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Greed (Trojans MC Book 9)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-745-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Trojans MC, 9

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “She’d be amazing,” Lindsey said, bobbing her head to the beat of the music filtering through the bar. They were not at the Trojans clubhouse but had gone into the city to enjoy one of the many dance clubs that they have to offer. A few of the guys had agreed to tag along, not that Pie was interested in what they were doing.

  Glancing over at where Lindsey pointed, he saw a brunette, swaying her hips, giving him the eye, and there was no interest there at all, not from him. “Nope.”

  “Seriously? Like, what is wrong with her?”

  “Too skinny.”

  Lindsey burst out laughing. He loved the sound and often tried to make her do so whenever he got the chance. “You’re a hoot, you know that? So funny. You’re probably one of the few men complaining about that.”

  “I like a woman with curves.”

  She thrust her chest out. “My curves, or bigger?”

  “I kind of like yours. They’re okay.”

  “Wow, you’re all for the compliments tonight, aren’t you? I feel really special right now.”

  “You really should. I don’t compliment just anyone.”

  Again, she chuckled, taking a sip of her drink and glancing around the room. “I don’t know.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m wondering if we need to change countries for you to be the least bit interested in what’s on offer. Sometimes beggars cannot be choosers, just FYI.”

  He rolled his eyes, looking out over the dance floor.

  Lindsey had made him wear his leather jacket as they came out chick hunting. They’d been doing this for some time now, and she’d even tried to get him to hook up with a chick from another club during the disaster of a picnic the Billionaire Bikers hosted. Pushing those memories to the back of his mind, he tried to find an interest in the women in the club, and nothing.

  “You’re starting to scare me, just so you know.”

  “Why am I scaring you?”

  “It shouldn’t be this hard for you to find someone to fuck.”

  “I’m not just looking for someone to fuck, Lindsey.”

  “I know. I know. We’re in the market to find our soulmate, but you know, a lot of fucking needs to happen.”

  He shook his head.

  “Hey, excuse me,” she said, to a couple passing. It was a man and woman who were sending smoldering looks at each other.

  Pie didn’t know why Lindsey was so obsessed over this, but he didn’t argue with her. What was the point?

  “What’s up?” the guy asked.

  “My friend and I are having a little argument. He doesn’t think sex is important when it comes to meeting people. I, on the other hand, do. What are your thoughts?”

  Lindsey, even after nearly a year, didn’t have a filter. He’d tried to get her to see sense, but no matter what he did, nothing seemed to stick with her, and it was kind of frustrating. The only problem was he found her kind of frustratingly cute. Like, really fucking cute.

  “Sex is a must,” the woman said.

  “Yeah, it’s right up there, man. You don’t want to start something that may not last, you know.”

  “Thank you,” Lindsey said, cocking her head to the side, looking smug. “I rest my case.”

  The two people moved on, and Pie took a sip of his beer. “Two people do not make a good assessment.”

  “Give me two people that you know could have made it without sex.”

  “Duke and Holly.” He named his Prez and his Prez’s girl.

  Lindsey burst out laughing. “You’re joking, right?”


  “They don’t count. They eye-fuck each other just walking in a room.”

  “And it was like that from the start, thank you very much.”

  “Ugh, I give up.” She dropped down from her stool and grabbed his hand.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you to dance because I’m bored of arguing with you, and I can’t seem to get you interested in any of the women here.”

  She led him onto the dance floor and just like in the movies, the song slowed down. Lindsey didn’t have a problem with that, putting his hands on her hips and holding him close. She rested her head against his chest.

  In a short time, Lindsey had become his best friend. They were so close, and they had formed a kind of bond, which was strange as he never recalled being this way with anyone, least of all a chick.

  They had a deal though.

  So far, neither of them had succeeded in finding the one woman or man for them. What he had discovered was Lindsey was very … open. She loved both men and women and didn’t have a problem voicing her approval.

  “This is nice,” Lindsey said.

  “Yeah, it is.” He rested his cheek against her head, ignoring Dime, Landon, and Floss as they smirked over at him.

  The club had their own thoughts when it came to his relationship with Lindsey. He didn’t give a fuck at all what they thought. He liked her, a lot.

  “What about the blonde next to us?” Lindsey asked.

  “No.” He didn’t even bother looking.

  Lindsey had placed her hands beneath his leather jacket and was stroking the base of his back. They were swaying to the music, and it suddenly stopped and something upbeat came along.

  He gritted his teeth but played along, dancing with Lindsey as she withdrew from him to suddenly beat her head and body, bouncing up and down so that her tits were all over the place. She had opted for no bra, and it really fucking showed.

  Some of the men were looking over at her, but he knew she could more than handle herself. That was what Lindsey did. She looked all sweet, innocent, and at times a little on the dumb side, but she had a sharp mind and wit that always surprised everyone. Also, she knew how to throw a mean fucking punch.

  After ten minutes on the dance floor, she gave him a grimace. “Got to pee.”

  He walked off the dance floor to find Dime and Landon already waiting for him. Floss was nowhere to be seen.

  “Do I even want to know?” he asked.

  “Fucking some chick behind the back of the bar. He’ll be back in a minute,” Dime said.

  “Good for him.” Pie took a swig of his beer, glancing toward the toilets to make sure Lindsey was okay. The last thing he wanted was for something bad to happen to her. This was supposed to be a night of fun, and he refused to cramp her style.

  “Why don’t you just admit that you want her?” Landon asked.

  “Oh, fuck, I thought we agreed not to delve into that shit.”

  Pie looked from Dime to Landon.

  “She’s my friend,” he said.

  “Bullshit. You and Lindsey have pretty much been glued at the hip for over a year now. You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean something,” Landon said.

  He glared at Landon. “You and Zoe were friends.”

  “Please, I guarded her for Raoul. She’s a friend. Noth
ing more.”

  “Yet you seem to think you can question my friendship with Lindsey.”

  “Landon, don’t,” Dime said.

  “No, let him speak. I want to know what the fuck he keeps on saying. What he thinks I want to hear.” He stared at Landon. The man had been part of the Trojans for some time and he’d worked his way from the patch up. He had a lot of respect for him, just like he did for all of his brothers, but right now he was pissed off.

  “You want her, Pie. Instead of sitting around pretending, just take her. You know you want to. What are you going to do if she finds what she thinks of as her Mr. Right? You’re just going to accept that?”

  Pie didn’t even like the sound of that. Glaring at Landon, he didn’t have anything else to say. He and Lindsey were friends. They got along better than most, and yes, they were on a mission to find each other’s partners, but that didn’t mean shit, at least it didn’t to him.

  “All done. Whoa, what is with all the tension? I can feel it coming off you guys. You arguing over something?” Lindsey asked, joining them again.

  “Yeah, we’re always arguing over something, baby. Don’t worry your head about a thing. Come on, dance with me,” Landon said.

  Pie continued to grit his teeth as he watched Landon take her hand without even waiting for her to answer, leading her onto the dance floor. Lindsey didn’t put up a fight. She laughed at something he said, shaking her head at the same time. He didn’t like that Landon’s hands were on her hips, touching her in any way.

  “You know you’re going to break that bottle,” Dime said.

  He loosened his grip that he didn’t even realize he had. “Sorry, man.”

  “Don’t worry about it with me. Landon is just being a shithead, you know. It’s what he does.”

  “Fucker better learn to keep his thoughts to himself, and his hands.” If Landon touched Lindsey’s ass, Pie was going to fucking kill him. He had a gun on him as well, and he could do it.


  “What’s going on?” Lindsey asked, looking up at Landon. The man was tall and ripped, but he was also younger than she liked as well. She didn’t have many limits, but she found she didn’t really gel with younger men. They were all about pushing boundaries. She knew she had so few, but also she didn’t like it when guys tried to push them. It just wasn’t for her.

  “Nothing is going on, babe.”

  “Cut the crap. Pie looked like he wanted to kill you. Dime didn’t look any better either. What was with all the shit?”

  “Just talking guy stuff.”

  “Your guy stuff sucks, just so you know, and it’s BS.”

  “Why don’t you ask Pie? You and him seem to be getting cozy.” He stroked his hand down her back, heading toward her ass.

  Shaking her head, she grabbed his hand and pulled it back up. “Not going to happen, boy-o.”

  “I thought you liked sex?”

  “I do like sex. A lot of sex, and I’m not ashamed of that.”

  “What’s the problem then?” he asked.

  She stared at Landon. They were not close at all, but he’d always been pretty civil to her, so she didn’t understand the sudden attitude. “What is your problem?”

  “I don’t have a problem.”

  “Sounds like you do. Whatever it is, get over it or talk about it, but don’t stir shit just because you can. That’s not fun, or fair to anyone else.”

  “When did you get all advice like?” Landon asked.

  “I’m just speaking as a friend.”

  “We’re not friends.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You know what? Fine. Be a pain in the ass. It’s not my problem at all. I’ve got other things to do, and they’re not dancing with you.” She made to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. “Let go.”

  “Do you have a thing for Pie?”

  Glaring at him, she brought her foot down on his, making sure to use her heel so he’d let her go. She didn’t like it when men used force to keep her in place like this. There was the right time for some kinky play, but not on the dance floor and certainly not talking about your friends.

  Landon winced.

  It was good for her that he wore sneakers.

  “Don’t ever do that again. I like Pie, and it’s none of your business.”

  Leaving the dance floor, she saw Pie was watching her, and she made her way over to him. Her hand shook just a little.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Do you want to get out of here?”

  “Don’t we have to wait for Floss?” she asked.

  “I’m not his babysitter, and you look like you could use some fresh air.”

  “Yes, please.”

  Neither of them stopped to talk to Dime or the others. Rushing out of the club, she giggled as Pie climbed onto his bike. She straddled the back, wrapping her arms around his waist and laughing. “I love it when you go all badass on me.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She squealed as he pulled out of the drive and took an immediate left. More than anything, she loved the rush that came over her from holding onto him. When it came to Pie, she trusted him so damn much. He wouldn’t let any harm come to her, not even for a second. They had this bond of trust that made absolutely no sense in the world, but it was there. They had similar tastes in pretty much everything. She loved spending time with him, almost as much as she did Kasey, and her BFF’s new baby, a little boy. She loved being around him, even if Chip every now and then got pissed off that she was there.

  Lindsey loved kids. They were so sweet and especially when they were at that age where they were no longer judgmental. People, adults, they were all about judging people, and she hated that most of all.

  She didn’t know where they were headed, and right now, she didn’t care. The wind in her hair, the rush of the speed, everything was like a drive, making her feel so fucking alive.

  Pie rode the bike like he was born to it, knowing how to twist and turn without giving it a second thought. The first time she’d ridden on the back of his bike, he’d made her wear a damn helmet. Now though, after months of built-up trust, she could ride without one. What he thought she would do was beyond her, but he had his reasons.

  Suddenly, he came to a stop, parking in a small, abandoned lot. The supermarket looked shut down, and there were fliers stuck to the floor.

  Climbing off, she held her hands out and spun around, giggling as she did. No matter what age she was, this never got old. Nearing thirty, she loved life, or at least the way she lived hers.

  “Don’t you just love this?” she said.

  Her thighs felt sore from hanging on so tight, but she’d not wanted to let him go, not even for a moment.

  “I love watching you, that’s for sure.”

  She laughed, putting her hands on her head then curving them around to her cheeks. “You love to watch, Mister?” She batted her eyelashes.

  Pie folded his arms.

  The leather hid his impressive muscles. She’d seen him without a shirt on, and that man was mighty fine.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she gave a little shimmy of her hips, and watched him laugh.

  “Are you drunk?” he asked.

  “Nope. If I was, I’d have on way less clothes. I’d be completely butt naked. Would you like that?” She gave a little twirl, shaking her jean-covered ass at him. “You like what you see?”

  He moved up behind her, placing his hands on her hips. “You know I like it. A lot.”

  She winked at him. “So, if you like it a lot, why are you being a pain in the ass about finding yourself a woman?” She turned around, placing her hands on his shoulders, and swaying to the beat inside her head. “Huh? Why?”

  “Because they don’t appeal.”

  “Women are women.”

  “And you’ve fucked a few, I take it?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’ve fucked a few. I told you, Pie, I don’t hold back from pleasure.” She g
ripped his hips, giving him a little grind of her pelvis. “You should lighten up, you know.”

  “I am light.”

  “We could completely compare notes.”

  “You really have fucked a woman then? You’re not telling little porkies?” he asked, cupping her cheeks, tilting her head back. His gaze for a split second landed on her lips, but he quickly averted it before staring into her eyes once again.

  “I don’t lie to you, Pie. Yes, I have. You ever made a woman come three times in one night?”

  “Is that all you’ve got?”

  She chuckled at his cockiness. “We’re supposed to be finding your Miss Right, and the only thing I can come up with right now is that you want no one. I don’t get it.”

  “I want someone.”

  “Okay then, tell me again what you need. ‘Kind, sweet, willing to do your laundry and cook’ is totally not working. You won’t go on dating websites, and you’re picky about who you’ll even try to chat up in bars. You’re lame, Pie. I need some help.”

  His hands moved down her body, cupping her hips, and she tried to keep her thoughts strictly professional. When she and Pie had first started this, there had been an attraction. Of course there had been. Pie was a guy, and she was a woman.

  Even though she loved sex and had even dated women, she did love men and cock.

  “I want a woman who is willing to be up for anything. Always wants to have fun even when we have to be serious.”

  “Okay. That’s not too hard to find.”

  “She’s got to be willing to accept the club and not get jealous when a hot piece of ass joins to help some of the brothers.”

  “So, a pushover or a doormat?”

  “No, someone who is willing to trust.”

  “We really need to sign you up for a dating site.”

  “You keep complaining about my complete lack of help, but you’ve not actually done any better. I want you to know that.”

  “Please, that guy you set me up with last week was so boring. His entire life he’s watched ants. I mean, seriously, how did that even get past you?” she asked but smiled as she did. Her date had been a bust, but Pie had been there to pick up the pieces.


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