The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 13

by Ashley Drake

  We were rudely interrupted by Megan. "Hello girls." Her condescending voice makes me want to puke. "Kayla, I saw the sign in your yard. Why are you selling your house?" Poor Kayla looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  I started to say something but Phebs beat me to it. "Because she finally realized how close she lives to you and decided to sell before you bring the property value down."

  "You're such a comedian." Megan said with sarcasm.

  Jaycee had kept quite long enough. "And you're such a witch."

  Megan glared at her. "I'll...."

  Jaycee cut her off. "You'll what, get me and my little dog too?" I busted out laughing. I didn't mean to, but that just caught me off guard. I was not expecting a Wizard of Oz reference from Jaycee. Phoebe and Kayla joined in. Which just pissed Megan off even more and she stomped away.

  Jaycee and I were still laughing when we walked into English class, until I saw Daniel. I laid my permission slip and money on Mrs. Bumgarner's desk then walked by Daniel to get to my seat.

  "Hi." He said, looking like he was glad to see me. He is so hard to figure out.

  "Hey." I smiled back cause I didn't want him to think I was upset, but I didn't linger either, I kept on walking. I could feel his eyes on me while I sat down beside of Jaycee.

  "You've got Chief looking worried." I had to stop myself from turning to look at him.

  "Good." The bell rang and we spent most of the class period talking about the upcoming field trip and going over last week's homework. When class was over Daniel was the first one out the door. Good job Hannah, you have guys running from you now. Jaycee and I got our stuff and left.

  Right outside the door stood Daniel. "Hey, you got a minute?" He asked me.

  "I'll catch up with you at lunch, Han." Jaycee walked away.

  I kept up my happy facade. "What's up?"

  "I didn't call you this weekend." He stated the obvious. "And I wanted to explain why."

  "You don't need to explain anything to me Daniel." I kept my voice cheerful.

  He moved to stand in front of me so I couldn't walk away. "Yes I do. I spent the day Saturday at the shelter trying to help the animals get adopted. There were three dogs left on the list at closing."

  He peeked my interest. I had to interrupt and ask. "What list?"

  "Unfortunately when animals have been there too long, they are put on a list to be euthanized. So I took the three dogs with me. And yesterday I found a couple about an hour and a half away that saves dogs from being put down. They take care of them and start the training process while looking for a forever home for them. They said they would be happy to take the three dogs. So I took them. I got side tracked with the other two dogs the couple had. I ended up staying for a few hours playing with the all the dogs before going home."

  How do you stay mad at a guy who goes out of his way to save animals? "Listen Daniel, I think you did a wonderful thing and if you ever need any help let me know. But you didn't owe me any explanations. I really need to get to class." He moved to the side to let me by. Knowing what kept him so busy this weekend helped ease my anger, but the problem was that I still remember the pain. I sat in my room most of the weekend waiting for him to contact me. By Sunday night my heart felt painfully heavy. I never want to feel that way again. Ever. Which means I can never put myself in that position again. I have to be more careful with my heart.

  I went to my locker after algebra to drop off my books before going to lunch. Taped to my locker door was a note. My heart fluttered cause I was pretty sure it was from Daniel again. It read -Hannah, I'm truly sorry for hurting your feelings. Don't say that I didn't, because your eyes told me everything. This is all new to me and I don't know all the rules. Like am I supposed to let you know that I thought of you all weekend, or do I keep that a secret? Or that I hope you thought of me too? Here is my cell phone number. If I'm forgiven, please text me your number. Daniel.

  My heart melted just a little bit but my mind said I have to be more cautious with what I say or do. So, of course I'm gonna text him my number, I just have to word the message right. I went ahead and saved his number in my contacts. As I walked to the cafeteria I typed out a message to him. -Here is my number. My eyes must have deceived you lol. Really I'm fine. We said we were taking things slow. So it's all good. I didn't hit send yet. I wanted to wait until I had him in my sights, so I could see his reaction to my text. Walking toward my table I saw him to my right. Megan had him cornered. I pressed send and waited. It didn't take long for him to reach into his pocket for his phone. I watched him read it then smile. His head popped up and he started scanning the lunch room for me, totally ignoring the fact that Megan was still standing there talking to him. I didn't want him to see me watching him. So I suddenly became very interested in what Kayla and Jacob were talking about. Jaycee and Mike came over and sat down with Daniel right behind them. He sat beside Jacob, again putting him diagonally from me. I looked at Jaycee sitting beside me.

  I wonder if Mike has asked her out yet. "Well?" I asked Jaycee.

  "Not yet." She said. See, her and me, same wave length.

  My phone vibrated. I read it while holding it in my lap so no one would see. It was from Daniel. I forgot to tell you that you look very cute today. I felt my cheeks burn. That was very sweet.

  Before I could respond Phebs started talking to me about Saturday. "Hey can I bring a friend to your party?"

  I smiled. "Would this friend happen to be a boy?" I asked her.

  "Gee, I don't know. I'll check next time we are together." We laughed. "Yes he's a boy." She said.

  I really didn't want a stranger at my party but Phoebe is one of my best friends. "I guess so. Just remember I can only have about 20 people there. So don't tell anyone you're bringing somebody." I looked over at Jacob and Kayla. "Are you two coming Saturday?" They both answered yes.

  Jaycee looked over at Daniel. "Hey Chief, are you going Saturday?"

  It didn't seem to bother Daniel that she calls him that. "No, I'm not gonna be able to." That's just great. I was hoping that after what happened Friday, he would change his mind about coming to my party. I thought of my mom's words about having fun being his friend and see where it goes so I won't get hurt. I think I'm gonna take her advice. Cause I can't handle this roller coaster.

  "Ok Hannah, spill it." Phoebe asked as we were watching Olivia shoot and miss the basketball goal. Since it's raining outside, we are having gym inside today.

  It was my turn. I dribbled the ball. "Spill what?" I shoot and miss. Two more tries left. I made the basket on the second try. The third ball hit the rim but didn't go in.

  Phebs waited until I was through before elaborating. "What's the deal with you and Daniel? And don't say nothing, because I have eyes. I can see there's something going on." Kayla was up. She made all three shoots.

  "I honestly don't know. Supposedly we are talking," I made air quotes, "but are taking things slow."

  Kayla jerked happily on my arm. "That's great! He's a really nice guy."

  Phebs smiled and said. "Well that's plenty more than anyone else has gotten from him. So feel honored. Cause I know for a fact that at least five girls have hit on him and he showed them absolutely no interest. I heard Megan talking in third period. She is convinced he must be gay since he didn't respond to her flirting. I butted in and told her that Daniel's not gay, he just has good taste.”

  I snuck a peek inside Phoebe's thoughts and was able to see Megan's face full of dramatic expression. She was enjoying having the small group of girl's hanging on every word she said while discussing Daniel. Surprisingly, it didn't bother me that they were after him. It actually gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach because Daniel shows me the interest they are after. I looked over at Megan on the other side of the gym. I couldn't hear what she was saying but it looked like she was bullying some of the girls on the team she was paired up with. Daniel would never go for a girl like that. She was mean and cruel, getting off on making other people fe
el belittled. He definitely wouldn't tell her the things he shared with me. I do feel honored but not for the reason Phebs said. I'm honored that Daniel trusts me. I haven't even told Jaycee about what Daniel told me about his 9th great grandfather, and I won't. Maybe I should stop over thinking this thing between Daniel and me and just let what's meant to happen, happen. I had told my parents that if I got hurt by Daniel it won't be on purpose and I believe that to be true.

  "Hey Price tag, you're turn." Jaycee said, throwing me the ball.

  I didn't sleep well at all last night. Not because of my regular middle of the night distractions. This time it's my own fault. There is something my subconscious is trying to tell me and it won’t let me rest until I figure out what it is. I thought it might be because it seems like I have put Samantha on the back burner but I really haven't. I'm just stuck waiting for some new clues. It seems to run in that type of pattern. One minute I'm bombarded with supernatural activity. Then the next minute, nothing. And I'm left with paranoia, waiting and wondering when it's gonna start back up again. But even with lack of sleep I still made sure I got up in time to dress nice for school. I mean I know I'm not dating Daniel, but it doesn't hurt for him to see me looking good. So I opted for a black skirt with white polka dots and a pink shirt with matching pink shoes and purse. Since I'm still on my period, I put on a pair of black biker shorts under my skirt. I forgot to shave my legs last night so I had to hurry and dry shave this morning, which was stupid because even with the ton of lotion I put on them, my legs still itch.

  Walking into 1st period I realized it was all worth it when I was greeted with a smile from Daniel. He was watching the door when I came in. I like to think he was looking for me. Jaycee came in late looking upset. With the exception of me asking her if she was ok and her answering me with a nod, I couldn't get a chance to talk to her.

  So I gave up on speaking to her. "Can I look?" I whispered. She knew I was asking to see into her thoughts to find out what's wrong with her. I could tell she was thinking about it.

  "Yes." She finally answered. I focused on Mrs. Bumgarner's red shirt so she would think I was paying attention. Getting into Jaycee's head was easy. Feeling her pain and betrayal was not. I saw Jaycee several times checking her cell phone. Then it looked like she decided to text Mike, which is a big deal for Jaycee. She has always said that a guy should do the texting first. I then saw her in her pajamas and she still hadn't received a text from him. Then her thoughts fast forwarded to this morning when she had a quick conversation with Mike. She was acting like he didn't exist and totally blew him off. It looked to me like he was going to explain to her what happened last night but when she started acting like that he gave up and walked away. The last thing I saw was Jaycee going to the bathroom and crying.

  That's why she was late for class. In all the years I have known Jaycee I have only seen her cry a handful of times. The next feeling is my own, anger. Nobody is gonna hurt her without answering to me for it. Mike and I are gonna have a little talk. Very soon. I looked over at her, but she was writing in her notebook. I shook my head trying to clear my memory of her crying. When I turned away from Jaycee there was Daniel staring at me. Once he made eye contact with me he looked down toward my desk. I followed his gaze to see that he was looking at my hands. They were balled up so tightly into fists that my fingers and knuckles had turned white. I quickly loosened up my hands and laid them flat on my desk. I looked back up at Daniel. His face was full of concern and questions. I gave an apologetic shrug and a smile. That seemed to ease his mind a bit, because he smiled back at me. After class I followed Jaycee to our lockers.

  "I'm so sorry. There has to be a good explanation." I said, trying to be comforting.

  "Yeah, like he's just a jerk." Jaycee mumbled.

  I grabbed my books and closed my locker. I turned to her. "I am going to talk to him. I bet he had a really good reason. But if it turns out he is just a jerk I'm gonna kick his ass so hard he won't be able to sit for a week."

  She laughed. "You better put a dollar in your jar." She hugged me and we parted ways. She was heading to class and I was going to find Mike.

  He was easy to find. Mike and Daniel both had Mr. Phillips 2nd period which was across the hall from my class. I spotted him about to go in.

  "Mike, wait up!" He heard me and by the look on his face he was dreading talking to me.

  "What's up Hannah?" He asked.

  "You know what's up Mike. We don't have much time so just spill it."

  He just looked at me, not saying anything. From the corner of my eye I saw Daniel pause at the doorway before walking into class. I was getting ready to just take a look at his thoughts when he finally spoke. "Hannah if I want to get into a good college I have to get a scholarship. My parents can't afford it. I was with my dad last night at the basketball court. He helps me practice three nights a week."

  I was confused. "Why didn't you just tell her that?"

  "I was embarrassed."

  "Embarrassed about what? Because your dad loves you enough to help you out after he works all day? Or is it because you have goals and ambitions?"

  "I didn't want Jaycee to know that my family struggles. You don't have to fuss at me cause just saying it out loud I realize how stupid that sounds. I know Jaycee wouldn't care. I think I was more worried about my pride. And I didn't think it was gonna be such a big deal until she totally blew me off this morning." Not only was everything he said the truth, his feelings for Jaycee were even stronger now than they were two weeks ago.

  So I decided to help him out a little. "Listen, Jaycee is not the type that expects to be with you 24/7. Nor does she want to know your whereabouts at all times. Cause trust me, she is not clingy. She's also not the type who what's a clingy guy. It's just that right now she doesn't really know where she stands with you."

  That surprised him. "Where she stands with me? She is the most important part of my life. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend because I didn't want to scare her off by rushing her."

  I noticed we were the only students left in the hall. I really needed to wrap this up. "You're a sweet, honest guy, just tell her the truth. I promise she will understand. Don't hurt her Mike, she's a very important part of my life too. I'll let you get to class."

  "Thanks Han." Mike called out to me before I walked into algebra class.

  Jaycee and Mike were nowhere to be found at lunch. I figured they ate outside alone so they could talk. Today 4th period was health class instead of gym. I rushed to class anxious to find out what happened between them. Phoebe and Kayla were already in their seats.

  "Have you seen Jaycee?" I asked. But before they could answer, Jaycee and Mike walked in holding hands. She looked over at me and winked. Mike took his normal seat on the back row with the other guys, and Jaycee joined us.

  "Well it's about damn time. You had juicy gossip concerning you and Mike and didn't feel the need to share it with us?" Phebs was acting more upset than she really was.

  "Quit pouting Phebs, it will give you wrinkles." Jaycee told her as she sat down beside me. "Thanks Hannah, I owe you one. Mike and I sat outside at lunch and talked, and being the smart guy that he is, he asked me to be his girlfriend." She said calmly. Although I could tell she was trying really hard not to squeal and do my famous little dance.

  I turned around and smiled at Mike. He gave me a thumbs up. Daniel was sitting beside him and gave me a smile too. Within seconds I got a text from Daniel. -You helped them get together. Which doesn't surprise me. You're always looking out for your friends. The more I get to know you, the more I know my first impression of you was right. What is it with this guy, that by just reading a text from him, my pulse races?

  I was quick with my response. -Thanks, I think lol. I hope your first impression was a good one. You fit into that category of people I look out for. I hit send before I chickened out.

  My phone vibrated. This is so much fun! -You're welcome. And it was a very good one. Thanks, that’s good to know.
Hopefully, one day soon, I will have my own category. Does that mean what I think that means? Cause if so, he can have his own category right now. I didn't text him back. I decided to leave him hanging. Lord knows he has been leaving me hanging for weeks now. It's his turn to have a taste of his own medicine.

  Chapter 13

  Dear diary, Today is my pool party. It's a beautiful and cloud day. A perfect day for swimming. I would be much happier about it if Daniel was coming. I keep hoping in the back of my mind that he will surprise me and show up, but I know that's very unlikely. We have made progress, but in the form of baby steps. Something is keeping him from making the next move; turning our friendship into a relationship. I know he likes me. I can feel it. It's very frustrating. But there is a small part of me that is enjoying the flirting chase thing we got going on between us. Jaycee spent the night with me last night so she can help me get everything set up. She and Mike are doing great. I am so happy for her. She has let her guard down so much with him, which makes me cheat and check in on Mike's thoughts more than I should. I justify it by telling myself that if he was to break her heart she would be devastated, and I can't let that happen. I haven't heard from Samantha and I'm ashamed to admit I haven't looked for her lately. I will, I haven't forgotten my promise. It just feels so good to enjoy all the normalcy. Jaycee is finally, after thirty minutes, coming out of the bathroom. I will write more later.

  "Well," Jaycee stood, posing with her hands on her hips, in my doorway, "what do you think?" She was wearing an electric blue bikini with white stitching. She matched it of course, with white flip flops, sunglasses and a white terry cloth, cover up. She looked like she just stepped out of a Seventeen magazine.


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