Rosinanti_Rise of the Dragon Lord

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Rosinanti_Rise of the Dragon Lord Page 45

by Kevin J. Kessler

  Lifting the girl completely off her feet, Aleksandra enjoyed her useless struggling. It reminded her so much of her parents and how they had fought against her grip before their heads had exploded in bloody, pulpy messes. How nice it would be to feel the goopy splash of viscera once more.

  Energy began to gather within the empress’s palm, and she flashed her doomed victim a manic grin. Maura flailed like a fish on a hook, uselessly fighting against the moment of her death. Panic shone in her eyes, and it was beautiful to Aleksandra. Then, just as the destructive power was reaching its zenith, a flash of blue lashed out, striking Aleksandra with pinpoint accuracy right in the gash that still lay open upon her chest.

  Pain forced her fingers open, and Maura’s body dropped limply to the floor. Aleksandra staggered back as another jolt slammed into the same spot. She cried out in pain and took another step back, glaring in red-hot hatred at the sight of Seraphina, blue cloak blackened and smoldering, brown hair askew, and blue eyes shining defiantly through the smoke that rose from her fingers.

  “Your battle is with me,” the Harbinger spat, sending another jolt careening toward her sister. Aleksandra smacked the spell aside with one palm and urged her sister onward with one finger.

  “Come then, Harbinger. Let us end this once and for all!”

  Seraphina whirled through the air, her arms flying about her body like the currents of a raging river. She could feel the stress and magnitude of the moment. A final duel between the Kackritta sisters, winner take all. She had seen in Aleksandra's eyes a willingness to kill. Since the moment Sophie’s lifeless body had smacked into the street, Aleksandra’s heart had plunged into that dark, dangerous place where murder became possible.

  Now, seeing Maura about to die at her sister’s hands and imagining the empty, lifeless look in her dead eyes, Seraphina found herself willing to kill to save a life.

  A stream of water forged from the molecules in the air shot at Aleksandra’s legs. As Seraphina had predicted, her mighty sister easily leapt over the attack, leaving the gaping wound over her heart vulnerable.

  As soon as Aleksandra was airborne, Seraphina lashed out with a quick burst of lightning that seared into the wound and caused her sister to recoil as she landed on her feet once more. Seraphina followed up with another fast jolt, seeking to press upon this infinitesimal advantage. Aleksandra, however, was ready for this.

  She swatted the attack away as easily as one might ward off an annoying insect and snarled at Seraphina in a mindless fury. The cracks that had formed along the side of her face were deep and illuminated by the power of chaos, pulsating with red light as though it were a heartbeat.

  This tactic had worked as a short-term shock and awe maneuver, but Aleksandra had grown wise to it and would be protecting her center with jealous regard. As the enraged sorceress approached, Seraphina could see a crackling, orange fireball resting in her sister’s palm. Aleksandra heaved the projectile at Seraphina, and it was all the Ice Queen could do to throw a shield around her body while simultaneously leaping back. The explosion shredded the lush, green landscape beneath it, and while Seraphina had escaped the epicenter of the blast, the shockwaves pushed out in its wake flung her with careless abandon.

  She smacked hard into the ground, every instinct in her body screaming for her to move. She rolled to the side only to feel the chaotic rush of impact beside her as Aleksandra descended with a knee strike meant to shatter vertebrae. Once more, the impact of her sister’s mighty attack threw Seraphina helplessly along the battlefield.

  Rolling to her knees, she saw a thick, red bolt of energy careening toward her with enough power to disintegrate flesh and bone. There was no time to leap away. She had to meet this attack head-on. Seraphina let loose a blue beam of her own creation that slammed into Aleksandra’s in the space between them. Whereas before, the two sisters had engaged in struggles of magical might, now the true gap between them in terms of skill became evident.

  Aleksandra’s spell bullied its way through Seraphina’s meager defense, shredding through the azure beam. Seraphina’s attack did little more than slow her sister’s assault down, which, luckily, was all it needed to do.

  The extra seconds with which she was able to catch her breath were all Seraphina needed to formulate a plan of attack. She would never be able to bludgeon her way through Aleksandra’s defenses. Her sister was just too powerful for such a direct assault. But it had not gone unnoticed by Seraphina how effective indirect surprise assaults had been proving throughout the course of this encounter. Aleksandra was not a warrior like Val or Kayden. She was simply superior in terms of speed and skill both magical and martial alike. With such a drastic advantage, the instincts of a warrior weren’t necessary to develop.

  Seraphina, while not a seasoned warrior by any stretch, had come to develop such a mindset as a result of the many near-death experiences she had found herself in throughout the course of this harrowing journey. This was not a huge advantage, but when faced with such an opponent, Seraphina decided she would work with whatever she could get.

  Diving to the side, the Ice Queen allowed Aleksandra’s assault to pass her by, feeling the prickling heat of the blast’s energy graze her back. Then, she decided to do the one thing Aleksandra would never expect. She needed to run at her. Seraphina called upon the raw power of her magic and used it to propel herself at Aleksandra, vanishing into a blur of blue motion.

  The empress was seemingly shocked by this change in tactic and could not adjust herself in time. Seraphina slammed into her sister, slapping her blue, sparking palm down upon Aleksandra’s chest, right over the wound she had opened previously. Her spell erupted in through the gash, and Seraphina could feel a harsh tremor through her sister’s flesh. Aleksandra’s teeth clamped down, and she grunted in pain, refusing to cry out.

  Their faces were close now, nearly nose-to-nose. The sisters of Kackritta glared into the eyes of their counterpart, sparking hatred more electrifying than Seraphina’s flashy assault. Then, as the jolting, coursing electric attack continued to pound through Aleksandra’s body, the elder sister did something she had never attempted before in any of their previous encounters. She balled up her fist and punched Seraphina with all of the world-ending strength contained within her chaotic body.

  The magical shield that had protected Seraphina throughout this battle shattered instantly as her body was violently thrown back. She smashed into the ground with no protective enchantments in place. Her only thought before pain set in throughout her extremities was that she was shocked her bones hadn’t turned to jelly on impact. It was the single most intense force she had ever felt in her life. It left the Ice Queen breathless, gasping for much-needed air, open-mouthed in silent shock and pain.

  “I’m done with you now,” Aleksandra spat down at her, looming high above her sister like a triumphant goddess, prepared to grind this meddlesome insect to paste beneath her titanic boots. Aleksandra reached down grabbing Seraphina by the back of the head and effortlessly hoisted her into the air. “Vanish from my life, you loathsome annoyance.” Aleksandra reared back and slammed her fist into Seraphina’s stomach. The Ice Queen instantly spat blood welling up from internal injuries that, even now, the power of order within her sought to repair. But it was not fast enough. Aleksandra wound back and punched once more, eliciting a violent squeak of agony from her younger sister, followed by another spray of bright red internal blood, which cascaded down the young woman’s chin, drifting to the ground below. Aleksandra savagely drove her rock-like fist into Seraphina’s solar plexus two more times until the younger woman’s vision began to blur. Soon, she, whom Seraphina had once called sister, was nothing more than a black and red haze before her. The only defining feature that remained unmistakable were those merciless crimson eyes flickering with maniacal glee at her plight.

  Next, Seraphina found her body violently falling through the air once more, coming to a stop several meters from Aleksandra. Sensing shaky movement at her sides, she turned
her reforming plane of vision to see Maura and Nahzarro stirring. The three of them lay together before the mighty sorceress who had cast them all down like garbage flung out to rot.

  “Enemies and traitors all in a row…” Aleksandra purred with delight, pointing two fingers at her downed foes. Seraphina gasped as those outstretched digits began to spark with crimson fury. This was it. There was nothing to save them now. No miracle sneak attack, no last-minute explosion of inner power. Even the voice of Aqua had been drowned out in her haze of pain. She watched in dumbfounded horror, scarcely believing this was where her epic journey would end.

  As the final bolt of Aleksandra’s vengeance flew at them, a sudden flash of the purest white Seraphina had ever seen burst to life between their bodies and the incoming streak of murderous hate. The crimson bolt met white light, and an explosion shook the entire throne room, accompanying a glare that forced Seraphina’s eyes closed. As she slowly opened them once more in the wake of the dying radiance, she saw a figure, tall and thin, standing crouched in front of them, back turned, facing Aleksandra. Its crimson coat fluttered in the aftermath of the fiery explosion, and bits of orange flame ate at the ground around it. The figure’s arms were crossed before its face, having absorbed the brunt of the powerful spell, and still it remained standing.

  At first, she was sure her desperate mind was imagining it, but as her thoughts cleared, Seraphina’s heart sang. That light…she would know it anywhere. It was the light of her world. It was a light that latched onto her soul. It was the light of her heart itself. The figure lowered its arms slowly and stood to its full height, glancing back over its shoulder to ensure its charges were still safe. Then, for the first time in many months, Seraphina felt the warm, loving grip of joy squeeze her heart as the eyes of the man she loved beyond the definition of the word love met her own. And what’s more, they were not the hateful crimson eyes of a stranger as they had been upon the Dreamscape. No, these were the kind, gentle alabaster eyes of the man who had pledged his life to her.

  Val was here. Val was whole again. Val had beaten the chaos as she knew he would. And he was returning to her side in fulfillment of his oath of service to her.

  “Val…” she started to say. The instant the word left her mouth, Aleksandra sprang into action, phasing out of sight faster than even Seraphina could track. She thought for sure her love was about to be ripped from her life right then and there, but no sooner had Aleksandra vanished than Valentean followed suit. There was a loud explosion that tore the air before her, blowing her hair back. Then, Val was standing two meters from where he had begun, fist still following through after a truly titanic punch. Aleksandra was…falling.

  Her sister’s body smacked into the dirt, completely limp and helpless following Valentean’s lightning-fast assault. For a moment, no one moved. No one dared even breathe. Seraphina, Maura, and Nahzarro stared in dumbfounded fascination as the most terrifying, unshakable, unbeatable foe they had ever known collapsed to the ground in a heap as the result of a single punch.

  As soon as Aleksandra struck the ground, she was back on her feet, turning and glaring at Valentean with the most intense look of shock and hatred Seraphina had ever seen. She tried to dash forward once more, but Valentean was ready again. Her animus warrior gestured forth, and a powerful gust of wind burst from around his body, slamming into the sorceress and flinging her back, smashing her through the ornate, black balcony. Her body fell off from view, and all was silent. As soon as their foe was ejected from the battlefield, Valentean turned his kind and gentle gaze to her.

  He approached slowly, and she had no breath. He was here. He was…him. Her animus warrior. Her best friend. Her Val. Hers and only hers. As he knelt before her, the white radiance of his power vanished from his eyes, and she found herself looking into the green gaze she had known so well and for so long.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, holding out his hand. Seraphina’s shaking fingers touched down within his palm, and instantly, she felt an echo of her strength return. She gripped his hand furiously, pulling herself forward and into his chest, where she buried her face, clenched her eyes closed, and simply nuzzled her cheek against his chiseled pectorals.

  “Val,” she practically sobbed. “My Val…you’re here. I can’t even believe it.”

  “Neither can I, Sera. I was so lost. I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “It wasn’t your fault,” she replied. “I’m just glad you found your way home.”

  “You are my home.”

  “I know, silly.” She chuckled. “That’s what I meant.”

  “And here I thought I was being profound.”

  “As usual, darling, you’re late to the party.”

  He laughed and held her closer, tilting his head down to find her lips. The kiss was short and sweet…oh, so very sweet. The suction of his lips, however fleeting, seemed to make the trials and troubles she had endured while encased within this shell of their former home worthwhile. It was only an instant, but it felt like an eternity of bliss.

  He pulled away with urgency as if suddenly remembering the very real and dangerous situation in which they still found themselves.

  “Valentean?” Maura’s shaky voice questioned. “Is it you? Are you…you again?”

  “Yes, Maura, it’s me,” her love replied, looking beyond her now to flash a reassuring smile at their closest friend and ally.

  “About bloody time,” Nahzarro groaned with a half laugh.

  Valentean smiled sheepishly. “Thanks for not giving up on me.”

  “Never.” Maura smiled back.

  “The Eye?”

  “Nevick is on it,” Nahzarro answered.

  Valentean nodded grimly. “We will have to trust in his ability.”

  As Seraphina was about to question who this Nevick was, they were interrupted. Aleksandra sped back onto the scene. Valentean was up in a flash, one green, sparking fist cocked back as he rose. Aleksandra stopped short, seemingly unwilling to rush in blindly once again. The white glow returned to her love’s gaze as he sized up his ultimate enemy.

  “Well, here we are,” Aleksandra said, smiling with sadistic glee.

  Valentean said nothing. He merely stared, holding the sorceress at bay with the threat of another strike.

  “Val, we can…do this…together,” Seraphina said, trying to stand before a bout of dizziness forced her back to the ground.

  Valentean turned his eyes to her once more and knelt, placing a hand on his princess’s shoulder. “You’ve done an amazing job, Sera,” he said, kindness, adoration, and pride dripping off every word. “But rest now. It’s my turn. Let me take up this fight for you.”

  “But, Val…”

  “Rest, my love.” She nodded at him, and he smiled to her once more. Then, his gaze hardened to steel as his eyes and head slowly swiveled back to Aleksandra.

  “Well, Shogai,” she said, holding her arms out to expose her midsection, “are you ready?”

  “You know,” Valentean said, taking a step forward, “I used to hate you.”

  “Used to?” Aleksandra asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes. I used to think you were a cold, unfeeling zealot. But then I got a taste of what exactly it is that lives inside of you. I saw how easy it is to become lost in it. And I don’t hate you anymore, Aleksandra. I pity you.”

  Her face dropped with the suddenness of mania. “It is utterly insulting how you all have deemed me so weak that my divine convictions could be no more than some primitive mind control. Don’t you see, Valentean? I’ve never needed saving. I am the savior of Terra. I am the prophet of Ignis. While you fought against the Goddess’s gifts, I embraced them. I embraced Her. And through Her divine wrath, I am ready to purge this world of your infidellic ilk.”

  Valentean shook his head sadly. “I can hear it in your words, you know. I can sense the drip of that horrible power in every syllable.”

  “You know nothing!”

  “I’ve been there!” />
  “You have NOT! You have never stood astride the world itself, knowing that you are the only one who can mend it! You haven’t spent years formulating grand machinations that shape the lives of millions of souls! I alone can say this! I alone can save us all! The guiding light of Terra comes not from your blasphemous glow but from the fires of agony and chaos itself!”

  Aleksandra gestured toward Valentean with her fingers, firing off a quick jolt of crimson lightning. Seraphina gasped at the speed and severity of such a strike but was relieved to see Valentean bat it away with ease before rushing in. Both sorceress and animus warrior vanished in a blur of speed, their titanic conflict marked by loud, booming clashes, which resounded through the vast throne chamber. As the Ice Queen tried to follow the red and black streaks of movement that were her love and sister, she caught sight of something else moving near the balcony. It was…Vahn Burai. Seraphina gasped with glee at the sight of the Captain Elite alive and unharmed.

  The old man seemed a tad worse for wear, his clothes reduced to blood-stained rags. But what was that bundle he was crouched over? Was it a person? Was it…Kayden? Seraphina tensed at the sight of Kayden’s prone body, but she could still feel a trickle of darkness reverberating from him out into the world. He was alive. Val had spared him. There was still hope for Kayden. She turned her attention back to the jaw-dropping spectacle of the superspeed battle that unfolded before her eyes.

  There was still hope for them all.


  She was still maddeningly fast. It was all Valentean could do to keep pace with the mighty sorceress. He had managed to take her by surprise twice upon his dramatic entrance into the floating fortress, but the situation was far from resolved. As they sped around the room, coming in to take shots at one another, Valentean realized the gap between them still existed.


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