Greed (Trojans MC Book 9)

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Greed (Trojans MC Book 9) Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Question after question was fired at her, going from her interactions with Richard to how she found him as a person? Did she encounter any clients’ complaints about him? Any personal grievances?

  “Look, with all due respect, as far as I know, he’s away on an extended vacation. I don’t know what this is about?” Lindsey said.

  The two detectives looked at each other. “Prior to his extended vacation, Richard Strong was under investigation for the rape of three women, with allegations of stalking and indecent assault, as well as intent to blackmail.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  “We have reason to believe that he became aware of these accusations and fled the country. Did you know or have you ever known of anything like this?”

  “He gave me the creeps. I always tried to stay away from him.”

  “It’s probably for the best. If you do hear of anything, please do not hesitate to call us. We’d be happy to hear of any updates or anything that you recall.”

  She took their card and saw them out of the office. Marie was waiting for her.

  “How did it go?”

  “I have no idea what just happened.”

  “I never liked Richard. When I started working for him he kept touching me, saying nasty comments. I got my husband to have a word with him, and nothing else came of it. To think of the things he could have done to others. You think it’s true?”

  “I think it’s safe to say we don’t really know a person, not really.”

  She noticed when Pie entered the building. He stood out like a sore thumb, with all of his sexy leather and his ink peeking out of his shirt on his neck.

  Just seeing him put her at ease.

  “Please tell me you’re dating him. I don’t think my lady parts can handle the injustice of you two not being together.”

  She walked up to Pie and threw her arms around him, kissing him on the lips. Pie grabbed her ass, lifting her up, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  Marie let out a whistle.

  “I take it that’s a yes. Sexy and fucking hot. Go and take your lunch break. Try not to burn each other with all that chemistry.” Marie gave her a thumbs-up before leaving them in private.

  “We need to talk,” Lindsey said, taking his hand.

  Leaving the building, they found a small coffee shop and sat in the back. She told him about the visit from the detectives, that they were looking into Richard’s past, talking to people who knew him.

  “What did you say?”

  “I didn’t say anything. I don’t want to bring suspicion onto the club, onto you.” She took his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “I love you. The last thing I want to do is for any of this to get out.”

  This time he kissed her hands. “Baby, I want you to understand me. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever get out. I’ve got this shit covered. This isn’t my first rodeo, and I know how to cover myself.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I would never put you in danger.”

  “What about you?” The thought of losing him because he saved her made her sick to her stomach. She’d only just gotten him and had finally given in to her feelings. There’s no way she wanted him to go. Not now. She had so many plans. Lots of them. It involved sex, dirty sex, sweaty sex. The kind of sex that made lots of babies and scared grandmas.

  “I love you. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you. That means we’re safe. The only way I can protect you is to make sure I’m here at all times, loving you.”

  She moved so that she could hug him. “I was so scared when I saw them today. I thought I’d lost you forever.”

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”

  “I don’t want you to go. Ever.”

  He pushed some hair off her face and smiled. “Good, because you’re not getting rid of me. Being my old lady makes you mine for life. You think you can handle that?”

  “I can handle whatever you throw at me.” She cupped his face and kissed him hard. “Just watch me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The party was in full swing. It seemed that all the club brothers had opted to get a babysitter as they brought their women to the club. It had been a long time since the Trojans had a Friday night party that was filled with booze, sex, and laughter. Duke was on a high because Matthew had been able to hold his own in several of the fights.

  Holly didn’t look too happy about it, but overall the fights had gone well. Pie wasn’t letting Lindsey out of his sight. Everything was on course for tonight, but she looked nervous. Sipping at his beer, he noticed she was still holding the first bottle he’d given her.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  “Please, you already know the answer to that.”

  “Why? This is going to be fucking hot. In front of the eyes of the club you’ll become my old lady. No more messing around. Not more hunting for another woman or man. Just you and me, facing the world.” His cupped the back of her hand and kissed her lips.

  “I like that.”

  “Which part?”

  “You and me facing the world.”

  “Through thick and thin.”

  “You’re sure you want to go through with that?” she asked.

  He glanced around the yard where there was a small fire in an incinerator, the music, the club, his family, his home. “I’ve never been more sure of anything than that I want you as my old lady. That I want you as my woman in front of all of these people. I’m done waiting. I’m done playing nice.”

  He released her shoulder and took her hand, leading her toward the main clubhouse. There were already a couple of people inside the room, which had seen many an old lady and club-whore initiated inside.

  Lindsey wasn’t going to belong to the club though.

  She’d be all his, and he was a greedy fucking bastard. The last thing he wanted to ever do was share her.

  The people about to witness it were there. He ignored the men and women sitting around waiting. The only person who held any interest to him was Lindsey.

  He didn’t know why she seemed nervous, but he had the perfect distraction.

  “There’s something I want to show you.”

  “Is it something long that has my name on it?” she asked, winking at him.

  “Not quite.” Opening his jacket pocket, he got down on one knee and heard her gasp. He’d surprised her. That was good.

  “Pie, what are you doing?”

  “I’m about to take you as my old lady, Lindsey. I know a lot of women have gone through this, and it’s fucking scary. It’s crazy myself as I don’t want any of these ugly looking bastards seeing you. I know how good you are. How sexy, and I own that.”

  She chuckled, and he saw the tears in her eyes.

  “For a year I fought these feelings. I don’t know what it is that you do to me, but you make me a better man. A harder man, the right man for you. I’ll do whatever I can to protect you and to love you. You probably could have someone better. In a nine-to-five job but—”

  “I don’t want that,” she said. “I never wanted that. I love your bike. Your leather cut, your club, and I love you, Pie. So shut up with the proposal and just ask me already.”

  “Lindsey, my impatient woman, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes, hell, yes.”

  He took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. The perfect fit.

  Pie didn’t give her a chance to admire it or to show it off. Cupping her face, he tilted her head back and slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss he’d been wanting all night long. Lifting her up, he placed her on the pool table, sliding his hands underneath her skirt, feeling the smoothness of her thighs. She was fucking heaven and belonged to him, only him.

  “I’m going to take you now.”

  “I don’t care, Pie. I’m yours. Have me. Fucking take me.”

  Kissing down her neck, he pushed her jacket from her body, running his hands all over her. He couldn’t get
enough of her.

  Lindsey worked his belt, opening up his zipper and sliding her hand inside, cupping his dick. He was hard as fucking rock and hissed as she pulled him out of his jeans. Pushing her back against the pool table, aware of the gazes of the club, he ignored them. Sliding her legs open wide, he tore her panties and shoved them into his jacket pocket for safekeeping.

  “You keep ruining my panties, baby,” she said.

  “That’s because I want to see them on the fucking floor where they belong.” Running the tip of his cock through her slit, he watched her, unable to look away. They both groaned as he slid down, filling her tight pussy.

  Pulling out of her, he rocked back inside.

  They both panted and moaned as he fucked her on the pool table. Glancing around the room, he saw Duke, Raoul, Chip, Pike, and a couple more with their women. They all looked ready to fuck.

  Ignoring them, he focused on his woman, as she thrust up to meet him, taking his cock in deep, and riding him with the same passion.

  Pulling out of her, he turned her so that she was bent over the table, and he slid back inside, kissing her neck, wrapping his arms around her, cupping her tits as he played with her, holding her.

  With his other hand, he delved between her thighs, found her creamy slit, and began to play, to tease, to make her come.

  She cried out his name. The sound echoed around the room, and it triggered his own release. Slamming inside her one final time, he spilled his cum into her pussy, seeming to go on and on forever.

  Lindsey was now his old lady, in the eyes of the club, and soon would be his wife.


  After their climax, everything became a blur to Lindsey. Pie pulled out of her, picked her up, and they walked out of the room. She didn’t know what, but the sexual tension within the room was so fucking high it had shocked her. The couples looked ready to fuck.

  They ended up in Pie’s room, only her arousal had once again returned, and she wanted him, to fuck him, to take him.

  Sinking to her knees on his bedroom floor, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, and tasted their combined cum, working him until he was hard.

  Sliding her fingers between her thighs, she teased herself to the edge of an orgasm but didn’t allow herself to come.

  With Pie rock-hard again, she got to her feet and stripped off her clothes.

  “What the fuck did I ever do to deserve you?” he asked.

  “You came straight from my dreams.” She kissed his lips and moved toward the bed. “I want you to fuck my ass.” She reached behind her and spread her cheeks wide. He’d been wanting to do it for some time, especially since the last, and he’d been pestering her about it all week. “You want it, baby.”

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  Within seconds his clothes were off, and he had a tube of lube in his hands. She watched as he prepared his cock, getting it all nice and slick, ready for her. Watching him over her shoulder while she played with her pussy, she waited.

  He stepped up behind her, and the first stroke across her anus set her on fire. Her need for this man only seemed to get stronger and rarely dissipated.

  “Straight out of a fucking dream,” he said.

  He pressed a finger inside her ass, pushing past that tight ring of muscles. She breathed out, making it easier for him to prepare her with the lube. Once she was nice and slick, the head of his cock pressed against her anus, and she whimpered as slowly he started to thrust inside her. The pain shocked her, as it always did with anal, but as she teased her clit, it soon gave way to the pleasure that she knew was to be had with his cock in his ass.

  When a couple of inches of his dick was inside her, his hands moved to her hips, and slowly, he thrust all the way until he was balls deep. She released a moan, desperate for more.

  “Fuck, baby. You feel so perfect. So mine, so everything.”

  “I love you, Pie,” she said.

  He pulled out of her ass only to thrust back inside. Over and over he worked her anus, turning the pain into pleasure, making her crave her orgasm.

  She teased her clit, and this time, she didn’t stop at the crest. Flying over the edge, she came, pushing back against him, wanting him to fuck her harder. Pie gave her exactly what she wanted, and she moaned, feeling his cock as it slid all the way out only to fuck back inside her. The pain, the pleasure, it all combined, setting them both aflame.

  Pie finally came, and when he did, she felt every single pulse and jet of his cum as it filled her ass, branding her.

  They collapsed to the bed, his cock still in her ass. Neither of them was ready to move. Pie held her hands, and they locked their fingers together. For a long time, they’d been doing this, most of their friendship, and it had seemed like one thing in an endless list that they did with each other. Holding hands, kissing, their laughter had all been building to this very moment.

  “That was the perfect proposal,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I had planned for something better, you know, something for us.”

  “There couldn’t have been anything better than what you gave me.” She looked behind her, and he kissed her neck. “It was perfect in every way, and I’ll remember the day you made me your old lady, was also the day you decided I was to be your wife.” Leaning back, she pulled his head down, kissing his lips.


  Two months later

  As per Lindsey’s demands, the wedding was to take place in the Vale Valley church, and the reception was to be held in the Trojans MC clubhouse. Kasey was her matron of honor, and the old ladies her bridesmaids.

  When he’d asked Lindsey to marry him, not once did he suspect that she already had the perfect wedding planned for herself. She knew exactly what she wanted, and he’d been more than happy to give it to her.

  He stood with the rest of the club, wearing a tuxedo, waiting for his woman. Kasey had already told him that the dress was so perfect that the moment the saw it, he’d fall in love.

  No matter what Lindsey wore, he’d love it because he loved her more than anything else in the world.

  Duke stood in as his best man. It made sense to him to have his Prez by his side in this moment.

  “You nervous?” Duke asked.

  “No, I want to make her my wife.” He looked toward his Prez. “I love her, man, more than anything.”

  Duke slapped him on the back, and the moment the wedding song fired up, he waited. The bridesmaids came down the aisle, dressed in purple. He didn’t pay any attention to them. He watched his woman. She stood at the back, her hair falling around her in waves. The white dress she wore had thin straps and molded to her body but flared out at the hips. Lace covered her chest, and he saw her tits pushed together. The wedding dress was sexy and beautiful. It screamed Lindsey.

  Smiling, he saw Chip leading her down toward him. Stepping down to take her hand, he nodded at Chip, and then his wife was there.

  “Finally,” he said.

  “Sorry, the car wouldn’t start,” she said.

  “Was that part of your plans?” he asked.

  “Not at all.”

  He faced the priest, aware of the many eyes on them. Some of the locals of Vale Valley, Lindsey’s work colleagues, and the club were there to see this. He didn’t want all of them at the clubhouse, but for now, he’d deal with it.

  The priest started speaking, and Pie tried to listen. Instead, he focused on Lindsey’s hand within his. Together they were united and strong.

  “Do you take this woman…”

  Pie smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I do. I take this woman.”

  Lindsey did the same, and when he announced them husband and wife, Pie couldn’t recall a moment where he ever felt happier. Pulling her into his arms, he claimed her lips, sinking his fingers in her hair, holding her close.

  The audience went wild, cheering, whistling, and he ignored it all. The only person who meant anything to him was in his arms.

  “I love you, Lindsey, more than anything else in the world,
and I’m going to spend all my life proving it to you.”

  She cupped his cheek. Everything else faded away for him, and the only person who held his attention was his wife.

  “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Pie. I know deep in my heart that there is no one else in this world that is like you. You’ve made me the happiest woman alive, and I only hope that I can make you the happiest man.”

  With their hands still locked together, they turned to face the crowd.

  He lifted their arms up, and everyone cheered.

  “Time for the photographs.”

  It was time for the rest of their lives.


  Ten years later

  “Honey, can you change Dylan’s diaper?” Lindsey said, shouting out to be heard over the heavy music being played from their eldest daughter’s bedroom. Celia was a pain in the ass, but still, their daughter made her smile.

  “Celia, turn that fucking music down before I throw it in the trash,” Pie said, yelling upstairs.

  “Daddy swore,” Penelope said.

  “Daddy needs to swear, otherwise he’d commit murder, honey,” Pie said, coming into the kitchen. He held Dylan in his arms. “This dude has left a stick-o-gram, and it is gross.”

  “Change him for me. It hurts to bend over.” She rubbed her back.

  Dylan was only one year old, but that hadn’t stopped them going for another baby. Ten years of marriage later, and they got pregnant within the first month, on their honeymoon in Italy.

  Since then, it had been nothing but constant chaos and babies. She loved it though. Finishing Penelope’s hair, she gave her daughter a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “I don’t like it when Drake bullies me. He’s mean.”

  Drake was Duke and Holly’s eldest. Lindsey put her hands on her hips. “I will have a word with him.”

  “It’s fine. Strawberry said to just kick him in the balls.”

  Lindsey gasped. “I’m going to have to talk to Leanne and Crazy about their daughter and her language.”

  “Mom, please, I’ve heard worse when Daddy has Uncle Chip over and Dime. They both keep on talking.”


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