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Ajax_Rebirth Page 18

by Gavin Magson

  “This,” Sal said, picking up a credit chip and waving it in front of Ajax's face, “a whole month’s rent, nearly a thousand credits, which I found on my desk this morning.”

  “Have the prices gone up?” asked Ajax. “I can pay you more if there is a problem.”

  “Pay more? I told you not to pay me anything!” Sal struggled to keep his anger in check, spittle flew from his mouth and showered Ajax.

  “I know what you said, but I am a man who pays his way through life. What I did should not change anything, I am still a lodger in your tavern and need to pay for my board. I won't take the money back,” Ajax calmly replied.

  Sal stared at Ajax's set expression, maintaining eye contact until, finally, his shoulders sunk as he realised there was no way of getting Ajax to change his mind. Both men were as single minded and stubborn as the other. “Fine then, but I want you to know that you did not need to pay for your room. I shall find another way to thank you and you had better not throw that back in my face next time, the streets are pretty cold this time of year.”

  Sal stormed off, nearly cannoning into the petite figure of Maria, who was stood behind him carrying Ajax's breakfast. She set it down on the table, turning to leave quickly but not fast enough; Ajax's hand snaked out and grabbed her arm.

  “You don't have to fear me, Maria; I know who and what I am scares most people but I will not allow harm to come to you or your family, you have my word on that.” he said, releasing his grip on her arm.

  Maria flashed a look at him, a mixture of fear and awe, before giving a soft, gentle, uneasy smile and returning to work; at least it was a real one this time. He was happy that she had shown some kind of emotion other than terror towards him.

  Ajax tucked into his monster breakfast.

  Chapter 15

  As the Haven Inn's old oak door opened wide, a chill autumn wind made its presence known to the few diners. Ajax took a sip of his juice and looked up to see who had opened the door, his drink almost tumbled from his grasp with shock. The Illicit Jane's crew had finally returned.

  Ilya dropped her bag to the wooden floor, dashing forward as she saw Ajax across the room. He had barely managed to get to his feet before she tackled him around the midriff, winding him and sending them both crashing into the couch he had been sat on. She pulled away from him, silvery tears welling up in her eyes. Ajax could see the apprehension on her face, a perplexing contrast to her excitement.

  “What's wrong, Ilya? You look devastated.” he said.

  She stood up and was joined by the rest of the group, they all looked worn out, both physically and mentally.

  “Six weeks we were out there, Ajax; we only came back when we ran out of fuel. Hell, it got so bad that Duke had to stop the love birds,” she jerked a thumb at Greg and Lev, who looked sheepish around each other, “from committing murder, we were so delirious. It was a bust; we found nothing out there.” her head lowered, Ajax saw the gleaming tears start to freely stream down her face.

  He looked to the captain and saw the same dejected look in his eyes as Ilya's. Duke shook his head; we'll talk when she isn't here, thought Ajax.

  “You look so different,” said Ilya, tears in full flow, “certainly a lot healthier than when we left you. You've packed on a lot of muscle too. You feel like a rock.”

  Ilya ran her hand along his shaven cheek, down his thick neck and across the wounded shoulder. Her fingers found the notched scar, her hand hesitated against the strange contour, not certain what she could feel. Ilya wanted to say something but the look in his eyes made her think better of it.

  “Yeah, I have been busy; I've definitely been getting my protein.” he joked, flexing his biceps to the crew. The tension seemed to ease and a few smiles broke on their faces.

  “Ilya, could you take my stuff up to my room please?” asked Duke, handing both his and Ilya's bags to her. She gave him a hurt look but understood he wanted to talk to Ajax without her present.

  Once Ilya was heading up the stairs Duke, Greg and Lev sat around the table in front of Ajax, their expressions telling him half the story already.

  “So, who wants to break the news to me?” he asked. “You all look like you are ready to walk into the Outerlands without a second thought.”

  Duke was the first to break the silence. “She's right, six weeks and we did not find a single fucking ounce of ore out there. We burnt through everything, even the reserve fuel in our search. The business is done; I'm going to have to sell the ship. I have no way to pay for more resources; all I can do is try to recoup some of the losses.” Duke rubbed his temples and took several calming breaths. “We've never had a haul this bad. I haven't had the heart to tell Ilya just how severe it is, she doesn't seem to know the damage caused; don't say anything to her just yet, when the time is right I'll explain everything to her. The poor girl has suffered enough trauma without losing this job.”

  Ajax didn't know how to react to this sudden news. In the space of a few minutes the joy of seeing his friends again had been washed away by their unbelievable misfortune.

  “I suppose this tops my news considerably,” said Ajax, trying to keep his voice from straining, “I might have my last fight tonight, if I win that will be all of your debt paid off, every last credit.”

  Duke was speechless, he did not know what to say. He had spent the last two weeks miserable in the knowledge that they were going home empty handed, it had been a long time since he even thought about his debt to Rine. This was the first piece of positive news he had heard for far too long.

  “That is really great, Ajax, wonderful even. I'm sorry that I can't look happier, you have to understand what we've all been through. How have you managed to raise that much money in such a short time?”

  “All I have done is work non-stop. It hasn't been easy at times, I won't lie by saying people haven't been hurt in the process. That job for Steiner was just the beginning, he offered me a lot of credits to work for him full time and I've had a near undefeated run in the underground fights. It's been a big struggle for Aiko to find fighters to take me on, I have beaten some of the toughest men the sector has to offer.”

  Ilya poked her head around the staircase as she returned from her errand. Ajax nodded towards her, the captain turned in his chair and waved her over. She took the vacant seat nearest Ajax in silence, reading the group's serious tone.

  Sarah walked over to their table, she cleared away the empty plate and glass in front of Ajax and balanced them on a small pile she had collected from other customers. She gave the group a quick grin and turned away, Ajax called her back before she could take two steps.

  “Could you get us some drinks please, Sarah, they have only just made planet and I think everyone is a little parched. Some beer is definitely needed.” said Ajax.

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” she said, flashing him a brilliant smile. Ilya watched as his stern expression soften at her smile and felt a pang of jealousy hit her hard.

  Once Sarah had returned with five tankards brimmed with beer the crew finally relaxed, enjoying their first taste of alcohol in a long time. Ajax imagined he saw a tear of happiness well up in Lev's eye, he knew the man could be quite soft at time.

  “You should all come tonight, it should be a real spectacle.” said Ajax.

  “Come to what?” asked Ilya.

  “Oh, I forgot that I had not told you. Tonight could be my last underground fight, if I win then the whole debt is paid off and I am free. I was telling the guys I have been very busy since you left, all work and no play as the saying goes.”

  “What saying? I haven't heard of that one.” said Greg, talking for the first time since they arrived.

  “Perhaps I heard it wrong,” said Ajax, brushing off his question, “but I am not taking no for an answer.”

  The crew looked at each other, trying to suss out if anyone objected. “Fine, we'll come to see you get the shit kicked out of you and will help pick up the pieces afterwards.” joked the captain. He enjoyed Aja
x's rich laughter and chuckled as the man cursed him. “Right now all I have on my mind is sleep, so I am going to leave you to your day, Ajax. I'll see you later?”

  Almost immediately the two other male crew members began to grumble about their need for sleep, they bid their farewells to Ajax, Duke and Ilya. Greg and Lev hoisted their bags and headed off upstairs, instead of outside. Before a confused Ajax could ask Ilya began to speak.

  “They decided to move into the Haven the day we left for the Illicit Jane. I might have punished one of the children that was targeting their apartment and it resulted in them moving here.”

  “What exactly do you mean by punished?” asked Ajax.

  “He was trying to ignite a bag of shit on their doorstep, so I shoved his face in it. He ran off and returned with his father, who got a lesson in child rearing by me.”

  “Why does that story not surprise me in the least?” pondered Ajax aloud, smiling as Ilya began to sulk.

  “Shut up, I'm sure the tale behind that scar is one that won't shock any of us. Probably trying to act all macho to impress someone and tripped over your own feet.” she said, a dazzlingly toothy grin replacing her frown.

  His expression quickly darkened and Ilya feared that she had crossed the line with her comment, she instantly regretted it. He did not scold Ilya about her mistake, so she relaxed a little and took his frosty look as her cue to head for bed. Ilya gave Ajax a brief hug and left, the captain stayed behind for a moment.

  “Don't sell your ship, Duke,” said Ajax, “give me time and I will find a way to get some money. Rine has been looking for someone to do a big job for him, if it's still available I might be able to get you the credits you need.”

  “You have done so much for me, for all of us, I can't ask any more of you. I feared for your life each day we were out there, I don’t want your death on my hands because of my own mistakes; now that we are back I’d be happy if you never left your room again. Do not go talking to Rine before I see you tonight, promise me that. I am more than that ship, I can find a way to survive without it.” said the captain.

  Ajax stared at the man in silence, focusing on Duke's eyes. He might have only had a short time to get to know the captain, or any of the crew members, but Ajax felt he knew when the man was lying. He had captained the Illicit Jane for decades; it was more than just his job.

  Duke's chair scraped against the wooden floor and he left Ajax in silence. He headed upstairs, leaving Ajax alone once more.

  Ajax was still sat at the same table, nursing his third beer, its effect slowly starting to kick in. He felt his tablet vibrate in a pocket, which sparked a frantic search through his pocket strewn trousers for the offending item.

  By the time he had managed to locate the wretched thing it had ceased vibrating, a missed call from Aiko displayed on its screen. She had already managed to type up a message instead:

  Are you available? We need to meet, I'm heading to the Inn now - Aiko

  Aiko was nothing if not blunt and to the point. He typed up a reply, telling her that he would be outside by the time she arrived. Ajax stowed the device back into its pocket and downed the last of his drink. He picked up his jacket and headed for the taverns door, passing a mute Maria as he pulled the jacket across his shoulders. He pushed the door open and shivered as the wind hit him.

  The sun was doing nothing to keep off the worst of the chill, Ajax zipped his jacket all the way up and tried to fit into an alcove next to the door. He cursed Aiko for every second he was freezing outside and regretted that he had not opted for a jacket that was fur lined. He made a mental note to invest in a hat once whatever Aiko wanted from him had been dealt with.

  Ajax let his concentration wander, watching the small passing crowds make their hurried passage through the expansive courtyard. He was reminded of when he first arrived in the city, remembering that not so long ago these same people would be moving at a snail’s pace, or sprawled out enjoying the sunshine. How times change, he thought.

  A hover pulled into the courtyard, slowing down as it parked parallel with the Haven; Ajax knew this had to be Aiko, none of its usual customers had that kind of money spare. He left the sanctuary of his leeway, jogging with both hands in his pockets towards the taxi. Aiko was the only passenger when he clambered inside, that same long coat she had worn when he met her was more like a permanent extra layer of skin. The door closed behind him and the hover set off, Aiko did not need to tell the driver where to go.

  “What's so important that you of all people are awake this early, Aiko?” asked Ajax, blowing on his finger tips to try and get some heat in them. He had yet to ride in a taxi that had effective heaters.

  “It's Rine, he called me half an hour ago to talk about this job, asking me if I knew anyone suitable for the task. Your name popped up and he called a meeting; before you ask, it's not optional.”

  “You can't just drag me away from warmth and beer and not tell me any more than it is about a job for Rine. I take it that this is the job he has been struggling to fill the vacancy for? We had a deal, one last fight and the entire debt is paid off, why should I even be interested in another job?” he asked.

  “Ajax, if you win this fight you are free of the debt and can go off to do anything you want. I'm not going to stop you, but have you actually thought about what that means? Go get an honest job, working with that mining crew and bringing in a couple thousand credits a month? You earn real money working for Steiner, even the allowance I give you from your fights is more than you would earn for a whole months hard labour. Why give it all in? This field of work is what you enjoy.

  “Rine told me how much the job was for, and if he is willing to pay me fifty thousand as a finder’s fee then you should know this isn't some babysitting service for Steiner, or robbing that refinery like last week.” Ajax let out a quiet whistle, such a handsome finder’s fee had to come with some serious reimbursement; and an awful lot of risk. “At least hear the man out, if his offer doesn't appeal to you then he will understand if you don't accept; he isn't entirely unreasonable, I promise.” she said.

  “Fine, but only since you asked me so nicely. I would be lying if I said you had not piqued my interest.” Aiko flashed him a brief smile that didn't extend to her eyes and sat back in her seat, quickly engrossed in her tablet.

  They spent the rest of the journey sat in silence, Ajax stared out the hovers windows with boredom plastered across his face. This sector had no interests left for him, he had seen it all. Fifty thousand credits was a handsome sum on its own, but as a finder’s fee Ajax couldn’t help but speculate on the jobs reward.

  The taxi finally slowed to a halt outside of a nondescript building, Ajax struggled momentarily before recognising it as the same slaughterhouse he and Duke had been brought to all that time ago. He was thankful this meeting would be less life threatening for him, though there was no guarantee that the job would be a cakewalk.

  No one stood outside to greet them this time, Aiko lead him around the back and through the open building. Inside there were people hard at work with enough sharp tools to make Ajax's skin itch. The stench of disinfectant was still overpowering, he was surprised that even as he saw bodies hanging from steel hooks and blood being washed away he could not smell death in the air.

  They passed a hanging conveyor of animals, by this stage they were spliced from throat to groin and mostly unrecognisable. Ajax imagined he saw Aiko flinch as one of the carcasses began to twitch, its muscles spasming even after death. It took longer this time to make their way to the staircase leading upstairs, they had to stop every few yards as another worker passed with a yet another sharp implement.

  Aiko showed a lot of enthusiasm to be away from the slaughterhouse floor, practically bounding up the steps to escape the smell and sights below. Their footsteps clanged on the metal, the noises bouncing around the tall, wide building and causing those below to stare up at them. When they reached the office only one man stood guard, looking like one big muscle with
a face and hair attached as an afterthought. He recognised Aiko and stepped aside, knocking first on the door and then opening it for them.

  The office had not changed much since his last visit, the same desk and chairs took up the majority of floor space. Rine was wearing yet another impressive suit, tailored expertly to fit his medium build. On the furthest wall behind Rine were several diagrams, heavily annotated and looking very complex to Ajax. It would not surprise him to find out Rine practically lived here, judging by the dark stubble on the man's cheeks and the purple below his eyes it was at least a possibility.

  “I'm glad you chose to meet me, Ajax, it has been a long time. Please, will both of you have a seat,” said Rine, motioning to the many chairs around his table. Ajax and Aiko sat at the two nearest the door, watching Rine take one opposite them. “I've been told you have proved to be a remarkable fighter, Aiko's reports are always glowing. She insists I must come along tonight in case this is indeed your last fight, otherwise I would have missed you in action.”

  Ajax could read between the lines and knew it was in his best interests to act on the hint. “It would be an honour if you were able to make it tonight, since it is hopefully my last fight I would like you to enjoy it with me.”

  “We shall see, I will have to check my schedule first. You know I did not invite you here to exchange pleasantries, and I want to clear the air first in case you have the wrong impression about me.

  “I am a man of my word, should you win tonight then that will be sufficient to pay off the paltry remainder of debt owed. You will be free to go about your life as you please, without having to fear I will send men after you or Duke one day. But I need a man for a very important job, one that has a fittingly large reward for its equally large risk; you were the only person recommended to me by Aiko.”


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