Chasing Logan

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Chasing Logan Page 3

by Tracy Lorraine

  Since our weird interaction in his hotel room a few days ago we’ve had some more strange eye contact, both on stage and off. Other than the occasional lip twitch when he sees me though we’ve had no other contact and he’s just as moody as he has been since the first day I met him. Jess has continued trying to bed him but she’s not getting very far and it’s starting to piss her off.

  I have noticed him knocking back handfuls of Nerds though and I can’t help but smile to myself every time I see him pull the box out of his pocket.

  There’s been no more partying since that first night as we’ve moved on to the next location after each show.

  The hotel we woke up in this morning though we’re in for the next two nights, thank God. I hate all the packing up and moving about.

  It’s almost lunchtime when I manage to get my arse out of bed. Bella is still snoring away. I have no idea what time we got settled last night so I’m not going to wake her.

  I’m just about to shut the bathroom door when I hear a knock. I walk back across the room and pull the hotel room door open quietly. Standing on the other side is one of Victoria’s minions. He hands me a folded piece of paper then turns on his heel and marches off down the corridor.

  I shake my head at the odd behaviour. Victoria’s rudeness is obviously rubbing off because a good morning, or afternoon to be more precise, wouldn’t have gone a miss. I shut the door and open the paper as I make my way back to the bathroom. What’s on it though stops me in my tracks.

  There is a sketch of a guy in a pair of shorts, his hands are wrapped and he has his fists up to a punching bag. Underneath the sketch are the words, Lesson Now! Room 401.

  My chin drops as I stare at it. That was not what I was expecting. I put it down on the edge of the sink and I can’t help the little laugh that bubbles up my throat as I think about the fact the talented fucker and draw as well, of course he can!

  I spend longer than usual getting showered and standing in front of the mirror getting my dark hair to stay just right. It’s getting a bit long to do as it’s told, I’m going to have to do something about it soon. I spray myself with some of my favourite deodorant before pulling on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I turn back at the last minute to grab the sketch from Chase and shove it in my pocket.

  “Going somewhere nice?” Bella asks the second I walk into the bedroom.

  I blink up at her confused as to where she got that idea from.

  “You’ve done your hair,” she says answering my unasked question, after spending so much time together we can pretty much read each other’s minds. “Where are you going?”

  “To meet Chase,” I say nonchalantly, or that’s what I’m going for anyway but I’m not entirely sure how successful I am.

  “Oh, I see. That makes sense,” she says with a knowing smile.

  “Why’s that exactly.”

  “Well you’ve been in the bathroom ages, to be honest I thought that paella you had last night was the reason, but apparently you were just trying to make yourself look gorgeous.”

  “What are you talking about, I’m always gorgeous!”

  She just raises her eyebrows at my comment.

  “Whatever,” I say while flipping her off and grabbing my trainers.

  “Cole, don’t get any ideas. He is straight, there’s no point chasing him.”

  I told Bella all about what happened with Chase the other night after she got off the phone to her sister but she wouldn’t have it that I had my suspicions about his preferences. She is adamant he’s straight despite what I’ve said and the fact Jess keeps getting knocked back by him in her attempt to release his pressure, so to speak.

  “Yeah so you keep saying, B. He’s gonna teach me how to fight without breaking my hand and whatever happens, happens. I’m not going to put it all out there like the plastics to try to find out. I think he’s lonely and needs a friend so that’s what I’m gonna try to be.” I attempt to make it sound as convincing as possible because I’m sure being his friend would be great, if he could let his barriers down a bit of course.

  Yeah being his friend would be great, his boyfriend would be even better but I try not to think about that too much.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt when you realise he isn’t interested.”

  “B, I know you’re just worried about my heart but seriously, stop. I don’t care about all that,” I try again with the convincing tone, “I just want to spend time with him.”

  “Yeah, okay,” she says as I head towards the door. “He is straight,” I hear her shout as I close the door behind me.

  I’m starting to seriously believe that he may not be but I’ll try to keep an open mind about the situation.

  This time when I knock his hotel room door someone answers, it’s not who I expect though.

  “Victoria,” I state.

  “Cole. Is he expecting you?” she asks with scepticism dripping from each word like she doesn’t believe he’d spend time with me.


  “Chase, you’ve got a visitor. Apparently you’re expecting him,” she shouts without breaking her cold eye contact with me. If anyone around here doesn’t have any friends then it’s her, not Chase. Yes Chase might be a little closed off and miserable most of the time but she is cold as fuck.

  After a few seconds Chase appears over her shoulder and I swear his eyes brighten when they lock on to mine but it could just be my imagination.

  “Dancer,” he states with a smirk. I love the cheekiness of it, along with the two dimples that pop up. I almost sigh at the sight of them. How is it that he gets hotter every time I see him? “Come on in. Victoria, we’re done,” he says, his voice turning cold and stern as he dismisses her. She huffs her displeasure but does as she’s told.

  “Is she always like that?” I ask as I walk in and shut the door behind me. I glance around the colossal space that is Chase’s hotel room. The one I thought was huge before pales in comparison to this one.

  “Like what, an epic bitch? Yeah pretty much. When I was told about this tour I wasn’t expecting to have to spend most of my time with Cruella de Vil.”

  I like this side of Chase much more than his usual grumpy self. I always knew there was more to him and I love that he’s allowing me to see it.

  “Come on, over here.”

  I hold my hand out for him so he can wrap it like his already are. The moment he touches my hand though I wish he never bothered because the electric shock that travels through my body is like nothing I’ve experience before. My cock twitches and how I manage to stop it going full mast is beyond me. Just one simple touch and I’m more turned on than I think I’ve ever been.

  I chant my new mantra in my head as he continues to get me ready.

  He’s straight, he’s straight, he’s straight.

  “Right, copy my stance,” he says as he gets into position in front of the punching bag.

  “Oh, it’s easy,” I say after I’ve hit it a few times.

  “Well, yeah. What were you expecting?” he asks with a laugh. I’m gutted that I’m not looking at him when he laughs. I’m desperate to see him smile properly.

  “Don’t know really, another broken hand!”

  “Drop your shoulders a bit,” he says coming to stand behind me.

  I try to do as he says but I’m so tense with him in touching distance that it doesn’t really work.

  “Relax, Dancer. Drop your shoulders,” he repeats but this time he lifts his hands to my shoulders and massages them slightly to make them relax.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. Goose bumps pop up all over my body and my head snaps around to look at him. He’s staring right back at me and when I find his eyes they are a deeper shade of green than usual.

  “It…it’s C…Cole,” I stutter out.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  I can’t help my eyes dropping to his mouth as he speaks. Fuck chasing him, it feels more like he’s right here for the taking.

  I look back up to see that he’
s still staring back at me. After another second he clears his throat, “yeah, that’s better. Now move your arms.” His hands run from my shoulders and down my upper arms so he can show me. He has to step a little closer and it’s like his body heat is burning my back while his breath skates across my neck where he’s a couple of inches shorter than my six foot two.

  “Perfect,” he states before stepping away and leaving me bereft of his contact.

  We’ve just decided that we’ve done enough for the day and flopped back on the giant sofa when Chase’s phone rings. I literally see the shutters come down as he pulls it from his pocket and looks down at the name.

  “I’m sorry but I need to get this. I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” And with that said he puts his phone to his ear and begins to walk off. “Mia, sweetheart, how’re you doing?” I hear him say before he shuts the door behind him and I literally feel my heart drop at those few words.

  So Bella was right and all this Chase could be gay stuff is all in my head. Chase has a girlfriend called Mia. I can’t help an image filling my head of what Mia might look like and how stunning they would look together.

  After a minute or two I haul my sorry arse off the sofa and trudge back down to my room knowing that I’m about the get the third degree from Bella. Just what I need.

  To my surprise when I unlock our hotel room door I don’t find my red headed best friend bouncing on her bed waiting to hear all about my time with Chase. Instead I find a note telling me she’s gone for lunch with the fake bakes.

  My stomach growling loudly unfortunately means I accept the invite to join them.

  “Here he is,” is shouted across the hotel’s restaurant causing loads of heads to turn my way. “How was your morning with the miserable fucker?” Bella asks much to the plastics amusement. I love her but sometimes I really wish she would shut her trap.

  “Fine. So what’s good?” I ask grabbing the menu in a pathetic attempt to distract them.

  “All of it,” Bella states then rips the menu from my hands and demands to know about my morning.

  “Like I said it was fine. He just showed me how to do it properly. He was nice and we had a laugh. I left when he got a call from his girlfriend.”

  I get an I told you so look off of Bella while Jess and Chantelle groan as if they are in physical pain at hearing that news.

  “It’s not going to stop me,” Jess announces in spite of what I just said. “I will break him sooner or later.”

  I feel for Chase, I really do. Not only have I got some weird obsession with him and convinced he’s gay but he’s got these two hussies chasing him.

  A commotion by the hotel entrance catches all of our attention and we watch as Chase and his entourage head out towards the waiting cars. I hear the table behind us muttering about him being on a local radio station this afternoon.

  We’re sat next to the windows so we have a good view of the group of fans waiting outside for him. The screaming, even from the few of them, is deafening and we’re inside. God only knows how loud it is for Chase. He keeps his head down the entire time. I think it’s a little mean that he doesn’t stop to sign anything they are waving in his direction but then what do I know, I’m just a dancer. I don’t have to deal with that kind of thing on a daily basis.

  Right before he’s about to duck into the back of the car he looks up. It’s like he knows I’m looking at him because his eyes lock straight on to mine. He nods his head once in greeting and then in a flash he’s hidden behind the blacked out windows.

  “Was that you he just nodded at?” Bella whispers in my ear.

  I just shrug it off and grab the menu again.

  Bella tried every chance she got to find out more about my time with Chase but I’ve managed to distract her so far. I’m just not really in the mood to talk about it. I feel like a bit of an idiot. I’m still reeling from the moment we had earlier. Well, I thought it was a moment anyway. But then my stupid self is still hanging on to the idea that he might be interested. I mean, the tingles I got when he touched me, surely they wouldn’t have been so strong if it was one sided. And then the way he looked at me, deep into my eyes.

  Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s all just wishful thinking on my part. Why would he be interested in me anyway, even if he was gay, I’m just a dancer. He’s…well, Chase.

  “Are you coming down for a drink?” Bella asks when we get back to our room after the show. She can obviously sense my despondent attitude because usually she wouldn’t ask, she’d just presume I’m on board.

  “Na, I think I’m just going to have a shower and go to bed. I’m not feeling it tonight.”

  “Is this because of him and whatever happened this morning that you’re putting off telling me about?” she asks standing with her hands on her hips trying to look stern.

  “Nothing happened this morning. I just don’t feel like it. I need to catch up on some sleep.”

  “Yeah you keep saying that but I’m not buying it, Coleman,” she warns using my whole surname.

  “Whatever,” I say knowing full well that my indifference will piss her off. Well if I’m in a mood then why shouldn’t she be as well? “Enjoy yourself,” I say, then shut the bathroom door behind me so she can’t come back at me.

  “You’ll tell me eventually, you know you will,” she shouts through the door. “Enjoy your night alone, loser.”

  A few minutes later I hear our door slam shut with Bella’s departure. I turn the shower on hot and strip off while waiting for it to get to temperature.

  It burns to start with but eventually the hot jets start to sooth my tense muscles, I don’t know why I’m so worked up over this thing, if it’s even a thing, with Chase.

  I stand there for the longest time with my crazy thoughts about Chase running around my head. The events from this morning on repeat, the feel of his hands running down my arms, his scent, the darkness in his eyes when he looked into mine.

  My hand automatically wraps itself around my hard cock and works it up and down while I continue to think about this morning and allow myself to imagine that his phone didn’t ring, instead he stepped forward again and put those gorgeous full lips on me.

  I’m just about to come when I hear banging.


  “Fuuuuck,” I groan as the sound of his voice, even muffled through two doors and the noise of the shower, sends me over the edge and I cum on to the tiles in front of me and into the shower tray.

  I quickly reach behind me to turn the shower off, jump out and grab a towel. I just have it secured around my waist as I get to the door to our room and pull it open. There’s no one there though. In my panic I stick my head out and look down the corridor. Relief floods me when I see his retreating back, I thought I was going mad for a minute then and imagining him.

  “Chase,” I call out and watch as he stops and turns back around.

  “Sorry, you weren’t downstairs with the others so I…” he falters and I don’t miss that his eyes lower to my towel clad nakedness.

  “I was in the shower. I didn’t really feel like joining them tonight.”

  His eyes find their way back up to mine and my heart starts pounding faster in my chest the closer he gets to me.

  I’m a little leaner than he is with all his bulky muscle. I’m not lacking any definition though as Bella likes to point out. She says I’m all the man candy she needs. I’m pretty confident with my body, hell I’ve worked bloody hard for it over the years.


  Wow, I didn’t think Chase would get nervous, if that’s what this is. The man that gets up on stage in front of thousands is stood in the doorway of my hotel room looking really unsure of himself. I get a little excited about the fact it could be me that causes that reaction in him.

  “You coming in?” I ask to try to break the awkwardness that has descended on us.

  He follows me in and looks around our room causing a role reversal and for me to feel on edge.

  “Are you o
kay, you look pretty flushed?”

  I feel my cheeks heat even more at that comment. “Yeah, the…uh…shower was hot.” I don’t mention that my thoughts of him have got me all fired up. “Let me get dressed and we can go up to your room if you want to hang out,” I offer.

  “No, this is fine. I hate my room, this is much more my thing anyway,” he says referring to the small twin room Bella and I share.

  “Okay, well make yourself comfortable and I’ll just put some clothes on.” I watch as he sits himself down on the edge of my bed before I grab some clothes out of my case and head back into the bathroom.

  “Do you want a drink?” Chase asks when I reappear.

  “Uh,” I hesitate.

  “I was gonna order room service, what do you want?” Chase adds.

  “Oh, uh, just a pint of lager please.”

  “Okay, coming up.”

  I stand and watch as he leans over, picks up the phone and places our drinks order. I try not to let the sight of the bronzed skin that is revealed when his t-shirt lifts affect me.

  When he puts the phone down and moves back I decide it’s probably time to move in an attempt not to be caught gawking at him, again.

  “Why aren’t you downstairs celebrating another awesome show?” I ask as I sit myself up against my headboard at the other end of the bed to where he’s sat.

  “I’m not really into all that like the desperate fame hunters downstairs. Don’t get me wrong I love what I do, singing and making music is my life but I could really do without the rest of it.”

  “That’s understandable. The fake bakes downstairs are a bit much to take,” I say smiling to myself when he looks at me questioningly. “One of my many nicknames for my fellow dancers, excluding Bella obviously.”


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