inside my room. He happily obliged. Rylan sauntered comfortably around my room before dropping into the chair in front of my computer desk.

  “You’re new. You don't know the shortcuts like I do.” He said, twirling the chair around and around.

  Rylan’s glanced over my shoulder and his smile faltered. Curiously, I looked over my shoulder, meeting Eli’s gloriously angry face. I felt my jaw drop a little as I took in his eyes, burning blackly through narrowed slits. He was anything but happy.

  “Boys are not allowed in the girls’ dorms.” He said, sounding as stern as possible.

  I slowly turned to face Eli and a cold wave of horror rolled through me. Instinctively, I stepped toward him. He wasn’t looking at me, only at Rylan.

  “Leave now or find yourself spending time in the detention room for the rest of the week.”

  Rylan rose from the chair, smiling charmingly at Eli. “Right away, Mr De Luca.” He said sarcastically and with a wink in my direction, Rylan squeezed past Eli and disappeared from sight.

  Eli’s eyes burned intently into mine and he crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you doing, Ruby?”

  “I was on my way back to my dorm to get ready for dinner and he appeared out of nowhere. He had my Botany book.”

  “That’s unacceptable.”

  I wasn't sure if I detected a hint of jealousy in his voice or not, either way, he was pretty frustrated.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “There are rules that need to be followed here. Do you understand? You have to go to your assigned classes. You have to show up to meals and you aren’t allowed to have boys in your room.”

  “You act like I’m meant to know these things!” I protested. “You threw me into this system without giving me any kind of heads up. How am I meant to know the rules if no one has told me what they are?”

  His arm shot out and grabbed the handle of my door. “Dinner is in an hour.”

  He slammed the door shut and I flinched. I felt guilty. He was only looking out for me and enforcing the rules. I was happy it was Eli that came. Anyone else would have given me a detention. But why did he come? I stormed a few steps across my room and threw myself onto my bed. Somehow, I’d messed things up with everyone today. I rolled onto my stomach, burying my face in my pillow as I contemplated how to fix the bridges I’d burnt today. Talking was a start, I guess and I have dinner to do it.


  I wanted to make it early to dinner so I could talk to Eli. It bothered me that he was upset with me and I wanted to fix it. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a strapless, aqua colored dress and smiled. Mila definitely had good taste in clothes. I slipped into the dress and managed to zip it up all on my own. I accessorised the dress with a small pair of peacock earrings and pair of beige flats, and then glanced sideways at the clock. I gasped as I registered the time. If I were going to be anywhere near early for dinner, I would have to leave in exactly three minutes. The thought of seeing Eli’s penetrating green eyes and making things right between us set my feet into motion.

  Upon entering the bathroom, I
quickly ran a brush through my hair, leaving it down as it fanned out across my chest. I stared at my reflection, taking note of my dull eyes and red-stained cheeks. The frustration that had come from the argument with Eli this afternoon had yet to dissipate, and its effects were still plainly displayed on my face. With a quick second glance in the mirror and a second coat of lip gloss, I tore across my room and I opened my door.

  “Oh!” I gasped, jumping slightly.

  I clenched my chest as Mila smiled sympathetically at me from the hallway. “Hey.”


  “You look amazing.” She complimented me, blushing slightly.

  Next to her I doubted I looked anything more than mediocre. Her dress was beautiful. It was long, white and summery—like something you’d wear to the beach.

  “Thanks to you.” I said awkwardly, tugging nervously at the light fabric.

  “Can I come in?”

  I nodded and I stepped aside to let her in. She strolled over to my bed and dropped onto it with a loud exhale. I watched her from the door, leaning against the door frame.

  “I’m really sorry I told Raina.” She admitted, fidgeting nervously with her fingers. “After you left with Eli this morning at breakfast, she came over and she promised she’d stop bullying me if I told her where you were from and what you’re deal was. It was so selfish of me, I know, but she’s picked on me since kindergarten and I felt like I deserved a break.”

  Her eyes grew red around the rims as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She swiped it away. I couldn’t let her cry... it didn’t feel right. I walked over and sat down next to her. As much as I believed I deserved to be angry I couldn’t hold a grudge. It felt wrong after all she’d done for me.

  I sighed, slinging an arm over her shoulder. “It’s okay. It would’ve gotten out at some point—it’s high school. You can’t keep secrets... maybe it was a good thing to get it over with early.”

  Mila giggled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and somehow managing to avoid smearing her make-up.

  “But you need to understand that she isn’t going to stop until you stop giving her ammo to use against you.”

  “I know.” Mila threw her arms around me, squeezing me tightly against her. “I’m truly sorry.”

  “Me too.”


  The dining hall was alive with random discussions and laughter. Mila and I casually strolled through the hall in search of place to sit. As we walked, I dragged in a calming breath that managed to do anything but calm me. I needed to talk to Eli, but I had no idea what I should say to him. I determinedly lifted my eyes, settling them on the exact spot I knew Eli would be, but as my gaze fell on the guardian table on the far side of the dining hall, it took me a moment to process why there was no glint of green in my line of sight. He wasn’t here. How disappointing. Mila pulled me along by the elbow and sat us down near Rylan and his friend. My stomach growled as a plate of roast chicken and vegetables was set down in front of us. God I was hungry.

  “This is Mila.” I said, introducing her to Rylan.

  He immediately engaged her in conversation and I watched, highly amused. It was funny—I’d been at Sage one day as opposed to Mila, who had been at this school since god knows when, and here I was introducing her to people.

  Rylan, Zavion, Mila and I chatted and laughed over dinner. I had a really good time and it was definitely the highlight of my day, but when dessert rolled around, Raina thought it was her duty to ruin it.

  “Where’s your guardian now, Vampire?” She teased, tousling her blonde hair.

  She was sitting a few seats down from Mila and I. I’d noticed her been watching me the whole night and I was actually very proud of myself for ignoring her... until now.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged, leaning my elbow on the table. “We aren’t joined at the hip.”

  She snickered and her group of parrots copied her. “That’s not what I heard.”

  My heart sped up a few beats. Here we go, I thought. My first rumour. “And what did you hear, Raina?”

  “That you an Eli were pretty joined at the hips in the cabin.” She made it her mission to raise her voice as loud as possible—without calling it shouting—and drawing the attention of surrounding students.

  I felt blood drain from my face. That was just evil—and untrue. I couldn’t imagine the school ignoring a rumour like that. A few people snickered and I swallowed hard, trying to control my anger.

  I glowered at her, narrowing my eyes and clenching my jaw. “If you have a problem with me, tell me now or keep your mouth shut.”

  Raina smirked. She knew she got to me.

  “Defensive, much?” She giggled, covering her mouth.

  I stared at her and she returned it with a smug smirk that only increased my frustration.

  “What’s going on?” Rylan asked, eager to get in on the conversation.

  “Oh, nothing.” Ruby smiled sweetly at him. “Ruby is being a whore, but apparently that’s normal.”

  Her friends erupted into hysterics and I jumped out of my seat. The chair made a loud screech as it slid backwards against the tiles.

  “You fu—”

  A warm hand wrapped around my wrist, cutting off my words and preventing me from launching myself across the table and kicking her out of her chair.

  “Ruby.” The familiar voice said firmly, pulling me backwards.

  I knew it was Eli, but I didn’t turn to face him. All my attention was on Raina.

  Rylan’s lips curled into a devilish smirk as he leaned both elbows on the table. “Now, now Raina, play nice. We all know who the biggest whore is, don’t we, Zavion?”

  Zavion and a few others became choked with laughter as Raina's face turned red. She leaped from her chair, startling her friends.

  “That’s enough!” boomed Mr Aleksandrov all the way from the teachers’ table.

  If only a few students were watching before, all eyes were on us now.

  “Eli, escort Miss Moore to her dorm. Tay, take Miss Guild to hers, and Jaycee, take Rylan and his friend to theirs.”

  A woman stepped away from the wall and I could tell she was a guardian angel. Like the others, she was built and tall. She wore her incredibly blonde almost white hair in a tight bun and then there was the uniform—a tight black shirt, baggy cargo pants with lots of pockets, tucked into a pair of big black boots.

  Eli squeezed my arm tighter, keeping me in place as Tay approached Raina and she glared at me before storming away with Tay hot on her heels.

  Eli tugged on my arm, pulling me along behind him and I kept my gaze on the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. Maybe, the students didn’t recognize me. Hopefully, they didn’t recognize me.

  I was fuming as Eli dragged me from the dining hall. The cool night air wasn’t enough to cool my burning cheeks and I was so mad that it took a long time to register that we weren't heading in the direction to the girls’ dorm. Instead, he walked me to the nook I found earlier today by the medical block. I sat down on the step and Eli stood in front of me, looking down at my face.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked, my tone thick with attitude.

  I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch, but I was so angry and I couldn’t shake it.

  “We can’t exactly walk alongside Raina to the dorms. She’ll only upset you more.”

  I crossed my arms tightly over my chest. “Let her. She’s in for a rude shock.”

  “Ruby, you’re better than that. You don’t have to prove yourself to people like her.”

  “You don’t understand.” I groaned, running my hands over my face. “She doesn’t even know me and she thinks she has the right to speak my name. No. I won’t stand for it.”

  He didn’t reply, only watched me. I felt stupid under his intense gaze. Perhaps I was blowing this out of proportion...Ruby is being a whore, but apparently that’s normal. Her annoying voice echoed around my mind and I cringed. Nope. I had every right to be mad.

nbsp; “I’d like to go to my room now.” I practically growled at him.

  “We’ll leave when you’ve calmed down.”

  I rose to my feet, stepping past him. “I’m not asking for your permission.”

  He stepped back abruptly, cutting me off. “Sit down.” He demanded.

  His voice was low and I was intimidated by how calm yet threatening he sounded.


  “I said sit down.”

  I huffed, taking a step back. I didn’t sit down. Instead, I leaned up against the stonewall, feeling good that I wasn’t completely disobeying him, but I wasn’t fully complying, either. I tucked one side of my hair behind my ear.

  “Why are you so angry over this?” he asked, stepping closer to me. “Why does she get to you so much?”

  I glanced down at my feet, avoiding his eyes and suddenly, I felt embarrassed by my behaviour.

  “I want to start fresh but she’s making it difficult… and then she brought you into it, and it upset me because you’ve done so much for me. I didn’t want her to disrespect you.”

  He took a few more steps closer to me and my heart stopped cold. I felt clammy moisture beginning to spread across my palms as I kept my eyes glued to my shoes. He was so close now and I could feel the heat radiating off of him. Slowly, I dragged my eyes up his body before resting on his face. The bright moon allowed me to see his features clearly and a searing heat tore down the back of my neck when my body realized just how close he was.

  “She’s jealous of you.” He told me in low voice that vibrated my entire body. “You’re strong, confident, caring and on top of all of that you’re—” He paused to shake his head and his gaze slipped from mine as he looked at his shoes, running a hand over his face. I watched him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. He dropped his hand to his side and his lips twitched as he fought a small smile. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I let my teeth sink into my lip as a telltale blush sprung instantly to my cheeks. His hand reached out to me and my heart pounded faster as he traced a finger up my arm. His hand smoothed over my shoulder and slid into the nape of my neck, causing my breath to hitch and my knees to tremble beneath me. The back of his other hand glided down my cheek and along my collar bone, leaving tingles in its wake. Eli stepped even closer, pressing me firmly against the wall and my breath hitched in my throat. Was this really happening?


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