High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel
Page 12
I walked over to the window to see Sean walking up to the front door, his face a stony mask. “It’s Sean,” I said, glancing at them both.
Logan leaned his elbows on the table, his gaze fixed on the door. Sean knocked and I opened it, smiling as innocently as I could. He looked past me and nodded once at Logan before focusing on Madison. “Glad to see you made it off the side of the road okay.”
Her brows furrowed and I glared at her, knowing full well she’d just given me away. When she realized what was going on, she stood and glanced down at her phone. “Yeah, me too.” She pushed in her chair and held up her phone. “I hate to run, but I have a date,” she said, waving at us all. When she got up to Sean, she hugged him. “It’s good to see you, Sean. We’ll catch up later.”
She hurried off, leaving me alone in the doorway. Sean nodded toward the porch. “Can we talk?” His gaze shifted to Logan, then back to me. “Alone.”
Clearing my throat, I peered at Logan over my shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
His jaw tensed, but he nodded. I shut the door behind me and walked down to Sean’s parked car. I didn’t know if I wanted Logan to hear whatever he was going to say, especially since I couldn’t tell if he was angry or not. The last thing I wanted was for them to get in a brawling match in my front yard.
“Why did you lie?” he asked. I could see his reflection in his car window.
I turned around and peered into his caramel colored eyes. “I didn’t know what else to do. You and Janie needed time alone. How else were you two going to get to know each other?” He stared at me for the longest time, his gaze searching mine. “Did everything go okay?” I asked nervously.
He lowered his head, lips pulling back in a smirk. “Actually, it went pretty well. We both kind of figured out what you were doing.”
“So you’re not mad?”
He shook his head and chuckled. “No. We had a good time. In fact, it was her idea to give you this.” Opening his car door, he pulled out a box and handed it to me. “She didn’t want you not to have your cake.”
It was a huge piece of my favorite chocolate cake. “See? I told you she was the best. Now do you see why I was friends with her in school?”
He nodded. “I do. We have plans to go out this Saturday. I thought maybe you and Logan could join us.”
“I wish we could, but we already have plans. Maybe we can do it one day next week?”
His arms snaked around me and I held him tight. “Are you sure this is what you want? I won’t ask again.”
“Yes,” I murmured, “this is what I want. You need to find happiness too.”
He let me go and stepped back. “Then that’s it. But I meant what I said, when I told him I’d kick his ass if he hurt you. He better not fuck up again.”
“He won’t, I promise. Besides, I can handle myself.”
“I know, Kass. The threat still stands though.” A small smile spread across his lips as he got into his car and left. The tension between us was gone; it was a good feeling.
I watched him turn onto the street and disappear down the road, before going back inside. I thought Logan would still be at the table, but he wasn’t there. “Logan?” I called. I searched everywhere for him and couldn’t find him, until I saw him through one of my windows, laying in the hammock and looking up at the night sky.
I walked out the door and climbed in beside him. The moon and stars were so bright, they almost lit up the whole sky. That was what I loved about living away from the big cities. You could see shooting stars and on some nights, the other planets.
Beside my hot tub on the other end of my deck stood my telescope; I pointed at it. “When I was in college, Levi and I used to stay out here all night sometimes to look at the stars.” The wind picked up, swaying us back and forth.
“Did you and Sean do the same thing?” he asked, his voice low.
I glanced over at him. “Why are you asking that? You know there’s nothing going on between us.”
He shrugged. “I know, but it doesn’t change the fact he was there when I should’ve been. I’ve missed so much of your life.”
I placed my hand on his cheek, gently turning him to face me. “I missed a lot of your life too. I hate knowing you’ve done things with other women.”
Holding his hand over mine, he leaned in close. “They were nothing compared to you.” His lips closed over mine and I opened myself up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I need you . . . need to taste you.” In a surprising move, he put his hands on my legs and pulled them to either side of his body. Yanking me upward, he scooted down, my knees soon straddling his head.
I held my dress up so I could look down at him. He was focused between my legs, as he gently pushed my underwear to the side and groaned. Gaze flickering to mine as he bit his lip, he lifted his head to my center and ran his tongue along my slit. I shuddered and dropped my dress over his face as I threw my head back. “Oh shit, Logan, what are you doing to me?”
Grabbing hold of my thighs, he pulled me down and fucked me with his tongue, his nose rubbing my clit with each thrust. Soon, I was riding his face, and squeezing his head between my thighs in complete rapture. Stomach quaking with my orgasm, I suddenly worried about suffocating the poor man. Sliding back onto his chest, I pulled my dress back up to find a smiling Logan, mouth pink from being used and abused.
“I need to be in you,” he said, reaching down to rub the bulge in his jeans.
I giggled. “We’ll break my hammock if we do this here.”
His deep chuckle made my body tighten. “Then let’s move somewhere else.”
Rolling off the hammock, I helped him out as well. We went over to the hot tub and Logan pulled the cover off. It was ready to go. I watched him take off his clothes, the muscles in his arms and abs clenching with the movement. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, especially the hardness he was slowly stroking between his legs. He approached me slowly, his eyes burning with heat. My heart raced and I stood there, anxiously waiting for him to touch me.
“It’s your turn now,” he murmured, his voice gruff with need.
He lifted my dress and lowered my underwear to the floor. I’d never been naked outside before and it felt amazing. The wind blew against my skin, making my nipples pucker. Logan licked his lips and pulled me to him, bending me back so he could suck them into his mouth.
“Ready to get in?” he asked, biting down on my breast.
I moaned and closed my eyes. “Yes.”
Picking me up in his arms, he set me in the hot tub. The water was hot against my skin, intensifying the heat between my legs. Logan climbed in and sat on the opposite end, his gaze raw with need. I hooked my arms around his neck and straddled his waist, teasing him by trapping his arousal between our bodies and sliding his length along my wet center.
Before I could say anything else, Logan’s arms gripped me tight around the waist and he kissed me, pushing his tongue deep inside my mouth.
His cock pulsed between us, and he began rocking into me with increasing pressure. I moaned into his mouth in response. I moved my hips against him to give him a taste of what it would feel like with me riding him. Logan groaned with need and bit my lower lip. His strong grip on my ass held me firmly in place while he thrust against me.
“Stop teasing me,” he growled.
I bit his lip back, sucking it between my teeth. “What is it that you want, Logan? Do you have to ask, or will you just take it?” I lifted my hips and allowed the tip of his cock to graze my opening. By the grip he had on me, I knew I was in for the ride of my life.
Slamming me down over his cock in one thrust, he stopped and held me there, maintaining eye contact. I loved being stretched to the point of pain, and seeing the passion in his eyes. His fingers dug into my hips and he squeezed, holding me still, as he began pounding into me with short, fast thrusts; his breaths coming out quick and shallow. His mouth came down on my breasts, which were teasing him by bouncing in his face.
p; The water sloshed around us, burning my skin, but it was nothing compared to the heat between my legs. I was so close to losing control …
“Oh fuck. I’m gonna come, baby,” he groaned, his teeth teasing my nipple. His arms wrapped around my body and he pulled me into him as he pushed his hips into mine. My insides tightened and I screamed out my release as his body spasmed and jerked. Milking him to completion, his body trembled beneath me and he rested his forehead to mine.
“I love you so fucking much,” he whispered.
Still connected, I looked into his eyes. “Just don’t forget it.”
“I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow. Feels like you just got here,” I said, frowning at Madison.
The weekend had finally come and I’d barely spent any time with her. Now we were at the nail salon with Angela, getting our pedicures, before she took her first trip through Deals Gap. The room had a strong acrylic smell and it made my head ache. I was past ready to get out of there.
Madison glanced over at me, mirroring my frown. It was strange seeing her without her makeup done and her blonde hair in a ponytail. The only times I ever saw her anymore were when she was dressed up for TV. She looked like our dad, but her mannerisms were so much like our mother.
“I know, sis. But you know how hectic my schedule is. I have all the baseball games to cover this summer and once fall comes, I’ll be busy with football. Besides, you’ve been preoccupied with Logan.” She winked and I rolled my eyes.
“And you’ve been busy with your mystery man.” Madison never liked introducing me to the men she dated because she always picked the bad boys, the ones who were scared of commitment. Her ex-boyfriend might’ve been a famous NHL star, but I wasn’t afraid to call him out. That was why she only brought him around the family once.
She averted her gaze, her smile disappearing. “Actually, he doesn’t know I’m leaving tomorrow.”
I gasped. “What? Why doesn’t he know?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t want to tell him. We’ve had such a good time this week. He’s not like any of the other guys I’ve met. He’s sweet, but still has the bad boy vibe.”
“When are you going to tell him?”
Her phone buzzed and she looked at it. “Looks like tonight. He wants to see me later.”
Angela cleared her throat. “Speaking of men, have you talked to Sean lately?” she asked, glancing at us both. “He seems to be preoccupied these days.”
“I have,” I said. “He’s going on a date tonight.”
Her eyes widened. “A date? He didn’t tell me. Is it with that friend of yours?”
I nodded excitedly. “Yes. They hit it off pretty well the other night.”
“That’s great. Maybe he can bring her over for lunch tomorrow. Do you girls want to come and bring your boyfriends? I thought it’d be nice to have the family together before you leave,” she said, focusing on Madison.
“Sounds good,” Madison answered, “but I don’t know if my date will be there. I guess it all depends on how tonight goes.”
Angela smiled and patted her hand. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. What about you, Kass?”
“Logan and I will be there,” I said.
She clapped her hands together. “Great. I’ll let your father know. He’ll be excited.” Her phone beeped and she gasped. “Looks like I gotta go, girls. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She hurried to the front desk and paid for our pedicures before rushing out the door.
“Does it not shock you how different she is compared to mom?” Madison asked.
I watched Angela get in her little sports car and drive away. “It does, but obviously dad cares about her, which is all I care about. And she’s a beautiful woman.”
Once our nails were completely dried, we walked outside and got in my car. I could tell she was nervous by the way she fiddled with her fingers. “Nervous about riding, or nervous about your man?”
She snorted. “Both. I’m just hoping once I live through this ride, you’ll stop making fun of me. I don’t want you hanging the fear of riding over my head for the rest of my life.”
I patted her shoulder. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Logan’s one of the best riders around.” My phone beeped with an incoming text.
Logan: Ready to ride?
Me: Yep. On our way.
Logan: See ya there.
“Logan’s going to meet us at my house, then we’ll head to Deals Gap. Do you need to throw up before we go?” I asked, trying my best to hold back my laugh.
She glared at me. “Ha-ha. I only did that once, and it was before my first live broadcast. I was scared as shit.”
“Trust me, I’d have done the same thing. I can’t imagine being on camera all of the time, with all those people watching me. But hey, you’re a pro now.” That got a smile on her face.
When we got to my house, Logan was already there, waiting on his bike. I couldn’t help but stare at him; he looked sexy as hell in his protective leather racing suit. His lips pulled back in a smile, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. Cocky bastard.
Madison and I got out of the car and I nodded toward Logan. “Wait out here with him, and I’ll go inside to get you a jacket and helmet.”
“Yay,” she replied unenthusiastically.
I winked at Logan as I walked past and hurried inside to get our gear. It was hot outside, and most people liked to ride their bikes in their shorts and tank tops, but if I had the time to get my gear, I never left home without it. After my one incident, where I wrecked at a slow speed wearing a pair of shorts, the road rash was excruciating. It wasn’t fun having the wounds scrubbed to get the asphalt out. I’d rather look silly in my leather gear than have my skin scraped off the road, and the road off my skin.
Once outside, I handed Madison a leather jacket and she put it on, along with her helmet. I helped her strap it on and smiled. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”
Logan held out his hand. “Just hold on tight.” He helped her on and she held onto him. While he talked to her, I went to my garage and got on my bike. It felt good to sit on it again, almost freeing. I followed Logan out of my driveway, snickering at the way Madison held on for dear life, head smashed to his back. Logan was never reckless in his riding, not even when he was younger, like a lot of cocky riders I knew.
It took an hour to get to Deals Gap and when we arrived, I motioned for Logan to keep going. There were a lot of people congregating at the general store and if we stopped, I had a feeling Madison would lose her nerve.
The roads were curvier than any road I’d ever been on. When I first started riding, people would pass me because I was so slow. But now I could keep up. I knew if I wanted anyone to take me seriously as owner of Bennett Racing, I had to get on their level. When we arrived at the overlook, we pulled off to the side. The view was amazing. There were other riders taking breaks, and a couple who looked happy they made it through.
“Oh my God, that was so scary,” Madison exclaimed, lifting the visor on her helmet. She finally let her vice grip on Logan’s waist loosen and nodded toward the road. “Is that the only way back down?”
Logan patted her knee. “Don’t tell me you’re still scared? I took it easy on you.” He winked at me.
“We can go if you want?” I said to her.
She nodded. “Please, before I lose my nerve. I was almost fine before we got here, but these roads are scary as hell.”
I laughed. “Yes, they are. We’ll stop at the store on the way down.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, she lowered her visor. “Sounds good.”
Even though I couldn’t see Logan’s mouth, I could tell he was smiling by the way his eyes crinkled. He laughed the same way when he’d taken me through Deals Gap for the first time. All the while, I’d held on, screaming.
The ride back down the road went smoother than going up. When we got to the store, there were more people. Miller and Trey were there, talking to a
n older couple who stood by their Harley. Deals Gap was a prime spot for tourists who liked to ride. I’d met people from all across the country.
We pulled in and I parked beside Miller and Trey. Logan took off his helmet and helped Madison take off hers, before she bolted inside the general store.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
He laughed. “She said she was going to piss on me if I didn’t get her off my bike.”
“Definitely don’t want that.”
“Sup, boss?” Miller called. The older couple said their goodbyes to Trey and hopped on their Harley.
I waved and sat down at one of the empty picnic tables; Logan sat beside me. “Hey. Having fun?”
Chuckling, he sat down across from us and so did Trey. “Trying to.” He pointed at Trey. “This one showed up late. Now we’re waiting on those fuckers to get lost.” He glanced over my shoulder and I turned to look. Mark and Jacob were there with a couple of guys I’d never seen around before. “I don’t like riding anywhere near them.”
Logan peered over at them too. “Don’t blame you. It’ll only be trouble.”
Madison walked out of the general store, carrying several bottles of water. She sat down and passed one to each of us. “Thank you,” I said, chugging mine. Everyone else murmured their thanks as well.
“Looks like it’s now or never,” Trey grumbled, glaring at Mark and Jacob. It didn’t look like they were leaving any time soon.
Miller finished his water and sighed. “Yep. Might as well get going. We’ll see you guys on Monday.” Hopping on their bikes, they took off up the road.
Madison pulled out her phone and typed away before setting it on the table.
I elbowed her side. “You about ready to go? What time are you meeting your friend?”
“Not sure. He hasn’t texted back yet.” More people rode in. It was interesting to see how many of them liked riding, and how many did it to show off.