Like A Boss

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Like A Boss Page 2

by Logan Chance

  We screwed like only two strangers on a deserted beach could, rough and wild. She moaned loudly as I went deeper and deeper, harder and fucking harder. My mind was sewn with lust, yearning and craving more from this silver temptress. I needed to feel her come on my cock.

  With my focus solely on her pleasure, my fingers tightened around her throat as I kissed and licked up the nape of her neck. When I brushed the wig aside to find more skin, I noticed a small tattoo. Tracing my thumb along the tiny turtle of ink, I slowed for a beat before resuming my rigorous tempo.

  She was sexy as fuck and I didn’t want it to end.

  She was definitely the good shit. Hell, she was fucking better than that.

  My thumb circled around her clit as I pressed against it. “Penelope, your pussy… so good.”

  I pumped inside—fuck yeah, she’s hot.

  I went harder—Oh damn.

  I plunged further—her pussy. Oh God.

  She was like magic, making me see my orgasm coming along the skyline. Soon it would slam into her with such force I’d need both hands to hold me up when it was all over.

  She pushed her ass further against me, meeting my punishing strokes. I licked along her soft skin and breathed in the scent of coconut, feeling her tighten around me.

  “Oh God, I feel you. Damn.”

  “I’m coming,” she screamed.

  The most heavenly of sounds; her voice like an angel singing only for me.

  I slapped her ass, rugged and harsh, as she climaxed over and over. I kept pounding, enjoying the feeling of her clamping down around me.

  My climax built as I kissed along her tattoo once more.

  “You’re beautiful,” I murmured, as the need to come overpowered me.

  I couldn’t contain it any longer and the beast inside unleashed. Untamed, I came with such force I wouldn’t have survived if her body didn’t grip mine.

  I kissed the turtle tattoo once as I slid out.


  The next morning, I awoke to the sun beating down on me. Seagulls flew high in the clear, blue sky and the dried out wooden boards under my head made my skull ache. A man in yellow swim trunks stared down at me as I took my time sitting up.

  “Rough night?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I grumbled, searching for Penelope.

  She was nowhere to be found.

  That very night I went back to Nectar, with the lights dancing around the club and the music blaring, it felt very reminiscent of the night before.

  I went directly to the bar, searching for the silver siren whose body was a work of art.

  A burly bartender tossed bottles in the air as women around the bar cheered. After he finished, his attention landed on me.

  “What can I get you to drink, man?”

  “Is Penelope working?” I asked over the loud music.

  Confused, he shook his head back and forth. “No one works here by that name.”

  “Are you sure? Penelope.” I put an extra emphasis on her name, saying it loud and clear.

  “No, she doesn’t work here. Sorry dude.”

  I stepped away from the bar with a sinking feeling coming over me. I searched the club for a while before making my way home.

  For weeks I wondered about her, who was she? I sometimes thought I saw her pass by me on Collins Ave. Other days, I swore I saw her in the tourist shops along Ocean Drive. Each day she haunted my thoughts as I longed to be inside her once more.



  “Come on my cock, Penelope.” He pulled me closer as my orgasm rolled through my body over and over.

  My eyes flew open. Another dreamgasm. Panting, my pulse racing, I tried to return my breathing back to normal as I pulled the covers up higher over my head. Trembling, I blew out a shaky breath and stretched my body along the cool cotton sheets trying desperately to return back to sleep, back to the dream I had every night for the past few months.

  Silver wig, ocean view and one of the greatest nights, ever. Theo. His name fit him perfectly; he fucked like a God. Our night meant everything to me, until I left the gorgeous stranger. I’d wanted to stay with him until he woke, but an urgent text from my boss of Nectar put a damper on those plans. I took one last look at the sexy man and watched the rise and fall of his perfectly cut, tanned chest as the sun turned the darkened sky light-blue and pink. His full lips were slightly parted as he slept soundly beside me. I brushed a soft kiss against them and rushed off to Nectar.

  My manager, and his hideous toupee falling off to the left side more than the right, waited with fuming red cheeks. I’d been fired right then for not getting permission to leave, even though I made sure Garcia watched the bar for me. No amount of pleading on my part would get him to change his mind.

  Back then, I felt as if I’d never find another gig paying as much as Nectar. The regret about losing a job for something so foolish entered my mind many times, but I quickly squashed it when I remembered how magical the night was. I needed work though. South Beach was competitive as hell. Sure, I could make bank in one night, but try finding the job. I’d finally lucked out getting hired at The Bearded Goat, a tiki-style bar close to the beach. Half indoors, half-out, it was a laid back, chill job.

  “What’s that far off look you have?” Margo, my roommate, asked, making her way into my room and sitting on the orange-flowered comforter on my bed.

  I kicked back the covers and ran my hands through my long, sun-kissed hair. “I dreamt about sexy stranger again.” Crossing to the white oak dresser, I opened my drawer and peered inside.

  Her perfectly arched brows rose. “Oh, Lord of the O’s?”

  I laughed, slipping on the just shy of ridiculous Bearded Goat tank. It was a far cry from what I barely wore at Nectar. “Yeah him,” I said, grabbing a pair of jean shorts and sliding them up my legs. “Did I tell you his name meant God given? Well, God definitely gave and kept on giving. If you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I know, I know. He was a sex God,” she said, laughing.

  “Among other things.” I laughed along with her as I thought about Theo once more. Something about him drew me to him. I’d never left the bar with a customer, let alone had sex with one in the middle of a shift.

  “But, you have Dex now,” she said, pulling a plump pillow into her lap. “You’re happy with him, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m glad I met Dex, of course. I just hate how he works all the time.” And how different he seemed since he left.

  “Things are okay between the two of you, right?” Her eyes grew serious as she gazed at me.

  “Yeah, sure.” I brushed off her question. “I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I stayed with Lord of the O’s.” I sighed and sat down on the bed next to her.

  “Well for starters you wouldn’t have met Dex,” she said, giving my knee a nudge with hers.

  “Well, true.” My fingers played with the hem of my shorts before my eyes slid to hers. “Dex is great don’t get me wrong, I just wonder sometimes.”

  “Oh Penny, don’t feel guilty. It was only a dream. It’s normal to wonder about the greatest sex of your life from time to time.” Her laughter filled the sunny room as I slapped her lightly on the arm.

  “I never said he was the greatest sex I ever had.”

  “Oh please, you haven’t stopped talking about him for months, even after you met Dex.”

  I blushed. She had a point. “You may be right.” I laughed.

  “So, today’s the big day, right?” Margo’s question brought me back to the dread I felt.

  I sighed, rising from the bed. “Yeah, from what I hear this guy’s like some hotshot real estate guru. So, this should be interesting.” I swept my long hair off my shoulders and threw it into a low ponytail.

  “Has he ever owned a bar before?”

  “I’m sure he’s never worked hard a day in his life.” I thought about my father, and knew this hotshot was probably exactly like him, relentless how everything revolved around money. I app
lied my lip gloss and pursed my lips together.

  “I’m sure. So, any hot plans with Dex tonight?” Her long blonde hair flowed down her back as she ran her fingers through it, playing with the ends.

  “Truth is, I haven’t heard from him in a few days. He’s on a ‘business trip’,” I raised my fingers to signal the air quotes, “and who knows what he’s doing.”

  “Have you tried calling him?”

  I shot her a look, with a raised brow. “What do you think?”

  “I’m sure he’ll call. You two haven’t been dating long. He probably needs a good ass-kicking to get his head on straight.” She laughed but I didn’t find her words very funny.

  It bugged me he hadn’t called—who doesn’t have time to call their girlfriend? Although I didn’t really feel much like a girlfriend anymore.

  “What does Richie think about the place getting bought out?” She rose from the bed and smoothed the wrinkles out of the skirt of her pink sundress.

  “Oh, you know Richie, he only thinks about retiring.” I stuffed my gloss and phone into my red stylish purse. “I hope he does as he promised before he leaves.”

  “About putting in a good word for you for bar manager?” Margo’s baby blue eyes grew curious as she waited for my answer.

  “Yeah. I should get going or I’ll be late. Have fun at the gym.” I grabbed my keys and headed for the door as Margo called my name.

  “Penny, don’t worry about Dex. I can see how much he likes you. I’m sure he’ll call, maybe he’s really busy,” she said.

  I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulder. I knew he was busy. I knew he had important meetings. Working for a land developer left him little time for phone calls to his girlfriend, I guessed.

  “Before you go, do you think I should wear the pink yoga pants or the black? Which ones make my ass look hotter?”

  I shook my head, laughing.

  “Pink,” I yelled over my shoulder as I rushed down the hallway.

  The breeze off the ocean only helped ward off the heat a little. I hoped the first thing this new owner would do is put in large oscillating fans. They would fit nicely in the large space between the top of the tiki roof and the bar.

  In my off time I priced the fans and knew they would be cheap and easy to install, so I hoped he would be open for suggestions.

  The traffic on the way to work was heavy. Of course it was. It figured on the day I’d meet the new boss everyone in Miami would decide to take the same route as me. I glanced down at the built-in clock to check to see if I would be late. “Go,’’ I mumbled to the car in front of me.

  I rushed through a yellow light at the moment it turned red.

  Flashing blue and red lights followed me through the intersection and I silently cursed myself. Shit.

  Being late to meet the new boss wasn’t something I wanted. How bad would it look going in there and saying, ‘Hi, nice to meet you. Sorry I’m late. Can we get big fans? I’m hot.’

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, I watched as the big, burly officer approached my driver’s side window. I lowered it and grabbed my purse, pulling out my license.

  “Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over?”

  I sat there quiet for a moment, thinking. This felt like a test. I chewed my lip debating on whether to lie. Should I try the waterworks to get out of a ticket? Should I lower my tank and show him my cleavage? With his pinched face, he didn’t look like he would appreciate my assets.

  I decided on honesty. “Yes, sir.”

  “License and registration.”

  I nodded and gave him a tight smile before I handed over the paperwork. “Would you mind if I called my work to let them know I’m running late?”

  The cop nodded and I dialed the number.

  “Fiona, it’s Penny. I got pulled over by a cop. I might be a few minutes late.” With the pace of how slow the cop moved it appeared I would be later than a minute or two. More like half an hour at his snail’s pace.

  Hurry up please.

  “Ok, get here as soon as possible. Mr. Sullivan is already here. And you’ll never believe it, Richie quit. Said he didn’t want to work for a new owner.”

  Great, just what I wanted to hear. I hung up, tossing my phone in my handbag as the cop ran my license.

  My mind reeled with news of Richie, who would manage the bar now? I wanted to.

  I tapped the steering wheel hoping the movement would hurry him along. It didn’t. I blew my wispy bangs from my eyes as I tapped my foot in rhythm to my hyper fingers.

  My body heated as the warm air drifted into the lowered window of my little red Jetta causing a tiny bead of sweat to trickle down between my breasts.

  My eyes drifted to the clock again. The Bearded Goat would be opening in twenty minutes. I ran a mental checklist through my mind as I thought of the quickest way to handle the workload.

  After what seemed like hours, Officer Snail finally returned my paperwork and sent me on my way with a ticket for running the red light. Asshole.

  Getting to work ten minutes before opening didn’t leave me much time and it certainly didn’t give off the best first impression I hoped for. Ever since I heard about the buyout and new owner, I was upset—with myself mostly. Mainly because I planned on speaking to Richie about giving me more responsibilities at the bar. At Nectar I was head bartender, and even sometimes a shift leader, taking care of inventory and scheduling. I was more than qualified and knew all the regulars by name. The Bearded Goat needed an overhaul, and I knew what to do to turn it into the money maker it should be. Just because I was new at this bar didn’t mean I was new to the industry. I knew my fucking shit.

  Instead of speaking to Richie, I chickened out while waiting for the ideal moment, which was like waiting for rain in a desert. Funny thing, there never was a perfect time and if you waited for it, then you’d be left waiting an eternity. My whole life I waited for the perfect moment, you know, the one where your whole life falls into place. I wanted more than anything to be a success without my father’s help, but all I ever had was a lifetime of regrets, it seemed. Talking to Richie should have been easy, but instead I let it slip away. Now, with a new owner, who apparently knew nothing of the industry, according to the rumor mill, I worried I wouldn’t get the opportunity again.

  When I finally got to work, I ran to the heavy wooden door of the Bearded Goat and swung it open. The coast was clear except for a few cocktail servers setting up the seating area along the back deck. Making haste, I threw my bag behind the bar and assessed exactly what needed to be done before opening.


  Hustling my ass from front of the house to back of the house, I set everything up as the first customers entered through the doors. My bangs stuck to my forehead from the early morning humidity in the air, and a few soft waves escaped my ponytail.

  “Penny, check the Heineken tap, it was running low yesterday,” Seth said from across the bar before heading back into the kitchen.

  Behind the bar, I pulled on the brass handle of the spigot. Foam overflowed and I quickly slammed it off. The Goat offered thirty beers on tap, so when a keg went empty I became a pro at changing them in a second.

  Cold air blew in a rush over me when I entered the cooler and found the new Heineken keg wasn’t where it should be. As I tried rolling it over to the spigot, I realized it was pointless, it wouldn’t even budge. Determined, I nearly threw my back out as I tried again, grunting slightly as I made little progress.

  As I bent over trying to finagle the keg, a shadow blocked the bright light from the kitchen shining into the dimly lit space.

  I glanced over my shoulder, not really noticing who walked in, only noticing how the door was quickly closing behind him. “Hey,” I called out, “don’t let the door…” The door slammed, locking us both inside. “shut,” my voice trailed off.

  “What?” the stranger asked, turning to face me, but I was already racing toward the door.

  “The door is locked now, geniu
s.” I brushed past his tall frame and jiggled the handle. I dropped my forehead to the cold metal and let out a sigh.

  “Well, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Really?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder up at him. If looks could kill, he’d be dead.

  His gaze met mine for the first time since our predicament and a shiver coursed through me. I didn’t know if it was from the cold of the cooler, or his eyes. His eyes.

  I’d seen those before, deep and dark, holding mine months ago as he owned my body in the moonlight.

  It was him. Theo from the beach.

  Oh God. Theo.

  The Lord of my O’s.

  “You should have a sign or something on the wall about the door locking. Why didn’t you tell me when I came in?” His deep voice brought me back from my memories and it took a moment to register his question. “Are you going to answer me?”

  My eyes met his harsh stare and it dawned on me. The Lord of my O’s didn’t recognize me.



  Whoa, who the fuck is she?

  Normally being locked in a cooler with a girl would be a good excuse for a chance to fuck. But, I was the boss now. I couldn’t screw my employees. Even if they were as hot as her. Hell, this little vixen with the copper eyes and cute, petite figure would certainly find her way into my personal spank bank. But, that’s as far as she’d ever get with me.

  Who made a door which locked from the inside, anyways? Dumbest thing I ever heard.

  Her eyes were wide as she stared at me. She looked like she saw a ghost. What the fuck was she thinking? And why did I care?

  This wasn’t supposed to happen. Finding my employees irresistible wasn’t what I should be focusing on.

  Getting the fuck out of here as quickly as possible before my cock got rock solid is what I should I be focused on.

  This girl was trouble. I already knew it.

  Turning to face me, she rested her back against the cooler door. “I did tell you.” Crossing her arms, she slanted her head at me, waiting. “Besides, who doesn’t know to leave the door open?”


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