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Ajax_Rebirth Page 9

by Gavin Magson

  Reluctantly he scrambled out of bed, still trying to engage his brain and get up to speed with being awake. He noticed the clothing he had left around the floor was no longer there, instead similar fresh clothes were resting on the wooden chair. When he went to pick them up he found a smaller version of the tablet Rine had used yesterday resting under the folded underwear, its glassy surface reflected his haggard appearance and caught him slightly off guard.

  Ajax wondered how it had got there but decided that there was plenty of time to inspect it later and that the shower's call was far more important. He slipped the tablet into the clean trousers pocket and entered his bathroom, relieved to find a pair of scissors and a razor waiting for him next to the basin.

  He opened up the hot water tap and waited until it heated so that he could fill the basin with a torrent of steaming water. Taking the scissors Ajax cut away the matted, long hair and ridiculously bushy beard, throwing the cuttings into a small bin by his feet. A dozen minutes of shaving later and the growth of a century long cryosleep was removed. He felt like a new man already, and looked like it too.

  Ajax took his time in the shower, making sure to wash away the excessive build-up of grime on his body. He watched the water that ran off him change colour, slowly fading from a muddy brown to eventually something close to transparent. For a long time Ajax stood still, both hands propped against the wall and his back arched as water cascaded off his skeletal frame. The deaths he had caused yesterday were so fresh in his mind, he could not focus on anything else as the memory took up his entire attention. He had felt pure exhilaration as he fought, and nothing shy of ecstasy as he killed Rascas. There was no room for remorse in his mind, which concerned him far more than the ease to which killing came to him.

  Ajax welcomed the hot air as he stepped out of the shower, it felt good on his flesh with the stark contrast of last night’s cold weather still haunting him. It had left his body shivering, aching and paler than death. He never wanted to be so cold again, and yet that was just a summers evening.

  Ajax stepped through to the bedroom whilst furiously using a towel to dry his face and shaven scalp, he stopped in his tracks when he heard a quiet, almost shy cough. He pulled the towel away and saw Ilya, dressed in a light, flowing dress, sat on his bed. There was a slight red tint to her cheeks and she was trying hard to focus on the desk and not the naked figure in front of her.

  Ajax hastily pulled on the clean clothes he had been left, thankful Ilya had moved them to the bed and not left them on the chair her gaze was pointing towards. The shirt had once been white but had faded to a washed out grey over the years and the trousers were a bit too loose on him, but Ajax wasn't about to complain. There was even a pair of rugged boots in the correct size, and they did not smell like hand-me-downs.

  “Sorry about that, Ilya, I wasn't expecting to see someone so early.” he said, facing away from her to mask his own embarrassment.

  “I did knock on the door, I thought I heard you call me inside. Anyway, it's not early at all. You've been asleep all morning; it's already the afternoon.” she said, avoiding eye contact.

  “Shit! Why did everyone let me sleep in?”

  “Don't worry about it, the captain said to leave you rest; it's not every day that you beat three men to death and have an audience with Rine.” she said, an uncertain smile darting quickly across her face. “When you are ready meet us downstairs in the bar. Duke has something he wants to go over with you, and I think Lev wants to buy you a few drinks. And Ajax, thanks again; most people would have ran and left Duke at the mercy of Rascas.”

  Ilya stood up and made for the door, she hesitated and turned her head to give Ajax another smile, this time looking quite forced. She opened the door and was gone before he could say anything.

  Ajax sat down on the bed, he ran Ilya's words through his head and tried to understand them. It was true that he could have run, leaving the man to almost certainly die at the hands of Rascas. However Ajax owed that man a debt for rescuing him, how could he desert Duke in a time of need? He could not remember any of his past life, nor his extended stay in stasis, but he was alive now, and he wasn't going to waste the chance to live. He would always be thankful for the risk Duke took, he would always show his gratitude for that anyway that he could.

  Ajax felt a strange sensation coming from underneath him and stood up to find that there was nothing on the bed sheets to explain the feeling. There it was again! Ajax reached into his back pocket and brought out the small tablet, somehow the screen had turned itself on and it pulsated in his hand. The display told him that he had received a message, which at the cautious tap of his finger opened up.

  Rine has been in contact with me about managing you for some unlicensed fights. I will be along to the Haven Inn tonight, keep this tablet on you at all times. Meet me outside, alone, when I call you - Aiko

  So it had begun already, paying off the captain’s debt. Whoever this Aiko was they certainly sounded serious, he just hoped that he did not let Duke down. Ajax was surprised that he wasn't scared, in fact he felt... excited? He was more curious than worried about what tonight would bring.

  He stowed the tablet back into his pocket, eager not to lose the tiny device. It took a few moments but he found the bedroom key hidden underneath his bed and left the room, hearing the lock engage as it closed behind him.

  The dining room fire was not yet lit, which was a relief to Ajax; the afternoon sun combined with the press of bodies left the tavern sweltering and most windows cloudy with condensation.

  Was this place always so busy? He found the four crew members sat around a circular table, underneath an open window in the corner of the room and furthest from the door. Lev was waving with enthusiasm toward Ajax, it would have been a struggle to miss the man if Ajax were blind. He set off in their direction and carefully manoeuvred his slim frame through the crowded room.

  Ajax found there was only one unoccupied seat when he had successfully navigated his way over, Ilya had rested her feet on it until he survived the gauntlet. He could see a few disgruntled faces around them; it looked like others had taken a fancy to the chair. Ajax eased himself into the seat, trying not to grimace at his aching muscles.

  “I didn't know you looked up to me so much, Ajax. I think your imitation of my hairstyle is actually rather flattering.” said Duke, patting his own bald dome. Ajax chuckled at the poor joke, allowing Lev to gruffly rub his shaven scalp.

  There were five untouched glasses on the table, each containing a cloudy liquid. Lev was sat to Ajax's right and handed a full glass over to Ajax, giving him a slight nod of the head. Ajax took the glass, hoped whatever was in it didn't kill him, and poured the contents down his throat.

  The whole group, minus the spluttering Ajax, erupted into laughter as he fought to keep the strong spirit down. By the time his coughs had subsided there were tears running freely from his reddened eyes and rasping breaths being sucked down his throat as he struggled to speak.

  “You lot are bastards.” whispered Ajax, barely heard by the cackling group over the crowded taverns din.

  “Don't worry about it, ice man, that was just the beginning of your troubles.” said Duke, his booming laugh filling the air. The captain signalled to a serving woman hovering nearby until he had her attention.

  Ajax had recovered from the worst of his suffering and managed to look up at the woman stood next to him. He struggled to tear his eyes away from her curvaceous figure, the swell of her breasts more than alluring to him. He was vaguely aware of Duke ordering more drinks but did not immediately notice the silence, his mind was far too preoccupied on other matters.

  “I'm sorry, what did you say?” asked Ajax.

  “She wants to know what you want to eat, boy. And you can roll that tongue back into your mouth, show some respect.” chided Duke.

  Once the fresh round of laughter had dispersed Ajax realised just how hungry he was. The air was thick with a multitude of smells, which battled hard against o
ne another to be noticed; yet above the strong odour of stale sweat rose the smell of cooked meat and it was making him salivate. He looked up at the blonde waitress, her confident smile at his embarrassment surprisingly didn't shame him even more.

  “I'll have your biggest meal, please. I don't care what is in it, as long as it fills the spot.” he said.

  The others all made their orders as the waitress wrote everything down on the small pad in her hand. Ajax could not understand how some of the dishes seemed familiar to him, but his hunger soon drowned out the thought. He was looking forward to whatever plate was set down in front of him, his stomach grumbled continuously at the thought.

  The waitress cleared their empty glasses and soon returned with five tankards, balancing them expertly on a single metal tray. When Ajax took a sip this time he was glad the contents were much more to his taste, a slight sweetness to the golden liquid that soothed his burnt throat.

  With the loud chatter of the room masking his voice Duke began to fill the group in with what had happened to himself and Ajax the previous day. He didn't gloss over the violence, much to the surprise of Ajax, and hushed Lev frequently when he tried to ask questions. Ajax allowed his thoughts to wander, since he knew the tale first hand.

  His thoughts were preoccupied by the message he had received earlier. What would be asked of him tonight? Part of him was excited at the thought of fighting once more, but would he be required to kill? He had been just as surprised at his own skills yesterday as Duke was, but he had reacted instinctively on the spot. He could not remember how he managed to move so swiftly, nor deliver such damaging blows. What if he could not call on this strength again? His heart raced at the thought of death, so soon after being granted a second chance to live.

  “You seem a bit distracted there, Ajax. Is there anything you want to add?” asked Duke, between swigs of his ale.

  Ajax hesitated slightly, trying to decide whether it was better to tell them what was on his mind or not. He knew there was no mention in the message of keeping it a secret but something caused him to hold his tongue, at least for the time being.

  “No, I was just thinking about yesterday. We really are lucky to still be here.”

  The captain looked like he was about to speak again when their food arrived. The waitress had not disappointed, the plate in front of Ajax held a mountain of food; he half expected the table to groan and buckle under its weight.

  “No one as thin as you could possibly eat that entire meal,” said the waitress, flashing Ajax a radiant smile that ignited her pale blue eyes into dazzling gems. He felt a sudden longing that had laid dormant for what seemed a millennium. Ajax also knew a challenge when he heard it.

  Ajax didn't reply, he just speared a slab of meat with his fork and took a large bite out of it, savouring the taste of food and the juices that filled his mouth. Her laugh sounded like the giggle of an ecstatic child, or perhaps a heavenly angel; he couldn't decide whilst sating his body’s needs – well one of them anyway.

  The plates were cleared within a few minutes, content groans from the group were the only sounds coming from their table once the cutlery was set down. Ajax could feel his waistband struggling with his expanding belly, yet did not care; his insurmountable hunger was finally quenched.

  “You've got some sauce on your chin, you might want to wipe that off before some of the patrons mistake you for a meal.” said Greg, grinning as Ajax poked his tongue out.

  They both shared a laugh at Ajax's haste to finish his meal, before he wiped the sauce using a napkin. Ilya pointed out a table in the middle of the room, two obese men were hungrily watching the waitress serving food to other customers.

  “We could probably get a few credit's if we sold Ajax to those men.” she said, which got a fresh round of laughter from the increasingly drunken group.

  Duke stood up from the table, mentioning he had to visit the rest room. When Ajax got up to follow he dismissed the remaining crews chides of him wanting some intimate time with the captain.

  “Need to drain the snake too, boy?” asked Duke, the slightest hint of a slur to his voice.

  “No, it's not that. I've got to talk to you about something, away from your crew. I've heard from Rine, or at least someone who works for him. I'm to meet this contact soon, I think that I'll be fighting to pay off the debt.”

  “Why didn't you want to discuss this with everyone? You've seen the way they look at you, all that talk on the ship of getting rid of you is gone. I don't want you to resent them, if you knew what happened to smugglers you would think twice about saving a stranger as well.”

  Ajax grasped Duke's shoulder, looking him in the eyes. The weight of Ajax's thoughts weren't disguised by his stoic expression, his eyes instantly gave away his concerns.

  “I've had some time to think about it and I don't want them to be involved in this. I owe you everything for my life, so I am prepared to do this thing for you. If they want me to steal, I will steal. If they want me to fight, I will fight. If they want me to kill... I will kill.”

  Duke didn't know what to say to this shocking admittance. When he had saved the frozen man it wasn't to recruit some kind of bodyguard, someone to protect him from his many past mistakes; it was, originally, a selfless act. Now that his own life was at stake Duke couldn’t help but fear what would happen if Ajax could not save him. He breathed deeply, allowing his conscience to return once more.

  “You don't have to do this, not if you don't want to, Ajax. A man should fight his own battles, not let others suffer for his mistakes. Are you sure you can go through with this, I never wanted you to be indebted to me.” said Duke, his jovial tone turned serious for once.

  “You don't have to worry about me, I demonstrated just how well I can take care of myself yesterday. I'm not going to let myself get killed after countless years of not being alive; I won't waste my chance at another life. Just make some excuse up for me if anyone asks where I am.”

  Ajax returned to the table and shared a couple more drinks with the only people in the entire universe that he knew. No one noticed or asked why he kept on checking the solitary clock above the fireplace. When the message finally came Duke did not let anyone press Ajax about his sudden departure, and continued to make excuses for him until the alcohol erased all questions from the crew’s minds.

  The night air had a slight chill to it, nothing like the previous evenings freezing winds that reached the bones. Ajax rubbed his hands together to stave off the cold, breathing warm air on them as he waited outside the Haven. He cursed under his breath.

  Time passed, men and women filtered out of the tavern and staggered across the courtyard towards their homes. The drunken singing was particularly getting on his nerves, if the customers could agree on the same lyrics it might have improved his mood. Ajax was considering going back inside, doubts had crept in a while ago whether someone would even show up tonight.

  He was just about to give up the wait when something caused the hairs on his neck to raise. Ajax ducked just in time to dodge the majority of the blow, a punch glanced off his shaved scalp and opened up his skin. He kicked out and caught the assailant’s leg, hearing them land hard on the cobblestones.

  When Ajax turned he saw the hooded figure scrabbling back to their feet, drawing a knife and weaving it through the air.

  “Big mistake, asshole.” said Ajax through gritted teeth.

  Ajax avoided the clumsy attack with ease, grabbing the outstretched arm with both hands. He twisted the wrist, twisted further until it gave way and snapped. The man screamed and released the knife from his grip. A soft squelch, followed by a howling cry, greeted Ajax's ears as the blade landed point first on the man's boot and tore through the cheap leather.

  Ajax released the ruined wrist and swiftly gripped the knife before wrenching it clear of his attackers flesh. He played around to find its balance, grinning whilst he did so.

  The man clutched at his shattered wrist, sobbing loudly in the gloom; he could not ev
en lift his bloodied boot to back away. There was no more fight left in the attacker, the realisation left Ajax feeling... disappointed? Did he really enjoy the fight so much?

  “That is enough, Mr Frost. This was nothing more than an exercise for me to ascertain your skills; that man was not here to kill you. I would be grateful if you spared his life, this time.” said the shadows, the unseen voice sounded as if its owner was an inch behind his left ear.

  Ajax felt insulted that someone thought he could kill a defenceless, unarmed person. He had made an exception with Rascas, but only through necessity to preserve his life and that of Duke's. Killing was not something he took so lightly.

  “Show yourself. I'm not here to kill your clumsy lapdog; I am here to pay off Duke's debt.”

  Out of the shadows stepped a tall woman, a full length coat protecting her from the steadily increasing chill of the night air. Her face was hard, he suspected the woman was not taken to smiling often. A small hat cast yet more shadows over her eyes, even now when she stood under the street light.

  “I was told that you showed promise. That snivelling wretch is supposed to be a good street fighter,” she nodded at the man, who was now hobbling away from the tavern with a pronounced limp, still clutching at his wrist. “I'm glad you so easily bested him. Your talents will come in much use tonight.”

  “What is it you want me to do?” asked Ajax.

  “I'll explain along the way. Follow me, we must not be late.” said Aiko.

  Chapter 9

  The woman led Ajax out of the moonlit courtyard and into the streets of Sector Four. The city looked so different at night, with just the pale moon light to illuminate the streets around them the buildings seemed to shift and change. Ajax was so focused on his surroundings it took him several streets to notice that this entire time they had not passed a single person.


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