For Business...Or Marriage?

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For Business...Or Marriage? Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  He took her hand from his arm and guided her across the small, wooden bridge over the pond and led her to her seat.

  “I have to admit,” she said with a wide grin as he sat down across from her, “This is probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

  What? Cade couldn’t believe that. But all the more reason he was glad he had made these plans for her. She deserved the best of everything.

  He smiled. “Had I known, I would’ve done more. This is just a simple dinner.”

  She lifted one bare, sexy shoulder. “I’ve been on my own for so long, taking care of my mother and then working to pay off her bills. So, pretty much if I get pampered, it’s of my own doing.”

  Cade sat back in his seat, watched as she took the cloth napkin from her plate and placed it in her lap. How on earth had he not seen how hard she was working herself? She didn’t even get out to meet people. Was it any wonder she was still single? The only males she’d been around were him and Brady.

  “I’m sorry.” He watched her eyes dart up from her lap where she’d toyed with her napkin. “I’m sorry that we worked you too hard and you couldn’t enjoy life. I guess I just assumed when you left the office you would go out with friends or…I don’t know, do something.”

  “Like ride a mechanical bull?” she asked with a smirk and lift of her brows.

  Cade laughed, something he didn’t do often. “Not exactly what I’d pictured you doing.” God. Had he thought of her in the off hours before now? Obviously so, seeing as how he’d just admitted as much.

  Damn. That’s how slick she was with her…wiles. She’d been in his head for quite a while now. And he wanted nothing more than to call off this wedding and see if he and Abby had anything in common other than real estate dealings and mergers.

  But if he called off the wedding, he’d also diminish any hopes of teaming up with the world’s most renowned real estate mogul.

  And what the hell would he call off the wedding for? Because he had developed a sudden case of hot pants for his assistant? How cliché and pathetic was that? But there was a niggling feeling deep down that told him this…whatever it was between him and Abby was more.

  “What did you picture me doing, Cade?”

  Her sweet, yet sultry voice hung in the air, as if mocking him.

  Careful. You’re treading on shaky ground.

  “Meeting friends for a drink or shopping or going on a date.”

  “I can’t recall the last date I had.”

  Cade swallowed. “You’re kidding? Do I work you that hard?”

  “No, but I’ve always stayed after you and Brady left because I really had nothing to go home to.”

  Before he could utter another word, two women wheeled out a cart with several dishes. Once the food was served and they were alone once again, Cade couldn’t get over the fact she’d been alone for so long.

  “Surely you do something for fun?”

  Abby shoved a fork in a mandarin orange in her salad. “I love to read. Poetry mostly. I also like to surf the web for various destinations. I…”

  “What?” he asked when she trailed off.

  She stabbed another orange. “It’s silly.”

  “I still want to hear it.”

  With her fork hovering over her plate, she grinned. “I look for destinations that I’d like to see one day. I love to travel, but the only way I can afford to do it—other than our business trips—is through the Internet.”

  Guilt crept over him. Granted it wasn’t his fault he was born into money and could hop on his private plane any time of the day or night he wanted, but he still felt like Abby had been cheated of seeing the beauty of the world. And she’d cheated the world of seeing her beauty.

  “Don’t get me wrong,” she said in a rush, then popped the orange into her mouth. She chewed, swallowed and continued, “I love all the traveling I’ve gotten to do with you, but I’d like to go somewhere where I can leave my laptop behind and just pack a bikini and some sunscreen.”

  The image of her in a bikini had him dropping his own fork. The metal clattered against his plate.

  “Maybe when things calm down in a few weeks you can take that much-needed vacation to anywhere.” He hoped he masked his blunder well enough by moving the conversation forward. “In fact, I’ll pay for your trip. Think of it as your yearly bonus.”

  Abby’s bright eyes dimmed a bit before darting down to her plate. “I don’t want to go alone. Besides, you’re paying me more than enough for planning the wedding. I can’t accept any more money.”

  Yeah, the wedding. Funny how that word kept creeping into their private conversations.


  The next morning offered bright, beautiful sunshine as Abby and Cade boarded his private jet once again for yet another honeymoon location.

  Abby knew she needed to bump up the “amenities” she was supposed to be researching. Dinners were proving to be too emotional. For her anyway.

  The way Cade kept quizzing her about her lifestyle only made her feel more pathetic. She hadn’t realized just how lonely her nonexistent social life was until she heard the words aloud.

  This plane ride was short. So short, in fact, that Abby and Cade didn’t speak a word in flight. He was busy on his phone with Mona discussing office arrangements after they were married and Abby was busy planning that “blessed” day.

  With a sigh, and a heavy heart, she closed her computer as the plane came to a stop in Cozumel. They were booked at the Crown Paradise in the honeymoon suite—per her request. She wanted him to see exactly what he could have by ways of luxury for a newly married couple.

  Of course when night fell she and Cade couldn’t exactly sleep in the same room, so she’d also booked the suite down the hall.

  When they went to check in, Abby stepped in front of Cade at the reception desk.

  “I’ll take care of this,” she told him. “Why don’t you make sure the bellboy doesn’t squash my laptop bag?”

  When he walked away, Abby offered her sweetest smile and checked in. The registrar paused only a bit when he saw they had two rooms booked. Probably not something commonly done alongside the honeymoon suite.

  “Just in case we get into a tiff,” she explained with a staged whisper.

  She’d also requested the bellboy bring the luggage to the second suite, not the honeymoon suite. She and Cade could work it out later who would stay in which room.

  Cozumel was beautiful…from what she’d seen online. She couldn’t wait to go snorkeling in the morning. But first, they were going to get a couples’ massage. She was both nervous and excited to be in such an intimate setting with Cade.

  She hadn’t missed the way he’d been looking at her. There was passion in his eyes, no doubt, but she wanted more.

  If there was one piece of advice Abby would always remember from her mother, it was to never settle for second best. Hadn’t Cade told her the same thing?

  Though she did feel a bit hypocritical working on his wedding to another woman while trying to get him to see her love and accept it all at the same time, in the end she knew the added stress would be worth it. She hoped.

  Abby really, really didn’t want her heart broken. She’d wanted to make sure she was the only one, so she was laying everything on the line here. There were no guarantees, but she couldn’t give up without a fight.

  Love was worth fighting for. Everything in life worth having took risks.

  She led the way down the hall past the elevators and several rooms. The honeymoon suite was on the ground floor and was supposed to be the nicest, largest room in the resort. When she found the double doors leading to their suite at the end of the hall, she swiped her key down the lock and waited for the click and flashing green light.

  But when she opened the doors, she froze. Nothing, absolutely nothing, prepared her for the glorious, romantic room filled with red rose petals sprinkled over the white duvet, trickling down onto the beige ceramic tile.

  In the
far corner, beyond the giant-sized bed with sheer material draping completely around it from the ceiling to envelope two lovers, was a bathtub for two. The bath, which already had bubbles filled to the top, was sunk into the ground and was also sprinkled with rose petals around the edge.

  “This is our room?” Cade asked from over her shoulder.

  Abby could only nod as her eyes traveled to the patio doors which led to their own private pool area. She made her way across the suite, her heeled sandals clicking on the tile.

  The oval pool was large enough to swim and frolic in, but still intimate enough for the honeymooners who would occupy this suite. Surrounding the water were lush, tropical plants. The variegated shades of greenery provided privacy from outsiders, but was still low enough so Abby could see the beach and ocean beyond.

  Oh, God. This was her room. Cade could take the other one. Of course, she wouldn’t complain if he wanted to share all the amenities with her in this room and they could forget about the other one.

  “There must be some mistake.”

  Abby turned to see Cade taking in all the romantic touches. Besides the rose petals and foaming bubble bath already drawn, there were towels folded into two swans kissing each other on the bed and a bucket of champagne chilling next to the nightstand.

  Oh boy. Abby resisted the urge to fan herself. This was going to get interesting.

  “No mistake,” she informed him, slipping out of her sandals. “I booked the honeymoon suite. How else am I going to know what is best for you and your lucky bride?”

  He turned, his eyes roaming down to her bare toes and back up her bare legs. Suddenly the casual khaki shorts and sleeveless button-up shirt seemed too skimpy.

  “You requested this room?” he asked in a thick voice.

  “Yes.” Gathering up courage, she took a step for ward. “Do you think you’d want something like this for your honeymoon? I asked for the works, but you could always tone it down if all the fuss is too much.”

  His eyes never left hers. “No, it’s perfect.”

  Her body heated all over again. How was it she’d been in love with him before, but all of a sudden she felt even more? What emotion was beyond love?

  The way he kept looking at her made her so aware of the dangerous ground she was treading. But when he let his businessman guard down and became just man, he made her feel so feminine, so sexy. And he did it with just one look.

  The look he was giving her now.

  “I have a surprise for us later,” she told him. “I hope you like it.”

  His eyes darted to the bed. “I’m sure I will.”

  Her emotions were torn. On one hand she was elated that he was seeing her in a different light. On the other, well, she didn’t want him to think that this was just sexual attraction.

  “Are we both sleeping…”

  His voice trailed off as his eyes stayed on the bed. The way it was secluded from the rest of the room with all that sheer material almost made it like an oasis.

  “I have another room booked.”

  He smiled as his eyes came back to her. “Did the clerk laugh at you when you checked in?”

  A laugh escaped her, easing some of the tension she’d been feeling since that double door closed behind Cade. “A little. I just told him it was in case we have a tiff.”

  Cade shook his head and laughed. She didn’t hear him laugh often, but when she did, it always amazed her at how rich, how natural it seemed.

  “You don’t do that enough,” she told him before she could think better of her actions.

  “What’s that?”


  His face sobered a little. “No, I guess I don’t. But lately, with you, I seem to be doing more and more.”

  She’d take that small victory.

  A knock on the door kept her from celebrating too long.

  “I’ll get it,” she said and rushed past him.

  As soon as she opened the doors, two women with folding massage tables and a tote bag full of who-knows-what entered the room.

  “What’s this?” Cade asked.

  Abby closed the door and turned. “Surprise. We’re getting a massage.”

  He quirked a brow, ignoring the women who were already setting the tables up by the patio doors. “Really?”

  “Yes. We can relax for a few minutes so we’re rejuvenated to tackle business while we’re here. I’ll go change,” she told him before he could change his mind…or hers.

  She slipped into the bathroom and shed her clothes, donning the thick white terry cloth robe compliments of the resort. There was no way she could not get turned on during this massage. Knowing they were in the same room, naked, with only a thin coating of massage oil and a towel providing a shield.

  Oh, and the two strange women.

  She only hoped this would make Cade a little uneasy, as well. Yes, she wanted him off balance. He walked the straight and narrow too often, and she wanted to show him what it was like to let go every now and then.

  The wedding, for example. He was only going to follow through on that preposterous plan because he thought it was the “right” thing to do. Now, if he and Mona were actually in love, Abby wouldn’t do a thing to stop them, but she knew they weren’t. The man hadn’t even seen her engagement ring, for crying out loud.

  Abby sighed as she went back into the room. “Your turn,” she told him with a smile. “There’s another robe on the back of the door.”

  Once he was behind closed doors, she shed her robe and padded over to the table where she lay down on her stomach. A towel was draped over her bottom and she waited in anticipation for Cade to come out.

  Oh, God. Was she actually doing this? Was she actually going to be naked in the same room with her…boss?

  Yes, she could, because she was in the fight of her life.

  There wasn’t a moment of the day when she didn’t love Cade. There wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for him if he asked. And there was no way she’d back off and watch the man she’d fallen in love with walk down the aisle toward disaster.


  Cade came out of the bathroom to find Abby already on the massage table wearing only a white towel over her cute, rounded backside. Cute?

  What grown man used the word “cute”? Obviously him. But, there it was. He thought Abby’s behind was cute and he didn’t want to admit it, even if just to himself.

  He walked over to his table, keeping his back to her, trying to get the image of that tan, smooth-looking skin against the stark white towel out of his head.

  “Go ahead,” Abby told him. “I’m not looking.”

  Cade didn’t miss the questioning glance from his masseuse—they were in the honeymoon suite after all—but he quickly shed his robe without a word and lay facedown on the table.

  He couldn’t help but sigh as a towel covered him and an instant later he felt the warm oil, followed by what he presumed were hot rocks down the length of his spine.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?”

  Turning his head toward Abby’s relaxed voice, he started to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. Not when her head was nestled on the pillow of her folded arms—leaving the whole side of her body exposed.

  The swell of her breast mocked him.

  Cade gritted his teeth and prayed he wouldn’t get aroused right now. But, how could he not?

  Abby’s eyes were closed, her pink lips pursed together as she relaxed and enjoyed the massage.

  He, on the other hand could not relax. Especially his lower half. He barely felt the hot rocks as the masseuse readjusted them, nor did he feel when she began to knead his lower back.

  All he could feel was an uncomfortable throbbing in a part that no masseuse could touch.

  He closed his eyes, willing the image of Abby’s breast to get out of his head. Unfortunately it was embedded in there and he knew nothing, short of seeing her completely naked, would override that image. And that would burn a whole different image on his brain, one far more dan

  How could he marry Mona when he was having such strong feelings for Abby? Not only was it not fair to either woman, it wasn’t fair to him.

  Either way he went, whether he followed his lustful feelings for Abby or his business merger with Mona, he was going to pay the price.

  One would be monetary, the other his heart.

  Whoa! His heart?

  Cade let out a deep, frustrated sigh. Yes, he was afraid his heart was becoming entangled with Abby and her seductive ways. That blew his previous theory of lustful feelings.

  Now what the hell was he supposed to do?

  Was his mind just playing games with him because of this intimate setting?

  No. If he were honest with himself, this started with that damned mechanical bull. Well, at least the sexual awareness did. But his respect and caring for Abby began mere moments after she started at Stone Enterprises and he saw just how capable and efficient she was.

  Cade blocked out the fresh, clean aroma of the oils. He blocked out the trickling of the waterfall just outside the patio doors. He blocked out the slight moans coming from Abby as she enjoyed her massage.

  But he couldn’t block out the fact if he gave into his urges, he could kiss everything he’d worked for goodbye.

  There was only one option.

  Abby secured her robe around her waist as the women gathered their tables and their fragrant oils and left.

  Cade had already donned his terry cloth robe while Abby kept her eyes shut…mostly.

  Now they were alone with just their relaxed, loose bodies and too much sexual energy humming in the air. Abby knew Cade wasn’t unaffected. She’d seen his heavy lids roam over the bare upper part of her body as they lay getting massaged—another time he’d thought her eyes were completely shut. Most of the groaning she’d done had been from the fact he looked like he wanted to devour her right there, strange women or not.

  And that thought thrilled Abby. But, yet again, she wanted more. Every woman deserved to be loved.

  Just another reason she didn’t feel too guilty about Mona. Surely Mona wanted unconditional love and not just to be married to someone because of her last name or her career status.


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