Capturing Charlie

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Capturing Charlie Page 10

by Dale Cadeau

  Slamming the door of the bathroom, she looked for the lock and found none. With the tears blurring her vision, she sunk to her knees in front of the door. Putting a hand over her mouth in despair, Charlie sobbed the words over and over in her head. It hurt it hurts so much.

  Charlie knew that Grant’s tender lovemaking had sealed it for her, he was the one—that jerk. Pulling herself up, she gave a disgusted little laugh and wiped the tears from her face.

  So much for all the planning and worry. Sure, he had made love to her. Not many guys would turn down a naked, willing woman. Dropping the towel on the top of the toilet seat, she turned the water on in the shower and stepped in.

  Shit, Shit. Grant berated himself as he put his head down, looking at the floor, and ran a hand through his hair. He’d really fucked that up nicely.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Clay turned his back, giving them the finger as he started back to the bedroom. Before he got halfway down, his cell phone rang. Taking it out of his back pocket, Clay opened it.

  “Clay here.” He had answered the call without looking at who was calling. Guess he was more tired than he thought.

  The other side was silent long enough, that Clay said again,

  “Clay here.”

  “Clay, you’ll never guess what I’m looking at.” An excited Angel’s voice came over the other end.

  “Well, I don’t know, Angel. Let me guess.”

  “Fuck off, Clay,” Angel said, then Clay could hear Grandma’s voice in the background about not swearing.

  “Sorry, Clay, I forgot that now I have a son, I can’t swear anymore,” Angel said with laugher in his voice.

  “A son, you say!”

  “Shit, Clay, you should see him. He’s perfect. But so small I’m scared to touch him.”

  “Well, Daddy, I’m sure that will come in time. Congratulations. How is Cyn doing?”

  “She fell asleep. Can you believe that? How can she sleep at a time like this?”

  “Angel, she did a lot of work to bring your son into the world. I think she deserves her sleep.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but God, Clay, you should see him,” Angel gushed.

  “I can’t wait. Is James still around?”

  “Sure, he’s here with me. He has a little girl. She’s beautiful. She looks just like Avery, thank heaven.”

  “And who does your son take after?” Clay asked with a little laugh.

  “Well don’t tell Cyn, but he has my manly looks and I can see he is going to have my physique also,” Angel said like a proud father.

  “You can tell that already, can you?” Clay asked in disbelief.

  “Sure, Clay. He’s going to be a man’s man. I just know.”

  “That’s great, Angel. Let me go back to the kitchen and you can tell the others your great news.” Clay walked back into the kitchen and put his cell in the middle of the table on speakerphone.

  Chase and Tony listened to a proud Angel gush about his new son. Gabe walked in just in time to hear the good news.

  All congratulated Angel, who they could tell was over the moon in his joy.

  After all the congratulations had died down, Angel became serious.

  “Have you made any headway in finding Grant? I feel awful that I can’t help. But Grandma filled me in and said everything was going okay.”

  “Well, we have made some headway, not enough in my opinion, but we’re getting closer. I just wished that I was as confident as your Grandma,” Clay told him.

  “I know it must be hard for you all to take her word. But I’ve never known Grandma to be wrong. You’re just going to have to take it on faith.” Angel tried to reassure Clay. “In fact, she’s beside me and wants to speak to you all.”

  The next voice that came over the phone was Grandma’s.

  “My grandson is right. You can’t rush two people falling in love. Keeping looking for them, but it will all fall into place in a couple of days.”

  James came on the phone next. He must have come to visit Cyn’s hospital to meet the second new member of the team. “I believe Grandma, but give me an update anyway.”

  “We found the van that took them, and have been able to trace its movement along the highway and now on a side road. We’re just watching all the bank cameras in the small towns along the route,” Tony spoke up.

  “That’s good, I should be with you by tomorrow to help. They are letting Avery and the baby out in the morning.”

  “Where are you going to take them, James? Clay asked him

  “To the penthouse of course.”

  “Do you really think that is a good idea, with all that is going on? We have to stay here for the phone.”

  “Shit, you’re right, Clay. Wasn’t thinking,” James said wearily. “I know she’ll hate it, but I’ll talk Avery into going back to my parents’ home.”

  “Mom will love it,” Chase added.

  “Yeah, she will, Chase, her first grandchild. Avery will be the one that I will have to sell the idea to.”

  “Wish you luck.” Chase laughed

  “Okay, guys, got to go and get Angel off the celling. On a more serious note, keep up the good work. I’ll see you tomorrow. Try and not wreck the penthouse.” James ended the call.

  “Well, there’s some happy men. Do you think that they’ll be able to concentrate on the job when they join us?” Gabe asked.

  “I hope by then that we won’t need them. Let’s get back to the bank feeds and see if we can pinpoint where they are.”

  Gabe walked to the counter and put the bag he was carrying on it. “Here’s some sandwiches I picked up. Let’s have one before the phone rings again.” Gabe handed out the food and all the guys gathered around the table.

  “Shouldn’t Brad be done at that clinic now?” Chase said after he had taken a bite of his sub sandwich.

  “He should be back tomorrow also. He called me late last night and they got the all-clear for Raven, but he didn’t want to strike out so late. The whole gang should be together by late tomorrow or the day after,” Clay answered, also picking up his sandwich and taking a huge bite.

  “What was Angel’s grandma taking about, not rushing Grant and Charlie and love? Do you know anything about that? I saw Grant around here at the meetings and here and there, but I didn’t know he had a thing for Charlie,” Tony asked with sandwich in one hand and the other scrolling through the camera feed.

  “You could have fooled me, too. Grant is so quiet and keeps mostly to himself, so I asked Brad. He and Brad have gotten closer since James, Angel, and I have hooked up.”

  “It’s always the quiet ones that you have to worry about,” Chase interjected.

  “Well we don’t have to worry about that from you. You are like a dog when you smell the scent of something you want and aren’t afraid to put it out there,” Clay answered back.

  “I’m not that bad, Clay,” Chase told him. “Anyway, we’re not talking about me. Tell us what Brad said.”

  “Brad said he had mentioned Charlie a lot in passing, but nothing in particular. The only thing that Brad noticed was the amount of times her name came up in conversation. Brad put it down to Grant working with her, but now he’s not so sure. We’ll just have to wait and see. And now that’s enough gossip,” Clay said, getting up and throwing his sandwich wrapper in the garbage.

  “It might be gossip, but I thought you guys always like to know everything about whoever you are rescuing. You never know. Grant might try something stupid if his head is all wrapped up in Charlie,” Chase said, going to the fridge and grabbing water for everyone. Handing the bottles out, Chase added, “He might be quiet, but when a lady is involved, it’s always better to be prepared for anything.”

  “Okay, okay, you made your point. It would be out of character for Grant to lose his head in the middle of a situation like this, but you never know. James went a little strange when he first met Avery and wouldn’t listen to anything we had to say.

  “This might make the res
cue even more dangerous to them and also us, if he does get something in his head to save his lady love,” Clay said, sitting back down and opening his water and taking a long gulp.

  “Pipe down, guys, I think I’ve got it,” Tony said, stopping his scrolling and pushing his chair back, his eyes still glued to the computer screen.

  Chapter Twenty

  Grant listened to the shower come on and pulled at his hair, then gave an ouch as he had accidentally pulled at the gash in his head. His head had gone through enough in the last few days for him not to compound the situation. Feeling the bump still prominent on his head, he winced as he touched a soft spot and pulled his hand away. Reaching for the aspirin, he shook a few out and chewed them down.

  What a fuckup. He knew he shouldn’t have started anything in their circumstances. Charlie was spooked enough. Now he had added to her upset with his words. Words that she had taken out of context, but still, he needed his head examined.

  Getting off the bed, he went to the chair and touched her clothes. Not all were dry yet, but her blouse and skirt weren’t too bad. Picking them up, he brought them into the bathroom and laid them on the toilet seat, over the towel she had dropped there. He knew that she would want some defense against him, and clothes always helped. Leaving them there, he couldn’t resist looking at the shower longingly. If he hadn’t been such an ass, he would probably be sharing it with her right now. Knowing he had to give her her space right now, he left the bathroom and closed the door.

  “Wild night you had.”

  Grant looked up and standing in the other doorway was the first guy. He was wearing his ski mask and holding his gun, but Grant could see the grin on his face.

  “Shit, that was private,” Grant said, gritting his teeth. He knew he shouldn’t be antagonizing the guy more, but god, some things were private.

  “How can it be private when the cabin is so small? We can hear most noises through the wall.”

  “Well don’t be a prick and bring it up to Charlie.”

  “I didn’t know you and your VP had a thing for each other. The boss sure didn’t put it in his notes.”

  “Who is your boss, anyway?”

  “Now, I can’t tell you that, but you’ll know when this is over. You can’t fuck a guy over and think you can get away with it.”

  “I didn’t fuck anyone over, to use your words.” Grant scowled.

  “No, you probably didn’t, but your brother and his group sure did.”

  “My brother and the guys never did either. They help people.”

  “Sure, they help people, all the while they’re helping themselves. They have quite a racket running. Carrying on business they started in the field.”

  “You don’t know shit. Where’s our breakfast?”

  “It’s coming. You should be grateful that we feed you. But the boss told us to look after you. He told us you were some golden boy that could be used to make things right, but you’re not our main target.”

  “Why are you telling me all this? It doesn’t help knowing we are just bait.”

  “Well it might put your mind at rest. We’re not really after you. That doesn’t mean I won’t shoot if you do something stupid.”

  “Well, thanks, I think,” Grant said sarcastically.

  The guy left, closing the door and locking it.

  Grant had become aware of Charlie standing at the open door of the bathroom.

  “You heard?”

  “Yes, I did, but like you, I don’t like being used as bait. So they are luring James and the rest of the guys into a trap if they find us.”

  “Looks like it. This might complicate things,” Grant said as he took the hard chair near the table.

  “I have to think of some way to make sure that we’re ready. We have to start being more vigilant with our surroundings. I can’t let my guard down again.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry about me distracting you anymore. I got the message, loud and clear.” Charlie sat on the bed and took a comb she had found in the bathroom and started running it though her hair.

  “Shit, Charlie, that’s not what I meant earlier.” Grant got up from the chair and moved and sat on the bed beside Charlie.

  Charlie just turned her head away from him and moved over enough that their bodies weren’t touching.

  “Maybe not, but that’s what I heard. We shouldn’t be talking about this now, as you said. We should be concentrating on a plan to help your team when they get here.”

  “You’re right, but I have to say this first and hope you hear my words right this time,” Grant said, putting a knee up on the bed and turning his body fully Charlie’s way.

  “I just don’t think either of us are up to any more surprises. We didn’t even get to finish our first date. We need time to get to know each other better. But I want you to know that I would be there for you, if anything happened,” Grant said, reaching a hand out to touch her shoulder.

  Charlie brushed his hand away with the comb, telling him in a cold voice, “I’m glad to know that, you’re right, we didn’t get to finish our date. But I thought with all the months we worked together that we had come to understand each other pretty well. I’ll admit that you did change some in my opinion when we were first dropped here. I thought you had feelings for me. I guess I was mistaken and took advantage of the situation.”

  “You didn’t take advantage, and I did and do have feelings for you.”

  “Grant.” Charlie turned toward him. “Let’s agree to disagree. This is not the time or place to be having this discussion. Why don’t we shelf it until we are both back home. Maybe the kidnapping did something to our way of thinking. So let’s just put it off before we say something that we can’t take back. I’m sure our heads will be clearer when we’re free.”

  The door opened, and like before, one came in with a tray and the other stood at the door watching over them. The guy laid the tray on the table then turned and gestured toward Grant.

  “Time for our call. This should be our last one.”

  “I thought we had more time,” Charlie asked, her voice almost breaking.

  “Yeah, well, things change. The boss wants this done.”

  Grant walked over and took the chair at the table. “What do you want me to say today?”

  The guy put a hand in his jeans and brought out a note. “This is what you are to tell them. Make sure that they know how serious we are and not to fool around, or take anything for granted.”

  Grant picked up the phone and dialed James’s penthouse.

  The phone was picked up on the second ring and Grant was so surprised to hear James’s voice that he hesitated.

  The guy at the door turned his gun from Charlie to him. “Speak up.”

  “Chase, is this you? Are you okay? How is Charlie?” James asked on the other end.

  “Yes, it’s me, Chase,” Grant said hurriedly as the second guy moved nearer. “Charlie’s okay but cold.”

  The second guy had come more into the room and now had the gun inches from Grant’s head. “Read the note,” he told Grant in a gruff, menacing voice.

  “James, listen, I have a note here to read to you.”

  Grant could hear James take a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll listen. Go on.”

  “The money is to be delivered to Belle Isle Park just outside of the city. The money must be in small bills and not marked or booby-trapped in any way. You are to drop the money in a paper bag at the left gate. There will be a green knapsack under the bench nearest to the gate. This has to be done by six a.m. tomorrow morning. More instruction will be in the knapsack.”

  “Shit, are they going to let you both go if we do this?”

  “No, listen James. It says they will release Charlie one hour after they have the money.”

  “What about you? We just can’t take the chance and give them the money and not have some guarantee.

  “If we give them the money, we want Charlie at the same time in exchange and a guarantee that you will be
okay,” James said in a determined voice.

  “James, I don’t think you have any choice but to go along with their plan.”

  Suddenly the phone was grabbed away from Grant and the guy put a metal gadget over the mouthpiece before he spoke into it.

  “Mr. Braden, your guarantee is that we won’t kill your brother. We still need your unit to get Carlos out of prison. You must have a plan in place by now.”

  “Yes, we do, but I still insist that Charlie be let go as soon as you have the money,” James said, not backing down.

  “You are not in a position to insist Mr. Braden. We will let Charlie go, but in our time frame, not yours. She will not be hurt if you follow our instructions. We will leave her off at a place that she can contact you after we let her go. That’s the deal, take it or leave it. But know that if you don’t, we will have one less person to look after until we get Carlos. It could be your brother or Charlie, but I don’t think you will refuse our offer.”

  “No, the money will be there and waiting. But I tell you now, if either of them are hurt, your days on this earth are numbered.”

  Before James could continue, the phone call ended.

  The guy hung up on James and unplugged the phone from the table and said to no one in particular, “I think that went well. Don’t you?” He walked to the other guy, who was now in the doorway with the gun pointed again at Charlie.

  “Let’s go,” he said to the other man.

  “Well, one of you has a few hours to hope that your brother follows through,” the guy with the gun added as he closed the door and locked it behind his partner.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  James slammed the phone down in frustration. Clay, who had been standing near him, grabbed his shoulder.

  “Don’t lose it, James. We can’t afford to now. We have this covered. You just got here, you should have let me take the call.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it was just a reflex when I picked it up.” Taking one hand, he wrapped it around the back of his neck and brought it through his hair, wiping at his face with a sigh.


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