Seduced by the Billionaire: The Complete Collection

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Seduced by the Billionaire: The Complete Collection Page 116

by Lee, Nadia

  Barron’s eyes were slowly turning into slits. “And I never questioned his motives when he’d come over to visit at Stella’s place. I simply assumed that he’d come by to see me. But—conveniently—he was there when Eric was. And he was quite friendly to the boy.”

  Barron slowly turned his head to look at Daniel. Meredith, who had only seen the old man in relaxed family surroundings, was somehow reminded of battleship guns being brought to bear.

  “It’s not his fault,” Meredith said.

  “Isn’t it? Claude went all this time without looking for this great-nephew of his until this fellow showed up, and I want to hear what’s really going on from his lips. Why is Claude suddenly so interested in Eric?”

  Meredith clasped her hands together. She didn’t want Daniel to get into trouble with Barron, but if the old man wanted to hear what Daniel had to say, there was nothing she could do.

  * * *

  Daniel hadn’t missed the way Merry had retreated. So this was the interrogation before the communal berating—how stupid and foolish and idiotic she’d been to commit a crime. And undoubtedly anything he said would be used against her. As upset as he’d been with Merry, he didn’t want them to hurt her. He took the time to gather his thoughts. The key was to delete any unnecessary information from his answer.

  “Claude wants to oust me and take control of Aylster Resorts.”

  “What does Eric have to do with that?” Barron asked.

  “If he can get control of Eric’s shares through having custody, he’ll end up with forty-three percent of the company, while my stepmother, stepsister and I together will have twenty-seven.”

  “Doesn’t he know he’s not CEO material?” The old man snorted. “Never mind, I’m sure he doesn’t. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered.”

  “I never thought he had the ambition,” Daniel admitted.

  “Most people overestimate their abilities. He’s good at following directives, but he’s not an idea man. You’re still unproven, but at least you don’t overreach like this.”

  “Well, I don’t care what the reasons are. That man isn’t keeping Eric to be used as a pawn,” Stella declared.

  “Definitely not,” Gavin said, and Ethan nodded, his eyes sharp.

  Nate shrugged and went back to cracking nuts. “Cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Nobody messes with the family.”

  Justin looked at Barron. “Tell us how you plan to ruin him, so we can do our part.”

  Daniel looked at the women. They also looked furious, but it was clear that their outrage wasn’t directed at Merry. The knot in his belly loosened slightly.

  Catherine’s fiancé Blaine said, “This is the only time I wished I were closer to my father’s side of the family. The Pryces have some firepower.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Gavin said. “I can enlist their support.”

  “So can I,” Barron said, moustache bristling. “But that won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of Claude.”

  “I…I prefer that I confront him,” Merry said. “Eric’s my son and everything that’s happened is because of me.”

  “Are you sure, child?” Barron said. “He’s a snake. A very dumb one, but a snake nonetheless.”

  “Yes. It’s my responsibility.”

  “No,” Daniel said. “It’s mine. Eric’s Judy’s son, and Claude’s my uncle. All this…situation…is over Aylster Resorts. I also suspect Claude’s behind the sabotage at the construction site.”

  “If you aren’t going to accept my help,” Barron said, “at least let me invite him over. That’s the least I can do. I want to see his face.” There was a bright gleam in the old man’s eyes.

  “Sucks to be Claude,” Kerri said.

  “Now, now, why would you say a thing like that?” Barron said affably. “I’m not going to hurt him.”

  “No. You’ll just eviscerate him and toss his carcass to the vultures,” Justin muttered under his breath. “Not that he doesn’t deserve it.”

  * * *

  Barron personally called Claude, inviting him to the mansion. Well, it was more like a summons, Meredith thought, remembering the way Barron had asked Claude to come. It had been congenial with a hint of imperial haughtiness that indicated he expected to be obeyed.

  She drummed her fingers on her knees as Miles drove the limo to Claude’s bachelor pad in Houston. He had a luxury penthouse about an hour from Barron’s mansion.

  Daniel sat next to her, watching her fingers move. He hadn’t said a word since the big confession. She took a deep breath, wiping her sweaty hands on her slacks. She hated waiting, hated this awkward silence, and hated that Eric wasn’t where he belonged. If she had to give him up, she’d rather he be with Daniel. Daniel knew how to protect those who mattered, and he was almost too scarily fair despite having been wronged so many times in his life.

  “Calm down,” Daniel said finally.

  “I can’t. What if Claude didn’t bring Eric to Houston?”

  “The boy’s his ace in the hole. He didn’t leave him in Virginia.”

  The plan was for her to go take Eric from Claude’s place, while Claude was at Barron’s mansion. She’d have preferred to go alone, but Daniel had insisted on coming with her. She’d agreed on the condition that he stay behind in the car. Claude’s staff was most likely instructed to ensure Daniel didn’t take Eric. But it would be difficult for them to stop Meredith, whom Eric called mother.

  Miles, on the other hand, would come with her. The condo security knew who he was. It would’ve been impossible for most of them not to know the man who drove Barron everywhere. Not to mention, she had gotten the feeling that Miles was also Barron’s right-hand man, sort of like Alfred to Bruce Wayne.

  Finally Miles pulled in front of the condo and opened the door for Meredith. “Miss.”

  “Thanks,” she managed despite her dry throat.

  They went to the lobby. The doorman nodded at them and opened the door. The security guards looked up from behind a big looping counter. Miles raised his chin. “Miss Meredith Lloyd to visit Mr. Claude Aylster.”

  “He left not too long ago,” one of them said, scratching a softening chin. He was the older of the two, and had a beard that failed to hide the extra folds around his jawline.

  “Was there a child with him?” Meredith asked.

  “No. He left alone.”

  “I knew it. He forgot Eric.” She shook her head. “Men. He probably forgot to arrange for a babysitter.”

  “Uh…” The security guard frowned, then glanced at his partner, a rail-thin man with dark olive skin and bored black eyes who shrugged in response.

  “I’m sorry. I’m Meredith Lloyd, Eric’s mother. I asked Claude to fly with him to Houston because I wasn’t sure if I could leave in time for the dinner with Barron Sterling. I presume you know who he is?”

  “Uh. Yeah.”

  “If there’s no sitter, I’m afraid can’t leave Eric by himself in the penthouse. He’s only ten,” she said.

  “I think he has a housekeeper,” the younger man said.

  “One with child supervision training?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She gave them a narrow-eyed look, something she’d seen Kerri do once to an obnoxious couple at a theater. “I thought not. And your delaying me may be endangering my son, which would make you just as responsible for child neglect as Claude. I’m sure my lawyer would agree.”

  “Well. You can go up and see,” the older one said quickly. Nothing got people moving faster than an overprotective mom about to lawyer up. “But I’m sure Mr. Aylster did everything properly.”

  “Thank you for your assistance,” she said, then stepped into the waiting elevator in the lobby.

  Miles stood a few feet to the side and said, “Well done, Miss.”

  “Call me Meredith. I couldn’t have done it without you there.” She frowned. “Do you think they’ll call Claude to check?”

  “Doubtful. They know who I am, and since I didn’t contradict you, the
y’ll just assume we’re going to Mr. Sterling’s residence afterward.”

  Which we will, she thought. When the elevator stopped with a chime and opened its doors, she quickly rushed to Claude’s place. The door was locked. She knocked loudly. “Eric! It’s me. Open the door.”

  “Mom?” came a voice, then the door was wrenched open. Eric rushed out and threw his arms around her. “Mom!”

  “Oh, my baby.” She squatted and hugged him hard. His eyes were puffy, and he looked at her with uncertainty. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re safe now. Let’s go.”


  “No buts. We’re going to Barron’s right now. He has all sorts of treats just for you.”

  That failed to brighten him up, and a knot of dread formed in her belly. What had Claude done to him? But first things first. She needed to get him into the limo. Then they could talk. “Come on, let’s go.”

  A middle-aged woman appeared from the kitchen. A starched white apron was wrapped around her dark uniform, and a frown creased her lightly wrinkled face. “Ma’am? Who are you?”

  “I’m this boy’s mother,” Meredith said, channeling her inner Barron, hoping it was enough to make the other woman back off. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Ana. Mr. Aylster’s housekeeper.”

  “I’m taking him”—Meredith gestured at Eric—“with me.”

  The housekeeper shifted her weight. “Mr. Aylster said that he was to stay here. Inside.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ve cleared it with security. Mr. Aylster went to Barron Sterling’s house and that’s exactly where I’m taking Eric.” Before Ana could object, Meredith herded Eric into the waiting elevator. Miles let go of the button, and the doors closed.

  The security guards didn’t say anything as she marched out with Eric and Miles. She merely gave them a cool look and said, “No training at all. Scandalous.”

  “Sorry,” the younger one said. “We didn’t know.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t. But Claude’s going to pay for this.” And so much more.

  Once they were in the car, she hugged Eric again, wanting to make sure he was really here, in her arms, and took a few shuddering breaths. He seemed more fragile now, or maybe she was just projecting her emotions. When he started to squirm, she released him reluctantly but kept a hand on his shoulder. She had to feel him. “Was Claude…nice to you?”

  “I guess. He has a cool car.”

  “What did he say to you? Did he do anything you didn’t find comfortable?” If he had been cruel to Eric…

  Eric sniffed. “He said I should stay away from you and Daniel because you guys were dating and going to get married and I was getting in the way.”

  “What?” She clicked her mouth shut. She felt Daniel tense next to her. “Eric—”

  “Is it true that you never dated anybody because of me?” Eric asked, lifting his face to meet her gaze.

  “No. No, of course not.” Until now, she’d only wanted to have Eric back and Claude out of her life. But this changed everything. Now she wanted to strangle the man with her own two hands. “Eric, it had nothing to do with you. Nothing. Okay? I didn’t date because…well, I never met anybody I liked enough.”

  “But Daniel’s your boyfriend now, right?” Eric said, looking askance at the man sitting next to them.

  Meredith glanced at Daniel and gave a nervous laugh. “Um, not exactly.”

  “But you’re dating, right?”

  “Well, technically, we’re not actu—”

  “But you went out on dates! And he came to Uncle Ethan’s house. So it’s serious, right? And one day he’s going to be your boyfriend, and then you’re going to get married. That’s the way it works. And he won’t want me, because I’m not his kid.”

  Meredith gasped. “No! Honey, it—”

  “Eric,” Daniel cut in. “When a man loves a woman, he loves everything about her, including her family. Claude has never really loved anyone, so he probably doesn’t know that.”

  Eric looked at Daniel. “Really?”

  Daniel nodded solemnly. “Really. But you can relax. For one thing, your mother and I aren’t planning on getting married. I’m not sure where Claude got that idea. But even if we were, why would I ask her to give you up? You’re a delightful young man. And I would be very happy to have you as both my son and my friend.”

  Meredith thought she would just melt at the gentle way Daniel spoke to Eric. She suspected Claude had said more than what Eric was letting on. But Daniel’s reassurance seemed to make him feel better. His shoulders no longer slouched, and a bit of light had come back into his eyes.

  Daniel would make the woman he loved unbelievably happy. Meredith could feel it deep in her soul. It was too bad she’d never be that woman.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Daniel let Eric and Merry whisper quietly together. She ran her fingers affectionately through the boy’s hair; he had his head on her shoulder. Shared DNA or not, he thought, they belong together.

  He let his gaze drift outside to the cars and people. Couples walked by, laughing and talking. They moved purposefully, like they had to be someplace by a certain time. It must be nice to be able to believe for even a moment that they belonged somewhere.

  In front of Barron’s mansion was Claude’s black Mercedes. The vanity plate gave it away: MINE2TK.

  Everyone climbed out of the car. Merry turned to Miles. “Can you please take Eric to his room?”

  “Certainly. Should I have somebody go out for clothes and incidentals as well?”

  “No. I brought his things. Thanks.”

  That surprised Daniel. As they were walking to the sitting room, he said, “I didn’t realize you’d packed for him. Were you that certain you’d get him back?”

  “I wasn’t going to give up until I did.”

  “And you were sure your family would help you.”

  “Of course I was,” she said, looking at him. “I mean, I know there are things that not even the best help can undo. Like what Claude told Eric. And if he’d hidden my son, everything would’ve been a lot more difficult.” She dropped her gaze and then stared straight ahead. “But honestly? There just isn’t that much my family and I can’t figure out.”

  Daniel thought of the problem nothing could fix—her infertility. He tried to imagine Merry without a child, but he couldn’t. Eric was such a big part of her.

  Daniel wondered what he’d do if he found out he could never have a child of his own. The thought sent a surprisingly sharp jolt through him. He’d never thought about marriage or having a family. He’d always looked to his work to fulfill him. But now he couldn’t help wondering if there could be more…if he could find somebody he could count on.

  Was he feeling this way because he might lose Aylster Resorts? Or was it something else, some kind of substitute to make him feel better about not having the company? But even as he imagined being jobless, he longed for that emotional connection only a tight-knit family could provide. He’d never experienced it himself, but he’d witnessed it in Barron’s living room, with everyone jumping to Meredith’s defense. She hadn’t even had to ask.

  * * *

  The sitting room was intimate. Cream wallpaper with swirly gilt patterns gave it a slightly French ambience; a fireplace with crackling logs cast a warm orange glow over everything. The sound system was playing a muted Mozart tune, and four large, plushy armchairs surrounded a heavy oak table with refreshments. There were numerous framed photos on recessed shelves, displaying every member of the Sterling family and their friends. Daniel was certain the choice to “entertain” Claude in this room hadn’t been accidental.

  Claude raised his eyebrows when Daniel and Merry walked in. “I didn’t realize you were spending your Thanksgiving here, Daniel. You could’ve stayed over at my place,” he said in a booming voice.

  “You know I don’t spend holidays with the family,” Daniel said. He hadn’t been able to stomach spending time with any of them after Judy’s death.
/>   “I do. What a shame. Hello, Meredith.”

  “Hi, Claude,” she said in an I-want-to-kill-you-but-I-won’t voice.

  Merry’s tone gave Daniel pause. He’d never heard her speak like that, but her face was set in a pleasant smile. What the hell.

  “Sit down, children,” Barron said from his armchair. “Have some tea.”

  Daniel and Merry took the remaining armchairs. As soon as they were settled, Barron said, “So. How’s Eric?”

  Claude glanced at Merry, barely able to contain a smirk. Merry said, “Oh, he’s fine. He’s up in his room, actually.”

  “Where?” Claude asked.

  “In his room.” Merry’s smile grew even more pleasant. “Barron set aside a room for him here.”

  “It’s Justin and Nate’s old playroom,” Barron said, waving his hand negligently. “I converted it into a suite suitable for a boy Eric’s age, with train sets and Lego and some other toys he said he wanted.”

  Claude tensed, while Merry said, “You shouldn’t have, Barron. You’re spoiling him.”

  “Well,” Barron said expansively, “what’s money, compared to family?”

  “Barron, would you mind if I talked to them privately?” Claude asked.

  “You can say whatever you want in front of me. I don’t mind.”

  Claude’s jaw clenched. “It’s sort of a family matter.”

  Barron looked at Merry. “Well, I practically count as family, now, don’t I?”

  “Yes,” Merry said. “You’re like the grandpa Eric never had.”

  “See?” Barron smiled. “A grandpa!”

  Claude gave Merry a sour smile. “Very well, if you insist. Did you go to my place?”

  “We wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t taken Eric,” Daniel said.

  “You fool!” Claude thundered. “She kidnapped Judy’s son!”

  “How can you be so certain Eric isn’t Meredith’s son?” Barron asked mildly.

  “They don’t match. Genetically.”

  “Brown hair and blue eyes run in my family,” Merry said.

  “And they run in mine,” Claude said with a thin smile. “But it’s impossible for Eric to be yours, according to your DNA.”


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