The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 21

by Ashley Drake

  "I wouldn't have the willpower after thirty seconds." He laughed.

  Huh? "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "Never mind." He said, then changed topics. "Keep your eyes on that chair." He pointed to a chair beside the swimming pool. All he did was stare at it. Within seconds the chair was floating off the ground. He was moving it only with his mind. "Now watch this." The chair instantly started turning in circles. "I can talk to you and keep the chair going at the same time. But if I try to make something else move simultaneously, this happens." His focus moved to the other chair that had been sitting beside the one that is currently spinning in air. As soon as the second chair started to move, the first one crashed to the ground. "I have never been able to move more than one thing at a time. But let’s try this."

  He placed his hand in mine causing the stream of energy to flow. I had no clue what to do. So I just imagined that my energy was giving him a boost. The first chair was off the ground again in no time but the second chair hadn't moved. Just when I thought it wasn't going to work, it took flight. Not only was it in the air, but both chairs were rotating. I was astonished. Thinking that was the end of it, I was taken by surprise when the third chair was airborne.

  "Oh my gosh! Daniel, it looks like you're juggling them!" Forgetting my part in all this, I let go and clapped my hands in a rounding applause. All three chairs fell from the sky. "Oops, I'm so sorry." I felt like a complete idiot.

  "Don't be. Did you see that? That was amazing!" He picked me up into bear hug and kissed me. I could so get use to this. "Let's try something else."

  "Do you want me to help you talk to animals?" What else was there?

  "No, but I will take you with me one day to the shelter and introduce you." He said with a wink. How can all of his facial expressions be so dang hot? "Here, hold my hands." I eagerly obeyed. "Now, I'm gonna think of something and you tell me what it is." He closed his eyes.

  His thoughts came to me quickly. "Aww, you are thinking about our first kiss."

  "It's hard to think of anything else." He kissed both of my hands that he was still holding. "Your turn. Think of something and try to send it to me."

  I'll give it a try but, just in case he hasn't noticed, I'm not an animal. I tried to think of something simple. I got it! I put all my focus and energy on my oak tree that Daniel gave me as a housewarming gift. From the little pot that it came in, and the tiny greens leaves, to the smell of the soil when we planted it. I pushed and pushed the best way I knew how. Seeing someone’s thought is like second nature now. On the other hand, sending a thought was all new territory. I could feel tiny beads of sweat forming on my neck. But that was nothing compared to poor Daniel. His eyes were tightly shut and he was pushing his mind so hard that I could see a tiny vein protruding from his forehead. Anybody else would have given up by now, but not Daniel. He was determined to do this.

  After what seemed like five minutes, his eyes opened. "Umm, grass? No, it's not grass. It's...a tree. The oak tree!" He knew he had it before I said anything.

  I was dumbfounded. "That's right! I can't believe that worked! Now all we have to do is walk around holding hands all the time and there won't be anything we can't accomplish." I teased.

  "I could get on board with that." He cupped my chin in his hand. "You bring out the best in me in every sense of the word. It's like my heart is gonna bust from being so full of... happiness."

  My stomach flipped. I was so sure he was about to say love. Right now would be a great time to take a peak since he isn't wearing his necklace. Regretfully I won't, just thinking about it is making me feel guilty. Oh crap, this means that Daniel will be able to read my thoughts. That realization had me letting go, of the one hand of his that I was still holding, pretty quickly. He hasn't mastered it yet, but better safe than sorry.

  "What's the matter?" Daniel asked, looking kinda hurt.

  "I'm not used to having someone be able to read me. There are some thoughts I'd like to keep to myself." I said.

  This gorgeous smile slowly grew across his handsome face and there was mischief in his dark brown eyes. "Oh really? Come here and let me see." I took off running, with him close behind me laughing all the way. Now I can't wait to let him catch me.

  "Hey Dad." I said, standing in the doorway of the study.

  He was sitting at his desk and writing in a thick file that he had in front of him. It must have been a patient's file, because he closed it before looking up at me. "Hey H.B., what's up?"

  I had to tell my dad that it was time to send Samantha to the other side. I knew it was the mature and responsible thing to do. I also knew that all this was going to do is make him stressed out. Then he will tell Mom so she can stress out with him. "I need to tell you something. I'm not telling you so you will worry. I am telling you so you know what is going on." I caught myself wringing my hands.

  "Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. What is it?"

  "I am going to try and help Samantha crossover soon, maybe even tomorrow." I gave that a second to sink in for him. "I had a dream and in it she showed me where she's buried. So I think the cemetery is where it needs to happen. Daniel and Jaycee are going to help me."

  "Where is she buried? I hope it’s close by."

  "It's only about twenty minutes from here. She's at the old Milton Cemetery. We pass it every time we drive up the mountain."

  "I know where that's at." He ran his hands over his face. It's a habit I recognized. He does it when he is struggling with something. "I would ask you if you want my help, but I can feel that you don't. I can understand that." He stood up, walked around his desk, and laid his hand on my shoulder. "Just promise me two things."

  "Anything." I said.

  "That, one, you will be very careful. And two, you will let me know when you are about to call on Samantha. So I will be able to send out my energy, to give you an extra layer of protection. It's my way of helping, while still letting you do this on your own."

  "I promise. And thanks. I know you are going against the normal dad instincts by letting me handle this without you."

  "Normal is boring and average, and we are neither."

  I think that should be my new motto. "Hey, I kinda like that saying! I think that will be my first tattoo. I can put it right here." I turned around and pointed to my lower back.

  He knew I was kidding, but played along. "That would be a great going away present to yourself." He said all cheery. "Since, you know, you wouldn't be living here anymore if you get a tattoo."

  "And here I was almost convinced you were cool." He laughed at me and gave me a tight hug. I could feel his fears, but I also felt his trust and belief in me that I can do this.

  Chapter 20

  Today is the big day. Hopefully after tonight, Samantha is going to get to be with her family. I have been a bundle of nerves all last night and this morning. I had this feeling it would be tonight, but wasn't sure until Jaycee called me yesterday evening. She said tonight was a full moon and it would be the perfect time to do this. She said a full moon is the end of a cycle and that it would be symbolic for Samantha to leave her cycle here on earth, to start a new one on the other side. Daniel agreed with her, so tonight it is. Right now we get to go to school and pretend that we aren't planning on confronting a ghost, and probably a demon, tonight. But, in the spirit of positive thinking, I won't be doing this alone. After finding a parking spot, and walking what felt like ten miles, I finally made it into the school with time to spare. Upon entering the school I could feel this dense, heavy, fog engulf my mind. Saying that my ears started to ring was an understatement, there were sirens going off in my head. I tried to calm myself down so I could focus. I stopped freaking out just enough to let my mind search the school, trying to find what was causing this. I took it one section at a time. When I felt like the fog was lifting, I would move my search to another part of the school where the fog felt as if it was getting thicker. It took a few minutes but I found the source, sheer panic threatened to shut down m
y entire system, it was Jaycee! I started running toward the sophomore hallway, daring anyone to try to stop me. Rounding the corner I ran right smack into Mike's chest.

  "Hannah, I've been looking for you! I think Jay's sick, she is in the bathroom and doesn't want anyone in there with her except you." Bless his heart, Mike was a mess. Feeling his worry, on top of mine, didn't help me with this whole 'calm state' I was trying to invoke.

  "Thanks Mike. I will go check on her." I took off to the bathroom at the end of the hall. Sending up a quick prayer was all I could think of doing. Please God let her be okay.

  I found Jaycee crouched down against the wall of the handicap stall with her head resting in her hands. "Jaycee, what's wrong?" I went to her to help her stand. Touching her arms sent her pain straight through me.

  "Hannah, please make it go away." Jaycee whispered.

  "Make what go away?" I was even more afraid now than before I found her.

  "The pain, it's in my head, and it's getting worse. It's from that dream, I know it is!" Jaycee started to cry.

  I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my shoulder. I know I'm one of the very few people that she will show her vulnerable side to. "Honey, calm down. What dream and how would it be making your head hurt?" I asked her even though I felt that she was on the right track with her theory.

  "I had a terrifying dream last night, but the problem is I can't remember any of it. Then I woke up this morning hyperventilating and with this headache. It has just gotten worse as the morning went on, until now where I'm ready to knock myself out just to get some relief." She pulled away from me to wipe her eyes.

  "How do you know you had a terrifying dream if you don't remember it?" I handed her some toilet paper that I had pulled off the roll.

  "I just know I did, just like I know that I'm supposed to remember it but my mind won't let me. Please, can you take the pain away?"

  "I don't know..."

  "Or maybe you can look and see what my dream was about?" Jaycee stopped me. She saw me debating. "Please, maybe that will make the pain stop." She begged.

  "Jaycee maybe your mind has blocked it because you aren't ready to know yet. Your mind could be protecting you." I could see the pain in her eyes. "Ok, I'll give it a shot. Try to relax and think about falling asleep last night and when you first woke up this morning." I put my hands on the sides of her head, hoping that contact will make it easier for me to search her mind. Trying to find a thought, that the person doesn't know is there, isn't something I've done before. I closed my eyes and saw Jaycee lying in bed and putting her phone away. She had just text Mike goodnight. Jaycee had closed her eyes and was asleep within minutes. In the darkness of her subconscious I heard a woman’s voice call out her name. The darkness was replaced with fire, it was everywhere, all consuming. It was then that I was pushed out of her mind with such force that it had me stumbling backward, away from Jaycee.

  "Hannah!" Jaycee screamed and was grabbing the handicap bar on the wall to hold her up. I had made her pain worse by trying to see into her mind. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" An idea popped into my head and I took my phone out of my pocket to text Daniel and Mike.

  "Hey, did Mike get my text?" I asked Daniel as he walked into the girls’ bathroom. Daniel got my text to him and made it in here within seconds.

  "Yes, he is standing guard like you asked. I was with him in the hall when you sent the message to us." Daniel said while reaching for my hand. Just having that connection with him made us both feel more at ease.

  "I need your help, but before you say yes you need to know that it will mean Jaycee will know your secret." I whispered so she couldn't hear us. Which, as bad as she was hurting, I doubt she could hear anything we were saying.

  "I will do whatever you need me to do. I thought you had already told Jaycee anyway." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

  "I haven't told anyone, I wouldn't." Daniel thinking I would betray his trust hurt my feelings a little bit. I didn't even tell my dad. Dad had a feeling about Daniel, when he asked, Daniel confirmed it.

  "She will need to know eventually, so it's ok. But whatever we are going to do, we need to do it fast, because the bell is going to ring any minute."

  "Long story short, Jaycee had a dream last night, even though she can't remember it, that is causing her head to feel like it's gonna explode. So, I thought that with us holding hands, I can get into her mind and then you can move the pain out with your telekinesis. We can tag team it."

  "That might actually work." Daniel smiled.

  I took him into the stall where Jaycee was still leaning against the wall. "Jaycee, we are going to try to help you. I will explain later, I promise."

  Daniel and I held hands while placing our free hand on Jaycee. Slipping into her mind was very easy for me, it must be because we are so close. As soon as I got into her head I squeezed Daniel's hand to let him know it was his turn. In Jaycee's mind a silhouette of Daniel appeared, and with just a flick of his hand I saw the fog lift instantly. I could feel the change in the air.

  After what felt like an eternity, Jaycee looked up at us both. "Oh my gosh, that was some crazy shit. Thank you guys so much, I feel a million percent better. How did you do that?"

  She's cussing....yep, Jaycee's back to normal. "We will tell you at lunch, right now we need to get to class." As if proving my point, the bell rang.

  "Wow. Hey Chief, can you come over to my house and ask our dog why she feels the need to lay in my bed while I'm gone?" We just got finished telling her this amazing secret of Daniel's, and this is what she comes up with? You gotta love her. Just like when I told her my secret, she doesn't look at Daniel any differently, she just rolls with it.

  Daniel shook his head and laughed. "I'll see what I can do."

  "I've been thinking." I spoke up. "What if the shadow demon gave you that dream and caused you to be in pain? Maybe we should cancel tonight." I hated being a downer and getting all serious, but it needed to be said.

  "It very well could have been, since it can't reach your dreams anymore. But it doesn't matter, we are not going to cancel. Samantha won't be able to wait another month and it has to be done on a full moon. Don't ask me why, it just does. If I have learned anything from Hannah, it's to go with my gut, and my gut says it has to be tonight."

  I know that tone, there was no changing her mind even if I wanted to. "You're right. I knew you were right when you first told me that it needed to be on a full moon. But promise me that you will tell me if you feel threatened or any pain, the minute it happens."

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Girl, I got this. We are gonna kick some demon ass tonight." She pulled a dollar out of her pocket. "Here, this is for our senior trip jar."

  We went through the rest of our classes acting brave and nonchalant. Well, I don't know if Jaycee and Daniel were acting, but I sure was. I was scared, not for my safety, but for theirs. Mainly for Jaycee, because there is a very good chance that the shadow demon will show up tonight. At least Daniel and I have powers, he has me calling my gift a power now, to try and fight it off. Jaycee doesn't have any and will be defenseless. Of course she tells me that I'm over reacting. Maybe I am, but the phrase 'better safe than sorry' isn't popular for no reason. During gym class we decided that since my parents knows what's going on, it would be best for Jaycee to spend the night with me tonight. That way, if we don't make curfew, she won't get in trouble. So as soon as she gets her butt out here to my car, we are going to her house to pick up her overnight bag. Then Daniel will pick us up on the way to the cemetery. I was unlocking my car door when I heard her voice. I turned to see her walking Mike’s car. For the first time, I noticed that her aura has changed. It was only a marginal change, but her aura's reflection off the sunlight had me seeing it. Jaycee's normal, and I use that word loosely, color is blue. The shade changes with her moods, but it usually stays a sky blue color. Now I'm seeing flecks of red mixed in with the blue, making it look indigo in spots. I guess
being with Mike, and embracing her true self, is the cause of this change. An aura that is indigo shows spiritual awareness or seeking awareness. Good for her and her self-growth. I only hope we all make it through tonight in one piece so I can explore this more with her.

  "Stop looking so serious. I've told you that frowning gives you wrinkles." She said to me as she approached my car. "You have beautiful skin, you need to take care of it."

  "Once we get tonight over with, you can give me a facial. Heck, I'll even let you wax my eyebrows." I tried to joke.

  "And that little mustache thing you got going on." Jaycee pointed at my upper lip.

  "I do not!" I protested as I flipped my sun visor down to take a close look in the mirror.

  "Gotcha." Jaycee laughed, putting her seat belt on. "Where's Daniel?"

  "He has to pick up David and take him home. He will meet us at my house later." I said.

  "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting he has a little brother. Brandon said he has seen him at school, but doesn't have any classes with him. Have you been over to Daniel's house since you two have been dating?"

  "No, not yet. We really haven't had time. Plus, Daniel has told his grandmother about me, but not his parents. He seems to think that his mom, after spending time around me, will pick up on my powers. I mean gifts. I’m not sure I’m ready for them to find out yet. So we are waiting awhile longer before I start hanging out over there.” I feel guilty because I have been putting it off. What if his parents don't like me and doesn't want him dating me? I don't think I could handle that. I'm sure I will feel better about the idea after Samantha passes on. In the back of my mind, an irritating thought emerged to depress me. It will never be over, there will just be another living impaired to fill her spot. I tried to push the thought out of my head as we pulled into Jaycee's driveway.

  "Crap, my mom's home. Wait in the car."

  "Why?" I asked.

  "Because if my mom asks us about our plans tonight, you're not a good liar." Jaycee opened the car door. "I'll be right back."


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