Chasing Logan

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Chasing Logan Page 6

by Tracy Lorraine

  Chase is completely ignoring me it seems. I tried to be civil and say hello earlier but he just blanked me and continued trailing after a very determined looking Victoria.

  We’ve been on this tour for almost three weeks now and I’ve just about had my fill of it already.

  “Come on let’s go,” Bella says from the doorway.

  We are about to leave our current hotel room for another a couple of hundred miles away. Whoop-de-fucking-doo!

  I leave Bella to get our room keys from reception once we arrive at the new hotel and head to the men’s room in the hotel lobby because I can’t wait any longer. When I walk through the door and see that Chase is already in there I instantly regret the decision.

  “Dancer,” he states coldly.


  “I didn’t have you down for a man whore, Dancer,” he says with sarcasm dripping from his words.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, completely at a loss for words. I was not expecting that.

  “Did I get you so revved up that you had to find the first willing bloke you could get your hands on?” he asks. He practically spits each word at me. Shit, he’s seriously pissed off about this.

  “That’s what you think? Well that’s rich coming from the guy who has his cake and wants to eat it too,” I say referring to both his girlfriend and me.

  “How many times, Dancer. Mia is not my girlfriend. I’m single and in case you hadn’t noticed I have no interest in having a girlfriend. That isn’t where my interests lay.” To prove his point he leisurely runs his eyes up and down my body as he says it.

  “Well you might need to tell her that then seeing as she is constantly on the phone. Is she that desperate to have you?” I’m not normally a bitch but Chase has a weird effect on me and it just seems to fall from my mouth.

  “It’s not like that,” he practically shouts in frustration.

  “Tell me what it is like then. If what you’re saying is true then all you need to do is tell me, explain who she is.

  “I’m not talking about it.”

  “Great, well that fucking helps then doesn’t it.”

  “Fuck you,” he spits as he marches towards the door. As he reaches out to grab the handle it opens towards him and in strolls Connor. Of course he fucking does. “I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted.” And then he is gone leaving me with Connor.

  “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “Hey, I wasn’t the one running away from some mystery man in the middle of the night now, was I? Come on who was it, you can tell me.”

  I want to punch the fucker in the face.

  “Fuck off, Connor. It’s none of your fucking business what I was up to that night. And it certainly wasn’t your job to keep the gossip going, you stupid shit. Now do me a favour and get out of my sight before I do something I’ll live to regret.” It’s not like me to threaten anyone but I’ve just about had enough of tanastic Connor.

  Thankfully he does back off and retreats farther into the room to do what he’s got to do.

  My urgent need for the toilet forgotten I head back out to find Bella. Chase is stood just behind her with Victoria, she’s saying something to him but he’s anything but listening. He sees me walking his way though because he shoots me a look and shakes his head at me in disgust.

  What the fuck is he problem? Why can’t he either admit that Mia’s his girlfriend or just tell me who she is. It’s not that fucking hard.

  “I didn’t sign up for this bullshit,” I say to Bella as we head towards our room.

  “I know but I think it’s pretty standard. When this amount of people spend this much time together, I think it’s inevitable that this sort of thing kicks off.”

  “Yeah but why’s it got to involve me?”

  She looks at me and I can read her thoughts. It’s you because you started playing with fire.

  “Shut up,” I mutter even though she didn’t say a word.

  We’re all sat having a drink, waiting to be called to the stage for tonight’s show. Thankfully Connor and the other plastics sat themselves at the other side of the bar. He obviously took my warning seriously.

  “Just ignore him,” Bella instructs when she sees me glance over.

  “Sorry, he’s just got to me.”

  “I know, I can tell.”

  I’ve had to stop her a couple of times from going to find Connor and telling him what she thinks. Bella may come across like a sweet person but get on the wrong side of her and she can be vicious. The only thing that has stopped her is my begging because I don’t want any more attention on me. I’m worried that if people start looking too much they’ll see something that Chase doesn’t want. Fuck knows why that’s bothering me though. It’s not like he deserves my consideration.

  Fuck him. Why can’t I get him out of my head though? It’s like he’s tunnelled his way in and won’t let go. He’s a lying shit so it shouldn’t be this hard to forget him.

  Why is it that when I see him it makes my temperature increase and my heart beat that little bit faster? Why can’t my head and my heart be on the same page here? Okay, maybe not my heart that might be a little dramatic. My head and my cock is more like it. My cock wants him desperately but my head knows it’s wrong.

  The atmosphere in the room changes as I’m thinking about him and I know it’s because he’s just walked in.

  I feel his stare.

  When I look up, there he is. Stood with a couple of minions and his drummer.

  The drummer, Pip, also looks over and winks at Bella. It seems he’s taken a bit of an interest in her. Good luck to him though because Bella hasn’t been with a guy for years and something tells me he won’t be the one to change that.

  She’s a pain in the arse with men. She won’t admit it but I know she’s punishing them for her dreadful childhood. She finds one who shows an interest and then plays them until they are practically at the point of no return then drops them. I’ve had to deal with a few horny pissed off men in the past because of this.

  The minions disappear, probably summoned by their leader and Pip starts heading our way.

  “Bella, don’t you dare,” I warn. I don’t need to say more because she knows exactly what I’m talking about.

  “I won’t, I’ll leave the dramatic love life to you,” she replies with a laugh.


  Obviously deciding he doesn’t want to stand there alone Chase reluctantly follows Pip. As predicted Pip takes the seat next to Bella and tries to engage her in conversation, which she falls hook line and sinker for, leaving me awkwardly staring into my drink as Chase takes the seat next to me.

  “Have fun in the toilets earlier,” he asks quietly.

  “Fuck. Off,” I say back without looking at him. His scabbed knuckles catch my eye though when he moves them. I feel awful for thinking it but at least he suffered some pain after tying to cheat on his girlfriend with me. I do my best not to show him that he affects me but I’m well aware I’m doing a pretty shitty job of it.

  Chase suddenly stands up making the chair he was sat on topple backwards with a crash.

  “Uncle Lo,” a teenage girl screams and runs full force at him.

  “Mia, sweetheart, what’re you doing here?”

  “Pops brought me. I’ve missed you so much. When are you coming back to visit? We need you,” she asks sadly.

  “When the tour is close to home and I have some free time I’ll stop by.”

  “You promise? Mum doesn’t think she’ll see you again, it’s breaking her heart, Uncle Lo.”

  “She said that?”

  “Well no, but I can tell. We all need you,” she pleads. The look on her face when she says this breaks my heart a little.

  “OH MY GOD!” she screams while staring at me.

  “W…what?” I ask sceptically.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” she mutters as she pulls her bag from her back and starts rummaging inside for something. “Will you sign this, you’re amazing,” she
says holding out a notebook to me. When I look up to her face she is bright red.

  I look from her to Chase and back again in shock. “Me? You’re related to Chase but you want my autograph?”

  “YES!” she states, “my mates at school will be so jealous, we all fancy you, you’re so hot!” she explains blushing even more.

  Chase has to elbow me in the arm to get me to respond because I’m so shocked.

  When I come back to reality I can hear Bella laughing behind me. “Shut up you,” I say turning back to her, “you’re just jealous!”

  “Ten minutes, Chase,” a minion says when he comes over to us.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Sweetheart, you need to go and get seated if you’re going to watch.”

  I quickly take her notebook, write something in it and add my signature for her. I hand it back and after another hug with Chase she’s off so she can watch him in action.

  I don’t get a chance to say anything to Chase because he’s dragged off, along with Pip, by the minion.

  She’s his fucking niece. How hard was it to say that exactly?

  “Did he say her name was Mia?” Bella questions.

  “Yes.” She screws her face up in confusion telling me I’m not the only one that is clearly missing something here.

  As soon as we’re back at the hotel after the show I waste no time in being stood at Chase’s hotel room door. Unfortunately he’s not back yet. That’s not going to stop me so I sit my arse down on the floor prepared to wait it out.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know my name is being called, well sort of.

  “Dancer, wake up. Dancer.” He must get fed up waiting because the next thing I know he shouts, “oi,” and shakes my shoulder.

  “Huh, yeah, what?” I ask as sleep leaves me.

  “Waiting for me?”

  I stare up into Chase’s green eyes for a few seconds as my brain start to work. Yes I’m waiting for him and I’ve just remembered why.

  “She’s your fucking niece?” I ask but it comes out a lot louder than I was expecting.

  “Come on,” he says as he reaches down and grabs my arm so he can pull me up. I stand there still trying to clear the fog that falling asleep caused as he unlocks the door.

  “Why were you waiting outside my room?” he asks sounding a bit pissed off.

  “So we could talk. Actually no, so you could talk.”

  “What if someone saw you?”

  “No one saw me.”

  “How exactly would you know that, you were asleep?” The way he says the word asleep reminds me of a certain episode of Friends and I can’t help but smirk at myself. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. No one saw me, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I would have woken up if someone was there.”

  “Oh like you did when I came up?” he says sarcastically.

  “Uh…who else is on this floor anyway? With rooms this size there can only be a couple.”

  “The band and Victoria.”

  “Right, and where are they?”

  “Well, we all just got back, the band went to the bar and Victoria…” He doesn’t finish his sentence because he can obviously see where it’s going.

  “Exactly, no one saw me. So, back to my original question…she’s your fucking niece?”

  “Ugh,” he groans as he shrugs his coat off. “Yes alright, she’s my niece. Happy now?”

  “No, not really. I don’t understand why you couldn’t have just told me that to begin with. None of this would have happened then.”

  “What, you mean you wouldn’t have left me that night and went to find Connor to fuck instead.”

  “I didn’t fucking fuck Connor for fuck sake. The girls caught me heading back to my room in only my boxers and put two and two together.”

  “And you didn’t tell them otherwise?”

  “Of course I did. I told them I wasn’t with Connor but what was I meant to say I was doing instead exactly? That I was actually about to have a shower with you!” I see a grimace pass over his face. “No exactly.”

  “So you weren’t with Connor?”

  “No, Chase. I wasn’t with Connor. Who exactly do you think I am?”

  “I don’t fucking know, that’s the problem. You turned up for this tour looking all like that and-”

  “Looking like what?” I ask interrupting him.

  “Looking all hot and sexy, and sending me into a tail spin. I’d told myself I wasn’t going to get involved with anyone, especially someone working with me before this all started. But then you showed up. I’ve got so much going on at the moment that I really don’t need a boyfriend and-”

  “Whoa, who said anything about a boyfriend?”

  “Well, no one. But, ugh, I just don’t need the pressure.”

  “Right, so what exactly do you need then?”

  “You,” he says simply as he stares into my eyes.

  I can’t help the rush of excitement that simple statement ignites in my body.

  “But just my body, and just for the night then, is that what you’re saying?” I ask needing to make sure I understand him right.

  “For now, yeah.”

  I stare at him for a beat before getting up and walking over to his drinks cabinet and pouring two fingers of whiskey into two glasses. I knock mine back then pass the other one to him.

  “I don’t drink.”

  “But when you’ve been in the bar this is what you’ve had.”

  “Creepy stalker much?” he asks with a laugh. But I just raise my eyebrow at him in question. “I don’t know, it just reminds me of home I guess.”

  “Right,” I say like that makes total sense.

  “My dad drinks it.”

  I look at him for a second longer to see if he’s actually being serious but he just stares back. So I take the opportunity to neck the second drink. It burns all the way down but it’s not awful.

  “Let’s do this then,” I announce and pull my t-shirt over my head as I stalk towards him.

  His eyes instantly darken but he follows suit and takes his shirt and t-shirt off. His scent instantly hits me reminding me that we were only recently dancing around on a stage sweating our nuts off.

  “Shower,” I say but it comes out as a whisper as I hold my hand out for him. He grabs it and goes to pull me in the direction of the bathroom, which is good because I have no idea where it is in this mammoth hotel room.

  We are almost there when it happens. Someone knocks on the fucking door. I swear the fucking universe is against this happening. I’m starting to understand how the men feel that Bella tortures. So close yet so far!

  Chase looks towards the door then back to me. “Fuck them, this is more important.”

  I’m so relieved he’s on the same page as me with this. All the foreplay we’ve had is beginning to take its toll.

  We take a few more steps before she shouts, and if the sound of her voice doesn’t put the dampener on my raging libido then I don’t know what will.

  “Chase, open up, it’s important,” Victoria shouts.

  “For fuck sake,” he mutters. “She has the worst fucking timing. It’s like I can’t even have a wank without her interrupting.” He says this so sincerely that I have no idea if he’s being serious or not.

  “Go, I’ll wait in your bedroom,” I offer.

  “The door on the left. I’ll make it as quick as possible.” He gives me a chaste kiss on the lips before heading in the opposite direction. He waits until I’ve shut myself in before he opens the door to the irritating cock blocker.

  I sit myself on the edge of Chase’s bed and listen to the murmuring and raised voices coming from the living room. It stops for a bit and I get excited but then it starts again.

  After an hour and two boxes of Nerds I start to think about just having a shower by myself in the en suite I discovered. I don’t really want to shower alone after the promise of sharing it with Chase so I sit back down on the bed.

/>   When I open my eyes the room is light. I look around trying to figure out where the fuck I am. Once I remember I’m in Chase’s bedroom I look to my left to see if he’s with me, but the bed is empty and it’s obvious it hasn’t been slept in.

  What the fuck happened this time?


  There was no sign of Chase in the rest of his hotel suite so I grabbed my t-shirt, that I found hidden behind the sofa, and did the walk of shame back to my hotel room. Thankfully I don’t see anyone this time. I don’t think I could cope with the fake bakes right now.

  I’m tired, frustrated and still horny as hell.

  “Oh look at you doing the walk of shame,” Bella says in a husky, sleepy voice from behind her duvet.

  “If only there was something to be shameful about,” I mutter as I begin pulling my clothes off. I need more sleep.

  Bella sits straight up in her bed. “Nothing happened? But you’ve been gone all night.”

  “I’m well aware of that,” I snap but I don’t mean to. “It was all going well and then the wicked witch turned up. I hid in the bedroom and fell asleep. I haven’t seen Chase since. There was no sign of either of them this morning.”

  “And you have no idea where they’ve gone?”


  “And you didn’t think to eavesdrop?”


  “I’m sure it’s nothing. I mean surely he wouldn’t run away. Again.”

  “Shit,” I hadn’t thought about that. I just presumed there was some problem that needed sorting or something. He’d better not have disappeared again.

  We haven’t got another show until tomorrow night. Thankfully we’re not moving until later on today so I can get a few more hours of sleep in.

  “You coming for breakfast?” Bella asks after she’s finished getting dressed.

  “No,” I groan. “Bring something back up for me, yeah?”

  “Okay, sleep well.”

  I toss and turn for an hour or two. The thought of Chase running away again prevents me from switching off. I eventually give up and head towards the shower. I am well aware that I am yet to wash last night’s sweat off of me. Unlike my last time with Chase though, I don’t have a desire to wash his scent away. So I regretfully plod my way into the bathroom to get ready for what I’m thinking is going to be a very long day.


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