Parallel Desire

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Parallel Desire Page 30

by Deidre Knight

  "Arch for me," he commanded, and with a flick of her tongue, she complied.

  The round fullness of each breast protruded even more dramatically, and he smiled, a low, dark growl of appreciation rumbling inside his chest "Oh, yes, sweet thing. You are … stunning."

  All her need for control had vanished; she was surrendering herself completely. Willingly. Still, her gaze traveled down his body, at least as much of it as she could see. He ground his hips against her, letting her feel the thickened length of his shaft.

  "I know you want to touch me," he said as she flushed. "I sense it."

  She raised her eyebrows, a coy smile on her lips. "Oh, you sense it, do you?"

  "Do I have to soul-gaze you?"

  She blinked up at him. "I want to feel you in my hands."

  He growled in deep pleasure at her words. "Not just yet." He pressed his face against hers, scenting her. A long, sweet draft of her aroma filtered into his lungs, hitting his body like wildfire. "Oh … gods help me," he moaned, releasing her hands slowly until they dropped back to her sides.

  And she was all over him the moment he set her free, nearly tackling him as she wrapped her body about his. His hands skimmed up and down her hips, around her back. Vaguely, she was aware that they were moving in a sort of circular motion, heading toward his bedroom as, piece by piece, he undressed her. Kissing her hotly, he tugged at her turtleneck, getting her loose from it, and only when he was ready to ditch the sweater did he break the kiss long enough to get it over her head.

  Then he clamped his lips against hers once again, swirling his tongue inside her mouth, fumbling with her jeans. She slid her hands low about his waist, feeling the smooth warmth of his flesh as she began to work at his boxers, shoving them lower down his hips.

  "Gotta have you out of these," she murmured, tugging them down until his cock sprang free with a heavy, joyous bounce.

  She managed to untangle her feet from the crumpled jeans, and kicked them halfway across the room. They ricocheted off his coffee table with a soft thud, distracting her briefly, and when she turned back to him he was completely, gloriously naked. She sucked in a breath, staggering backward toward the fireplace.

  He was so utterly beautiful to behold, his dusky skin glowing in the firelight, his feet planted slightly apart. That long, thick erection of his jutted outward, glistening with intense arousal and need. He stood bathed in the firelight without shame, his large shoulders defined by striations of muscle that roped down to his much narrower hips. She wanted to kneel at his feet, to treat him like the god he almost appeared to be.

  "I can't talk," she finally squeaked out, her gaze traveling down his length one more time. "I mean, I've seen you before, plenty of times, but … not like this."

  "Shelby Tyler? Speechless? This is a first." He laughed in a whiskey-rich voice, circling closer to her. There was an implied physical threat in his tone, the promise of intense, raw seduction as he neared her.

  She reached a hand to the mantel, steadying herself. "It's you. I've never just … looked at you, not like this."

  His lashes lowered as he tugged her flush against his naked body. Skin to skin, warmth to warmth, they stood before the fire. His erection pressed into her stomach, nudging at her belly button. "This body, Shell," he told her softly, sliding his palms underneath her bottom, "it belongs to you. I belong to you completely."

  She grinned. "I promise to be kind."

  "I know you will," he said, not dropping his serious tone.

  She beamed suddenly, tilting her head back so she could stare into his eyes. "Question game," she purred softly, and rabid heat hit his face. The last time they'd gone that route …

  "If you could have sex with me in any position right now, what would it be?"

  He swallowed hard, his throat tightening. "I'd … be on top … so I could stare into your eyes the whole time."

  "I like that answer," she whispered, her lashes fluttering coquettishly. Shelby Tyler definitely knew how to crank his engine to full throttle. That simple fluttering of her eyes and he couldn't hold back a needy growl. Hell, it was about the neediest growl he'd ever laid on her.

  She planted her palm in the center of his chest, stroking him sensually for a moment, then whispered, "And where … where would you make love to me, staring me in the eyes the whole time?"

  He eased her hands off of him, took one step back, and dropped right on his knees, falling into a worshipful posture that he hoped would reveal how totally he loved her. She deserved a little worshipping. Opening his arms to her, he fixed her with his gaze.

  "Here," he said. "Right here, in front of the fire."

  She launched herself into his arms, tumbling with him to the floor. He mounted her without another word, sliding into her slickness, and buried himself to the hilt. The floor was hard beneath his knees and forearms, but he didn't care.

  There was only Shelby, looking up into his eyes with adoration. There was only the deepest realization inside of him: that he loved this woman. Completely, with absolute abandon. He, who had never believed he could fall in love again, was a total goner.

  That thought sent his body into a frenzy; his hips went wild, pumping against hers, and she rose off the floor, meeting every single thrust. Then she took her muscular calves and wrapped them squarely about his lower back, and he sank even deeper into her core. Faster he sped, feeling her quivering, grasping relief the moment it came. And he went off like a rocket grenade at the exact same moment, shooting hot spurts of his seed deep, deep inside of her.

  Dimly he wondered if they'd just created a baby. The thought made him grin like a schoolboy as he pressed his sweaty forehead against hers. Yeah, he'd love a family with this woman. He'd love … a lifetime with her.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Kelsey walked with Jared into their bedroom, one large arm slung across her shoulders. He was still a little weak but otherwise seemed totally back to being himself, a genuine miracle when she thought of how he'd been locked in his D'Aravnian form only hours earlier. It had been one exhaustingly long day, no doubt about that, and she felt tired and achy throughout her body—especially around the middle of her very pregnant belly, but she tried to ignore that fact.

  Jared had been examined at the medical complex immediately after returning from the mitres. His wounds had been treated, and the prognosis was good—he wouldn't have any significant scarring to speak of. The medics had poked and prodded at him until he'd grumbled impatiently, something quiet about needing time alone with his wife. They'd relented then, backing off with respectful murmurs that had made her grin. Everyone in the compound loved their king and would do whatever he wanted, including making sure he had time with his queen.

  Closing the door to their quarters, he grumbled about the room temperature. "It's freaking frigid in here."

  "Told you before." She laughed. "Please don't say 'freaking.' It's just too weird to me."

  He laughed low, raking a hand through his long, loose hair. "All right, then. I am cold, my mate. Our quarters seem quite chilled."

  She handed him one of the extra blankets she'd fetched for him and sank wearily onto the end of their bed. "It's really not cold. You're still adjusting from your Change."

  He nodded, looking awkward for a moment.

  "What is it?" she asked.

  He stared at the floor between them, and then cleared his throat uncomfortably.

  "Spill it, Jareshk."

  He nodded, still avoiding her eyes. "Thank you for not giving up on me when I was so … lost. So very, very lost."

  "How could I ever give up on you?"

  "I honestly didn't think I'd make it back to you. That was the worst part of … it. Of being unable to shift back. It was knowing that I'd never hold you again, never touch you again … never hold Erica in my arms." Tears gleamed in his eyes. "So, yes, uh … thank you."

  "But you did Change back. You're here, right now with both of us," she told him.

  His gaze lifted, boring
into her very soul. "But I didn't think I would make it. Do you understand what that was like for me? Thinking I'd never touch you again?"

  "I was scared, too," she admitted quietly.

  "I know. I felt your fear."

  She cringed. "I'm sorry. I tried to hide it—"

  "No!" he thundered, stomping at the floor with his booted foot. "It kept me together. Knowing how desperately you needed me … still wanted me. I cursed your fear, but it kept me sane, kept me tethered to this world, Kelsey. Do you understand?"

  "I felt your fear, too, and it kept me holding on."

  He paced the room, clearly thinking. "Without you, I would have been utterly lost … forever."

  "But we're both here now, and you're back. You're back for good."

  "But my D'Aravnian side has had its way with me, love." He stopped in front of her, staring at her hard. "I'm different now, after being lost in my Change for so long. I'm not yet sure what that will mean."

  Kelsey tamped down a fresh wave of fear, trying to ignore his dire warning. "Different … how?" she asked softly.

  He turned his blazing black gaze right on her. "I feel more primal, much more on the verge of something. It's like I can almost touch my energy, like it's hovering right beyond my reach."

  "It's only been a few hours, Jared! Jeez, give yourself some time."

  He shook his head. "No. Something is altered inside of me. Only time will tell what this feeling means."

  Kelsey just couldn't accept what he was saying, not now. Not with their baby so full inside her belly, not when she was so deeply grateful to have him back.

  "You know what you need? A big, hot bath. With me."

  He gave her a gentle smile. "That sounds like a fantastic plan." He cupped her cheek, kissing her on the lips. In reaction, Erica did a little shimmying movement inside of her belly. And then suddenly a sharp buckle of pain cinched about her waist. Uh-oh. Erica wasn't due for another week. But then, just as quickly, the pain faded.

  She struggled up onto her feet, feeling more awkward than she had at any point in the pregnancy. "Of course, you might have to call a battalion to get me out of the tub once I'm in there." She laughed.

  "I'll sweep you into my arms."

  She cocked an eyebrow. "Have you looked at me lately, sweetheart? I'm a bit round for arm sweeping."

  He gave her a gallant smile. "Trust me, I will take care of you, sweet love."

  "Cramps?" Jared jolted upright so fast that he sent bathwater sloshing over the sides of the claw-foot tub.

  "Contractions," she amended, wincing as her belly grew hard and tight. She could have bounced a penny off the freaking thing. They'd been cuddled in the tub for almost an hour, until the warm water had finally grown tepid, and all the while her contractions had been growing more intense and frequent.

  "It's time, Jared," she whispered softly. "Erica's coming … not this moment, but in the next few hours."

  She leaned back between Jared's legs, holding him in place with the weight of her body so he wouldn't bolt right out of the tub.

  "For the love of All." Jared's hands crushed down on her shoulders. "We need to get you to the medical complex right away." He slid a protective hand atop her belly. "She's so warm," he whispered hoarsely, and then looked at her. "Wh-what if we harmed her in the mitres chamber? What if I hurt her?"

  Kelsey covered his hand with her own, rubbing it atop her belly. "Erica is fine, Jared. Perfectly, beautifully fine."

  "You can't know that." The pained emotion in his voice tore at her heart. He'd already been through enough; the last thing he needed was to speculate that he'd harmed their baby girl in any way.

  "I do know that, Jareshk. I'm her mother, and I sense it. Besides, while you've been running this revolution, I've been going to mothering classes with Anna."

  "I never knew that." His hand, which had been stroking her belly, stilled. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  She snorted with laughter, leaning into him right as the contraction finished. With a slight moan, she rode the wave of pain to completion. "Because I knew you'd want to be part of the classes. And too much info was just going to freak you out unnecessarily. You already worry too much about both of us as it is. So I saved this moment until … now."

  "This moment?" He leaned forward in the tub so he could actually see her face. "This moment. … You're having the baby now? Here in the tub! I don't understand."

  "It's what the medical chief suggested. Said it was the most soothing way for Erica to enter the world, right here in the bathwater and in our own room. That if Erica should try to make her Change right after she pops out of me, well, the water would stop her."

  "Erica can't Change the moment she enters this world. She's not prepared!"

  "But apparently D'Aravnian babies do that. The doctor said you Changed right when you were born. It's in your medical records." She laughed softly. "Your poor mother; I can only imagine. It's also why I have to go natural with this birth, because it will reduce the likelihood of that happening."

  Jared clunked back in the tub, his head making a loud crack against the tiled wall. Kelsey twisted, trying to make sure he was all right. "Jared?"

  "I think I'm going to pass out."

  "Don't you dare."

  "Oh, I'm not. Don't worry, love, I'm right here. Right here." He leaned forward again, wrapping both arms about her. "But … you're going to allow me to call a medic, right?"

  "Ha! So that's it. The king is terrified that he might actually have to deliver his own baby."

  He growled at her, rising to his feet. "I'm going to contact the med complex right now. Get them to send a whole team up here."

  "They're on alert and expecting it. But there's one more thing I need, Jared."

  "Anything, sweet love." He swung a leg over the side of the tub.

  "I want Shelby to be with me. I want her to help deliver the baby."

  Jared placed one fist over his heart and bowed deeply, showing her the ancient, traditional gesture reserved for Refarian royals. "Yes, my lady. As you wish."

  Jake lay atop Shelby, panting in her ear, trying to regain his equilibrium a little. Inside of her, his cock had softened, but he hadn't slipped out yet. He wanted to maintain the intimacy between them for as long as he could.

  That plan was dashed, however, when his comm erupted from where he'd left it over on the sofa. And it was Jared, so there wasn't any dodging duty, not this time.

  "Shit," he cursed, then for good measure tacked on damn it a few times.

  "I'll be right here waiting," Shelby told him sleepily.

  Jake walked backward toward the sofa, never taking his gaze off her. "I'm holding you to that."

  Reaching for the comm, he barked into it without even thinking. "Dillon here."

  Jared's voice crackled across the connection. "Scott?" His confusion was obvious, but more than that, he sounded … a little breathless.

  "It's me. Long story, J. What's up?"

  "Is Shelby with you?"

  He coughed into the comm. "Uh, yeah, she's … uh, with me."

  "Good, because I need her. I mean, Kelsey needs her. … Well, uh, we both … oh, meshdki, Jakob, we're having a baby. It's princess time, and I need Shelby down here stat."

  All the birthing and mothering classes didn't add up to zip, not when you were in the moment, ready to deliver. Kelsey glared at Jared across the bathroom. He'd propped himself against the door of the glass shower, his eyes assuming a glazed, stunned expression. It had been a big day for him, and it wasn't like there was room beside the tub, but freaking hell! The pain was like nothing—nothing—anyone could have explained to her.

  With a scream, she glared at Jared again. "You bastard! You did this to me," she cursed, then began to laugh hysterically as another wave of crashing agony passed.

  "I'm sorry." He looked sheepish as he grinned, muttering slowly, "I apologize for having given you baby Erica."

  "You think I'm talking out of my ass? Just cause all of you can see
my freaking ass? Huh, Jareshk? This freaking sucks!"

  He inclined his head as the medics worked with her. "It's a beautiful bottom, sweet love."

  "That doesn't make this better!"

  Shelby kept massaging her belly, murmuring in Refarian. "And you!" Kelsey poked at Shelby's shoulder. "You're not helping at all."

  "I know, sweetie," Shelby said soothingly, a strange smile on her lips. "But it's all gonna be over soon."

  "That's what you say. You're not … oh!" Kelsey shouted, clamping her pelvis down.

  Shelby held onto her. "You're doing great. Just hang on a little while longer, my queen. Ride it out."

  "I don't want to ride it out." She shook her head wildly. "I want to yell some more."

  "Then you just go right ahead." Shelby moved her hand to Kelsey's hair, stroking it away from her cheek. "You scream all you want. You let us all have it, okay? Let her rip."

  Kelsey doubled over slightly, moaning. "Oh, God …"

  Someone began running more water into the tub, and the warmth was soothing. "You're almost there. Almost there," Shelby promised her, continuing to comb her fingers through Kelsey's hair.

  And then Kelsey's large belly began to glow. A radiant humming noise filled the room, emanating right out of her stomach.

  "Here we go," Shelby told her. "When I tell you to, I want you to push. You hear me, my lady? You're gonna clamp down and just …"

  "Push!" Kelsey screamed.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Jared stared at the tiny dark head that was nestled against his shoulder, feeling more than slightly in shock. He wasn't numb, not at all. No, it was as if every part of his being had come alive, as if every molecule of his dual self had been electrified in a wholly new way. These first few moments alone with Erica were a treasure he'd never forget, not if he lived one hundred years. Not if he traveled the universe and back, or jumped thousands of dimensions via the mitres. Nothing … nothing would ever compare to this one quiet, perfect moment.


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