Capturing Charlie

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Capturing Charlie Page 5

by Dale Cadeau

  “I’m a twin,” he blurted out.

  Charlie sat up. “Really? That’s so cool. I always dreamt of being a twin, when I was a kid. I would fight with my sisters and always thought it would be great to have someone that thought like me and would be on my side.”

  “Well, it’s not that great, when people mix you up all the time.”

  “No, that wouldn’t be cool. But your parents must have been able to tell you apart.”

  “My family…” Grant sat up before continuing.

  “My mother was out of it most of the time. My father didn’t care who he was giving shit to, as long as he was yelling or hitting one of us. He was fine with calling us by any name he could spew out of his mouth.”

  “Oh, that’s terrible,” Charlie said, sitting up beside him and putting a hand on his.

  “But at least you had a brother you could count on. You weren’t alone.”

  “You would think so, wouldn’t you? But Gary and I are like night and day. He was always a rebel, into anything he could get into. I was the one that studied and loved everything in technology. We didn’t understand each other. Our parents made it worse by not really caring what we did. Gary got into trouble in school and in our neighborhood. My parents, instead of defending us or trying to understand what was going on, couldn’t even tell which twin was in trouble, so that led to a lot of punishment that I took for Gary. I really don’t like to talk about that time in my life.”

  “How did you become a computer expert?”

  “That happened when I joined the army. I couldn’t wait to leave the house. We didn’t have much money. Dad couldn’t keep a job long enough. I worked a little through school, but not enough to get me into any colleges. My brother, on the other hand, was rolling in it with his drug trade.”

  “Your brother’s a drug pusher?”

  “Not now, I don’t think so anyway. He spent ten years in jail and I lost touch when he got out. Anyway, I joined the army and when they saw my interest and how I could pick up thing easily, they trained me. I ended up on surveillance in James’s team when they went in on a mission that needed my expertise. After that James always asked for me, so I was assigned to his unit. It was the best thing that happened to me.”

  “I heard that your unit was discharged from the army. Chase didn’t go into detail when I asked, just told me that it was bullshit and not one of you guys did anything wrong.” Charlie didn’t want to upset him, but this was her chance to know the man that she had become too attached to.

  “Yeah, it was bullshit. I could use a stronger word, but I really don’t want to get into it. I’ll just say that Chase was right and now the army knows it, too. Laura, Clay’s wife, got us a break, not that it can help us now, but the stain on our careers are now wiped clean. It’s something anyway.”

  “It sounds like James and you guys are really thick.”

  “Yeah, we’ve all become like brothers. James nor any of the guys will stop until they find us.”

  “Let’s just hope that they have enough time to.”

  “Yeah, let’s hope.” Grant gathered Charlie close to his side and kissed her forehead. He was sure that the guys would be on the lookout for them by now. He just hated that he had no way to help them.

  Chapter Eight

  Gabe and Tony arrived back at the penthouse just in time to see Clay laughing and ending a call on his cell.

  “I hope that’s good news?” Gabe asked Clay as he took a seat at the kitchen table beside Chase.

  Clay laughed again. “No, that has nothing to do with Grant or Charlie. That was Angel on the phone. I’ve never heard the big guy so nervous.”

  “Did they have the baby yet?” Tony said, pouring a coffee from the carafe on the table.

  “No, not yet. Angel was just telling me that James is a nervous wreck, but I think he’s just as bad. Anyway, he asked us to go to the airport and pick up his grandmother. Somehow she knew that Cyn and Avery were in the hospital, ready to have their babies. She also told Angel to tell me that she could help us. He didn’t know anything else.” Clay sat down at the table.

  “Is Angel’s grandmother a “sensitive” like him?”

  “I think she’s better at it than Angel. Let’s hope that she can help us. I’m ready to try anything now.”

  Just then the house phone rang and all of the guys stared at it for a moment.

  Clay got up. “Well, this is it, guys.” Clay walked over to the phone and picked it up.

  “Braden Security, James Braden speaking,” Clay said into the phone as he touched a button and put the call on speakerphone so everyone could hear.

  “Listen carefully, Braden.” A distorted mechanical voice came over the line. Next they heard a click and then Grant’s voice.

  “James, this is Chase. As you now probably know, I have gotten into a fix again. I need you to listen to these guys and do what they say. Both Charlie’s and my life depends on it. The accommodations aren’t that great either. The cabin is rustic and the view is nothing but trees.”

  Next they heard a thud like something was hit and another click and the distorted voice came back on.

  “That was your brother. We also have his second in command. If you want to see or hear from them again, you will do the following. Two million in unmarked bills. Carlos released from jail and given transportation to Columbia.”

  “That’s a tall order. It will take some time to arrange,” Clay told the voice.

  “The money you have a week, at that time you will tell us your plan to get Carlos out. You will then have another week to make the arrangements and deliver Carlos to Columbia. We will call every day at noon for an update. We are watching, so no cops or FBI.” The phone went dead.

  Clay clicked the speaker off and set the receiver down. Taking a hand, he drew it through his hair in frustration as he looked at the guys.

  “Well, there we have it. At least they didn’t question that it wasn’t James on the phone.” Clay sat down and looked at his half-full coffee cup. “God, I could use a drink instead of this,” he said as he picked up the cup and took a sip.

  “Maybe I’m slow, but why would they take me and Charlie?” Chase asked Clay.

  “Think about it, Chase. You’re James’s brother. He would move heaven and hell to find you. Also, your investment firm would have no problem finding two million without suspicion. You trade in that amount every day.”

  “Shit, when I said I wanted in on your capers, I didn’t mean this. We have to bring James in on this.”

  “No, that’s the one thing we aren’t going to do,” Clay said in a stern voice.

  “James has always been there for us. Let’s do this one for him and allow him and Avery to have this moment together.”

  “I agree,” Gabe said. “Until it becomes necessary, I vote that we leave James and Angel to enjoy this time with their wives. I think if we put our heads together that we can skirt the issue with James and get a bead on where Grant and Charlie are being held.”

  “So what’s our first move?” Tony asked from the table as he looked at the computer screen.

  “The tracer we put on the penthouse phone didn’t help. It traces back to a burner phone.”

  “Just what we all expected. These guys are not leaving anything to chance. No, this is going to take more than a trace on a phone. We might as well carry on. The first thing we have to do is go and pick up Angel’s grandmother. Chase is going to have to work on getting the money together. Why don’t we gather in the office in, say, an hour. I want to talk to Brad see if he has any insight. He is the closest to Grant and might have a clue as to what was going on between Charlie and him.”

  “Isn’t Brad with Raven down at some clinic having some tests run?” Chase asked.

  “Yes, I hate to bother him, but he would be pissed if we left him out of what is going on. Grant and Brad have been even closer since we all hooked up with our ladies.” Clay stood up and started making a new pot of coffee.

  “Get g
oing and pick up Grandma. Then we can concentrate just on finding the bastards that grabbed the two of them.”

  Gabe and Tony rose and left the penthouse. Clay turned back to Chase, running a hand thought his now messy hair.

  “We’re in a hell of a mess, with three men out and babies on the way.”

  Chase pulled out his cell phone. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think we were in a bad movie. I’m going to call Jackson, get him to start the ball rolling in cashing in some stock. I want to have everything ready in case we get to the point of having to pay the ransom. Jackson will keep everything under wraps and right now I’m scared to trust anyone.”

  “I know how you feel.” Clay poured them both coffee and they dialed and talked to their contacts.

  One hour later found both Chase and Clay sitting at the conference table pouring over maps of Detroit and the surrounding area when Gabe and Tony walked in with Angel’s grandmother following behind.

  “Hi, Grandma,” Clay said, getting up and walking up to her and giving her a hug. “I thought you would want to go straight to the hospital to be with Angel and Cyn.”

  Angel’s grandmother returned his hug and walked to one of the chairs and pulled it out and sat down. “Angel is in good hands and there is no rush. Both of them have a long night ahead of them. No, I am needed here more.”

  Making herself comfortable, she turned to the men now sitting around the table with her.

  “Okay, tell me what you know and I will tell you what I think.”

  Chapter Nine

  Grant was awake all the next night, just holding Charlie and trying to think of ways to get away from their abductors. Nothing came to mind that wouldn’t endanger Charlie. Just holding her and listening to her breath made Grant think of things he hadn’t thought of for a while.

  In the army he had always been envious of all the guy’s tales of wives at home just waiting for them to come back from a mission. All the team at that time had been single, but he had always craved a family and home life that the others spoke of.

  With Charlie he had an instant attraction. She was a beautiful woman, but it was more than that. Something about her just called to him, like a siren. He wrote it off as just lust on his part, but as he got to know her over the months, he had to admit to himself it was more. He wanted this woman in his life and in his bed. Even children had come to his mind.

  The waiting had been hard, with Chase gone so long and counting on him to help run his investment company. He couldn’t take the chance and have Charlie spurn his advances and maybe leave the company. So he had waited and taken himself in hand most nights. It took the edge off, but blistered hands were no substitute for a warm, willing woman.

  Yesterday when she had finally made a move, asking him out to dinner, he was riding a high. He had even worn his new contact lenses to dinner so he might appeal to her as more than just a nerd that knew his way around a computer. They had had a wonderful dinner and it had just whetted his appetite for more of her. He knew he should have been paying more attention to his surroundings when they left the restaurant. Basic training he had learned in the army, and after some close calls, he learned to heed it. His whole attention had been centered on Charlie, nothing else, and now they were in this mess.

  James was sure to read the riot act to him when he next saw him. He hope that would be soon. One day was enough for him. They hadn’t been bothered by their abductors except when they brought supper to them. The waiting was the worst, and trying to keep Charlie from worrying.

  Grant came back to his surroundings as he felt a warm breast rub against his side. If he wasn’t mistaken, Charlie must be dreaming of something really good. Her nipple seemed to be hard as a rock as she rubbed the tip back and forth against him. Grant tried to be a gentleman and ignore her movements. After all, everyone had a lust-filled dream now and then. He just hoped that he was the star of her dreams, and not some other man. The thought of Charlie dreaming of someone else made him tense up with jealousy.

  When Charlie moaned and reached a hand across his chest, he wished it was bare so he could feel her small hand. The feeling of her small hand petting him was exquisite, even through his shirt, and suddenly all bets were off. He couldn’t take any more. Gathering a startled Charlie to him, he made sure that he felt the hard nipple against him again as his arms tightened around her.

  Charlie opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She looked so dazed that Grant couldn’t resist and he leaned his head down and took her lips. He got no response for a minute, then Charlie reached her hand out and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him down even snugger to her, deepening their kiss even more. Grant could feel his body responding to her so fast that he thought his cock would break through his zipper. Finally Grant raised his head, gasping for a much-needed breath, and looked deeply into Charlie’s eyes.

  Charlie came awake from the most wonderful dream. In her dreams it was a lazy Sunday morning and Grant had been in bed beside her. Their lovemaking had been off the charts the night before, just as she knew it would be. Maybe she was greedy now she had a taste, but she wanted more. She had snuggled over closer to him in the bed and started petting his muscular chest. He was everything that she had thought she wanted and more. He had a body that she had drooled over for months and they spoke the same language. What else could she want?

  Realizing the kiss wasn’t part of the dream but real, Charlie reached out and grabbed Grant’s neck and deepened the kiss even more. She wanted a real taste of him. His taste exploded over her senses, he tasted of man, lust, and something that was just Grant. As Grant pulled back from the kiss, she had a hard time letting him go, but she knew she needed to step back and get herself under control.

  Now was not the time to indulge herself, when their very lives were on the line. Looking up into Grant’s lust-filled eyes didn’t help, she knew now if she pushed things he would give in. Taking one of her hands from around his neck, she gently cupped his cheek.

  “We have to stop.”

  “I know, Charlie, I know. But if we were anyplace else, there is no way that I would allow you to escape.” Grant pulled from her arms and sat up on the side of the bed and ran a weary hand though his hair. God, he needed his ass kicked for letting her go to his head. That was for later. Now he had to keep her safe, and making love in the middle of a kidnapping was not the way to do that. They could be disturbed at any time, and he didn’t share.

  He also didn’t want to give his kidnappers any ideas. They had been good to them so far, leaving them alone and bringing food and drink, he didn’t want to rock the boat. A noise at the door announced they were coming in. Hastily, he grabbed the blanket and covered Charlie up. She look mussed from her sleep and enough to tempt any man. Standing up, he watched the door open. Like every other time, one man carried a gun and the other a tray. The one man pushed their used tray to the side and laid the new one on the table.

  As he turned to leave, Grant couldn’t resist asking him for an update. Before the guy holding the tray could answer, the other guy at the door that always wore a sneer answered.

  “We have made contact with your brother, and if he and his group follow our order, you don’t have to worry. If not, well, you’re a smart man, figure it out.” The guy holding the gun motioned to the other and they both left, locking the door behind them.

  “Well that didn’t tell us anything.” Charlie pushed the blanket back and swung her feet off the bed and sat up, putting her head in her hands. “I don’t know how much of this I can take. I’m not part of your unit. I haven’t trained for this sort of thing.” Tears started to flow down between her clasped hands as she sobbed.

  Grant felt like a heel asking the guy questions. It brought back all the bad what-ifs to mind. He hated doing that to Charlie. She had been in such a wonderful place just a few minutes ago. He wanted her back that way, not worrying about the dangers they were in. He wanted to protect her from all of life’s worries. Sitting down beside her, he gathere
d her back in his arms as they had been before the interruption.

  “Charlie, don’t you remember what I told you about James and my unit? We won’t be here long enough to even come close to have to start worrying about anything happening to us. Why I bet right now that they have a bead on us and are just working out plans to get us out safely.”

  “Do you really think that, or are you just trying to cheer me up?” Charlie asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “No, I really believe that,” Grant told her, hugging her a bit more tightly and kissing the top of her head.

  Charlie pulled out of his arms. “Sorry about that. I’m such a wimp some times.”

  Grant let her leave his arms, but took a hand and rubbed it up and down her back, trying to sooth her. He couldn’t seem to stop touching her. “I don’t think that you’re a wimp at all. I think you’re a brave lady. This is just something that is out of the norm. It would rattle anyone.”

  “It doesn’t seem to rattle you,” Charlie told him.

  “So my brave act is working,” Grant told her with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Charlie laughed at his innocent look. “You’re the last person that would have to put on an act. I know from the little bit Chase has told me about your group that you are all highly trained men. So don’t give me that ‘I’m afraid also.’ You probably have been hatching a plan since we got here.”

  “I love your confidence in me. But to tell you the truth, there’s not much I can do right now without putting you in danger.” Grant sobered his expression as he told her.

  Charlie stood up and began to pace in the small room. “I don’t want to be the one holding you back. If you have a chance to get out of here, you have to take it.”

  Grant rose off the bed and went to her side, wrapping his arms around her and making her stop pacing. “I could never put you in danger that way. You mean too much to me. No, I think the best way for us is to do nothing until the guys comes. And they will. I’m sure of that.”


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