Has Cupid Gone Mad?: War Of Hearts

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Has Cupid Gone Mad?: War Of Hearts Page 8

by Belinda Elkaim

  Jean sinks into the sofa in living room sofa, bends his head and cradles it with his hands. Feeling a migraine he looks up at her, “I love you too Yvette, but honestly and realistically, how long do you think we can go on like this? For the rest of our lives?” he pauses, “at one point we would have to draw a line, so it might as well be now. I can not take it anymore.”

  Yvette sobs and walks over to Jean. She kneels on the floor and rests her head on his lap, “so what do you want me to do? I love you. Please do not let me go.”

  He cradles her face in his hands and wipes away her tears, “I do not want to let you go, but you do not want to come with me, so what can I do?” he pauses, “will you elope with me? We can run away and move somewhere else.”

  Once again she defies him with the same excuses and is unwilling to stand up to proof her love for him.

  She justifies her lack of motivation with his lack of financial security. It is apparent in his mind that she wants the best of all worlds and wants only what is best for her.

  “How can you be so selfish?” Jean is determined to make a stand for his own dignity,

  “Where is your dignity?” he challenges her, “inside that mansion with fast cars and stacks of credit cards to your disposal? Is that where your dignity is?”

  He stands up and leaves her speechless by the sofa. “I am moving back to Paris in three weeks. Either you find a way to come with me or this will be the last time we will see each other.” He pours himself a glass of water, “and for the time being, there is no money or alcohol where I am going, only love.” He walks over to his desk, opens the top drawer and brings out two plane tickets. Flipping the jackets open, he reads the name of the passenger on the ticket and hands one to her,

  “I am leaving in three weeks with or without you. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you will be sitting right next to me on the plane.”

  Frustrated and distressed, he looks at her blankly without any expression of hope.

  Someone has to draw the line and it is murdering him that he has to make this decision. There is simply no other way to wake her up. She cannot possibly expect him to remain his lover for the rest of their lives.

  Yvette stares at Jean and realizes that he is serious. The moment that she has always dreaded has arrived and she must face the biggest dilemma in her life. An extremely difficult choice for her and she must sacrifice either the lifestyle or the man she truly loves.

  She will either lose the love of her life or surrender the lifestyle that others can only dream of.

  Chapter Seventeen. Making her way to Ivan’s office, Taylor passes by the café in the building and decides that a cup of café con leche will arouse her from this monotonous day. Feeling rather bored and

  unchallenged she opens the door and heads inside the small Cuban run delicatessen. She sees Ivan at the counter waiting for his order and playfully sneaks up behind him.

  “What are you ordering?” she speaks in a sing song tone and appears excited to see him there.

  Startled by the surprise to see her Ivan laughs, “café con leche, the best in town.”

  Taylor looks at the woman behind the counter and orders the same. Ivan takes both cups and gestures Taylor to sit down with him “why don’t we sit over there and chat for a little?”

  “Sure but about what though?” Taylor asks and sits down obediently as if she were a little girl.

  “About your book.” Ivan sits across the table, removes the lid from his cup and takes a sip while studying her


  “Do you like it?” she respects his opinion and cherishes his advice.

  “I hate it.” He watches her reaction. Disappointed and appearing surprised Taylor becomes defensive, “why do you hate it?”

  Ivan takes a moment to enjoy his coffee and quite honestly, he enjoys making her mad and anticipates a heated argument.

  “Why does the main character hate her father so much?” bluntly he tries to provoke her confession, “shouldn’t she be conflicted? I can understand why she does not respect her father at all and wishes him dead, but still shouldn’t she be secretly yearning for his love?”

  “Nope” she answers frankly as she takes a sip of her coffee.

  “There is no conflicting emotion?” Ivan presses further.

  “Absolutely none. Her mind is made up and she undoubtedly detests him.” “Well then Taylor I have two pieces of advice for you, other than that I find your story compelling, however, you can do much better than this. It is like the first draft to a very good book.” He encourages her with a genuine smile.

  “Noted! I cherish your help and your straightforwardness.” Taylor

  reciprocates his smile “What are the two pieces of advice please, I will consider your thoughts thoroughly.”

  “Search your soul Taylor. Perhaps it is time to locate your father. Now that you are much older and more mature, it is possible for you to see things from a different light.” He sees an

  expression of denial on her face.

  Taylor is undeniably shocked by Ivan’s statement. It has never crossed her mind that he would figure out that she is the main character of the story and that the book is partially


  Slowly she parts her lips and is tempted to deny the truth, but drawn into his gaze, she realizes that he already has everything all figured out and it is pointless for her to argue.

  His air of genuineness compels her to trust him. For the first time in her life, she is confident to confide in a man.

  She swallows the camouflaging words and presses her lips tight, diverting his attention over a casual chit chat about nothing.

  As if he can read her mind, “Seriously think about what I just said. I mean well.” He reassures her with a smile and strengthens his point,

  “Running away from the truth will not give you peace.”

  Fully prepared for this conversation, Ivan reaches into his pocket, pulls out a business card and pushes it across the table: ‘Steven Speckles –

  experienced private detective since 1979.’ He pauses, “it will be our secret.” He smiles genuinely.

  He watches her body language as she crosses her arms protectively. Looking at her intently he nods reassuringly, “tell him you are my friend and he will take care of you.” With that said he smiles and stands up, “shall we head up to the office?”

  ******** Carrying two brown paper bags full of PF Chang takeout in her arms, Taylor arrives home after a focus-fractured day at the Ivan’s office. After the conversation she has had with Ivan in the morning, she feels angrier and more disturbed than before she started writing her book.

  Pouring herself a glass of white wine, she continues her internal debates on Ivan’s advice and becomes curious with her father’s whereabouts. Unconfident that she can cope the real truth, she would rather not deal with any

  variations of the truth as she has perceived for her entire life.

  It has been thirty years since she has last seen her father and she is debating on whether she should attempt to resurrect a traumatizing past. With her mother passed away three years ago, she has been treading a new journey with her two best friends, Amber and Karina. Her life is in order now and she refuses to risk any changes.

  “Emotional conflict?” she murmurs to herself while biting into a piece of garlic shrimp, “thank you very much Ivan! I am content so there is no reason for change.”

  Her favorite dinner from PF Chang ends up tasting bland and not enjoyable over a session of internal debates. Taylor finally comes to the conclusion that some things are better off left unknown.

  She would rather not know where her father is, nor is she interested to learn about his pathetic life. She has lived all these years without him and prefers to continue living without him.

  She is doing just fine.

  ******** “Seriously? Did he really advice you to locate your long lost father?” Karina looks at Taylor across her living room while rolling up the canvas

  “Yes” Taylor chuckles, “I was so confused. For a moment I was really tempted to call the private detective that he recommended.” Helping Karina roll up a painting she inserts the roll into a tube.

  Secretly Karina is thinking of searching for Alex but ends up agreeing with Taylor, that some things are better left unknown.

  Venting out, “I have lived all my live without him and if he ever cared, he would have searched for us, but he did not.” Taylor justifies to herself “so why should I?”

  Karina paused for a moment, “are you angry?” “Of course I am angry!” Taylor snaps “but I am happily angry. This is how I have survived all these years, by channeling my anger into a motivation to succeed.”

  Karina pauses for a moment, “is that why you have never been in any serious relationships?”

  Taylor sits down and stares at Karina with an extremely seriously expression on her face, “truthfully, what the hell for?” I do not trust men. Do you?”

  Karina sinks onto a stool next to her, shuts her eyes while pressing her lips together and refrains from crying. Seeing a despair look on her face, Taylor regrets saying what she has just said and wishes she could take it back,

  “I am sorry Karina that was not a fair question.” Still very much in love with Alex, Karina juggles every single day to survive her broken heart and tries her impossible to cope with the hurt and the feeling of being betrayed. Her emotional state has not fully stabilized and she misses him tremendously.

  “Life is unfair Taylor. It just isn’t fair.” Karina chokes on her tears, toughens up and resumes packing her paintings into tubes.

  For the time being, she understands that for her own sanity she must avoid all thoughts of Alex, and is channeling all her energy into the preparations for her art opening at Theodore Rizzo’s gallery.

  Chapter Eighteen. After the last tube of painting has been unloaded into his gallery, Theodore closes the trunk of his Escalade parked curbside and locks it remotely with his car keys. Pleased with Karina’s punctuality he watches her prance around in his studio like a hyperactive child. Once again a glow surfaces on Karina’s face and her aura protrudes happiness. Her hair has grown to shoulder length and is freshened by new layers.

  The road to emotional recovery has not been easy for her, but fortunately with Theodore’s support Karina finds herself regaining confidence and happiness. She is learning to love herself again.

  Photographer is ready and begins taking pre-opening promotional photos of her and Theodore. With an armful of tubes, she stands in front of the camera and flaunts in ways that she is too familiar with. Nervous, anxious and excited, Karina the spokes model turned artist is about to have her paintings mounted and displayed.

  Just as she is beginning to have fun posing for the photographer, her attention is interrupted by Theodore, who introduces her to an attractive young man with chestnut hair and the greenest eyes she has ever seen. She sees his near perfect white teeth through a faint smile as Theodore introduces him,

  “My youngest son Anthony.”

  “Call me Tony.” He smiles and reaches for a warm and firm handshake.

  “Karina.” She reciprocates his smile, “what a pleasant surprise!” While Theodore shows the photographer some of his art, Tony keeps Karina company and after an hour of delightful conversation, a new friendship is formed.

  “Tony is twenty nine.” Theo whispers to Karina who chuckles in return.

  “And?” finding him humorous, Karina chuckles some more. “He just moved to Miami, please help me keep an eye on him and make sure he stays out of trouble. You want his number?” Theodore slips in the question playfully.

  “I am sure he can take care of himself.” Karina laughs lightheartedly, “but sure please give him my number. If he ever needs a tour guide while you are in Italy, I will gladly volunteer.”

  It is quite obvious that Theodore is trying to play Cupid, but with everything that she has gone through, Karina has only begin to regroup and is not ready to see anyone.

  Between Alex’s disappearance, her unexpected pregnancy and the miscarriage, the chain of unfortunate incidents have pushed Karina to become stronger and even more independent than before.

  Perhaps art is her destiny, but while everything is only vaguely written, she feels an overwhelming amount of excitement and is ready to resume living. Moving forward one steady step at a time, she is ready to unleash the best of her potential.

  ******** Consuming the early evening hours on the second edition of “Miami Heroes” for Miami Life Magazine, Taylor has no notion of time and continues pouring her newest discovery into words.

  Writing with her heart and soul, she applies the invaluable advices from Ivan and is grateful for his guidance. Her words are now stronger and messages are bolder. No longer subtly persuading her readers, she utilizes the power of words and leads them to accord with her beliefs.

  Proud of her growth Ivan studies Taylor from him office and smiles as he continues editing her book “Broken.” On the last chapter he calls Taylor through the intercom.

  Forever enthusiastic for intellectual exchanges with Ivan, Taylor walks across the hallway and enters his office through the glass door. Sitting down across his desk, she watches Ivan remove her purple flash drive from his laptop.

  Holds the flash drive in his hand and waves it in the air a few times, he hands it back to Taylor and begins solemnly,

  “I suggest you rewrite it. You can do much better than this.” Ivan smiles reassuringly. “Characters need to be further developed. It is too straight forward and the simplicity of the story is simply unrealistic. She hates his father. Her mother drives away and hides them in a new town. She grows up lonely and defiant. She hates men. She extinguishes all possibilities for love. She treats men like objects until this man who resembles her father shows up, then she falls in love and history repeats itself, she heads down the same road as her mother. Broken.” Ivan recites her story as a matter of fact, “Sort of boring and this is only my humble opinion.”

  Taylor listens intently and takes Ivan’s advice seriously, “What do you suggest Mr. Editor?” she looks at Ivan and cannot help feeling sorry and sad as he narrates her life story. For a moment she feels helpless and urges to crawl into his arms, so he can cradle and comfort her as nobody ever has. Deep inside she longs to love and be loved but has not yet encountered anyone whom she has deemed worthy.

  Surprised to see a sulk withdrawal, Ivan regrets his words and realizes that his bluntness has hurt her feelings.

  “You are not going to cry are you?” Ivan leans back in his chair feeling uncomfortable and does not know what to say or do next.

  Taylor sighs out loud, crosses her arms to hugs herself, “it is just a sad story.”

  Ivan detects her vulnerability and finally catches a close glimpse of Taylor’s femininity. Silence fills his office, a rather embarrassing and awkward moment, Taylor drops a tear and Ivan can hear her fighting a sob.

  “I am sorry if my words sounded too harsh and it is only my opinion, maybe others would find the story compelling and exciting…” the more he tries to comfort her, the worse it becomes. He has never seen Taylor acting this way before.

  Taylor sighs weakly, “I do not feel very well Ivan. I think I am going to go home early.” She turns around and walks towards the door, stopping at the door she backs Ivan and whispers, “Maybe I am angry. Maybe my life is just one boring blurb. Maybe it is time I take a good look at myself and try to fix my issues before life burns me down.” Sadly she leaves his office and closes the door gently behind her.

  Ivan watches Taylor walk back to her office and feels a pinch in his heart, “she is not trouble” he mumbles to himself while chewing on the tip of his pen, “she is not troubled, she is in trouble.”

  He feels an urge to become her hero. If there is anything that he can do to save her from all the pain, he would attempt to do so. But, he is no hero and does not have the time or the mind to become one.

Putting down the pen on his desk, he rubs his chin with his fingers tips while watching Taylor walk down the corridor, “damn it.” He mumbles to himself again and grabs his jacket that is hanging on the back of his chair; quickly gathers his phone and ipad, he leaves his office and runs after Taylor,

  “Wait!” he shouts behind her while trying to catch up. “I think we both need a drink. Editor’s call, you can not say no.”

  Taylor no longer argues and takes a deep breath instead, “okay.” She answers softly and follows him to a bar across the street from the office building.

  For the first time in her life, Taylor opens up to a man and is willing to trust him and to share her deepest thoughts.

  Unpredictably, Ivan’s honestly has touched Taylor’s soul; the first layer of the brick wall that she has built around herself is tumbling down and she does not even know that.

  By the third Margarita Taylor is smiling again and acting somewhat like her normal self, except she is leaning forwards towards Ivan and is drawn into him.

  She has never felt this way before and is not quite sure whether she is feeling a sense of gratitude for his friendship, or a sense of security within his honesty.

  The table seems to have been turned. Predictably, Ivan already has her figured out.

  All she needs is love, but he is not the one who can give it to her. He does not have the time or the mind to shower anyone with love, especially to someone as troubled as Taylor.

  He is no hero. He is only an editor who finds her extremely attractive and deep within his heart, he likes her from the beginning. He is just too afraid of the unforeseeable challenges and reminds himself again to stay out of trouble.

  Hiding behind his own insecurities, he stereotypes her with his assumptions and fails to remember that everyone is different, and that Taylor may not be as troublesome as she appears. Justifying his own inaction with precautions against a broken heart, he contradicts himself again and feels an immense urge to get closer to her.


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