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Broken Shield

Page 13

by Ryan Garner

  “Trust me my dear...I'd rather be staying here with you.” Karina rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “Well, have fun.” she said in a playfully teasing tone.

  “You know I will...” Darren responded as he pulled his t-shirt over his broad shoulders and walked out of the room leaving Karina behind.

  He walked slowly down the darkened hallway of Karina's apartment and out into the living room which was lit by the mid-morning sunlight coming through the windows.

  Just as he entered the room the front door to the apartment opened and Tiffany Ellwood stepped inside. Her long brown hair was somewhat disheveled and she had a groggy, hung over look on her face. It was also immediately apparent to Darren that she was still wearing the same outfit she had worn the night before; black high heels, snug fitting gray dress slacks, and an extremely low cut black sleeveless dress shirt.

  “Late night?” Darren asked knowing full well what the answer would be. Tiffany shook her head in response, not particular keen on giving him an opening to ask for more details.

  “It appears that Karina and I aren't the only ones that had fun last night.” He then added in a subtly sardonic voice. “I have some time; would you like for me to make you some coffee?”

  Tiffany had too much of a headache and was far too tired to try and trade jabs with her roommate's lover over morning coffee. For the moment she just wanted a hot shower.

  “No thanks...” she responded as she moved to walk around Darren and towards her bedroom. As she passed by him, he quickly smacked her on the butt with his left hand. Startled, yet not really surprised or particular upset by Darren's actions she stumbled forwards slightly from the impact before continuing her walk back to her room.

  “See you around Tiffany...” Darren said in a cocky tone as he walked out of the front door.

  “Yeah, yeah...” She responded in a slightly annoyed voice as she gave him a backhanded wave goodbye and continued down the hallway.


  Darren Siegal strolled casually through the large abandoned warehouse. The power had been turned off years ago and so the air inside what had once been some sort of bottling factory was now warm and stagnant. Several sets of broken windows that ran along the high ceiling were the only things that allowed air and light into the large building. Thankfully, it was still relatively early in the morning and the conditions inside were not yet terribly unpleasant. For the moment the only sound that could be heard came from Darren’s footsteps and from the birds nesting in the rafters.

  “That's far enough Mr. Siegal.” A voice came from the shadows and Darren stopped walking. “Put your hands up.” was the next command that followed. Darren rolled his eyes and slowly brought his hands out of his pockets, raising them into the air. Moving quickly out of the darkness with Kriss Vector .45 caliber submachine guns pointed at him several men emerged. Even though they were casually dressed and showed no outward signs of being soldiers they moved with military precision as they surrounded him.

  Darren's smug look had faded and was now replaced by a much more brooding, calculating gaze. One of the men that had surrounded him stepped forwards and slung his Vector over his shoulder before beginning a pat down search of Darren who did not move, he merely continued to display his outwardly impassive and cold demeanor. Locating a Sig Sauer P220 in a waist band holster in the center of Darren's back the male removed it. He extracted the magazine from the firearm and racked a live round out of the chamber, catching the bullet in the air when he did so. There was almost no point in questioning him about the legality of the weapon. With the mandatory registration of all firearms, the restricted owning of all guns branded as “assault weapons”, and the country wide revocation of every civilian’s concealed carry permit, the right to bear arms had almost been completely stripped away. All civilians who chose to own a firearm or purchase ammunition for it were required to have a very expensive and hard to obtain certification, known as a level III permit (level II permits applying to law enforcement, and level I to federal officials). Carrying a concealed weapon off a person’s own property was now strictly forbidden by federal law, a violation of which was punishable by imprisonment for up to ten years. The only people who could legally carry guns in public anymore were the military, police, and of course the NGP.

  “He's clear...” the male said gruffly as he stepped away. The rest of the men slowly lowered their Vectors to the low ready position. Just then there was the clacking sound of high heels approaching from behind the group. The noise echoed off the empty warehouse walls and filled the empty space around them.

  “So glad you could join us Mr. Siegal…You can put your hands down now.” A female stated as she moved in closer. As he lowered his hands Darren's eyes flicked to one side, waiting for the woman to emerge from behind him.

  Adorned in a sultry and snug fitting dress suit and with her black hair pulled back in a tight pony tail Jennifer Fields walked around in front of Darren.

  “Officer Fields...” Darren said smugly as he crossed his arms. “...why have you called me here?” he then asked.

  “A few reasons Mr. Siegal.” she said as she paused directly in front of him. Darren raised his eyebrow awaiting further explanation. While Jennifer normally enjoyed a good game of cat and mouse when it came to questioning suspects, she had found that with certain people such as Darren a different, more direct approach was necessary.

  “Tell me...were you aware of your organization's little gathering the other day?” she asked in an openly superior voice.

  “Nothing occurs without my knowledge.” he answered back.

  “Was it your plan for a near full scale riot to break out?” A subtle smirk momentarily danced across Daren's face.

  “Such theatricality Officer Fields.” he responded. Grossly outnumbered and out gunned Jennifer was surprised to see the sheer level of confidence that Darren displayed. He acted as if he could have them all killed at a moment’s notice. While it did not shake her demeanor it was enough to keep Jennifer and the rest of the men on edge.

  “Think of it as a test...” Darren added as the confidence and determination in his voice increased.

  “A test?”

  “Yes...of things to come.”

  “This isn't a game Mr. Siegal; we have paid you a lot of money for your services.” Jennifer snapped. “The only reason why we are here is because the deadline on President Jordan's National Preservation Act is quickly approaching and there is a clear need to set the tone for how the future of this country will be shaped. If you are not willing to accept the terms of our agreement I am certain we can find someone who is.” Darren looked at Jennifer, his brown eyes displaying little emotion.

  “Do not be fooled into thinking that it is I who needs you Officer Fields; it is you who needs me.” His voice grew lower as he continued to speak, “I am perfectly content to let this let this country burn to the ground. I am willing to allow this so called democracy to descend into a mass of chaos and hysteria the likes of which this world has never before seen, after which a true and ungoverned society will freely emerge.” Darren took a quarter step forward before continuing.

  “Society is changing Officer is changing into something the likes of which you and your capitalist friends have never experienced.” And you will in turn no longer be necessary. Darren quickly thought to himself before adding, “It is changing into a world of the people.”

  Jennifer stood unmoved. She was not impressed by Darren's speech; a man who believed in creating an anarchist’s utopia while at the same time still accepting millions of dollars in compensation to delay the creation of the same civilization was just a hypocrite in her mind.

  “Think whatever you'd like Mr. Siegal.” she said cutting him off before he could lecture her further. “In light of recent events we have been forced to move up the schedule for our plans.” Darren did not say anything in response. “How long will it take for you and your associates to be ready?” She asked.

/>   Darren chuckled slightly, “We have ALWAYS been ready Officer Fields.” he said in a more malevolent tone. “We have simply been waiting for the right time and place.”

  “Good to know...” Jennifer shot back and then continued. “And speaking of recent events, you wouldn't happen to know anything about certain other events would you?” Darren snickered at her question.

  “You mean was Occupy Congress involved in the rash of suicide bombings across the country?”

  “That or do you know anything about who was involved in them?”

  “I assure you Officer Fields if my organization had been involved in those attacks we would not be hiding behind a veil of secrecy or some kind of crazed religion. You would have known exactly who had done such a thing and we would bask in the glory of showing the world exactly what we are capable of.” Jennifer's eyebrow rose slightly at Darren's ominously calculating comment. “As for knowing who conducted the attacks, I am not sure.”

  “I'm surprised...” Jennifer responded. “I assumed someone of your stature would have knowledge of such things. Maybe we were wrong about you.” She was doing her best to try and lure a response out of him. Darren gave her a knowing smirk.

  “Your games do not work with me.” he said. “I do not know who conducted the bombings and for the moment, it does not concern me.”

  “Very well...” Jennifer said as she turned and began to walk away still surrounded by the men that had been encircling Darren. “Be prepared to move when we tell you to do so.” she then added as she moved off.

  “Officer Fields...” Darren called out bringing Jennifer to a halt.

  “Yes?” she asked in an irritated tone not bothering to turn around.

  “Be careful...” he said in a low, deliberately evil voice. “'s dangerous out there.”

  Jennifer did not respond; instead she resumed her movement away from Darren, the clacking of her high heels echoing off the walls again; it was joined by the clanking sound of the polymer and metal frame of his disassembled Sig P220 being dropped on the floor by one of her escorts.

  You and your kind will not survive this next revolution... Darren thought to himself as he listened to Jennifer and her men walking away.


  “You did well.” Lieutenant Kent Fearon stated as he moved out of the shadows and sidled up to Jennifer just before she reached the exit door of the factory.

  “Thank you sir.” she responded. While she masked it, Jennifer felt quite flattered being commended by the ranking National Governing Police Officer, especially one of Lieutenant Fearon's notoriety.

  “Nevertheless, do not let any amount of success on this day or any other lull you into a false sense of security in regards to Mr. Siegal. He is not a man to be trusted or trifled with.” Jennifer nodded her head in agreement as the two walked towards a waiting pair of unmarked black Chevy Tahoes.

  “He is a villain of unprecedented measure and I personally am not convinced we fully understand exactly what he is capable of.”

  “Why are we working with him then?” Jennifer asked.

  “Because the administration thinks that for the moment it is necessary.” Fearon responded curtly. “It has invested a great deal of time, money, and resources into Mr. Siegal and I believe that as the end of the National Preservation Act draws closer some of our NGP and presidential office counterparts are becoming more desperate. Especially when you take into account the lack of evidence they have accumulated for these most recent terrorist attacks. They are worried that if the people within this country continue to grow increasingly unhappy, the administration is more likely to lose control. So instead it has been decided that something else is needed in order to bring the flock more willing back into the coral.”

  “Why force the people to do something when you can make them think they are doing it for themselves?” Jennifer asked.

  “Exactly...and simple manipulation of the main stream media is no longer accomplishing enough.” Fearon responded as he broke away from her and opened the back door of the closest SUV and climbed in.

  “But, at the first sign of betrayal on Mr. Siegal's part...kill him.” he said before adding in a more ominous tone, “...because he will do the same to you.”

  “Yes sir...” Jennifer responded as Fearon closed the door to the SUV and it slowly began to drive off. She then turned on her heels and walked back towards the second Chevy Tahoe.


  Tiffany sat quietly on the couch with her legs tucked up under her as she slowly sipped a hot cup of coffee. Occasionally, she rubbed her temples with her hand hoping that it would help to alleviate her pounding headache; an unfortunate side effect of the prior night's festivities. She had only bothered to run a comb through her brown hair a few times as it was still wet from her shower. Seeking comfort above anything else she wore a short, light pink, silk bathrobe and nothing more. Her eyelids were heavy and she thought that just maybe if the apartment complex stayed quiet long enough she might be able to take a nap. Hopefully her hangover would be gone by the time she awoke. Sliding a bit further down into the couch she closed her eyes.

  Just as she was beginning to doze off Tiffany was awakened by the sound of Karina walking into their living room. Her groggy eyes slowly opened to greet her friend who had also opted for comfortable attire, dressed in short cotton shorts and a white t-shirt.

  “Sorry...” Karina said. “Did I wake you?” Tiffany shook her head.

  “Nah, it's alright...” Tiffany wanted to sleep, but she could already tell by the look on Karina's face that something was amiss; well something else that is. It seemed as if Karina's life had taken a turn for the dramatic lately, after John discovered her involvement with Occupy Congress and all.

  Karina flopped down on the couch next to Tiffany and then rested her head on her friend's shoulder.

  “Rough night?” Karina asked. Tiffany groaned slightly as she allowed her eyes to close again.

  “Don't ask...” she said chuckling slightly.

  “Out with Seth again?” Karina asked. Tiffany understood her friend well enough to know that this was just minor small talk until she could find the courage to speak about what was really bothering her. But, Tiffany always took the time to indulge her. She shook her head in response.

  “Nah...” she said in a voice that was a bit more playful. “New guy.” she then added and Karina laughed.

  “Does new guy have a name?”

  “I'm sure he does...” Tiffany said, “...I might even remember it once this damn hangover goes away.” Both women chuckled as Karina playfully hit Tiffany on the thigh with the back of her hand.

  “Just please tell me you didn't end up dancing on a table again?” Karina asked in a lighthearted tone.

  “No, I did not.” Tiffany responded still laughing. “You'd be proud of me, I did not end up on a table, bar, or any other elevated surface that is conducive of nudity.” While Tiffany's head was still throbbing the playful banter did appear to be making her feel a bit better.

  “Good, because I always remember you getting us both into trouble whenever that happened.”

  “ME!?” Tiffany shot back. While her eyes were still closed her smile grew wider. “If I remember correctly YOU were the first one of us that ever decided to do such a thing.” Karina shifted her body slightly for more comfort, but still continued to rest her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

  “Well...uh...maybe.” she said laughing. “But YOU were the one that decided that all our clothes were apparently optional.”

  “THAT young lady!” Tiffany said trying to hold in her laugh, “Is not something we talk's also why I don't drink Tequila anymore.”

  “What were you drinking last night?” Karina asked.

  “Uuummm...” Tiffany responded coyly, “...a certain spirituous liquor from south of the border.”

  “Riigghhtt.” Karina added before saying, “I remember the first time that happened.”

  “At Julio's party?” Tiffany asked

  “Yes!” Karina responded in a more excited voice than she had originally intended. Both women again snickered.

  “We were so drunk that night...some of us more than others.”

  “Just because we never recovered my favorite bra does not mean I was that drunk.” Tiffany said still laughing.

  “Uh-huh.” Karina responded, before allowing for a longer than normal pause to slip into the conversation.

  “That was the night I came to live with you.” she added.

  Tiffany's eyes shot open and she glanced over at Karina who was still curled up in a partial ball on the couch with her head resting on her shoulder.

  “It was?” She asked apprehensively. “That night is still a bit of a blur.” Tiffany stated trying to push a bit of humor back into a conversation which was rapidly taking on a much more serious tone.

  “Yes...” Karina said, “...remember Allen drove us both back to my mother's house. You insisted on making sure I made it inside safely so you walked me to my door.” Tiffany took a hard swallow, as Karina's voice began to grow weaker. There was another momentary lull in the conversation and for her friend's sake Tiffany wished that Karina would let the conversation die.

  “Found my mother half naked and high as a kite with her dealer boyfriend...” Karina momentarily hesitated before continuing, “...or well I guess not her boyfriend since that would imply a relationship consisting of more than just random blowjobs for heroin.” Tiffany reached over and put her arm around Karina's shoulder in an attempt to try and comfort her friend.

  “She uh...” Karina choked back her emotions. “She told him that he could have me for that night's payment since she was too far gone to finish him off.” Tiffany had heard this story before. Hell, she had been there, but she knew that it was something that Karina needed to talk through every so often. She slowly began to run her fingers through her friend’s hair trying to soothe her.

  Karina then laughed, “I think your exact words to him were, if you touch her I'll cut your balls off.” Tiffany chuckled slightly trying to find humor in what had been a horrific situation.


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