OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories)

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OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories) Page 7

by Alexandra Stone

  It all seemed absurd to me.

  After my stepfather’s constant berating, over and over again, I agreed to marry the man against every feeling in my heart. My stepfather was constantly threatening me and he was a very menacing man and he scared me into this marriage. There was something dark and sinister about him that I could not place, but I did not want to find out. I was too scared to really go up against him. My mother was of no use, as she didn’t take my side at all. She thought that I should marry into money just like my father did. My real father and mother had been divorced for almost ten years. He had also recently remarried a very wealthy woman.

  I faced my wedding like someone being sent to the gallows. We did not have a ceremony we just got married by the justice of the peace instead. I wore a white business suit and he wore a simple blazer and tie. It was more of a business contract than a wedding of love and affection. It was awful. Then I moved into my new husband Michael’s house. Although he had money, he was stingy with it. He didn’t splurge at all. He lived in a simple white house in the middle of cornfields that he owned and managed. It was on of his many businesses. I moved in and felt like I was in a prison. There was no love and no affection. It made me feel like less of a woman. I had been auctioned off into a marriage that I loathed. Things seem to be completely hopeless. That was until something happened that changed my miserable life forever. It all started with a trip where I met a gorgeous rugged motorcycle bad boy who ended up saving me in more ways than one. He was everything a girl could wish for. He was brave, strong, and sexy. He was confident and he was a billionaire. He was a dirty motorcycle bad boy. He was the most erotic man I had ever met in my life and I let him do things to me that I should not be doing as a married woman.

  It all started after my wedding. It had been six weeks since my wedding and I was settled into my new house and my new boring and mundane routine with my new husband Michael. I received a call from my father who invited me to his new country estate outside of San Diego. I was more than happy to go just to get away from my new husband and my ever-watchful stepfather.

  I brushed my curly blonde hair and wore a fitted black pantsuit that showed off my curvy hourglass figure. I wore my cobalt blue necklace that matched my blue eyes and packed my suitcase with the last remnants of things I needed. I kissed my husband goodbye with a fake affection that I had become accustomed too. Then I left.

  I drove from the small town to downtown San Luis Obispo to the Sunset Station and jumped on the Amtrak train south along the coast to San Diego, California.

  The beauty of the coastal train amazed me as it skimmed over the very edge of the coast of California. In some parts it even went over the ocean and you could spot dolphins and whales in the distance. It was the most beautiful thing to sit in the train car and see all this beauty. I ordered a coffee and sat at the table watching from the large glassed in car. Then I began to cry. There was so much more to the world that I had not experienced and I gave that up because of fear. Now I was married and in a sort of prison I longed to escape.

  A few hours after taking in the stunning beauty of the California coast, the train pulled into the station in San Diego. When I arrived, my father, Bill was waiting for me with his new wife Almeda. “Lisa, it’s so good to see you daughter. I’m so glad you came. This is your new stepmother Almeda,” he said.

  “Hello, nice to meet you,” I said extending my hand out to shake her hand. She pushed it aside and gave me a big hug. Her warmth surprised me, as I thought a filthy rich woman would be cold and mean. However, she was the opposite.

  Soon we were in a luxury car driving to the vast Spanish style ranch just outside of San Diego. My father rattled on at all the things I should do while at the ranch like riding horses, swimming in the pond, and feeding the animals which included sheep and pigs. He was so enthusiastic I didn’t want to tell him that I was very scared of riding. I had only ridden a horse a few times in my life and I was not very good at it. I would keep that fact to myself because they were so excited about it.

  We pulled down the long driveway that led up to the white adobe hacienda style massive house. I was shocked at the enormity of it. It was in a horseshoe pattern with a left and right wing and it was very elegant. The working ranch part of it was off the left of the house and it sprawled for miles.

  “Do you like it?” my father asked.

  “It’s absolutely lovely. Yes, I like it very much.”

  “Great, I’ll show you around later,” my stepmother said.

  Then a motorcycle buzzed past us, fast and reckless. I barely caught a glimpse of the guy straddling it. He had long dark curly hair just above his shoulders with a rolled bandana tied across his forehead. He wore dark tight clothes and aviator sunglasses. I was immediately intrigued. Who was that guy? I thought to myself. It didn’t bother my father or stepmother; they seemed to be use to it. They didn’t even mention him or the reckless driving of the motorcycle. We pulled in front of the door. A staff member came to the car as soon as we stopped the motor. They took my bags inside and I followed them in. The foyer was massive with high ceilings and a warm inviting environment. “If you want to freshen up or take a nap we understand. You must be tired from your trip,” my stepmother said.

  “Actually a hot shower and a nap would be amazing. The train ride was long,” I said.

  “Of course. Come down whenever you are ready dear and take all the time you need,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  I followed the staff member who took my bags to my upstairs bedroom. As I walked I thought about what a contrast this life was to my one back in my hometown. I regretted not moving in with my father when he asked but I couldn’t leave my mother alone. Now, I wish I had left, but I didn’t know I would be forced to marry a man I did not love. I had only been on the ranch for a few minutes and was already treated with such love and warmth that it made me sad that this was not my life. I forced myself to push those thoughts out of my mind and walked into my room.

  The room was gorgeous with plush blue and white striped furnishings and some rustic charm that reminded me I was indeed on a ranch. I looked out the window at the stables and corrals in the distance near the barn and stables. There were riders on horses and men working on fences. It was like something out of an old western movie. I locked the bedroom door and walked into the adjoining bathroom suite. There was a large claw foot tub that just begged to be used. I immediately started running the hot water and got ready for a good soak. While the tub filled I smelled the variety of oils and bath ointments on the counter and picked a peppermint and lavender combination and poured it into the tub. I walked back into the bedroom and saw a silver tray with a glass dome over it. Under the glass was a welcoming trey of food which including breads, fruit, cheeses, and sparkling water. I was hungry and began to sample the foods. Then I picked it up and placed it tub side where I could snack from my soak. In no time the bath was ready. I undressed and dipped my travel-tired body into the water. It was immediate relief. I rested and ate strawberries. A half hour later I emerged from my room feeling refreshed and clean. I descended the massive stairs and searched the house for my father and stepmother. The place was a maze and I finally had to ask a passing staff member where I could find them. They led me to the outside patio where they were about to eat a delicious lunch.

  “Lisa! How do you feel?” she asked.

  “Better, thank you.”

  I sat down and was immediately served steak and eggs with flour tortillas and avocado. It was the best gourmet steak and eggs I had ever had.

  After lunch they walked me around the massive house to show me around.

  There were tennis courts, a swimming pool, and an indoor gym. There was a massive library and den as well as a billiard room. Basically, it was like a resort. It was exactly what I thought a millionaire lifestyle would be like.

  “So shall we go riding?” my father asked.

  “Okay,” I said with uncertainty. “I’ll just throw some jea
ns on.”

  I went back up to my room and changed out of my dress into jeans and a tank top. I liked fitted clothes. Most big women wore loose clothes to hide their shape; I however thought fitted clothes looked better than baggy clothes. I made my way outside and we walked to the stables.

  Soon I was trying to keep my balance on a skittish horse as we rode across the ranch and through the trails of the wooded areas. Then out of nowhere the horse bolted!

  I screamed as I hung onto the reins tighter and tighter. I heard a voice in the distance yell, “Pull on the reins!”

  But I couldn’t. I was too scared. Soon there was a horse galloping beside me. A hand reached out and grabbed the reins and brought my horse to a stop.

  “Whoa! Whoa!” he yelled.

  I was in a panic and frantic state as I yelled out.

  I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the horse like I was as light at as a feather. I didn’t know what was going on. Then the horse I was on bolted again. However I was now sitting safely on another horse with strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up at my rescuer into dark brown eyes, brown long curly hair, and a dark shadow of a beard. He was gorgeous. I felt lust at first sight. I didn’t realize that I was holding my breath or exactly how frightened I was because soon everything went black. I fainted.

  Then I was lying in my bed naked in my room. I still felt the strong arms around my waist pulling me close to him. I sighed and moaned as his hold went from my waist and his hands ran over my curves. His hand moved down over my thick thighs and I gasped at his bold touch. He was a stranger. He was a stranger that rescued me, but he was still a stranger. I reached up and ran my fingers through his curls. He moved my hand from his curls to his lips as he kissed it delicately. Then I felt his cock enter me. I arched up to let my hips meet against him and let him go deeper and deeper. Then he was pounding me harder and harder; I was on the brink of orgasm then…

  I woke up.

  I sat up. I was indeed in my bed but I was fully clothed. My stepmother sat in the corner of the room and came over to me. “Oh Lisa, you gave us quite the scare. How are you feeling? You fainted?” she said.

  I was still reeling and flushed from the sex dream I was having with the mysterious stranger that rescued me.

  “Yes, I’m okay.”

  “We’re so sorry Lindsey bolted like that. She is usually not skittish,” she said.


  “That’s the horse you were on. I’m so happy Casey was riding by just in time to ride after you. His stallion is very fast, he’s used to fast always on that motorcycle of his. You would probably be half way to Mexico by now if he had not caught up with that horse,” she said.

  She handed me a glass of water. “Here, I’ll let your father know you are okay. Dinner will be in an hour. Push the intercom on the wall if you feel dizzy or need assistance okay?” she said on her way out the door.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  I was very confused by what had happened. However, one thing did stick out in my mind. She said the man that saved me was named Casey. The attractive strong man that rescued me had a name. Now he was becoming less and less of a stranger. I assumed he that worked on the ranch and I could not wait to see him again.

  An hour later I was dressed for dinner and made my way to the massive dining room. As soon as I walked in, I saw him, the gorgeous, Casey. He was standing near the table ready to sit for dinner.

  “Lisa, are you better? Please sit, dinner is about to be served,” my father said.

  “Yes, I am thank you.”

  “I’m glad you are better,” Casey said in a low lusty voice that garnered a response from my body that I was not expecting.

  A flash came before me of him ravaging me in my dream. I felt myself blush.

  “Thank you. Thank you for rescuing me, from the run away horse,” I said.

  His eyes flashed at me with a look that confused and aroused me. Was this man into me like I was into him? I could only hope.

  “You’re welcome Lisa.”

  “Well I’m so glad you were there to ride after her like that. Thank you for saving my daughter Casey,” my father said. “Casey works here on the ranch and we invited him to join us for dinner as a thank you for rescuing you.”


  “It was nothing really,” Casey said.

  “I wouldn’t call that nothing. It really was an amazing rescue. Oh here is the first course. Lisa have a margarita. It will calm your nerves after that incident,” she said.

  The first course of tortilla chicken soup was served with lime garnishes and margaritas, very strong margaritas. I couldn’t get over the fact that the hot motorcycle bad boy that was driving me mad with lust was sitting across from me. It was too much. Casey kept giving me looks from across the table. They were very sexual looks, and I think my father and stepmother were too drunk to notice it.

  This was dangerous, I thought to myself. He was proving to be irresistible, and that could be a problem for my marriage, the entire family, and me.

  After dinner we moved from the dining room to the billiard and card room. My father played old Johnny Cash and June Carter records loudly as he always did while he and my stepmother played cards. I sat near the fireplace. That’s when it happened. Casey unleashed the lusty monster inside of him.

  “Lisa,” he whispered to me.

  “Yes?” I said looking to see if my stepmother and father were occupied, they were.

  “I have to tell you. When I saw you bouncing up and down on that horse. It really got to me. The way your body jiggles like that. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  I gasped, “Casey, you shouldn’t talk like that.”

  He smirked a sly sexy smile and said, “I always do what I shouldn’t. It always gets me into trouble…good, dirty, trouble,” he said with a wink.

  “I’m married,” I whispered.

  “And yet that’s not stopping me from thinking about your tits bouncing up and down while you rode wildly on that horse. Will you ride me like that? If I come to you tonight?”

  I was shocked and turned on by everything he was saying. I couldn’t believe this was happening. My mouth fell open once more. He must have seen this as an answer because he simply said, “Great. I’ll come in an hour.”

  He stood up and poured himself a glass of whiskey. Then he walked to the card table where my mother and my father sat and loudly declared, “I’m headed off to bed. Good night.”

  “Good night Casey,” they said.

  Then he turned to me and said, “It was nice to meet you Lisa,” then he winked at me and walked out.

  My head was spinning. I didn’t know if it was the margaritas or the fact that I could not stop thinking about Casey’s strong arms and tight abs. He was a perfect specimen of man and I was so turned on with desire that I knew I was in danger of letting him do whatever he wanted to me.

  Fifteen minutes later I excused myself to bed. They understood as I had quite the day. First I had traveled for a long time on the train and then I had the horse riding rescue incident.

  I made it up to my room and closed the door behind me. I was not expecting what happened next. The bathroom door opened and Casey stood there completely naked in front of me. I sighed as I looked at him. He was perfect. His hard six pack abs and tight strong chest were hot. A bit of soft dark curls were on his chest and stomach down to his cock. He was hard and his cock was thick and long. I wanted to take it in my mouth. His long dark curly hair was loose just above his shoulders. He looked at me with his dark eyes and smoldering look. I could barely contain myself. He walked slowly toward me and said, “Take off your clothes. Now.”

  “But Casey, I’m a married woman,” I said.

  “I know and I don’t care.”

  “We can’t do this. If we got caught, it would devastate my father.”

  “We’re not going to get caught,” he said as he locked my bedroom door. He moved inches away from me. I could feel his b
reath as he breathed down on me from his tall height. He pushed his fingers into my blonde hair and pulled my head back and covered my mouth with his. I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me. This was it. I was giving in to my desire and to his. I could not stop.

  “I said take it off, didn’t I?” he said.

  He moved away from me and leaned against the wall casually with that arrogant smirk on his face.

  I pulled my clothes off. Then my bra and panties and stood there naked. I was usually self-conscious of my full figure, but he seemed to enjoy it. I think my body type turned him on because he groaned at the sight of me.

  He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He moved over me and kissed my ankles. Then he trailed kisses up my legs to my thighs. He parted my legs with his hands and plunged his face into my pussy. “I want to taste you Lisa,” he moaned. His tongue moved up and down and pushed against my clitoris in a whirling motion. I tried not to yell and be quiet, but it was really hard. I had never been touched like this before, definitely not by my husband. This was a new awakening for me and Casey was a gorgeous man. It only made this encounter hotter than any other. It turned me on.

  “I can’t take it anymore. I need to put my cock inside you Lisa. I need to fuck you hard. I need to fuck you so that you forget you’re married. Tonight you are mine and only mine,” he said as he placed his cock inside of me and shoved himself deep. I opened my legs wider to let him in. I relished his words. I did want to pretend that I wasn’t married and that I belonged to Casey. In this moment I did. He moved back and forth and in and out. He slid easily in and out because I was dripping wet with lust. It felt so good. I pushed my fingers in his long dark curly hair and locked eyes with him. He had this look to him that was dark, mysterious, and rugged. He was a brave motorcycle bad boy. He was the kind of man that raced after a galloping horse putting himself at risk to rescue a damsel in distress. He was a real man. I tensed up and released into orgasm as I thought about his bravery. It’s what did it for me. His rescuing me was the sexiest thing I have ever experienced with a man. It was hot and brave. Casey smiled, as he knew that I was cumming. Then he pulled out of me and flipped me over on my stomach. He spanked my ass and then groaned as it jiggled in response. He climbed on top of me and fucked me from behind. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me up onto all fours. He used his hands to control the movement slamming my hips against him as he pounded me. Then he tensed up and released himself inside of me. I felt the warmth flow through me. This was bliss.


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