Alicia tried her best to shake the thoughts from her mind. No good could come from thinking like that. Not anymore.
She reached back to play with Lucia, who was just starting to wake up. Her daughter was beautiful, and so quiet and peaceful. Abnormally so on all fronts several of her friends had informed her, something Alicia was immensely proud of. She was going to grow up and steal men’s hearts without even trying. Or women’s. Whichever.
The world moved.
Alicia slammed against the front windshield. Link’s airbag ejected and pressed him forcefully against his seat, while Amy and Aiya, who were not wearing seatbelts, went pinballing against the insides of the car.
The last thing Alicia remembered seeing was Aiya’s head bent at an unnatural angel on Amy’s lap, her eyes wide open and unblinking…
Why is he touching me there? It hurts...
Naomi woke up the next morning to a pair of panties on her face.
“I have an errand to run. I’ll be back soon. Don’t follow me,” she heard Alicia say curtly.
Naomi threw the panties across the room and sat up just in time to see Alicia, fully dressed, walking out the door.
“Son of a bitch,” she murmured as she jumped out of bed and searched frantically for her clothes. She was not about to let Alicia just leave her here. She was more than her assistant now. She was her lover. Lovers don’t just leave each other without an explanation to go god knows where-
She paused.
Alicia was a drug addict. A cocaine addict, to be more precise. It was something she learned the first day she became her assistant. When she saved her from being found out in the bathroom the other night by wiping her stash into the sink, that was probably all the drugs she had.
Which meant she was probably going to re-up.
By herself.
And she had to be going through withdrawals by now.
There was only one place Alicia would go to quickly get her next hit.
She frantically started getting dressed.
“Ain’t got nuthin. Come back day after tomorrow.”
“Wait,” Alicia said quickly, placing her foot in the door before he could close it. “Joel, please. I need a hit. Bad. Please.”
Alicia watched as the skinny, bug-eyed blonde man in the loose white tank top and baggy jeans stared back at her with a calculating gaze.
“All I have is my personal stash. And I don’t share. Get lost.”
“Joel, please. I’ll do anything,” Alicia said quickly.
“You just said the magic words, lady. Come on in. Guys, I want to introduce you to our new best friend.”
Alicia blinked as she surveyed the room. Two other guys were sitting on the couch, both looking at her like she was some kind of alien. She knew instantly what Joel expected of her, what she was going to have to do to get her fix.
She stood in the doorway, her heart pounding in her chest, her thoughts racing through her mind. She couldn’t do this. She wasn’t that kind of girl. The only man she had ever had sex with was Link, and she didn’t desire anyone else. Females were different. Link didn’t care if she slept with women, or even had relationships with them. He was secure enough in his manhood, in their relationship, that he didn’t feel threatened by them.
Of course, Link…would never know.
“You comin’ in or not?” Joel asked her brusquely as he held the door open. “Ain’t trying to cool the outside. Or advertise my shit. And clean your fucking nose off. I can’t stand the sight of blood.”
Alicia wiped the blood from her nose with her sleeve. The nosebleeds were becoming more frequent now; she didn’t know why.
“Come on in, babe. I can help you,” Joel said in a soothing voice.
Alicia shook her head, then bit her bottom lip. She was struggling, but she knew how this was going to end. She couldn’t. She couldn’t do this to Link. To herself. She would have to find another way to get her fix. She was about to relay this to Joel when he grabbed her and pulled her into the house, swiftly locking the door behind her.
“I’m leaving,” Alicia said firmly as she reached for the door, her voice exuding confidence and authority she did not feel.
Joel slapped her hand hard, causing her to withdraw it. “Yeah, you will. When we’re done with you,” he replied as he pushed her back and started taking off his clothes.
His friends looked at each other and grinned, quickly following suit…
Alicia was pinned to the bed, roughly wrestled there by Joel’s friends. Everyone except her was naked, and all of them had erections.
“I can’t wait to be inside of you,” one of the guys said as he ripped her shirt off. The other one was taking off her shoes, and Joel was unbuttoning her pants.
She fought them, of course. Or, at least, tried to. She was strong, a lifelong athlete, but their combined strength - and lust - was just too much. They seemed to enjoy watching her struggle. When her pants and panties were removed, Joel left the room for a minute and came back with some white powder on his extended index finger.
“Here,” he said, putting his finger in front of her nose. “To calm down. Maybe it’ll make you enjoy this more. Not that I care either way, really.”
His friends laughed. Alicia clenched her jaw, fighting back the tears. She was not going to cry in front of them. Or anyone. She was strong, resilient, and she had been through far worse than this in her life. She was a survivor.
She batted the cocaine off the end of Joel’s finger with her nose, refusing to take it, and spat on his eye.
She was rewarded for her spite by a sharp backhand across the face.
Moments later something fleshy and hard hit the side of her head, then slid across her cheek and made its way to her lips. Joel wiped the spit off and reached down, spreading her legs forcefully and wedging himself between them.
“I am going to fuck you like a cheap hooker,” he growled, taking his cock in his hand and rubbing its tip across her pussy lips. Alicia tried to fight him, tried to keep her mouth closed despite the other man’s cock pushing painfully against her lips, tried to not scream out as the last man painfully squeezed her breast. She was fighting a losing battle.
And to make things worse, the effects of withdrawal were hitting hard.
She turned her head and bit the cock trying to penetrate her mouth, at the same time sliding herself up and racking Joel with her foot, causing both men to howl and retreat in pain.
They recovered quickly, coming back at her and beating her viciously. She saw constant white flashes as her head was hit this way and that, as her stomach was repeatedly punched, as her ribs and sides were continually struck. All three of them were beating her, and she felt her strength rapidly weaken, felt her body began shaking. Her resolve slowly started to melt.
She was going to be killed, most likely after all of them raped her.
She was going to die here.
And there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop it.
The front door suddenly exploded open and gunshots filled the room, causing the naked men surrounding her to scatter like the roaches they were.
Alicia woozily looked to the front door for her savior, fighting to sharpen her blurry vision.
Naomi, gun in hand, stared right back at her in horror…
I coughed the first time Amy and I smoked it. She didn't. I should have stopped, but it made...certain things...easier to deal with...
“Ma’am, you’re going to have to calm down. Please.”
Alicia quit yelling at the judge across the room and glared up at the officer, and for a moment she considered releasing her death-grip from the table and hitting him. Link had just been sentenced to ten years in prison for Homicide by Vehicle While Driving Under the Influence, and this fat, balding slob of a judge was telling her to calm down?!
To make matters worse, her daughter Lucia, who somehow survived the wreck, was taken from her by Child Protective Services. And Amy…Amy had a mental breakdown from coming to consciousness w
ith Aiya’s lifeless head in her lap. Alicia could still hear her screams. She screamed and cried for hours. She snapped. They haven’t spoken since she was admitted.
And now her husband was going to prison.
She turned to face Aiya’s family, who pushed hard for the sentence. They looked satisfied, happy even, that Link was given such a harsh punishment. Though his previous troubles with the law did nothing in his favor, it was their constant insistence that made the judgment so inflated. Alicia was confident of this. She was going to kill all of them. Every last one. Maybe when she got famous enough, she could hire hitmen to do just that. Or perhaps she would do it herself…
“Ma’am. Are you OK?” The officer pressed.
Alicia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was going to fix all of this, every last bit of it, but to do that she had to be free. And sound of mind. She smiled and looked up at the officer.
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry for my outbursts. Can I have a moment with my husband before he’s taken away?”
The officer eyed her skeptically but nodded his head.
Link was brought in front of her moments later.
Alicia nearly broke right then, but she knew she couldn’t. She had to be strong for her husband, to let him know that she was going to be OK. That all of this would be OK.
“Alicia, I’m sorry-”
“I love you. I will wait for you. I will do everything I can to get you out of here. Just keep yourself safe, OK? I couldn’t live if I lost you. I couldn’t live…”
Link nodded, and the guards took him away before he could respond.
Her last words to him echoed in her mind…
My mother hates me. They took him away, and my mother hates me for it. Was I wrong for telling?
“You were in the hospital for so long. I was scared you weren’t coming back out,” Naomi said softly as she helped Alicia onto the bed. They had practically just walked in the door of her apartment, and already Naomi was worrying over her.
“It looks way worse than it is,” Alicia responded flippantly, trying to sound reassuring. It was something she wasn’t good at. It was also a blatant lie: it felt far worse than it looked. Her entire body was screaming in pain. Those guys really hurt her. At least they weren’t able to do anything sexual to her…
“No. It is. They hurt you. They almost killed you. You should never have gone there.”
Alicia sighed. She knew this was coming. “You’re right, OK? Is that what you want to hear? Is that what you want me to say? You are absolutely, one hundred percent fucking right. Now can we please quit talking about this?”
Alicia looked at the younger girl and raised an eyebrow.
“Look,” Naomi said quickly, sensing Alicia was about to lose her temper, “I love you. I love you, OK? I know it’s too soon, I know it’s too forward, but I do. All I could think about when you were in that hospital was what I would do if you didn’t make it back out. You’re so beautiful, so smart, but you seem determined to fuck your life completely up. I’m tired of swooping in to save you!”
“Then don’t,” Alicia snapped, standing up quickly, even though the act hurt far more than she anticipated. “I never once asked you to save me. I never asked anything of you except to be my assistant. You’re my employee, nothing more.”
Naomi’s eyes widened, and her jaw clenched. Alicia knew she had hurt the girl, but right then she didn’t care.
“So that’s all I am to you? The love we’ve made, the things we’ve been through these past weeks. Just an employee, huh?”
Alicia nodded. “Exactly.”
“Fuck you! Fuck. You! I should have let you get busted by those girls, and your entire career would have been over! And I should have let those men rape you! I should have let them kill you!”
“Oh, I agree! Then maybe I wouldn’t have to listen to the whiney ass love declarations and fake concerns of someone with all the tact, common sense, and bedroom skills of an immature schoolgirl!”
Naomi slapped her.
Alicia closed her eyes and lowered her head. She couldn’t even get mad about that slap. She deserved it. She had gone too far.
“Come here,” Alicia sighed, holding her arms out.
Naomi seemed to consider this for a moment, then shook her head. Her body, however, ignored her objections and walked into Alicia’s arms.
“I’m sorry. I…I have a lot of anger issues. You didn’t deserve that. None of what I said was true.”
Naomi melted into the older girl’s arms. “Some of it’s kinda true.”
Alicia shook her head, fighting a smile, and rested it against Naomi’s. “No. None of it is true. I’m just…I’m mad at myself. And you were right. I am on a self-destructive bent. I guess I just quit caring after…everything.”
“Did you mean it? Am I just an employee to you?”
Alicia smiled and hugged her doppelganger tighter, an act that her sore and beaten body protested against.
“Of course not. You make great sandwiches too.”
Naomi pulled back and looked up at her. She was smiling.
“You know, I’m not as innocent as you think. I did some research and went out and bought some stuff while you were in the hospital. Lesbian stuff.”
Alicia raised an eyebrow and stared at Naomi, her expression practically dripping disbelief.
Naomi let Alicia go and pulled a large box out from underneath the bed. Alicia raised her other eyebrow, her expression morphing to one of curiosity and surprise.
“OK. You have my attention. What did you buy?”
Naomi grinned and opened the box with a flourish, pulling her purchases out one by one.
The first item was a large pink rubber penis. It took all of Alicia’s self-control to not laugh. What did she plan on doing with-
The next thing she pulled out was a plastic and leather belt-like contraption. To put the rubber penis in. She then pulled out several types of lingerie outfits, a pair of padded leather handcuffs, a bulbous personal massager, some obviously lesbian DVDs, and a thin transparent bunny-rabbit vibrator.
Alicia blinked and cocked her head, her humor completely evaporated. This girl meant business.
“I’m, ah, impressed. Do you know how all this stuff works?”
Naomi nodded her head proudly. “Yes. I watched several videos online and learned.”
Alicia slowly shook her head and smiled. She was speechless.
“Ha! I knew it! I knew I would make you smile eventually!”
Alicia rolled her eyes. “I’m not made of stone, you know. There’s just a lot about me you don’t know. Things that have made me into a dark person.”
Naomi nodded. “I know more about you than you think.”
Alicia cocked her head. Naomi smiled brightly and continued. “What I’m trying to say is, we all have things like that. Me, I was…well…I was raped by my father when I was 13 until I left home at 16. For three years straight. Every time my mom left the house, every time she passed out drunk, he was there. Sometimes in the middle of the night, he would creep into my room…and then…and then his friends…and here’s where it really gets fucked up: when I finally told a teacher at the school and the police came and took him, my mom blamed me. She started hating me like it was all my fault. But it wasn’t. I wasn’t responsible for the monster my father had become. He was. It took me years to realize that. My mom and I still aren’t talking. She visits him every month in prison…”
Alicia didn’t know what to say. She was never good at showing her feelings with anyone but Link, but this girl resonated with her in a way she had never experienced before. She wanted to reach out to her, wanted to show her compassion and sympathy, but she didn’t know how.
“But that’s in the past,” Naomi continued, shrugging. “I’m a big girl now. And I got all this stuff for you. For us.”
Before Alicia could respond, Naomi reached out and grabbed her, gently reclining her back on the bed and kissing her softly. A
nd repeatedly. Alicia quit thinking and let her body take over, wrapping her long legs around the younger woman’s body as they kissed, ignoring the pain in her abdomen, feeling Naomi’s pelvis press against hers in a mockery of penetration.
Alicia was glad she was wearing a dress. It made it easier to feel the friction with only her panties separating them…
She rolled away from the younger girl, intending to turn around and press her back to the bed, but was stopped midroll in a doggy-style position. Seconds later she felt Naomi’s fingers rubbing her pussy through her panties, pressing against it, into it, the fabric of her underwear entering her and rubbing against her in such a way as to stimulate her even more than bare fingers would have.
“I can feel your pussy through your panties. It’s very wet,” Naomi whispered in her ear as she continued to manipulate her sex.
Alicia felt her panties pushed aside by her doppelgangers fingers, felt her slim fingers enter her, slowly sliding in and out.
“I bet I can make you scream,” Naomi whispered this time punctuating her sentence with a tiny lick behind her ear.
Alicia shuddered. She couldn’t help it. She wanted to turn the tide, to take control, but her body was completely at Naomi’s mercy. She was being dominated, for the first time in her life, and she strangely loved it.
What kind of videos did this girl watch?!
Naomi slowly slid her fingers out of her and then put them to her mouth, tasting Alicia’s sex juices, then reached out and carefully rolled Alicia on her back. Alicia lay there as her dress was pulled off, but when it came to her panties, Naomi slid her fingers underneath them and left them in place.
“I’m going to make you wait for it,” she said, grinning, then crawled in between Alicia’s legs and kissed her again, sliding her thin, fit body over her lover’s.
Alicia’s legs wrapped around her again, this time of their own volition. She didn’t want her to stop kissing her; she wanted her to do so much more than kiss her. Naomi broke their kiss and slid back down the bed, ripping Alicia’s panties off, then dropped down and placed her head right on Alicia’s wet, waiting pussy.
Good Girls Gone Bad Page 3