His Firm Hand

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His Firm Hand Page 5

by Shelly Douglas

  “My sister was wondering when you became such a fashionista… ow!” Her sentence was cut short as a hard object came in direct contact with her panty-clad behind. “What in the hell is that?” she shrieked. “It hurts!”

  “It’s a flat wooden salad spoon. I lifted it from the counter while you were busy whining. And since you felt the need to curse, these tights and panties are coming down.” He deftly pulled her tightly fitted undergarments down with one hand and landed another hefty swat on her soft backside with the wooden implement.

  “Okay, okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

  “Could your apology be more specific, please? The day’s events are starting to run together.” Lifting the spoon high into the air, he waited patiently for her to speak.

  “I’m sorry for not calling you. I know how you worry.”

  Another swat landed, creating a pink splotch on her ivory skin. “Keep it coming, kitten.”

  “Ouch! And I’m sorry for cursing. Can I get up now?”

  Again, she felt a sharp sting on the underside of each velvety cheek. “It would be nice to receive a little more respect from you, sweetie. Are we in agreement on that?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry.” She placed her cheek on his knee and sighed.

  He rubbed the scarlet patches of color on her behind. “Have you learned your lesson today?”

  She nodded as a large tear fell and was absorbed into his khaki pants.

  “I was worried that something happened to you at school today. Don’t you know how much I love you, Michele?”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  “Would you like to come up for a cuddle?”

  Michele nodded and he quickly helped her into his arms. Snuggling close, she fingered the buttons on his crisp white shirt. “Daddy?”

  “Hmm?” he answered, stroking her back softly with his fingertips.

  “Do you really think we’re going to be able to hide my punishments from Denise?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t know. This is going to be a real challenge, lamb chop.”

  Chapter Six

  It was the end of the day on Friday, and Michele was excited to get back home and return to her adult life for the next two days. She had to admit that it was fun ‘acting out’ like a teenager and having Paul’s undivided attention in the middle of the week, but she missed two important activities from her adult life: sex and alcohol.

  Pulling into the garage, she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Paul’s car. It wasn’t like him to leave work so early on a Friday, and she hoped that nothing was wrong.

  “I can’t believe you’re home before me. What’s the occasion?”

  “If your sister is coming to stay with us for a while, I think we should talk.”

  “I thought we already covered that subject.” Michele threw her heavy book bag and purse into the corner of the room and turned around to meet Paul’s eyes. She loved that they changed colors and were deep green at that moment. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I don’t want to talk about your sister, I want to talk about us.”

  She laughed nervously. “Can I have a drink first? I’ve been looking forward to one all week!”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I’ll pour us a glass of chardonnay and we’ll toast the weekend.”

  “Ooh, you’re still going to serve me? I love this arrangement.”

  “Just because we aren’t in age-play mode doesn’t mean I won’t be attentive. Remember what happened last Sunday?”

  “So what do you want to talk about?” Remembering the event, she crossed her eyes as she received a cold glass of wine.

  “Cheers to us,” he toasted.

  They clinked glasses and each took a large swallow of the cold, clear liquid. Paul cleared his throat and motioned for Michele to sit next to him on the couch.

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t lie down for this session?” she teased.

  “You’ve had almost two weeks to digest our new arrangement. So, what do you think?”

  “Well, I’m sure this has something to do with me needing more attention, right?”

  “Like I said, it was my fault for dropping the ball with respect to our DD relationship we agreed to early on. I’m supposed to be the head of this household, and there’s no excuse for my failure in that regard. I feel like I let you down, sweetie.”

  “Look, I could have said something, but was too busy getting away with… well, everything I could literally get away with in the last year.” She stopped to take another swallow of wine. “I understand ratcheting up the discipline, but why the age-play? More specifically, teenage role play?”

  “I know you’re much more intuitive than you like to admit. But I’m happy to confirm what you probably already know.”

  She nodded. “It would be good to validate my suspicions. Of course, our friend Marsha thinks teenagers are just plain annoying and can’t understand—”

  “I hate to interrupt your thought, but when you were a teenager, were you stressed?”

  “All teenagers are emotional walking time bombs, aren’t they? What a cruel joke on God’s part to hand out those raging hormones and then expect rules to be obeyed. All teens need love and protection while still wanting to spread their wings to test their independence and maturity at the same time. They want their voice to be heard as if they were an adult, even though they aren’t. I think it’s a very stressful time, and puberty can be an ugly stage. Both literally and figuratively.”

  “Exactly. But I have a feeling that the woman sitting beside me didn’t speak out as much as she wanted to during those emotional years.”

  Michele swung her body to face him. “How would you know that?”

  “Just a guess. I think she balled a lot of that frustration up inside her. Am I right?”

  “You’re talking in third person again, and it’s making me extremely nervous.”

  “Answer my question, please.”

  “Okay, my father wasn’t around much. Denise stood up to him, but I didn’t have the nerve. I was afraid he wouldn’t love me if I disobeyed him.”

  “You never learned how to let go of your stress, Michele. I just want to help you find an outlet because keeping it inside isn’t healthy. There have been studies done on that.”

  “I know.” She dropped her head and thought for a minute. “I just can’t believe you would go this far to create a situation—”

  “To let you blow off some steam in a loving environment?” he asked, finishing her sentence.

  “Not to mention your undivided attention at the same time.”

  “The first time I saw your obstinate personality surface, it rang a bell, and I thought you were probably keeping too many feelings inside. How is it working for you so far?”

  “Which part? The spankings, the embarrassing corner time, or the anal invasions?” Michele joked good-naturedly. “I can’t believe how much you’re enjoying this. Your eyes sparkle like diamonds every time you mention that damn paddle.”

  “Who knows why your red bottom excites me. I must have missed that class in college.”

  “Which brings me to my next question, and forgive me because I know I’ve asked this before.”

  “Shoot.” Paul crossed his legs, took another sip of wine, and placed his glass on the table.

  “Since when do teenagers get spanked or have to stand in a corner?”

  “As the head of this house, I make up the rules. And right now, I like surprising you with a mixed bag of punishments. All you have to do is enjoy being a teenager for five days each week.”

  She thought for a minute. “Except this time, I can act out and not be afraid that my daddy will stop loving me.”

  “And if you suddenly decide you don’t like our new arrangement, all you have to do is tell me and we’ll stop. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Your wife can be so dense sometimes.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “That third person bit is catchy
, isn’t it?” he joked, taking the glass out of her hand and placing it on the coffee table next to his. “Come here for a hug, my sweet girl. You’re the smartest and most beautiful woman I know.”

  She climbed into his lap and he drew her in, snuggling close. “This is our world, and no one gets to judge. Right now, you’re my priority, and I want to give you what you need. That’s why I’m a little concerned with your sister moving in. Our privacy is very important right now. Our arrangement is new and delicate as we test the waters.”

  “I understand.”

  “She can’t be in the dark about our role play.”

  Michele cleared her throat and squirmed to back up a bit. “We’re meeting at the diner in the morning. I wanted to give you time to digest the idea before telling her you’re okay with this temporary arrangement.”

  “I would never go back on my word.” He gently cupped her chin in his hand. “You need to start trusting me, Michele,” he added, arching an eyebrow. “Okay, call when you’re done with breakfast. I told Kurls to get another golf partner, so if she wants to move in tomorrow…”

  “I promise, she won’t stay long.”

  “Maybe we should form a committee to help her find a job,” he joked, tapping her on the tip of her nose.

  * * *

  “Well, what did Paul say? Is he okay with me moving in?” Denise asked before Michele even had a chance to take her jacket off and sit down. “I already ordered us coffee.”

  “My God, give me a chance to get situated before the barrage of questions.” Michele sat down across from Denise and placed her black leather jacket over the back of a chair. “It’s a little nippy out there this morning, and I’ve really been looking forward to a cup of coffee.” As the server approached with two full cups, Michele smiled at the woman and instantly reached for the cream and sweetener.

  “Come on, Michele, what did Paul have to say? I’m sitting on pins and needles here. I can’t stand another night with Roy. If you can believe it, he had a sleepover right in front of me. I had to listen to all the groans and moans for hours, so I didn’t get a lot of rest.” Denise yawned. “Well, did Paul say yes?”

  Unfortunately, there was a waitress standing at their table before she could answer. “Are you two ready to order?”

  Denise glanced up and blurted out, “Two ham and cheese omelets with dry wheat toast.”

  “What kind of cheese? We have—”

  “Cheddar,” Denise said, cutting her off, then handed over the two menus. “Well?” she pleaded with her sister.

  Michele held her cup up in the air to signify her need for a refill before leaning in closer to Denise. “Okay, I got the Paul seal of approval.” The waitress returned with a steaming pot, and they touched their coffee cups together before letting out a mock cheer.

  “Did you have a tough time, or did you just bat your eyes and melt him to your whiny ways? Oh, sorry, I meant wily.”

  “Hey, don’t press your luck because I can revoke your residency privileges on a moment’s notice.” She winked and took a sip of coffee. “Actually, Paul was very sympathetic… all we have to do is adhere to a few minor conditions.”

  Another server set their omelets and a plate of toast down on the table. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “We’re fine, thank you,” Denise replied hurriedly. As the waitress walked away, she returned her attention to Michele. “Conditions? What kind of conditions? This isn’t going to be like living with dad, is it?”

  “All Paul really wants is that you respect the way we live.”

  “I have no problem with that. What you two do is your business.”

  Michele took a bite of her omelet then pointed her fork at Denise. “There is one other thing.”

  “I knew this couldn’t be easy. Spit it out, Michele.”

  “Do you remember the other day when we got together and you commented on the way I was dressed?”

  Denise’s head bobbed up and down.

  “Well, Paul and I are engaging in a little age-play.”

  “Could you translate that into English, please?”

  Michele pushed the remains of her omelet around on her plate. “For the last year or so, we had neglected our domestic discipline arrangement. Recently, it was Paul’s suggestion that we should not only revive our lifestyle, but add another. So we agreed that during the week Paul will take on the role of my daddy and I’ll play the part of his teenage daughter.” Michele calmly sipped her coffee, waiting for Denise’s reaction.

  Denise opened her mouth to respond, but then closed it for a moment to think. “Well, that explains the interesting getup the last time we met. Okay, that’s a little weird, but not a big deal. Michele, you can’t know how much I appreciate that you and Paul are willing to allow me to be part of your lives. And if you’ve agreed that this arrangement is in the best interest of your marriage, then who am I to judge?” Denise finished her comment with the wave of a hand. “Hey, if I can lie awake through a night of loud sex then I can do anything.”

  Relieved, Michele excitedly shared the details of their shopping spree experience earlier in the week and how much fun it had been. “It’s like I’ve gone back in time, only without all the drama associated with actually being that age.” Michele paused and thought carefully before speaking. “I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I’m really enjoying our new life. Paul has never been more attentive.” Suddenly, she nervously peered down at her watch. “Hey, we need to get going.”

  “We’re going somewhere?” Denise looked puzzled.

  “Paul ran out this morning and rented a U-Haul. He’s waiting at home for us so we can go pick up your things from Roy’s.” Michele gave the waitress a twenty-dollar bill and told her to keep the change. Grabbing Denise’s hand, she pulled her toward the restaurant’s front door.

  * * *

  The three of them arrived at Roy’s apartment an hour later, and they were all relieved to see that he wasn’t there. “Well, one awkward situation avoided,” Denise observed. “I don’t have a lot of things, just mostly clothes and my bike. All the furnishings are Roy’s.”

  “You said his place is on the third floor. Is there an elevator?” Paul asked.

  “Sorry, these were refurbished dorms. I guess in the olden days they just assumed the students needed the exercise. So we’re going to have to hoof it.”

  Paul let out an audible sigh. “Maybe I should have played golf with Kurls.”

  “Come on, let’s get this done before Roy comes home. We don’t want to have to deal with him,” Michele chirped.

  “Except he probably would have helped us,” Paul lamented.

  “Yeah, he would have helped to toss all of my stuff out the window!” Denise retorted.

  Two hours later, Paul shut the door to the U-Haul and hopped in behind the wheel. “I thought you only had a few things. My God, how could one person have so many clothes?”

  “It’s probably the main reason I’m broke, I can’t seem to pass up a good sale.” Denise shrugged as her face reddened.

  * * *

  “Okay, let’s get you settled into the guest room. It’s in the process of being remodeled, so I hope you don’t mind.”

  Michele threw him a confused look.

  Balancing a box on his knee, Paul opened the spare room door and flicked on the light switch. Denise and Michele walked in behind him.

  “Whoa, Paul what did you do?” Michele asked with perplexed look on her face.

  “I started some minor renovations to accommodate our age-play during the week. Do you recognize any of these things?” he asked, setting the large box on the floor.

  “It looks like my room from mom and dad’s house. How did you…?”

  “I found an old photograph of your room and went out to buy some of the posters that you used to decorate the walls with. You must’ve really been into boy bands. The Backstreet Boys and Hanson—”

  “Paul, you should have seen Michele dance around the room and kara
oke their songs. It was hilarious.”

  “I thought we’d do some shopping, so you could pick out more contemporary things. Denise can help out, of course,” he added.

  “You actually want to bring Michele into this century? Good luck with that.”

  “Denise, I hope you don’t mind the retro décor.” Paul crossed his arms and lifted an eyebrow.

  “There’s nothing like reliving one’s youth. Paul, you’ll get no complaints from me. I’m just happy to have a roof over my head and am grateful that you’re allowing me to stay here for the time being. Besides who knows, maybe a jump back into the past will give me an emotional boost. I loved my defiant years as a teenager.”

  Paul’s eyes darted toward Michele. She responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “Okay, ladies, let’s get this move completed and Denise settled in. I have to return the van by five, or I’ll get charged for an extra day.”

  “And in the meantime, Denise and I will prepare dinner, right, little sister?”

  “I’ll do anything to help, but just so you know—I’m used to takeout.”

  “Well, tonight we’ll prepare my hardworking husband’s dinner from scratch.” Michele grabbed hold of Paul’s arm and stood by his side.

  “Will noise cancelation headphones come with the room?” Denise asked with a snide smile.

  “For the sex or the spankings?” Paul deadpanned.

  “I guess I deserved that response.” Denise’s eyes squinted as her face radiated with heat.

  “Sorry, kiddo. I couldn’t resist. Can you two behave yourselves while I return the van?”

  “How much trouble can we get into preparing dinner?” Michele innocently asked.

  “We’ll try not to burn the house down,” Denise offered with a grin.

  “Now I understand what your parents were up against raising you two.” Paul chuckled as he left the room.

  Denise poked her head into the hall, making sure he was gone. “Okay, the coast is clear. I’m dying for a cigarette. Want to join me?” she asked, reaching into her purse.


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